It's just that the gods are not allowed to come to the world at the ball.

Then what if we let the gods come to the world in a special ranch star field, where it is isolated from the world, no family members survive, and only fight for both sides?

What if we don't use the gods themselves to descend, but choose some prepared, data-balanced gods to descend, and then manipulate them to fight?

Isn't it fun?

As it happens, I have thousands of kami in my pantheon, but they sit idle most of the time.

That being the case, why not take advantage of it? "

Leon was stunned for a long time: "I don't... understand."

Zhang Chengan looked helpless, so he had no choice but to tell him the whole process of creating [Wan Shen Card] from the beginning.

After obtaining 20% ​​of the management rights, Zhang Chengan immediately began to understand the entire production process of the [Miracle Descends] card.

With his current knowledge and insights, he quickly understood this not-too-complicated mechanism.

Afterwards, the production and printing of [Order of Rising Dragon] was naturally put on the agenda.

But then, he got the "Letter of Opinion" given by the dance party.

In the submission, the costume ball suggested that he set a limit on the number of issuances of the Dragon Order each year.

Because the prom always thinks about problems from a human-centered standpoint.

Dragon Transformers and Ascenders, to put it bluntly, are the Outer Gods that catalyzed accelerated mass production in the Ranch Star Field.

Although compared with those wild gods, their strength is ambiguous.And still loyal to mankind, attached to human society.

But after all, the minds of non-my races must be different.

[Certificate of Ascension] itself controls the number of releases to ensure that the number of Ascendants will not surge in a short period of time.

They hoped that the [Ascending Dragon Order] would follow the same rules.

Zhang Chengan explained this to the ball, and mentioned that the Dragon Order is also affected by success rate factors.

The dance party also gave an understanding, to a certain extent, relaxed the number of discoveries in the [Longlong Order] every year.

Zhang Chengan thought over and over again, and felt that the dance party's concerns were correct, and that the amount of relaxation had already been greatly compromised, so he agreed to the dance party's proposal.

The promise is the promise, but after doing this, the production line of the [Shanglong Order], which was originally supposed to be capped, has shrunk several times.

This resulted in less than 20% of Zhang Chengan's [-]% card printing production line being used.

You must know that due to the split of the management rights of the Miracle Cards of the Deep Blue Federation, the business has now changed from a monopoly to three competitions.

The veteran powerhouse Ingster, which has 50% of the management rights, is in need of recuperation.The newly promoted Megastar holds 30% of the management rights and is preparing for drastic and rapid development.

Zhang Chengan understood that it would not be long before his management rights would be squeezed and eroded by the two parties, and in the end there would be nothing left.

Although he will have to return to the Holy Alliance to take the college entrance examination soon, the affairs related to the fifth lineage will be handed over to some selected talents.

But this big problem was caused by myself, and if I didn't solve it, I would slap my ass and leave, which is a bit of a shame.

What's more, he is also planning to use the [Miracle Comes] card to print the management right, and buy a solid job for the entire lineage.

Hence, Zhang Chengan thought hard and kept experimenting.

Finally, he found a new path - Wanshen Card.

Just like what he told Leon, the Wanshen Card was inspired by the rascal [Surviving Gods] during the Genealogy War.

That card proved two things.

First, the gods can come to the ranch star field with full power.

Second, the pathways and structures of the Advent are intact and functional.

It's just that the dance party restricted this function for the sake of stability and unity.

And Zhang Chengan, who has thousands of god shadows, is idle in the pantheon.

Those are his countless trumpets. Although they can be used to strengthen himself and provide combat power to the ascended family members, they have many wonderful uses.

However, the utilization rate is still poor.

Idle is waste!Waste is shameful!

Zhang Chengan had been thinking about solving this problem for a long time, but he had no good solution until he had a flash of inspiration two days ago.

The real gods can't descend, so what about these gods?

Falling into the ranch star field will have a bad impact, but what if it falls in a special virtual god's domain like [God's Wrath Contest]?

Ever since, Zhang Chengan started his own research and development, and completed the production of the first batch of [Wan Shen Card] today.

After he told this series of processes to Leon, the latter finally understood what he was going to do.

"So, in order not to let your god shadows be wasted, you made a lot of cards that can summon their power to fight for you.

Then, because these cards are prohibited, set up a virtual god's domain to use these cards to fight against, so as to circumvent the treaty of the dance party? "

"Well... probably so."

"Then what benefits can you get?" Leon spread his hands: "What benefits can everyone get?"

Zhang Chengan clapped his hands: "Everyone can have fun, but I can get sales."

Seeing that Leon wanted to speak again, Zhang Chengan smiled mysteriously: "At the same time, a group of strong players will be born in the human world who will make everyone happy by playing cards."

Leon was still smiling at first: "By playing cards to make everyone happy, you are really..."

Suddenly he realized the seriousness of the matter: "You want to create a new fighting industry!"

Zhang Chengan laughed loudly: "Congratulations, you got the answer right! I have already reported this idea to the dance party! This new game will be widely promoted like [Battle of Gods].

The game masters of [God's Hegemony] will be contacted and cultivated by various forces, and even mortals will be recruited to become servants of the gods.They are all war-ready personnel.

The same goes for the players of [Panoramic Card]!As long as they play cards well, when they are needed to fight for mankind in the future, they will still have the ability and channels.Contribute your outstanding talents to mankind!

[God's Domain Contest] trains warriors, while [Panoramic Card] trains wise generals! "

Speaking of this, Zhang Chengan shook the card in his hand: "If there is no demand, create demand! Do you think my pantheon card can be sold at a good price?"

