"Of course! But..."

"That's good!" Zhang Chengan grabbed Zhan Tianxing's shoulder: "A Xing! Take your people and come to my branch school for the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"Entrance examination?" There were big question marks in Zhan Tianxing's eyes.

Chapter 292 Grand Blueprint

"The postgraduate entrance examination? What is the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Graduate student, master's degree! Even... a further improvement after university!"

Zhang Chengan rubbed his hands: "Look, from high school to university, they only taught students to ignite the divine fire and condense the godhead. When they graduated, everyone was a lower-level god.

However, the next path is up to everyone to explore by themselves. "

Zhan Tianxing nodded slightly: "That's true, because behind the casting of the scepter, the weaving of the robe, the casting of the throne and the coronation of the crown, each god's path is different.

It is not appropriate to concentrate on teaching, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It's better to let everyone pursue it by themselves, the big waves wash the sand, gold will always shine. "

"No, no, no! The further education I'm talking about is not teaching you how to forge a scepter, but how to become stronger!"

Zhang Chengan clenched his fists: "Become stronger! You mercenary, you must know the dark sea, and you also know the costume ball.

The standard for graduating from graduate school is to reach the level of Lv1 scourge in combat power, or to be awarded the title of Brave at the prom!

The standard for doctoral students to graduate is to have a combat power of Lv2 disaster, or get the title of catastrophe at the prom!

I will formulate a series of courses that can really improve the combat effectiveness of gods!

Even if you can't get a degree, you can take a full set of courses, and your combat effectiveness will make great progress.

You have no reason to refuse this opportunity, right? "

Zhan Tianxing was very excited: "Thank you, young master! Thank you... But why did you do this? Is it to strengthen your power?"

Zhang Chengan smiled and shook his head: "You underestimate me, I did this for the peace and stability of the entire human world, for the long-term stability of society.

As the saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy together!Hello everyone is really good. "

Zhan Tianxing's gaze towards Zhang Chengan was full of respect and admiration. If these words were spoken by another person, with Zhan Tianxing's experience and state of mind, he would definitely feel that the other party was pious for fame.

But the man in front of him has proved himself with practical actions.

Whether it is the publicity of Ascension to the Dragon or the free use of the Demon Mirror, he is using one fact after another to prove what he said.

Follow this person, feel comfortable!

"Since the young master said so, if I refuse again, it means I don't know what's good!" Zhan Tianxing patted his chest: "Okay! Let's go to the postgraduate entrance examination with the young master!

We will definitely become stronger and become a sharp knife that can be used by the young master! "

"It's easy to say! You go tell your brothers and sisters, follow me, Zhang Chengan, and your salary will be doubled! No! Triple!"

"Master, is this inappropriate?"

"Alas ~ money is something outside the body! What is the most valuable in this world? Talent!" Zhang Chengan grabbed Zhan Tianxing's shoulder and shook him back and forth: "You are all talents! Talents!

Worthy of this salary! "


"Okay! Go and announce the good news to everyone!"


After seeing off Zhan Tianxing, Zhang Chengan was still very happy.

First of all, Zhang Chengan was really comfortable with the mercenary team of 3000 people.

They are well-disciplined, highly efficient, able to endure hardships and hardships, and are not afraid of danger or sacrifice. They are simply perfect subordinates.

Zhang Chengan was really reluctant to end the cooperation with them all of a sudden.

Furthermore, Zhang Chengan suddenly thought of the postgraduate master's degree.

When he talked about the college entrance examination with Minister Huang just now, he had such a thought indistinctly, but it was rather hazy.

As a result, being reminded by Zhan Tianxing's words, it was a matter of course that he thought of such a good idea.

In his hands, he holds three ways to improve his combat power: [Ascending Dragon Path], [Pantheon Temple] and [Star Antimony Palace], but they are all for the family members.

However, the high-end parts of these three lines can actually improve the gods.

For example, after Ma Hongtu and Zheng Yuanqing became the star masters of the Sagittarius zodiac and the Leo zodiac, their combat effectiveness has also improved significantly.

His proud disciple, while practicing martial arts, is also the shadow of the Pantheon, and his combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

There is also a new profession created by myself through the [Panoramic Card] - Duelist, which is also a kind of improvement in combat effectiveness.

As long as you give yourself time to sort it out, Zhang Chengan is confident to create a reasonable system, so that suitable gods can stimulate his fighting power, and then become even stronger!

At that time, I will hold thousands of postgraduate and doctoral students in my hands, punch the Dark Sea God Wheel Sea, and kick the Protoss Arsa!There was a roar in another dimension, and those who were dissatisfied stood up for me, and no one gasped!

This, what a beautiful thing!

Zhang Chengan hummed a little song and returned to the room, but after a while there was a knock on the door.He opened the door and saw that it was his disciple Wen Qingxian.

"Where's Emily?"

Xiaokuibao's eyes were red, and he looked like he was going to cry if he didn't agree with each other.

"she's back."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Sure enough, Wen Qingxian began to cry on the spot, Zhang Chengan had no choice but to persuade her, although the age difference between the two was not much different, but Zhang Chengan was her master after all.

"Master, if she goes back, will she suffer? It feels like her family members are both good and bad."

"Don't worry, I said that I will cover her. Even if those bad guys want to bully her, they still have to consider my iron fist."

