Ka Wenla frowned, and everyone immediately looked at Qin Xiao.

On the scene, Qin Xiao was definitely not the strongest in terms of strength. After all, the thirty strongest selectors in the entire Blue Star gathered here.

For the soldier level alone, there were four people present.

Huaguo Tong Nanye, Sakura's Inobe 46, Stars and Stripes' Mebanna Kavenla, and Burst Bear's Mazle Tedshadixiongslavsky.

The four of them were all at the soldier level, and there were quite a few selected ones who were close to the soldier level.

After all, the horror world has been completely descended for ten years, and there will always be a few masters.

But without exception, all of these people subconsciously looked at Qin Xiao and regarded him as the backbone.

They can be regarded as legends among the chosen ones, but for Qin Xiao, they are definitely legendary.

Someone once sought Qin Xiao's tricks to make copies quickly at high prices on the Internet.

As a result, the selector of the same dungeon as Qin Xiao directly threw the video over.

You are playing Survival Thriller, and they are collecting protection fees, so there is no reproducibility at all.

Not to mention, Qin Xiao is still a fierce man who brought a group of [-] reincarnations to brush large-scale dungeons.

What people are facing are ghost kings and ghost kings. The video of millions of ghosts shouting in unison in the dungeon of Elm Ghost Street has already been spread all over Blue Star.

Otherwise, you would think that Ka Wenla, a soldier-level master, would become Qin Xiao's loyal fan girl.

Everyone is waiting for Qin Xiao to come up with an idea, and Qin Xiao is looking at the extra reminder of the thriller dungeon.

"Horror Dungeon Reminder: Dear Your Excellency Qin Xiao, as the first large-scale player who can successfully pass the ex, you will have a new identity in the dungeon, participant! You will get additional hints other than those selected."

"Reminder for participants: After entering the side hall, the task of integration will start. Once all the chosen ones have successfully integrated, the city lord will announce the start of the battle for the successor. Please choose carefully. The eldest son is the most dangerous, but he will get the most help. Three The son is next, and the young lady is the weakest and the easiest to integrate. But because the status is not as good as the first two, the opening help that can be provided is less!"

"Reminder to the participants: As the holder of the invitation letter of the City Lord's Mansion, you will have the choice of the fourth faction that is different from other selected candidates. The weakest young lady will save you time and effort."

As expected of a VIP!Ever since clearing the large dungeon, Qin Xiao has obtained this so-called participant qualification.

But maybe the previous search was not in any danger, and this title has never been activated, and now it is finally activated.

It is simply a whole-process novice guide. With this tool, you can have the feeling and experience of playing a game and brushing a copy.

"Because I once got the ex evaluation of a large dungeon, the thriller dungeon gave me extra hints!"

As for the chosen ones, Qin Xiao did not hide anything, and directly recounted the strengths and weaknesses of the three camps.

Today, the gap between him and these chosen ones has been completely widened, and there is no need to hide it anymore.

Of course, it was limited to the three camps, and he would naturally not say anything about the invitation letter of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Mr. Qin Xiao, do you have any suggestions? How should we choose? Can I join your camp? You can ask me to do anything!" Kawenla said urgently when she heard Qin Xiao's words.

"Why! There are only three factions in total. If you are strong enough to choose the same faction again, why are you still playing!" a selector of the undead race dissatisfied.

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. I haven't understood it for so many years, but you guys like to jump! What's wrong with being strong together, just to eliminate you, you trash!" appearance.

"It's amazing to be strong! I'm talented in Shadow Shun Xing, let's see who can steal who!" Another candidate said disdainfully.

"Hey... my talent is the blood curse. Is the soldier level amazing? If you are in a hurry, I will use half of the blood to curse you and stay where you are for three seconds, enough for all of us to finish choosing the camp!" A thin and sallow man The chosen one had a stern smile on his face.

"That's a good relationship! After a while, the boss chooses the camp and you immediately curse him! My talent is Apparatus, and I will take you to follow the front to change positions!"

Another selector said jokingly, the face of the selector who claimed to be Shadow Shun Xing's talent suddenly turned dark.

