Pushing open the cabin door, Zhang Chengan transferred all the structure information into his photon bracelet, and then excitedly walked towards the top floor of the hotel.

"Let's go! The academic exchange is over!"

What he didn't know was that his own departure had completely opened up the glorious era of Dagonism!

Chapter 234 Dagon Theology Version 2.0


It is the most fragrant!

Zhang Cheng'an deeply understood this truth. On the top floor, relying on his power and deceiving Dafa, he basically let the top technicians in the entire Xingyu help him rebuild the Kingdom of God.

This is a lineup that can't be obtained with how much money you spend and how many contacts you have!

Even if it is ordered by the dance party, it may not be able to concentrate so completely!

Zhang Chengan sneered until his mouth almost crooked.

But after seeing the structure of the various parts of the Martial God Kingdom, everyone gave a unified evaluation-it's just... very messy.

All kinds of plug-ins and architectures are mixed together, just like children scribbling.

But the strange thing is that this chaotic architecture can still run normally, and the efficiency is not low!

Just another miracle.

These great masters looked at each other and sighed, lamenting how wonderful the world is, and even began to think about life because of this structure.

But they all felt that this thing could not be moved.

Unless, tear it all down and start over, and restructure it.

Hence, Zhang Chengan was thick-skinned again, relying on the hotel's delicious meals and fine wines, fooled these big bosses, and helped him reconstruct the kingdom of God in the gap between the demon mirror and the magic-suppressing bell.

Time is like water in a sponge!There is always a squeeze!If you can't squeeze it out, use a hydraulic press to squeeze it out!

Looking at the haggard appearance of those big scholars being tortured by him, Zhang Chengan scolded himself for being too cruel, and at the same time poured chicken soup and blood on everyone.

Of course, in order to ensure everyone's health, Zhang Chengan also handed over some health-preserving exercises in the Way of Martial Arts to the big bosses present.

Wuqinxi, Shiduanjin, and the eighth set of National Radio Gymnastics for Middle School Students are calling!

The effect is still very significant. Everyone does a set of boxing every morning, refreshed, relaxed, and invigorated. I feel that the whole person is energetic, and I am completely capable of doing two projects together!

With everyone's help and guidance, Zhang Chengan's rapid progress is shocking.

In just a day or so, Zhang Chengan was able to chat with everyone.

Three days later, Zhang Cheng'an had learned a lot, was able to keep up with the team's skills, and even came up with some insights that amazed everyone.

There is no way, Zhang Chengan has a learning spirit and a strong learning ability, coupled with spending all day among this group of people, the speed of progress is indeed incomparable.

It is estimated that by the time the project is over, Zhang Cheng'an will have become an authoritative person in this regard.

For his growth rate, other big cows are very envious.

They all learn the theoretical basis first, and rarely have the opportunity to practice it. After they have a certain ability and reputation, they can operate the Divine Kingdom module.

Where is it like Zhang Cheng'an, who has a complete kingdom of God with him, and has so many projects in hand, so he grows rapidly by applying what he has learned.

Zhang Chengan's extreme speed and generalization basically came to three conclusions.

First of all, the foundation of the martial arts kingdom is the way of martial arts, that is, skills and true energy.This is the most important thing and must be well constructed.

Fortunately, Zhang Chengan's Tongtian Jianmu is already very mature, and only needs a little optimization.

Secondly, the Pantheon module is the second most important part.It mainly involves the life safety of Zhang Chengan himself.

Once the structure of this module is not rigorous, there may be a crisis of divinity being washed away by messy beliefs and falling directly.

The opinion given by experts is that this part is made conservatively.

The composition of the Pantheon module is very similar to the entire god cultivation system. It can be said to be a simplified version of the god system.

Therefore, it is the safest to follow the gourd and paint the scoop.

The final plan that everyone agreed on was to strengthen the Pantheon and at the same time construct the [Divine Position] system.The god position system is constructed according to the god system as a template.

That is to say, the gods in Zhang Chengan's Divine Kingdom, in addition to having their own godhead, can also have the god position of the Martial God Kingdom.

And the last one is the most intense part of everyone's debate - the star antimony fighter part.

Based on the operation of the nine star cores and the fusion with the Zhang family's mechanical species, the star fighters born are largely beyond the scope of everyone's knowledge.

In the face of this emerging mod, everyone insisted on their own opinions and almost fought.

Some people think that this module should be listed as a lower-level module of the [Pantheon] module, and a temple should be built for the nine star cores, and it should be treated as a star god.

Others think that they should rely on the main module of the martial arts training system to strengthen the transformation ability of true qi, and give up the armor of star warriors.That is to merge the main part into the martial arts module, and discard the others directly.

Finally, Zhang Cheng'an put forward an interesting idea - the stripping of energy modules.

The reason why machines are so powerful lies in the mechanized application of high-level energy.And the leap of energy is the credit of the sun ring.

A simple analogy is to brew the food that people eat into alcohol fuel, and then drive more powerful machines.

The star fighters are relatively simple. Their energy source is the true qi cultivated in the way of martial arts, and the star fighting qi produced by the operation of the nine star cores.

Compared with Zhang Chengan Taisui's high-end armor that burns aviation kerosene, Star Antimony Fighter is like an ordinary locomotive that burns ethanol and mixed fuel.

The nine star cores are like nine energy processing plants, and what they do is actually the work of the solar ring and the corona.

However, when producing Star Dou Qi, there are some low-energy by-products, which are named Stardust Dou Qi.

Facts have proved that although ordinary family members cannot use high-energy star fighting energy, after martial arts training, their physical fitness has improved to a certain level, and they can bear the blessing of stardust fighting energy.

And true qi, whether it is a family member or a god, can be cultivated.

