"If you can't move your body, your mouth will become particularly sharp." Naruto teased Sasuke crazily, but it's not good for anyone with a strong mouth and no clue in his heart.

Sasuke was speechless, and shouted angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, answer me quickly!"

Naruto stopped smiling and looked back at Sasuke.

"Because they are friends."

Sasuke was stunned. In his memory, he questioned Naruto for the first time.

When defecting:

'What are you? '

'Your friend! '

When killing Danzo:

'What on earth do you want to do!Why are you so attached to me? '

'Because they are friends. '

Sasuke was silent for a moment, "I've heard this before."

"What does that mean to you?"

Naruto looked at the sky again, "I can't tell."

"Honestly, I don't know either."

"However, when I look at you like that, carrying a heavy burden and not knowing what to do..."

"I don't know why, but I feel pain..."

Listening to Naruto's words, the serious Sasuke suddenly became dazed again.

"It hurts a lot."

"Although it is not unbearable, it cannot be turned a blind eye."

"But now my whole body hurts everywhere, and it's completely gone."

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a helpless smile, "It hurts..."

friend?Everyone's definition is different...

For Naruto, Sasuke is the only one who can empathize with him...

Chapter 262 Wow, Their Love Story Is So Touching

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Looking at Naruto, Sasuke fell silent.

Naruto, I know you used to be alone all the time...

You, like me who survived the Uchiha family, were rejected by the village names.

You often do stupid things just to get scolded on purpose, is it to connect with others?

When I first looked at you like this, I thought you were boring, a ninja who could only mess around.

But, seeing you being scolded all the time, I can't move my eyes for some reason.

At this point I thought...

It was your weakness that infected me. Every time I see you, I care about you more. Seeing how you desperately want to connect with others, I start to think of my family...

I don't know why, but I feel at ease because of it...

But at the same time, I also think this is a kind of cowardice, and I devote myself to practice, in order to escape from this cowardice, and to avenge my brother!In order to become stronger than my brother!

Unexpectedly, I entered the same class as you, and I began to think of my family from time to time.

Performing missions with you who are clamoring to be Hokage, and I feel that each other is getting stronger and stronger, and before I know it, I have the idea of ​​wanting to fight with you.

And I also saw the shadow of my family in the seventh class, so...

Every time I see your pained figure... yes, me too...

I also feel pain...

After understanding your pain, I finally regard you as a companion. In contrast, you who are growing rapidly make me more and more unable to let go. Looking at you who are getting stronger and stronger, I...

you said before...

'Me too, know you're always alone and want to talk to you right away...'

'I don't know why I am very happy, but I didn't do that, I envy you who can do everything, I take you as my opponent without authorization. '

'You became my...'

'Target! '

'I have nothing but a bond, and I want to become as handsome and powerful as you. '

'I've been chasing after you...'

On the contrary...

In fact, I envy you, because you have the strength that I don't have, and you always walk in front of me...

like a brother...

And today too...

Suddenly Sasuke found a memory in his mind that didn't belong to him.

"Sasuke is counting on you." '

'That's what I intended from the beginning. '

'Sure enough, it is right to entrust it to you. '

This is... Naruto's memory.

'My future dream is to surpass Hokage! 'This is Seventh Madara's first self-introduction.

'Then let everyone in the village recognize my existence! 'This is Iruka blocking the Fuma Shuriken.

'Sure enough, you have to be conscious! 'This is Naruto Kuna stabbing his own arm to show his determination.

'If you want to be qualified as a Hokage recognized by everyone, there is absolutely no shortcut! 'This is the first mission to go out, and it's a fight with Zabuzhan.

'Don't underestimate me, I won't run away! 'It's class time.

'I accept it, even if I will be a submissive for the rest of my life!I want to die to be Hokage!I do not care! 'It's time for the Chunin Exam Written Exam.

'Speak straight and do what you say, this is my way of tolerance. 'This is his ninja way.

'I am different from you, I must inherit the name of Hokage!Because Hokage is my dream!Before I become Hokage, I will definitely not die! 'This is what he said to Tsunade.

'I want to become Hokage beyond all generations! 'This is my dream!idiot! 'This is what he said to me,

'The so-called Hokage is someone who endures pain and walks ahead of everyone! '

'So Hokage can never step over the corpse of his companion! '

'There is no shortcut for those who want to be Hokage.People who become Hokage also have no way out. '

'A guy who can't even save a companion, how can he be qualified to be Hokage?right?Sasuke. '

Countless memories flipped in Sasuke's mind, with mixed feelings...


You are so...

Itachi's voice sounded in his ears, "No matter how strong you want to be, don't try to carry everything alone, since your dream is to be like your father, then remember my words." '

'It's not that you can be recognized by everyone if you become Hokage, but only those who are recognized by everyone can become Hokage. '

'Don't forget your companions. '


In the picture, the lonely self and Naruto look at each other...

When Naruto has Iruka, when Sakura and Kakashi are by Naruto's side, when Konoha's ninja and teacher are by Naruto's side, when everyone in Konoha Village is by Naruto's side, when all the ninja world People stand beside Naruto, when all the tail beasts are also beside Naruto...

Countless people laughing and laughing, bright and beautiful...

And I'm still alone.

Looking at Naruto's smile, in an instant, my figure also appeared beside Naruto.

I'm stunned...can I too?

Is that so, let me see.


After watching Sasuke's life from Sasuke's point of view, I learned about Naruto's past.

This left only silence in the entire ninja world.

Those two children have admired each other since they were young. They are both chasing each other and caring for each other, but they are stubborn and refuse to bow their heads.

Who said that Naruto was kind to Sasuke, but he didn't get any response from Sasuke.

On the contrary, it is because in Sasuke's heart, apart from his brother and parents, only Naruto is left...

And Naruto happens to be just like Nissan...

Naruto's words echoed in everyone's mind.

When Sasuke outside the video remembered the Danzo chapter, Naruto lay on the ground in pain, he must be in pain, right?

Um?Why do I think so... Do I agree with these words?

Is this what I really think?Yes, all along... Naruto, you are also the one I envy.

Naruto, too, was stunned...

Is Sasuke's feelings for him so complicated?

[Thousands of Hands: Wow, O Doudou, their love story is so touching! 】

[Thousands of Hands: Be good, don't cry, don't cry, it's okay...wait?love story? 】

[Uchiha Sasuke's family:? ? ? 】

[Uzumaki Naruto's family:? ? ? 】

[Hyuga Hinata's family:? ? ? 】

[The Haruno Sakura family:? ? ? 】

Have we misunderstood something?love story?

God damn love story!

【Luo Sha: ...This is at most a basic relationship, really. 】

[Four members: Shut up! 】

【Senjujuma: Ahem...a slip of the tongue, I said friendship...just like me and Madara...】

[Uchiha Izumi:? ? ?My brother is in love again? 】

[Uchiha Madara:? 】

I really want to say something to you, love you, but I can't swear...

I want to be domineering, I want to pay attention to my image, I can't break my arrogance!

On the other side, Uchiha Itachi smiled, it seemed that everything was planned, but he frowned again...

"So how should I face the two Sasukes now?"

"For example: My stupid Odoudou, Nissan has been lying to you all this time, am I good at acting? Would you consider awarding me an award?"

Chapter 263

Now the whole ninja world can't laugh or cry, and the similar emotions that were brewing were suddenly broken by a word from Haxi Hot Mom.

It's all right now... I can't feel sad anymore...

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