Jiuyue spoke, with a bit of fear remaining in her eyes.

Obviously, even a bum like him has something to fear.

"Accidentally dropped it?" Qin Xiao frowned upon hearing this, but did not slow down in the slightest.

The strength of those Yin soldiers is so terrifying, will the things on their bodies drop casually?

Even if Yin Bing acted extremely dull, as if there was a procedure without emotion, Qin Xiao didn't quite believe that such a thing would happen.

If they found Qin Xiao's flaws, with their strength, they could do it directly. Even if the white mist had no effect on Qin Xiao, he didn't think the Yin soldiers themselves would be incapable of fighting.

After all, Bai Wu can't make people lose their sanity in an instant, and Jiuyue's strength can withstand it for a while, let alone those of the ghost king and ghost emperor.

The Yin soldiers were able to capture so many evil spirits, and their fighting power was absolutely astonishing. How could they not find anything lost.

Then what is the purpose of them leaving this bell?

"Boss, could it be some hidden weapon, or a positioning device." Jiuyue also got smart for a while and asked.

"Hidden weapons are unlikely. After all, if they really want to attack, we are probably no match for them!"

Qin Xiao thought for a while, and finally stepped forward and picked up the silver bell.

Guiding soul bell

Grade: no

Introduction: The bell made by the guardian with the scales that 'it' has faded, the crisp sound echoes in hell, as if it can penetrate all barriers, the dead listen to his voice, and will usher in the dawn of return and liberation.

Function: Pull the patrolling soldiers of the Yin soldiers, and become the coordinates of the patrols. When the sound sounds, the soldiers of the Yin soldiers will follow.

Qin Xiao was taken aback by Bell's introduction, it turned out to be something that could summon Yin soldiers.

Those Yin soldiers left this thing, do they want to summon them?

Perhaps, this thing will be of great use in the future!

But it is also very likely to cause a lot of trouble for myself. After all, this thing is a coordinate, and it is very likely that those Yin soldiers left it on purpose.

"Boss, what should I do with this thing? Why don't you stay here!" Jiuyue looked at the bell in Qin Xiao's hand with some trepidation.

"Staying here is a waste of money!"

Although this thing might cause trouble, Qin Xiao put it away decisively and threw it all in the ghost apartment.

After all, according to what Jiuyue said, there is no way for Yin soldiers to enter the real estate recognized by the horror world.

Qin Xiao, who was going to be bald in the wild, naturally couldn't leave this thing in place.

I don't need it, maybe someone will like it?For example, the mysterious Master Quan.

As for those Yin soldiers, Qin Xiao was not too afraid.

It's not that he doesn't have hole cards. Through the ghost beads, Qin Xiao can send dungeon invitations to the selected ones at any time.Then directly pull the selected person who entered the copy to his side through the ghost beads.

At worst, when you encounter danger, you will activate your hole card to see if it is twisting the ghost king's skull with your hands, making the city lord of Youdu helpless, forcing Chen Tutu, who is blacklisted in the city, to be stronger, or these Yin soldiers are more weird.

"Let's go, we're going back to give President Xiao a surprise!" Putting away the ghost bell, Qin Xiao got on the golden motorcycle again.

When Jiuyue heard Qin Xiao's words, the corners of her mouth twitched violently a few times.


As a ghost, he knew that Qin Xiao was definitely the person President Xiao didn't want to see the last time. If he really saw Qin Xiao, President Xiao would be so angry that his liver would explode.

But he also wanted to see what Chairman Xiao would look like when he saw them.

Just thinking about it is exciting!

The phantom turned into a streamer and sank into the locomotive, the wheels turned rapidly, and flew towards the locomotive clubhouse.

"You entered the scope of the motorcycle exhibition from the Street of the Dead. Since the entry location is located in the horror world, you will be given the right to choose."

"1. Buy a ticket to enter, spend 1000 ghost coins, and buy an entry exhibition volume from the instance manager. You will enter as a resident of the horror world and participate in the instance of the ghost motorcycle exhibition."

