"Boy from Youdu, are you new here? How about sharing half of the meeting, and half of your lunch? Let me introduce myself, Edu, Dong Xiaosheng, the king of ghosts and ghosts!"


Qin Xiao's pupils suddenly shrank, old enemy!

low key!Be low-key!

Qin Xiao secretly reminded himself in his heart, after all, just now Xue Shaoqian repeatedly told him to keep a low profile, and he couldn't start a fight right away!

"Ghost King?"

Xue Shaogan smiled softly, took out a pack of cigarettes unhurriedly, flicked the pack lightly, a cigarette flew out of the pack and landed in his mouth, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the cigarette butt was instantly ignited.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling a few cigarettes, Xue Shaoqian stared at Dong Xiaosheng and said coldly:

"What kind of garbage, I've never heard of it! This is my brother, here to participate in the misty dungeon! Understand?"

Qin Xiao's eyes widened immediately.

Ma Dan, is this what you mean by being low-key?

Repeatedly asked him to keep a low profile, but ended up pretending as soon as he arrived.

Also, why is this action so familiar, is there any copyright fee?

Chapter 257 I'm a majestic ghost king who doesn't want to lose face

Sensing Qin Xiao's gaze, Xue Shaoqian suddenly came back to his senses, and smiled awkwardly:

"Can't help it, can't help it!"

"The cubs of Youdu don't know when they're about to die, what a daring one!" Dong Xiaosheng's face darkened suddenly, and he said coldly:

"Just promoted to ghost king, right? It's ridiculous to be friends with a meat worm! Don't you give me Dong Xiaosheng face? You are not allowed to do anything in the cabin. If you have the courage, take a walk on the stage of life and death?"

The stage of life and death is a setting on Steam Turbine.

This is a world of horror, even if it reaches the king level, no matter how resentful or tyrannical the evil ghost was, he could still control his emotions.

But they are ghosts after all, even if they can control their emotions, few are willing to do so.

Life and death at every turn is the norm in the horror world.

Therefore, this steamship also has a setting for this situation. As long as the two parties have a conflict, they can directly recruit life and death teams through the fog system and have a life and death duel.

Hearing that there was a life-and-death fight, all the evil spirits immediately became excited, shouting and booing one by one, and a few even looked eager to try.

Compared with appetite, bloody fighting is obviously more attractive to them.

Few of the people who came here were afraid of death unless they had to. As evil spirits, even kings, blood and fighting came from their instinctive desires.

"Youdu's cub, are you scared?"

Hearing the booing, Dong Xiaosheng became even more excited, with a ghostly aura surging in his hand, and a broad-backed sword appeared in his hand:

"Come on, cub, let me scrape you to pieces on the stage of life and death!"

"Afraid of you?" Xue Shaoqian's body was covered with ice and snow, and a crystal ice sword quickly gathered in his hand, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, he said disdainfully:

"Do you want to make a bet? I bet your knife is not strong enough. Bet, just use your head!"

"It's a bit courageous! But your disgusting appearance makes me want to kill you even more!" Dong Xiaosheng licked his lips, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he raised his knife and shouted:

"Edu, Dong Xiaosheng! Apply for the Life and Death Platform!"

Xue Shaoqian also raised the long sword in his hand, and was about to speak when he patted his shoulder with one hand.

Looking back, what caught Xue Shaoqian's eyes was Qin Xiao's somewhat excited eyes, and a three-foot green blade in his hand.

"You...what do you want?" Xue Shaoqian was startled.

This guy, doesn't he want to do it himself?

Are you kidding me, this is a ghost king!

What about Qin Xiao?It's a soldier-level selector, even if you leapfrog the challenge, the one you're fighting should be a ghost general!

Soldier level compared to king level?This is no longer a gap, but an ocean in the middle!

"I want to try, at worst I lose and you go again!" Sure enough, Qin Xiao almost killed Xue Shaoqian with a single sentence.

try?Try it and die!This is a battle of life and death!

"Let me do it!" Xue Shaoqian, who was about to reprimand him, met Qin Xiao's firm eyes.

"Are you sure?" Xue Shaoqian's face became serious, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

He knew Qin Xiao too well, he had known Qin Xiao since the second copy, and he had a strong interest at that time, so naturally he has been paying attention to Qin Xiao all the time.

It was precisely because he knew that Qin Xiao would never do anything unsure that Xue Shaoqian was shocked.

The fact that Qin Xiao dared to stand up meant that he was absolutely sure. Could it be that there were some props against the Ghost King?

Thinking of this, Xue Shaogan no longer persisted, patted Qin Xiao on the shoulder, and moved away from the position sideways.

Holding the long sword, Qin Xiao was full of excitement.

The hearty battle that I have been looking forward to is now.

A ghost king is enough to sacrifice a sword.

He really didn't have any props for the ghost king, and even the props for the ghost king were almost consumed in the city lord's mansion.

But in this battle, he must go.

The reason is actually very simple, Dong Xiaosheng is not the only one who came to Edu City.

When he and Xue Shaoqian faced each other just now, there were three companions by his side.

Qin Xiao is not worried about Xue Shaoqian's strength, even if he has just been promoted to the ghost king, after all, he has extraordinary talent, plus he is helping Xu Ziyang and the city lord's mansion, so he must have some tricks.

But if you can win one game, what about the rest?As long as Xue Shaoqian showed even a little fatigue and couldn't solve the battle simply and incomparably, let alone Dong Xiaosheng's companion, the other ghost kings might also be moved.

That's why Qin Xiao stood up. As long as he can kill this ghost king, I don't believe there is anyone who dares to stand up.

