After finishing the first part, Zhang Chengan gained a lot of beliefs from refining demons, and had a vague connection with them.

Zhang Chengan immediately began to show the brilliance of his soul, and then let this brilliance return to the believers through these connections.

With the passage of time, the souls of almost all the demons in the Seventh Purgatory were dyed the color of Zhang Chengan.

Zhang Cheng'an witnessed the whole process, and had a new understanding of the faith brand on the family members in the human god cultivation system.

What he is doing now is the original version of the seal of faith.Through the brilliance of one's own soul, it is constantly reflected on the believers, and finally completes the complete refinement.

The Faith Stamp is simpler and rougher, quicker to use, formed in one go, and uses less material.

However, comparing the two, the believers of the original version of the infection are obviously more loyal and harder to be fooled by other gods.

Zhang Chengan is now basically sure that the gods in the purgatory version are purely manual ancient methods, and the god cultivation system is the semi-automatic assembly line version after extracting key steps and simplifying them.

After getting used to the semi-automated version, Zhang Chengan really felt that it was meaningful for him to suddenly let himself advance the process step by step.

Some problems that I hadn't figured out, or didn't think about at all, suddenly had an intuitive feeling, which benefited Zhang Chengan a lot.

He has completed the promotion from knowing what it is to knowing why it is, which is a situation that many gods more powerful than him do not have.

Zhang Chengan also felt that his path to god level promotion in the future would be very smooth.

After completing the reflection of the light of the soul, the refiners of the seventh purgatory obviously became different.

They no longer wander around with nothing to do, continuing to live without a purpose.

After listening to the oracle, these guys became more and more diligent.

But soon, problems arose.

Demon refining is not like elves, they are higher-dimensional creatures, and they need to eat the full emotions of other living creatures.The aura of farming that Zhang Chengan bestowed upon them was useless.

This time, the refining demons were choking.

There is nowhere to display ideals and ambitions, always trying to plant something, but nothing can be planted.

Ever since, the entire Seventh Purgatory turned into a great panic and fluctuation.

Zhang Cheng'an has already experienced the eating method of refining demons.

Rough ones, probably like those low-level strange demons who invaded the human world, tortured human souls and continued to suck.After the soul is emptied, either replace it, or look for the next prey.

An elegant one would probably be like the forgetful Bob, who would travel around the world and use various means to arouse human emotions without harming the other person's life.

The way these two treat the creatures of this world is a bit like cows, horses and bees.

One only collects pollen to make honey, while the other chews the flowers and leaves directly, and even digs up the roots.

But no matter which one it is, there is no way for refining demons to farm or store food.

When the desire for farming could not be satisfied, these guys who gradually lost their minds started a new way of playing the boat.

engage in construction.

The demons live in purgatory, except for those low-end strange demons, they rarely go to the real world to hunt directly.

They are in a high dimension, and the full emotions of the living creatures will carry the fragments of the soul, rise from the low dimension to the high dimension, and then be captured by these refining demons and become delicious food.

On the side of demon refining, in order to better collect the soul fragments of living creatures, some facilities will be built to capture more soul fragments, similar to dream catchers.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of demon refiners, especially those with independent planes, usually have a lot of free time.

They just opened the dream catcher and just lay down.After a while, some soul fragments wrapped in various emotional bubbles will appear in the dream catcher and fly up.

The benefits are so good, and you can eat enough to eat without doing anything, which really envied Zhang Chengan.

but now!In the name of Dagon!The Dagon refiners are about to start their struggle!

A single dream catcher is just too inefficient!

As the demons of Dagon, we must unite!We have to fight!We are constantly optimizing!

All the demons in the Seventh Purgatory will be demolished, and all small personal dream catchers will be dismantled, and then a large number of large public dream catchers will be built.

Not only that, but Dagon has to develop new technologies for refining demons. It's too lazy to wait for the food to hit the dream catcher.

This kind of behavior of relying on the sky is obviously contrary to Dagon's spirit!

Only by exchanging hard work and sweat for wealth is the guarantee of down-to-earth success!

You must find a way to actively obtain soul fragments!

Zhang Chengan was terrified when he saw it, and hastily cut off his consciousness from the plane of purgatory.

The madness of these guys is no worse than that of the Familiars. Fortunately, the flow of time on their side is similar to that on their own.

Otherwise, let them push themselves to evolve for a period of time, and don't know what else to come up with.

But the good thing is that the goal of making them self-sufficient has finally been realized, at least I don't have to be distracted to take care of them.

Zhang Chengan stretched himself, and prepared to get a few Heart Sutras from Shangwu Pavilion to practice his concentration.

After all, three days later, there was still a competition waiting for him.

Chapter 360

Zhang Chengan is a god of learning, and he is the kind beyond the standard.

If you want to practice exercises, it may take a long time.But if it is to practice the Heart Sutra on the level of words, it is not too simple.

To practice exercises, one needs one's own physical body to operate the breath, and one cannot be lazy.

But if he wanted to practice the mental method, Zhang Chengan could stay in the God's Domain and use the different attributes of time flow there to learn the mental method for a year in one day.

With talent, hard work, and efficient learning ability, Zhang Chengan has already achieved a complete mastery of mental skills in just one day.

Between his gestures, he hesitated to kill as he wished, even if he was provoked, he would not have any problems.

After leaving the customs, Zhang Chengan received prayers from the Seventh Purgatory.

He quickly established a connection with the seventh purgatory, wanting to see what happened.I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

The demons of the Seventh Purgatory are heartbroken.

The reason is simple, they work hard, but their lives have not improved in any way.