"Master, can I see her again?"

Zhang Chengan thought and thought again: "I will definitely. When I am free, I will go find her and see if I can bring her back."

"Long live! Thank you Master!"

"By the way, you need to practice your martial arts diligently. Only with great strength can you protect the people you cherish."

Wen Qingxian blinked her eyes: "Or, there is a powerful master?"

"Ha! If you don't practice well, I will kick you out of the teacher!"

"Don't, Master! I'm going back to practice!"

The little girl trotted away all the way, Zhang Chengan watched her disappearing back, smiled and shook his head, and closed the door of the room.

But with the appearance of Wen Qingxian, Zhang Chengan suddenly had some new ideas.

Since he can build a military management college, since he can build a graduate school, can he also build a college for mortals to improve their strength?

Let ordinary people have enough strength to protect themselves, and give them a promotion channel that can go up through hard work.In this way, the emergence of organizations like [Self-Help Day] can be fundamentally eliminated.

In this way, it will also help to ease the conflict between the two different classes of gods and mortals, and make human beings more united!

Zhang Chengan immediately returned to the desk area of ​​the room, opened the light curtain, and began to construct the blueprint in his heart.

"I want to build a university town around the Academy of Military Management! Let all the talents in Quan Xingyu come to my bowl!"

Chapter 293 Building the Heavens Examination Room from Scratch

"About the construction of the examination room for this college entrance examination." Standing at the head of the conference table, Zhang Chengan unfolded his design blueprint with the light curtain.

"I call it Imperial Crusade."

"it is good!"

Minister Huang was the first to stand up and applaud: "Just hearing the name is very funny! Are you right?"

The others looked at me and I looked at you, and they all applauded.

Minister Huang lowered his hands, and the applause faded away. He looked at Zhang Chengan expectantly: "Well, Mr. Zhang, what's the specific content?"

"My lords! I hate war! But war is an accompaniment of history, and we have to face it."

Zhang Chengan pointed to his blueprint: "As you all know, the content of our exams has always been very strange. In the first stage, we were tested by natural disasters, which is quite understandable.

In the second stage, we will be invaded by foreign enemies, which makes no sense.

Why, why are we always reactive?

We have to wait for the enemy to enter our hinterland before we start fighting?

The general direction of this line of thinking is wrong!

The real strong!Should have anticipated the enemy first!

We should be prepared for danger in times of peace!We should be vigilant!

Spot her when danger is hidden and nip it when it is in its infancy.

I went to the Deep Blue Federation some time ago, and it can be said that I was deeply touched. "

Zhang Chengan pressed his hands on the table with a sad expression on his face: "Passive! Too passive! Everything about us is too passive. It's good to fix a dead sheep, but we can't always fix it, right?

When a disaster strikes, you know that you have to rescue, when you are caught stealing, you know that you have repented, when the enemy hits you, you know that you have resisted.

late!It's too late!

If this general idea remains unchanged, it will continue to poison our young generation!Let our latecomers all become such dull creatures who can't beat three farts with one stick!

Why is Shenlunhai so arrogant?

Why is the barbarian god of the dark sea so arrogant?

Why is Self-Help Day so unscrupulous?

To fight!To fight out!

Hit it with a punch!Avoid a hundred punches!

If we now organize a human expeditionary force, across the entire dark sea, directly in front of the World Tree of the Alsa Protoss!

Drinking horses in the vast sea, sealing wolves to live in Xu!

I can guarantee that they will not dare to offend my Han Dynasty again in 300 years!

Hear the applause! "

"it is good!"

Now all the participants stood up and applauded wildly. They didn't know what the Han Dynasty was, and they didn't know where Han Hai and Lang Juxu were.

But I just felt an unparalleled sense of arrogance welling up from the depths of my soul, and my blood was surging.

"This! This is the keynote of our college entrance examination!" Zhang Chengan slapped the light curtain with a slap, and the content on it changed accordingly: "The expedition of the empire - the ancient star road.

This time, I will have my Familia create a dangerous enemy, which I call the Ant Colony! "

Zhang Chengan slid the picture, and the information on it was changed again: "Everyone, take a look, this is a new ancient group that I recovered some time ago, the God-devouring Ant Beast.

They are large in number, fecund, aggressive, in short, all kinds of strong.

The entire college entrance examination expansion film is about how these students will choose in the face of the dilemma of human life and death. "

Zhang Chengan slapped the light curtain again, and there was only one word left on it: "Actual combat!"

Everyone in the venue was very excited. The human world has suffered too much over the years.

There are barbarian gods invading the territory outside, internal traitors are in turmoil, and [Tide] is encountered, and strange demons from different dimensions will also come to control themselves.

It's annoying!

Zhang Chengan's project happened to hit the most itchy point in everyone's heart!After reading it, I was sweating all over my body, as if I had a sauna.

However, Zhang Chengan also has his own little girl.

The reason why he took over the planning of the college entrance examination is very simple, that is, while ensuring the normal fulfillment of social responsibilities in the college entrance examination, he should try his best to recruit useful talents into his own bowl.

Since it is what you need, just put your own needs first.

His demand is very simple, that is to sweep away the dark sea, the barbarians come to court, the world is peaceful, and retirement is ready!

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