"Coincidentally, I also have a talent for attacking and killing swordsmanship! Although my strength is not as good as that of you guys, if I try my best, even a soldier is sure to break one of your legs! If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

The one chosen by Smecta, while speaking, a long knife with a cold light appeared in his hand.

Those present were all real senior selectors, and not everyone was able to rise in a short period of time like Qin Xiao.

The horror has been here for ten years. Even if these people are not the first to enter, at least they have been in for five or six years, and no one has any means.

Maybe, even the weakest chosen person has a hole card that can kill soldiers or even generals with one blow.

The reason why he didn't do anything now was because he was waiting for Qin Xiao to choose a side.

Some people even knew that they would not be able to rob others, and their eyes on Qin Xiao gradually became unkind.

"Actually, you don't have to be in the same camp as me. On the contrary, if you separate, it will be easier to act!" Seeing that the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger, Qin Xiao said.

"How do you say this? If we are not in the same camp, we will definitely face each other in the end! I don't want to fight with the legendary

Be an enemy! "

Cavela opened the mouth and said, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

Although I have confidence in myself, but this

It's too evil, the dungeon that claims to be ten dead but not alive, he just brought out one hundred thousand high-rated selectors.

It is said that Zhang Junzuo, who received the highest reward, got a total of [-] ghost spirits, a fierce ghost, and a secret treasure.

What a terrible reward!

Can be a friend, who is willing to be an enemy.

Looking at the expressions of the selected candidates, Qin Xiao smiled, and countless plans flashed through his mind.

These are all good tool people!

Chapter 216 Faction Allocation, Ghost King's Landing

"Mr. Qin, it's not a problem for us to be stalemate here, or you can assign it! Everyone listens to you!"

While talking, Kawenla naturally hugged one of Qin Xiao's arms, wrapping the whole arm up.

The reason for saying this is naturally because she has absolute self-confidence.

If you want to have good looks, you need to have a good figure, and your strength has reached the soldier level, who else can you choose if you don't choose her.

"I agree with Kawenla's proposal. Since everyone wants to follow Qin Sang, let Qin Sang choose by himself!"

Jingbian 46 nodded in agreement, and the other two soldiers also nodded.

Each camp has ten places, and there are only four soldiers in total. They are naturally confident that they will be selected by Qin Xiao.

"I agree too!" Another voice sounded, and it was the chosen one of the undead who spoke:

"Mr. Qin, since they all want to be on the same side as us, you should decide for yourself, Mr. Qin!"

Inside and outside the words, he directly divided himself and Qin Xiao into the same camp.

However, the undead have always been overconfident, dare to compare their country's capital with the capital of Huaguo, and think that they are slightly better, how can they not be confident!

This is a confident race that believes that the periodic table of elements can cure all diseases, and that cow dung is a magic medicine.

"Mr. Qin!" The others didn't have the confidence of the four major soldiers and the undead, so they were impatient and rushed forward one by one.

"Mr. Qin, my talent is teleportation, I can be a teleporter at critical moments, and I can treat people, think about it!"

"Mr. Qin, I have a general-level ghost. If you use it well, it's absolutely no problem to instantly kill ordinary soldier ghosts. It's not much worse than their soldier level!"

"Mr. Qin, his talent is the separation of soul and body. Now he can separate six soul bodies. Although the attack ability is not strong, we can serve you together!"

"This is [-] ghost coins, Mr. Qin. I don't mean anything other than Yisheng Jimel. I just admired Mr. and wanted to make friends!"


Hearing that Qin Xiao was asked to choose by himself, except for the extremely confident undead, the four major soldiers, and Tong Nanye from Huaguo, everyone else became nervous and tried their best.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Qin Xiao waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said:

"Actually, it doesn't matter which camp you choose. Who said we have to be hostile?"

"What do you mean by this?" Qin Xiao said, everyone showed doubts, and Jingbian 46 said:

"Qin Sang, if we are in different camps, we must be hostile! According to the rules of the horror dungeon, those who fail cannot leave the thriller dungeon. Each camp has only ten people, and we are destined to be thirty people. , only ten people can go out."

"Who said that!" Qin Xiao's mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "What if the fourth faction wins?"