The action power of these refining demons is commendable. With all the power of purgatory, within a day and a half, they pieced together the dream catchers of the whole family into a huge dream catcher.

The hunting range is so large and the prey it carries is by no means 1+1+1.

That was a quantitative change to the extent that it caused a qualitative change!

If this super-large dream catcher starts to work, Dagon's refinement will run straight into the era of excess.

However, the fact is that taking too many strides is easy to pull the egg.

The oversized dreamcatcher was repaired, but there wasn't enough prey for it to unleash its full power.

It's like a super giant whaling ship, stranded in a small river ditch, and can only use giant whaling sticks to catch frogs and snails.

How can everyone eat it?

This hurt Dagon's demons very much.

This is different from what you said!

For the first time, the believers of Dagon were shaken in their faith, but they did not blame the great holy god Dagon for this, but blamed themselves for this problem.

What did we do wrong to suffer like this?

May the great gods send down oracles to correct our mistakes.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chengan was somewhat speechless...

These refining demons really don't have any patience.

It took less than two days of hard work, and he was crying and shouting for repayment. Compared with the Dagon family, they are simply weak.

But soon, Zhang Chengan recalled the contents of the "Basic Purgatory Operation Manual", and instantly understood these refining demons.

Unlike living creatures, the ecology of refining demons is very special.

They don't starve, they just live or die.

Every minute and every second of their existence is consuming their own energy, and as their energy decreases, their strength will also decrease.

In a nutshell, they are like the kind you might find in math word problems for elementary school kids.

A cistern, how many cubic meters of water flow per second, and how many cubic meters of water are injected per second, ask when the pool will run out or be filled.

Refining demons must keep their water level in a safe position, their life is passing by rapidly all the time, so the supply must be guaranteed.

Another problem is that when the life energy of these refining demons decreases, they may become the prey of other refining demons.

Therefore, for refining demons, every full meal is very important and directly endangers life.

After Zhang Chengan learned about this situation, he immediately issued an oracle to them, temporarily pacifying these restless refining demons.

Then, he made a bold decision.

Open the battle system of the Pantheon card to demon refiners.

What activities will burst out more emotions and produce more soul fragments?


No no no, it's a the game known as the Ninth Art.

The matchups of Wanshen cards were wonderful, and the occasional magic tricks and Jedi comebacks made people applaud and exclaim that it was more exciting than riding a roller coaster and jumping off a building.

Of course, fighting for hegemony with God's Wrath is the best goal, but it's a pity that Zhang Chengan doesn't have the ability to connect with them now.Fortunately, I still have the game plug-in Pantheon Card in my hand.

Zhang Chengan not only connected the Seventh Purgatory to the Pantheon Card, but also opened up the game permissions for these demons, allowing them to play against players as system NPCs.

These alchemists who have been calculating and being calculated from birth are simply born right to play this kind of game.

After playing a game or two for a while, they were already familiar with all kinds of coquettish operations in it, and began to kill players in various fancy ways.

All of a sudden, the entire game was devastated, it was too horrible to look at.

Zhang Chengan also thoughtfully gave this special npc a famous name - Nightmare Human Machine.

Ever since, these survival problems of refining demons were easily solved by Zhang Chengan.

When they are free, they use super-large dream catchers to go to the pantheon card system to scoop up massive soul fragments.

If someone doesn't open their eyes to play with the Nightmare Robot, they will end up in person and cook their own food.

Zhang Chengan made a move, and in less than a day, he directly pulled them from hell to heaven.

As a result, the Seventh Purgatory has turned around, and the harvest in one day is comparable to the output in a month in Purgatory of the same level.

For such a change, Dagon's alchemists all called out the holy god Dagon, and worshiped him, and their beliefs soared all the way to fanaticism.

And the great holy god Dagon also bestowed an oracle—[Mercedes on the muddy road will never outrun Xiali on the highway.This is the importance of the platform]

Although the demon in purgatory doesn't know what is Mercedes-Benz and what is Xiali, let alone the magic car Wuling Hongguang.

But it did not prevent this sentence from causing an uproar in the Seventh Purgatory.

The demons regard this sentence as a classic!Day and night, the emotions are particularly high.

When the demon refiners were extremely enthusiastic, Zhang Chengan was observing the reactions of the players of the Pantheon card game.

Although everyone has great opinions on the sudden appearance of the Nightmare Human-Machine Mode, the voice of opposition is very small.They just hoped to lower the difficulty of some Nightmare bots a little bit.

Zhang Chengan thoughtfully divided the difficulty of the game according to the level of refining the demons.

Moreover, leave a sentence on the game's promotional page-don't let the road be injustice if you can't do it.

This time, the player group was completely angered, and they angrily asked the game official for an explanation.The hotline of the department in charge of the fifth lineage game was blasted all afternoon, causing Zhang Chengan to make voice calls non-stop.

In the afternoon, when Zhang Chengan saw that everyone was almost furious, his backhand was a complete compensation.

Each player will get 1000 consecutive draws directly!A coupon for skin selection!Point card [-]!

As soon as this action came out, the players of the whole server collectively lost their memory, and instantly betrayed the water and became the master of all gods.

In less than a day, the Nightmare Human-Machine became so popular that it went out of the circle. At night, Zhang Chengan received a voice communication from the parent company of the God of Wrath game. The other party humbly expressed that he wanted to seek cooperation.

Of course Zhang Chengan wanted to agree, he has always had this temperament, he would not let everyone eat soup if he ate meat himself.

But before he agreed, he received an urgent call from Ah Hui.

"Hey, hey! Zhang Chengan! What are you doing?"

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