"2. Entering by force, you will invade the dungeon as a ghost master, and you will be attacked by the forces to which the dungeon belongs."

"3. Illegal whoring for free. It has been detected that you have been pulled into the blacklist of this copy. You can enter as an illegal whoring for free. The ghost master has the right to expel you by force."

The reminder of the three horror worlds sounded in Qin Xiao's ears. As expected, even if he was blacklisted, Qin Xiao could still enter directly.

Needless to say about the second option, if you want to do this, Qin Xiao would have summoned Su Rong in the dungeon to fight.

Not to mention that mysterious Master Quan, even Lei Yue, once he attacked directly, he would definitely not be on Qin Xiao's side. He succeeded in fooling him with great difficulty, so naturally he would not destroy the city wall himself.

The first option, of course, is to participate as a resident of the Horror World, like the other participating ghouls.

This option seems to be good, but the problem is that the object of purchase is the manager of the instance!That is President Xiao.

Thinking about it, I know that Chairman Xiao has blacklisted him like a plague god, so how could he sell him an exhibition ticket.

What's more, since you can go whoring for nothing, who would spend ghost coins!

Without further ado, Qin Xiao directly chose the third option.

"The dungeon selection is over. Congratulations on entering the dungeon ghost motorcycle exhibition. The number of dungeon selectors is 1."

"This copy is: stage mode!"


An extremely familiar reminder sounded, and the next moment, Qin Xiao's figure reappeared in the familiar small square.

After the prompt sound of the dungeon, which was almost the same as the last time, the prompt did not stop.

"Warning: Since you entered as a black household, the ghost master can disregard the dungeon rules and expel you by force."

Hearing this reminder, Qin Xiao showed a nonchalant smile on his face.

The person who can disregard the dungeon rules and expel him is the ghost master, not President Xiao.

Lei Yue will expel him?Can't wait to see Qin Xiao soon!

Looking around, the square was still full of evil spirits, but there were significantly fewer ghosts than last time.

But the difference is that perhaps Qin Xiao’s riots before were a bit too stimulating, this time Chairman Xiao didn’t make those flashy things anymore, and saw the square full of motorcycles parked as soon as he appeared.

Chairman Xiao and the statue ghost were not far away, staring at Qin Xiao with rounded eyes.

When meeting old acquaintances, Qin Xiao, a good-natured young man who understands civilization and manners, naturally couldn't lose his manners, and hurriedly greeted President Xiao enthusiastically:

"President Xiao, we meet again, are you surprised or surprised?"

President Xiao was obviously very 'moved' by Qin Xiao's enthusiasm, his whole body trembled with 'excitement', pointed at Qin Xiao, and said 'excitedly':

"Why are you bastard again! I obviously didn't open the dungeon, how did you get in?"

Chapter 154

"Of course Jiuyue drove me in. Don't you know the locomotive you took away from you?" Qin Xiao said as a matter of course.

"Is that what I fucking asked!"

Chairman Xiao was indeed almost furious at this moment.

Real ghosts like golden locomotives are basically irreproducible.

In previous competitions, whenever someone got the approval of the ghost bike, unless it was the first few times for publicity, the people specially arranged by Chairman Xiao would secretly work hard to win No.1.

In this way, these participants can only obtain the right to purchase ordinary locomotives.

The reason why the blade ghost competed continuously was to resell the motorcycles to earn ghost coins, and the most important reason was that he wanted to get a real ghost with sanity, not a ghost motorcycle that had been wiped out of its sanity.

Qin Xiao took away a vicious ghost motorcycle, which was enough for President Xiao to feel pained.

What's more, he completely messed up the game, killing most of the participants.

This was a fatal blow to the reputation of the motorcycle club. Originally, there were more than 500 participants this time, but after Qin Xiao made a fuss, at least [-] participants directly chose to quit.