Chapter 282 About the Mystery of the Holy Crown

"By the way, what are you looking for from me?"

Looking at Zhang Chengan, Leon smiled wryly twice.

"I got the news that you don't need so many card production lines here, so I want to talk to you about mergers and acquisitions.

Let you lend us your spare operating rights.

But now it seems..."

Leon played with the pantheon card in his hand, and suddenly laughed: "Probably no need. Hearing what you said, I want to squeeze out my two production lines and seek cooperation with you."

Zhang Chengan smiled slightly: "Let me tell you, the future scene of this thing is very ambitious. For example, those strong people inside the ball, they can completely use their own divine power to create a god shadow.

When the time comes, we will print them on the card!

These cards can not only be used for battle, but also can be used as collectibles and hard currency!

Just imagine, you admire a unparalleled powerhouse. If this powerhouse released a limited edition card, would you like to collect it? "

"Hiss!!!" Leon froze for a moment, subconsciously covering his wallet.

"Moreover, I always believe that the wisdom of the crowd is infinite. If these cards are handed out, someone may piece together a perfect combination that we have never imagined, and emit new vitality.

Then we collect these data, and when the time comes for the dance mission, it can be used as reference data when selecting candidates, and we can more accurately piece together the most reasonable lineup. "


Leon held the card: "Your idea is beautiful, and I admit it is very attractive. But, if I'm not mistaken, your audience should be ordinary people without divine power, right?

Put these powers in their hands..."

"God and ordinary people are grasshoppers in the same boat."


"If there really is a god who is afraid of ordinary people gaining power, then this god is not qualified to be a god, is he?"

Leon shook his head noncommittally: "But since the ball has adopted your proposal, I have nothing to say."

Zhang Chengan patted him on the shoulder: "Believe me, Leon, the world is developing in a good direction. Moreover, under our control, it will gradually become better."

"hope so."

Leon returned the Pantheon Card to Zhang Chengan: "By the way, I heard that you are selecting the person in charge of the pedigree recently. Why are you planning to withdraw?"

Zhang Chengan smiled helplessly: "We are about to take the college entrance examination."

Leon was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, is there such a reason?"

"Is it that funny?"

"Yes! And... full of mixed tastes." Leon looked at him with a smile: "I have worked with you for a long time, and I forgot that you are just a young man who has not graduated from high school.

Do you still need to take the college entrance examination? "

Zhang Chengan rubbed his chin: "Although I have already been recommended, I have also built a branch campus myself, and have recruited teachers and assistance for the costume ball.

However, the process that should be followed still needs to be followed. "

Leon opened his mouth wide: "I said, in your situation, what is the significance of going through this process? Do you want to experience life?"

Zhang Chengan shrugged: "I don't want to, although I don't have to worry, but my girlfriend, my good brother, and my cousin all need to take the college entrance examination.

Let me just... run with you. "

Leon smashed his mouth and ran with a university branch on his shoulders, not afraid of crushing the runway.

"This is good news. I believe many people will be so excited that they won't be able to sleep when they hear that you are leaving. Maybe they will hold a reception to celebrate."

Zhang Chengan rolled his eyes: "I am a good young man in society anyway, why do you say that I am like the four evils?"

"You can do it! Now many nobles have been manipulated by you, and they have already developed empathy with Shenlunhai!"

"Ahem, let's get back to business. You just came to see me, otherwise I would have made a special trip to your building."

Seeing Zhang Chengan's serious face, Leon also became serious: "What's wrong?"

"You know, I came here this time to accept the secret mission of the dance party."

"I have heard a little bit, how is the completion?"

"No idea at all."

Zhang Chengan rubbed his cheeks: "It's almost over anyway, and the mission is about to fail, so I'll just chat with you. After I leave, this trouble will become yours."

Leon jumped up in fright: "I'll go, can't you take this trouble away?"

"I really want to! People don't want to go with me." Zhang Chengan stood up and pushed him back on the seat: "Don't worry, I have already applied to the ball, and you are now included in the range of insiders up.

But you have to keep it a secret and don't tell anyone else about it.

Similarly, because the enemies you are facing are super-standard, the party side will also be inclined to arrange all high-end combat power to your side.

I won't let you die. "

"After all, what is the mission?" Leon covered his face in distress: "We have just experienced the big event of the demon god coming! This is a rare event in a hundred years.

Now you tell me that you have other missions here.Solving the evil god's advent is just incidental.

Brother, to tell you the truth, big brother is panicking now! "

Zhang Chengan smiled awkwardly: "Don't worry, it won't be bigger than the incident of the demon god coming! That is... just be on the same level as him."

Leon's eyes were blurred with tears: "Brother, don't leave, I'll make a report to the headquarters, and you will be here permanently, okay! With you here, my brother has a bottom line."

"Brother Leon, you can do it! You can! You are not an ordinary person!"

Zhang Chengan smiled and told Leon about Aimie and his secret mission.After the latter heard it, he was also speechless for a while.

"That's all I know about the defected Ien God Clan. As for the fact that this traitor is... brother-sister relationship with Miss Aimee, I didn't even report it to the headquarters.

After we leave, you report the news, at least this year they won't urge you to take the initiative.

As for whether they will take the initiative to make trouble, I don't know..."

"Seraphim's holy crown..." Leon rubbed his chin: "That is a blood-stained holy relic."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chengan was keenly aware of something: "Brother, do you know something?"

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