Uchiha Obito looked at Naruto in front of him and said, "You shouldn't cut it off..."

Ten tails raised his fist, ready to attack.

"Disappear! Huo Dun · Huo Huo Quen!"

"Fire escape, bursting wind and dancing!"

The two Uchihas naturally used their best fire escape ninjutsu.

The ground where the ninja coalition forces were located was destroyed by ninjutsu, and everyone couldn't stand still.

Naruto jumped up and clasped his hands together. Under the protection of the Nine-Tails Chakra Coat, everyone was not substantially harmed by the fire escape.

Choji looked at his body: "If it wasn't for Naruto Chakra's protection, I'm afraid it would have been burned to black coals."

Uchiha Madara used his Susanoo to condense a few shurikens and threw them out.

Obito uses his Kamui to unleash several kunai.

Sakura looked at the attack of the two and shouted: "The next wave is coming!"

Naruto controlled his coat on other people to deflect the attack.

Looking at this scene, Sakura thought: "Naruto's Chakra has been protecting everyone, can you survive this continuous consumption, Naruto?"

After the smoke cleared, Naruto looked forward: "It's gone!"

"Where did you go?"

Kirabi: "He disappeared, he ran away."

Eight tails in Kirabi's body: "How is this possible! Find it quickly!"

Kakashi stared up: "Above! Naruto

Chapter 429 Tell me about the location of your tomb, I will ask the pharmacist to work overtime

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Obito Uchiha came out of the Kamui space above Naruto.

Naruto escaped Obito's attack with Kakashi's reminder.

Uchiha Obito looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto, you just fight defensively to protect everyone. Is there any point in this situation?"

Nine Lamas asked in Naruto's body: "Are you okay, Naruto? Trying to control all the chakras I gave you at once, it's too messy, and you get tired easily. Besides, the ten tails seem to be accumulating chakras, be careful."

Uchiha Obito looked at the panting Naruto and said, "This will only make you weaker."

Naruto immediately responded, "You who pursue loneliness should not understand."

Naruto ran to Obito thinking, "It makes me really happy to have everyone by my side. Just like that, there will be a steady flow of power coming out."

Uchiha Obito looked at the coming attack and directly used Kamui to enter time and space to avoid it.

Inuzuka Ya looked at Obito who disappeared and said, "Did you run away?"

Obito came out of time and space and looked down at Inuzuka Kiba and Naruto and the others: "Since you claim that the pain of your companion's death is your bondage, why force yourself to protect your companion?"

Naruto said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! I'm so tired of your problem! Stop talking nonsense, you bastard! I said that as long as it's for my companions, I will endure no matter how painful it is. I don't want to abandon this The fetters! Although perhaps such an approach is very capricious."

Naruto clutched his chest and said, "But what hurts me the most is that I don't have any companions here! It's over!"

Kakashi looked at Obito and thought: "Obito! What do you want to use Naruto to test?"

Listening to Naruto's words, the ninja allied forces smiled in relief.

Sakura clenched her fists and thought, "Well said!"

Uchiha Madara looked at the distance and seemed to feel something: "Sure enough! This Chakra... Hashirama!"

[Thousand Hands: I knew it, look, from such a long distance, I can immediately detect the chakra of my Nissan! 】

[Thousands of Hands: Isn't this normal? 】

[Thousand Hands: ...Normal ass!You two are abnormal! 】

[Uchiha Izumi: Speaking of which, I wanted to complain a long time ago, I can come out to play for a while, why can't I?Look down on me? 】

[Oshemaru: I can’t find where your tomb is, please provide me, I’ll dig it now[email protected]Pharmacist pocket @水月, you guys will go to overtime later. 】

[Uchiha Izumi: Forget it...it's not necessary. 】

[Oshemaru: Don't, it's very necessary! 】

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Ten tails struggled to climb out from the crack in the rock, and the ninjas in Hidden Rock Village were almost unable to hold on.