Not to mention, Qin Xiao also captured one of the men sent by Mr. Quan to assist him.

Seeing Qin Xiao now, President Xiao's eyes are red.

But because of the dungeon rules, he still didn't do anything, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Qin Xiao in a cold voice:

"As a participant, you must abide by the rules of the dungeon. Since the golden locomotive has been taken out of the dungeon by you, you cannot participate again! You must find a new locomotive from the locomotives here to participate! The first stage begins, to choose your locomotive Bar!"

After speaking, President Xiao turned his head and left.

"Boss, it seems that we can't fight side by side this time! We must not violate the dungeon rules, especially if you are the chosen one!"

Jiuyue's phantom emerged, and she said helplessly.

But only for a moment, a sinister smirk reappeared on his face:

"Hey, President Xiao's old man runs so fast, he must have arranged for a backup. Those of my companions will definitely be strictly ordered not to contact you. Fortunately, you are well prepared, boss."

"Well, this time you just stay by the side and watch the show!"

Qin Xiao nodded and smiled.

"Boy, it's thanks to you to make President Xiao so angry!"

When the two were talking, a somewhat hoarse voice came.

The one who spoke was a vicious ghost.

This guy didn't know what he had experienced before he was alive. There were traces of being stitched up with thin black thread all over the place. It seemed that he probably died by dismembering his body.

"Is there something wrong?" Qin Xiao turned his head and asked lightly.

"No, I'm just a little curious!" The ghoul's face showed a hint of sullenness, which was fleeting, and Sui Ju said enthusiastically:

"Little brother, I know that there is a ghost motorcycle on this mountain, which is very easy to persuade. How about I take you there to have a look?"

President Xiao clearly pointed out that he is the chosen one, but this guy seems to be unaware, and he is talking about a little brother, obviously with malicious intentions.

You don't need to think about Qin Xiao to know what his plan is.

In this dungeon, the three stages do not restrict the participants to take action against the chosen one.

Obviously, this guy has taken a fancy to him and is going to cheat him to a remote place for a feast.

Coincidentally, Qin Xiao also took a fancy to this ghoul.

Hell-level ghost food, who would think too much of it!

With a smile on his face, Qin Xiao said with a grateful look:

"Is there such a good thing? Great! Brother, take me there quickly. If I can win the game, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say! Come with me!"

The corpse-dividing ghost laughed so hard that he saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes, and led Qin Xiao to the side of the hill.

"Brother, where is the ghost motorcycle you mentioned?" Turning an intersection, seeing a relatively remote place on the other side of the hill, Qin Xiao asked impatiently.

"Haha, do you really think I know that kind of place, if there is such a persuasive ghost motorcycle, I will give you a cheap bug?"

The ghoul laughed loudly. Amidst his laughter, two figures walked out from behind a parked ghost locomotive. They were also two vicious ghosts.

One of the flesh and blood ghosts with no flesh and blood opened their mouths and let out a strange laugh, and the voice was as hoarse as plastic friction:

"It's hard to imagine, how did you, a ghost-level chosen one, come to the present with such an IQ? Anyway, sooner or later you will become a delicacy in the mouth of our evil ghosts. Why don't you let the three of us do it cheaply! We haven't tasted fresh food for a long time. Delicious!"

"I didn't expect there to be an unexpected harvest!"

Qin Xiao also smiled happily, and said:

"How did the three of you reach the fierce level with such an IQ? Instead of wasting resources, let me... eat you!"

Qin Xiao's reaction made the three evil spirits frown slightly.

This is not the performance they imagined, those weak bugs can have!

"Something's wrong, you two, be careful!" The ghoul finally became cautious, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

As his words fell, Qin Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

The next moment, a baseball bat hit the ghoul hard on the head.


With a muffled sound, the ghoul was thrown flying high.

"What a speed!" The other two evil spirits were startled at the same time. The skeleton ghost waved its arms violently, the bone claws broke away from its body, and flew towards Qin Xiao's throat.

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