In this way, a castrated version of the hybrid is done.

And energy source, the next step is how to use it.

Since the family members couldn't bear the star antimony exoskeleton armor, they had no high-level energy and couldn't use it. This made many bosses scratch their heads.

Until Yelena saw this topic by chance, and then proposed a solution - magic pattern.

To be precise, the magic pattern technology is used to replace the mechanical circuit to complete the energy operation!

This direction has been unanimously approved by everyone, so under a new round of ideological storms, a new plan was born.

A powerful warrior [Star Pattern Warrior] who can engrave totems on his body through tattoos, and use this as a basis to operate Stardust Dou Qi and Wu Lian Zhen Qi was born!

As a degraded version of the star fighters, the fighting power of these star fighters is still very capable, at least in the family domain.

The main reason is that their strength improvement is different from the general racial value.

So far, Zhang Chengan's family has ushered in the third promotion route.

The other two are the original race sublimation route, and the martial arts path opened not long ago.

The three passages go hand in hand and complement each other at the same time!

Zhang Chengan's family's fighting power has achieved a qualitative leap, thus entering a brand new version 2.0.

Zhang Cheng'an showed a happy smile as he watched the newly completed Kingdom of God.

"Now, I can finally feel a little more at ease."

Chapter 235 The Appearance of the Magical Artifact

"Success! Finally succeeded!"

After five days and five nights of intensive tackling, everyone finally overcame the problem!

The town magic bell and the demon mirror came out one after another.

Just now they did an experiment with the captured strange monster, and the effect is outstanding!

The most important point is that these two artifacts can be mass-produced.In other words, as long as the production capacity can keep up, not to mention the chiefs of the inspection department, even the security guards in the major communities can have one.

From military use to official use and then to civilian use, a great stride has been made directly.

"As long as all these artifacts are sent out, we humans will be able to break free from the threat of strange demons!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, excitedly.

This kind of excitement has continued from the beginning of the project to the present.

Everyone maintained a very high work efficiency throughout the whole process, and their bodies and souls were full of energy, as if they didn't know how tired they were.

Novel ideas came one after another, and everyone felt nostalgic for the wonderful experience during this period from the bottom of their hearts.

This is probably the best state in their life.

At this time, Zhang Chengan stepped onto the high platform again, pressing down with both hands.

"Thank you everyone, we made it!"

His words seemed to have some kind of magical power, and everyone felt exhausted like a tide, drowning themselves in the blink of an eye.

"We have prepared luxurious single rooms for everyone. You can go back to the room, have a good rest, and sleep well."

After Zhang Chengan finished speaking, some people were already yawning, and a few others felt that their eyelids were really heavy.

Seeing that everyone had returned to normal, Zhang Chengan immediately clapped his hands.The security guards of Wen's Group walked in, and they supported one of them, carefully supporting these human treasures down.

After they left, Zhang Chengan quickly got through Leon's communication and told him the news of the successful development of the experimental product.

Not long after, Leon hurriedly brought the dancers to the test site.

After verifying the power of the two artifacts on the spot, Leon burst into tears with excitement.

"You're laughing... Actually, the year I first joined the ball, I encountered a tidal disaster. At that time, a good friend of mine was possessed by a strange demon.

He was in extreme pain, and there was absolutely no way to save him.

In the end, I sent him away with my own hands.

If, if we had such a thing at that time..."

Leon's words made the eyes of many dancers who came with him moist.

Zhang Chengan sighed, and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be like this Mr. Leon, now that we have these two things, isn't it a good thing?"

"Yes! It's a good thing!"

Leon held two samples: "However, can this thing really be called a divine weapon? It seems that it doesn't need divine power?"

"To be precise, it does not require the user to have divine power."

Zhang Chengan briefly explained the working principle of the magic weapon to the other party: "First of all, the magic suppressing bell, its driving requires divine power as an energy source.

But we can charge it in advance, so that as long as the internal storage has divine power, ordinary people can also use it.

Then there is the demon mirror. Strictly speaking, it has no technical content. The golden light in it is produced by my kingdom of God.

This mirror is at most a client, responsible for displaying and outputting golden light, and it is an exit.

If necessary, no divine power is required.

However, my Divine Kingdom Golden Light is not free.How much golden light to use, you have to pay the corresponding divine power.

I also hope to contribute to the well-being of mankind!

However, I just went to get a junior god, and I didn't even condense the godhead. The capital is small and the profit is small, and it is difficult to eat. "

Hearing this, the corners of Leon's mouth began to twitch crazily.

Cramping Zhang Chengan, this title has already become popular in the entire aristocratic circle.

Leon is also a small nobleman, it is natural for Zhang Chengan to do something good a few days ago.

He is very happy, finally someone can take action to rectify this ridiculous small circle.But you have plundered so many star field pastures, it's meaningless to cry poor with me here.

"I know, as long as the exchange ratio is appropriate, I don't think anyone will have any objections. You are right, resisting the invasion of strange demons is a matter for all human beings, and there is no reason for you to contribute money and effort alone."

Leon fiddled with the demon mirror: "However, I didn't feel that this thing has a divine power storage device. In this way, wouldn't mortals not be able to use it?"

Zhang Chengan took the demon mirror, folded it a little, and it turned into the shape of a long and thin ruler.He hit his wrist, and it turned into a bracelet that was clasped on it.

"Look at it as a demon mirror, but it's actually a photon bracelet."

Zhang Chengan clicked a few times: "You thought it was a photon bracelet, but it is actually an automatic detection and search device for strange monsters."

Now Leon is not calm: "What's the situation?"

"Among the people who came to develop together this time, there are scientists from Photon Technology Co., Ltd. Through them, I had a short call with the president of Photon Technology Co., Ltd. and reached a cooperation intention.

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