After breaking free from the restraints, Ten Tails not only regained Chakra, but also grew the arms that hadn't grown yet.

The ear-shattering roar hurts the ears.

"Damn it, you actually broke free from the mountain and earth technique using Naruto's Chakra!"

Naruto also covered his ears.

Nine tails said in Naruto's body: "Naruto, it's bad! Ten tails will use the sky to change the world!"

Naruto asked suspiciously: "What is that? The sky changes..."

Nine Tails hurriedly shouted: "Don't dawdle! The world is about to collapse!"

Obito Uchiha looked at the ten tails who kept roaring and said: "Because you cut off the only channel for me to connect with the ten tails, I can no longer control it, and it's almost time to become Jinchuriki."

With the powerful roar of the ten tails, the world began to change, lightning appeared in the sky, and the land around the ten tails began to collapse.

Uchiha Madara cast Susano and said with a smile: "The good show is yet to come!"

Kakashi said against the strong wind: "This time we must destroy the ten tails! Kamui!"

Kakashi came to Obito's side and got entangled with Obito.

"It seems that you are waiting for this opportunity, but so am I! Kakashi!" Obito smiled.

Naruto looked at the entangled two and shouted: "Mr. Kakashi!"

Kakashi used Kamui to think about bringing Obito into time and space together.

Kakashi: "Naruto! I'm counting on you here."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei!"

Nine Tails: "Here we come! The world has changed!"

All of a sudden, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and layers of cracks appeared on the ground centered on Shiwei, and water even appeared in the cracks.

There was a strong wind, and catastrophic tornadoes appeared across the sky. This scene was simply the end of the world.

Uchiha Madara looked at the battlefield: "The battlefield should be cleaner now."

Madara frowned seeing that the ninja allied forces lying on the ground had not suffered any substantial damage.

"Naruto once again protected us..."

There were many wounds on Naruto's body, and the entire right arm was dripping with blood.

Regardless of the pain, Naruto insisted on standing up and said weakly: "It's useless!"

Naruto's eyes showed fierceness!

Juwei clasped his hands together, his bony body gradually became stronger, his limbs were muscular, and his figure was approaching perfection.

Naruto's chakra coat on everyone began to slowly dissipate.

Uchiha Madara stood in Susano and looked at Naruto and said: "It seems that you don't have the strength to continue to be brave. You have finished this good show, and it is almost time for you to... exit!"

The ninja coalition stood in front of Naruto willingly to be Naruto's meat target.

Hinata stood in front of Naruto, "Everyone! Let's work together!"

Sakura came behind Naruto, put her hands on Naruto's back and performed healing ninjutsu: "You need healing."

Uchiha Madara looked at the people in front of him with contempt: "It's a waste of effort."

Kakashi and Obito entered time and space, and Obito fell to the ground. After landing, Kakashi turned around and used Raikiri to attack Obito.

Obito didn't have time to react, Kakashi's Rachel stopped in front of Obito.

Obito looked at the hesitant Kakashi and said: "You really are hesitating in your heart. Before that, you had the opportunity to kill me, but you still relented. You are so ruthless that you show mercy to the enemy on the battlefield." , Is it because of guilt? Because you failed to protect Lin and violated the agreement with me, do you feel guilty?"

Kakashi was silent, Obito's words just hit his life gate.

Facts have proved that, in fact, I don't know why he is Obito, so I don't have the heart to do it.

Still didn't do it because of guilt.

Obito looked at Kakashi who said nothing and continued, "Could it be that you want me to repent?"

Kakashi's eyes softened a little: "Obito, stop it. Your dream was to become Hokage, and Naruto is the same now. He said what you once said... Before you know it, you will The former self coincides with the present Naruto, subconsciously taking what Naruto said as what the former self said. You hope to be denied by the former self, don’t you? You cannot fail to understand Naruto’s mood. Can you still Turn back and be yourself again.”

Obito laughed when he heard Kakashi's words, "It's because I understand Naruto's thoughts too well, so I want to listen to everything he said, and then deny it all."

