Obito turned his head to look at Ma Da with difficulty, feeling infinitely anxious!hurry up!

"Delusion!" Ma Dala directly turned into a stick and hit Sakura with a backhanded begging jade!

【Ding! ...never mind...】

The system was happily preparing to ask the question of whether Sakura is dead or not, but after thinking about it... Forget it, there is no need to give gold coins to this group of people!

[Thousands of Hands: He just rang, didn't he?He definitely rings, right?Surely I heard right? 】

[Thousand Hands: ...You appeared again, didn't you slip away just now? 】

[Namikaze Minato: ... the first generation just got angry and drank the whole hot pot soup and soup base! 】

[Fourth Raikage: I eat hot pot, do you eat hot pot bottom? ? ? 】

[Thousand-hand column room:[email protected]Three Raikages!Come out and get beaten! 】

[Three generations of Raikage: What are you doing to me? 】

[Thousands of Bamboos: Nonsense, your son must do something wrong with you, or you will be green? 】

【All Ninja World:...】

Video screen:

Seeing that Sakura was unable to escape the deadly headshot from Madara!

"Kamui!" Obito used the remaining Chakra to move Sakura out of the Kamui space!

Sakura who was sent out of the space has not yet reacted.



Suddenly Sakura opened her eyes suddenly, "Sass..."

Sure enough, this guy only has Sasuke in his mind!

Sasuke was also a little stunned, "Why did Sakura suddenly appear here?"

"She went to time and space just now." Kakashi explained to Sasuke, but immediately asked Sakura, "Sakura, how is the situation over there?"

"Kakashi-sensei, your left eye!" Sakura stood up slowly, only then did she find Kakashi's eye!

"It disappeared in an instant, it was Madara who took away Sharingan..."

Sakura immediately walked over, "Let me see, teacher..."

"Feel sorry..."

Sakura immediately treated Kakashi, while Sasuke guarded Uchiha Madara's lower body, always on guard against Madara's appearance.

"By the way, what happened to Obito? Madara used Kamui to transfer herself there?"

"I was sent back here suddenly..."

"Motor..." Sakura suddenly remembered Obito's words, feeling a little guilty in her heart, and recalled Obito's conversation with her.

"Hurry up and destroy the samsara eye on my left... I can't even move. If I'm not careful, Hei Jue will take away my samsara eye and my body... In this way, Hei I will definitely use the pupil power of my right eye to go back outside, and give the reincarnation eye to Da Da...Once the two eyes are combined, something terrible will happen...'

'A terrible thing?Will something more serious happen?I've had enough! '

"At the beginning, I couldn't transplant two reincarnation eyes. Just this left eye, I almost lost myself because of the strong chakra and pupil power..."

'One eye makes me who is not the original owner so powerful, once the two reincarnation eyes return to the original owner... I am afraid no one can fight against it! '

'Two eyes can only show true pupil power...'

'Come on, hurry up...destroy my left eye...'

Chapter 281 The life of the man with soil tools

Obito is now Buddhist, hehe...

This world is too fake...

I hate this world so much, how can I protect Naruto?

My goal should be to create a world with Lin with Madara!

How could it stop the motor?

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Thinking of this, Sakura panicked.

"Isn't this bad? Obito is exhausted and unable to move!"

"Looking at it this way, Obito's eyes of reincarnation will be taken away by Madara!"

And in the Kamui space, Obito, who had transferred Sakura out earlier, was completely unable to move.

"The spell seal I set in your heart disappeared. How did you take it off? You shouldn't be able to hurt yourself."

Madala raised Obito with one hand and asked in surprise.

"Kakashi pierced my body and removed the talisman."

"Because if I want to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, I have to get rid of that thing!"

"I bet my life..."

"But I won't let you get what you want!"

Listening to Obito's explanation, Madara smiled...

"No, your actions are completely in line with my plan! It even exceeded expectations!"

Madara's sudden laughter made Obito very uncomfortable, "What's so funny?"

"The curse seal set in the doll's body, if you try to erase him from the body, the curse seal will restrain this action..."

"You seem to know, Obitu."

"I have set a spell seal in your body, you naturally cannot commit suicide! Because you are my important chess pieces!"

Obito Uchiha looked at Madara Uchiha in front of him, his heart trembled suddenly...