"Fourth camp? Then what kind of fourth camp is there?" Kawenla said puzzledly:

"Isn't there only three camps in total? Although there are four adoptive sons, the second son Xu Ziyang..."

When Cavenla said this, his expression froze suddenly.

Xu Ziyang!This name is a bit familiar!

At the beginning of the battle on Elm Street, many people recorded the video. Mr. Xu, a man from the city lord's mansion, who was the real creator of the battle on Elm Street, naturally spread it all over Blue Star.

Many people actually speculated that the reason why Qin Xiao was able to rise so quickly was because of the support of this elder brother.

"Qin Sang." Beside the well, 46 said:

"I know that Xu Ziyang, Mr. Xu, is your elder brother, but hasn't he already given up the fight for succession? How can he be considered the fourth camp?"

"It's up to him to give up. It's up to me whether he can be the heir or not! You can choose the side you want this time. Don't worry, it won't affect the final evaluation. I will find a way to get you all into the fourth side! Xu Ziyang, This heir is determined!"

Qin Xiao said without hesitation.

"However, Mr. Xu is not in the city lord's mansion. How can he enter the fourth camp? Even if he does, how can we help him get the position of heir?"

Cavela was still a little puzzled, and so were the others.

After all, he resigned from the heir on his own, and he simply went directly to Blood Moon Town, which shows his determination.

You can't, pull the person back, and then force the heir to the other party, right?

"Tell me, why is there a faction dungeon this time?" Qin Xiao asked a somewhat inexplicable question, and then said lightly:

"Because of the city lord, there are too many sons and daughters! Mother is kind and filial, this is not good, understand?"

When these words came out, everyone felt a gust of dark wind blowing from behind.

What if there are too many sons and daughters?Naturally, a few will be killed!

If the three in the dungeon were all dead, the remaining Xu Ziyang, even if he ran to the horizon, would still be the definite heir!

"Mr. Qin... these... these are two ghost kings, one ghost general! And... the adopted son and adopted daughter of Empress Youdu." Kacha Yisheng said worriedly.

"Isn't it the ghost king? Remember one sentence, as long as the yin is good, the prince can be defeated! You just divide the camp and wait for my order!"

Qin Xiao said without thinking.

Why Xu Ziyang withdrew from the choice of heir, Qin Xiao can also guess one or two, it is nothing more than his reputation is too high, or the power of taboo is too perverted.

However, Qin Xiao felt that it might not be impossible to fight for it. Everything would have to wait until he used that invitation letter to enter the fourth camp.

Based on the task requirements of the city lord's mansion, the mother's kindness and filial piety, no matter whether Xu Ziyang can become the successor of the city lord, these adopted sons and daughters who dare to stay and fight are probably going to die, otherwise there won't be an extra fourth camp .

If you want to get the soldier-level abyss ghost crystal, you can't take the normal mission path. At present, you can only get the ex evaluation by choosing the fourth camp and killing the other three successors.

Therefore, regardless of whether Xu Ziyang can become the city lord or not, Linfeng Guijun, Hongmu Guijun and Anlan, the ghost general, must all die.

In this way, these tool people who can sneak into the opponent's camp become very useful!

Qin Xiao's words caused others to fall into deep thought. In the end, Jingbian 46 was the first to speak:

"Since Qin Sang is willing to take us flying in this dungeon, we can't take no risks at all. I'll be the first to express my opinion. Where is Linfeng Guijun, I'll go!"

"Where is Hongmu Guijun, let me go!" Tong Nanye was the second to speak.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll go to Linfeng Guijun!" Kawenla also said.


A group of people quickly assigned camps.

Among the four ghost soldiers, Jingbian 46 and Kawenla chose Linfeng Ghost Lord, while Tong Nanye and Mazler chose Hongmu Ghost Lord.

The last ghost general, An Lan, was obviously reserved for Qin Xiao.

Obviously, on the surface, everyone looks like they want Qin Xiao to take the lead, but they all have their own little Jiujiu in their hearts.

Chapter 217 Playing Today, Ghost King Xue Shaoqian

In the reminder given in the horror dungeon, it is explained that after choosing the camp, there will be help for the start.

Undoubtedly, the help given by the two ghost lords will far exceed that of the last Anlan ghost general.

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