Kakashi kept Rachel looking at Obito: "Obito."

"And let me say it again, the fact that you feel guilty about me is ridiculous. If you think that the reason I started the war is only because of you and Lin, you are very wrong!"

Obito took advantage of Kakashi's distraction to use his pupil power and stood up directly.

Kakashi's Raikiri pierced through Obito's body.

Chapter 430 Gaara Infiltrated the Five Kage Clique

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Obito pierced by Rachel seemed to be fine.

Obito continued: "I know everything. It was Lin who jumped at your Rachel and chose to die. At that time, Lin was taken away by Wuyin Village and forced to become a three-tailed Jinchuriki. Although you successfully rescued Lin. But This itself is also a part of Wuyin Village's plan, in order to drive you to Muye Village, they even pretended to be hot pursuit."

Kakashi was shocked: "How do you know?"

Wuyin Village captured Lin to make her a test subject for an experiment. During the escape, Lin realized that she had been used. Returning to Muye Village might cause harm to the village, so Lin wanted Kaka West ended his life.

"Mist Hidden Village plans to attack Konoha by letting the three tails in her go berserk as soon as Lin returns to Konoha. Lin knows this, so she took advantage of the Rachel you released on the enemy and committed suicide. She is determined Die at the hands of the one you love (the one who said Rin loves Kakashi before, this sentence is Obito's own opinion, not the original words of the Zhenzhishu), in order to protect Konoha."

"No matter what you say, you are a counterfeit for me who failed to protect Lin. For me, Lin deserves to die, so Lin who died is just a counterfeit. Lin can only be real if she is alive. Lin!"

"It is the ninja system, the village, and the ninjas that repeatedly lead to this situation. What really makes me despair is the world itself. I am desperate for this false world."

Obito's madness made it difficult for Kakashi to accept.

Kakashi touched his chest and said: "Naruto said that the most painful thing is not having a real companion in my heart. I conveyed to him what you said in the past. You will definitely resonate with Naruto in the past." , and said the same thing, and I still believe..."

Uchiha Obito interrupted Kakashi, "Look clearly! I have nothing in my heart."

Uchiha Obito pointed to the heart pierced by Kakashi and continued: "Now you can't even feel the pain, you don't have to feel guilty, Kakashi! This hole was torn open by this hellish world. I have nothing but pain in my heart. What's the point? So I dropped everything!"

"Aren't you in pain all the time? In front of Lin's grave? In front of my grave? Kakashi, that's enough, you don't have to continue to suffer, Lin is here! And your ideal me is also here here."

Obito looked at Kakashi sluggishly: "You can pursue what you like. In this world of illusion, you can get everything you want. The hole in your heart can be filled immediately."

Kakashi once again used Rachel to clear away the surrounding illusion: "Rin is gone! And you, aren't you still alive? Do you think... Do you think that doing this can really fill the void in your heart? Don't let Rin die Erase your memories too. Those are the memories that Lin saved the village with her life, no matter how many delusions you fill up by yourself, the hole in your heart cannot be filled.”

[Uchiha Obito: Come on, next time you encounter these scenes, just skip it, the second disease is really annoying to watch. 】

【Hatake Kakashi: Laugh to death. 】

[Uchiha Obito: Yo, Kakashi, want to fight? 】

【Hatake Kakashi: Huh?come! 】

【Nohara Rin:...I'm really convinced...】

[Uchiha Obito: Tsk, Kakashi, can you do it?Is the kidney deficiency healed?Just want to fight me? 】

[Hatake Kakashi: Laughing, I have enough chakra now, let alone Kamui, I can use Kamui shuriken! 】

[Uchiha Obito: Give me back my eyes! 】

【Hatake Kakashi: I don't! 】

[Uchiha Obito: Damn it. 】

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Ten Tails opened his mouth wide like a fat man.

There seemed to be something in the mouth that was about to be spit out by ten tails.

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