Uchiha Madara smiled, "I don't know what the cause and effect are, but you both used the exact same method to erase it, it's really interesting~"

Obito was startled suddenly, his whole body twitched violently, his face full of disbelief...

The scene where Rin was killed by Kakashi is vivid in my memory... Is that... your arrangement? !


"That's right, the plan to turn that little girl into a three-tailed Jinchuriki and make her go berserk in Konoha was made by me! Not Kirigakure Village..."

"She took advantage of Kakashi's attack on the enemy and sacrificed herself to save the village. That was also in my plan."

"The purpose is to let you fall into darkness and become my pawn."

Ma La's words shocked most people...

【Hatake Kakashi: ...So it was you! 】

[Nohara Lin: At that time, I wanted to kill myself more than once, but every time I couldn't do it, so this is the reason? 】

Obito is crazy, all this...

Am I lying to myself all this time?Kept in the dark?

Sitting on the ground, looking at my hands, I suddenly felt that all this was so ridiculous.

it is ridiculous!

Two lines of tears fell from Obito's eyes, he took off his mask tremblingly, and touched his face...

tears?How many years have not flowed?

Put on the mask, drop the name...

Joke, I was a joke the whole time...

【Hatake Kakashi: ...Although the matter is like this, Obito told me to protect you, but I failed...I'm sorry for you. 】

For a while, the ninja world was very depressed.

They all felt sorry for the boy named Obito...

For more than ten years, I have been busy with the real murderer...

In the end, it turned out to be the culprit who caused his own tragic life...

I don't know whether to hate him and make the ninja world miserable, or to feel sorry for him and live a sad life.

Nohara Rin and Kakashi were also silent, they knew the truth and fell into an inexplicable state.

What's more, with soil?

Obito was almost crazy, it turned out that Lin was killed by himself!

If it wasn't for calling Lin and Kakashi's names every day, if it wasn't for myself...

Lin and Kakashi would not be targeted, and none of this would happen!

i... i don't accept...

Video screen:

"Asshole, you deliberately made me..."

Madara didn't care how angry Obito was at the moment, "I deliberately picked the time for Minato to perform other tasks, leaving Kakashi alone and letting Lin be taken away."

"It's all my plan to use the ninjas of Wuyin Village to chase them down!"

"It's also to see how much power you can unleash!"

"Bai Jue incited you to leave the underground by chance at that time, do you think it was all accidental?"

"Anyway, I originally planned to let the puppet ninja kill her, Obito, did I teach you? If you want to manipulate people's hearts, you must use the darkness of people's hearts."

"There is no darkness to create, and you think you are the only one who is different? Isn't that ridiculous?"

One sentence impacted Obito's heart, and a crazy shout: "Why?! Why did you choose me?!"

One sat silently, staring blankly at the distant mountains, speechless, expressionless, and even trembling slightly.

"Because you are full of kindness and love for others from the bottom of your heart, aren't you very good at taking care of the elderly?"

"For Lin, for your companions, for Hokage, and for ninjas, you love them deeply."

"Once you fall, these loves turn into..."

"Endless hatred of this world!"

"The deeper the love, the deeper the hate."

"I still need something to fulfill my wish, give me back your left eye~"

Madara is like a villain, looking at Obito with a wicked smile, he has always been played around by himself... But he may not have heard the saying that the villain dies because of talking too much!

Of course, fortunately, Madara didn't die because of talking too much, but...

Outside the Kamui space, Naruto used Uchiha Madara's round tomb to turn the round tomb into a stick to trap the shadow of the round tomb.

"It's fine now! It won't be able to move now, I'm counting on you here." Naruto left behind a clone, and after speaking to him, he went to join Sasuke, and behind him came a confident quote from the clone: ​​"Oh ! Just leave it to me!”

On Sasuke and Kakashi's side, Sakura told them what they learned in the Kamui space.

Just after the two finished listening, Naruto also arrived here.

"How's that guy's shadow?" One of Sasuke's most worried things at the moment is that Madara hasn't appeared yet!Shadows can't go wrong...

"I used the shadow clone and Liudao's stick to trap it to death."

"Sakura, can you step aside?" Naruto suddenly said to Sakura.

This made Sakura puzzled, didn't she see that I was being treated?

"What do you want to do? That's a lot."

Naruto walked up to Kakashi and knelt down, "You'll know it when you see it."

Naruto slowly stretched out his right hand and pressed it against Kakashi's left eye, while he slowly closed his eyes.

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