After all, Xue Shaoqian is the king of ghosts, but he is only a soldier, and he is also a victory. Qin Xiao's deterrent power is definitely countless times that of Xue Shaoqian.

The inevitable battle, Qin Xiao also wants to try, where is the limit of his all-out attack.

Holding the Nether Extreme Sword in his hand, Qin Xiao also shouted in a cold voice: "Youdu Yetian, apply for the platform of life and death!"

As his voice fell, there was a loud bang in the cabin, and in the center of the two of them, one after another, transparent light screens suddenly rose.

The ghost kings standing around were all pushed away by a huge force, revealing a huge open space.

Four light screens that went straight to the roof of the cabin formed a huge wall.

In the center of the wall are Qin Xiao and Dong Xiaosheng. Besides the two of them, there are also huge beams of light of different thicknesses.

These beams of light should be regarded as terrain barriers. After all, the talents of some evil spirits can only be fully displayed in this kind of scene.

The system of this misty dungeon looks much more advanced than the thriller dungeon!

Qin Xiao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Qin Xiao was observing the stage of life and death, but Dong Xiaosheng didn't even look at him, his face was extremely embarrassed and angry, he stared at Xue Shaogan outside the light screen, and said angrily:

"Xiaozhong, are you trying to humiliate me by making a bento?"

"Let's wait until you come out alive!" Xue Shaoqian shrugged and said lightly.

Just kidding, if you know that the person in front of you is the one who killed hundreds of ghost generals, more than a dozen ghost kings and a ghost king in the city lord's mansion, you still have time to talk such nonsense.

"Mr. Xue has no time to humiliate a waste like you!"

When Qin Xiao's voice sounded, it immediately attracted all Dong Xiaosheng's anger. He pointed at Ye Tian with a big knife in his hand, and said coldly:

"Bug! You are very brave! Don't worry, I won't let you die so happily, I will give you a chance, let's shoot! This is your only chance to wield a weapon!"

Qin Xiao ignored what the other party said, unhurriedly took out a Huazi and put it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and then pointed You Ming obliquely at Dong Xiaosheng:

"This sword of mine is three feet and three feet long, and it comes from the underworld. I will take your ghostly life!"

Learned, learned!

Outside the stage of life and death, Xue Shaoqian's eyes lit up.

It's so cool, isn't this what he has been pursuing all along!

It seems that my nickname is going to give up Xian!

On the stage of life and death, Dong Xiaosheng's mentality exploded directly, and he said angrily:

"What are you talking about, let you do it first, if you are afraid, just say it!"

Qin Xiao shook his head, and said lightly: "Your heart is moved, but your heart is not calm, how can you be my opponent!"

Naturally, Qin Xiao's move was not for pretending, let alone teaching Xue Shaoqian a lesson, but mainly to annoy Xue Shaoqian.

He didn't dare to be careless in the life-and-death battle with the ghost king.

Qin Xiao's goal has indeed been achieved, and more than that!

Dong Xiaosheng's lungs exploded with anger, and his mentality just collapsed, okay?

The life-and-death fight that was agreed, you will install it when you come up, and you will pretend to be it, and there will be a lot of swearing.

The problem is, he has no culture!I can't think of anything to say, I can't continue at all, I don't want to lose face!

"Damn! Go to hell with me!"

Chapter 258 Qin Xiao's True Combat Strength!raw ghost king

Dong Xiaosheng even forgot what he told Qin Xiao to strike first, his face was as black as a pan, and he swung his long knife angrily, with an afterimage of his figure, he came to him in an instant, and slashed at Qin Xiao with his knife!

However, Qin Xiao swallowed his saliva as if he was frightened, but stood there blankly without any movement.

"With this little strength, I thought it was really hiding something!"

Dong Xiaosheng sneered, and the big knife in his hand shifted slightly.

Seeing that Qin Xiao didn't have any hole cards, he was not in a hurry to kill the opponent, he cut off an arm first, and then slowly tortured the opponent.


Seeing that the long knife was about to hit Qin Xiao, a gray mask suddenly appeared on Qin Xiao's body surface, and the long knife struck the mask, not only did not cause even the slightest ripple, but was bounced high.

The mask only lasted for a moment, and disappeared completely after resisting an attack, but the corner of Qin Xiao's mouth evoked a smile.

"Ghost Bound!"

A long whip as thick as an arm shot out in an instant, and tangled towards Dong Xiaosheng who had just been unloaded.

After all, Dong Xiaosheng is a king-level powerhouse. Although the power of the ghost binding has been improved under the strengthening of Huazi, it is not enough to trap a ghost king.

The terrifying ghostly aura gushed out from his body, and in just an instant, it shattered the long whip wrapped around his body, avoiding the end of the tortoise shell binding.

However, what Qin Xiao needed was this momentary pause.

"Thunderstorm Blade!"

Nearly [-] blades emerged from the whole body in an instant, and thunderbolts wrapped around the blade like horseshoes, directly surrounding Dong Xiaosheng to form a terrifying reminder to change the blade.

Like a storm, two thousand lightning blades slashed across Dong Xiaosheng's body.

This is, two thousand soldier grade blades!

The ghost aura had just erupted, and there was no protection at all. No matter how strong the ghost king's ghost body was, it was cut by the blades one after another, leaving bloody wounds.

Qin Xiao backed away quickly and swallowed a piece of ghost food at the same time. He didn't intend to kill the opponent directly with this move.

The fact is exactly as Qin Xiao expected. Dong Xiaosheng let out a furious roar, billowing green will-o'-the-wisps all over his body, and the attack of the two thousand blades was immediately weakened, barely piercing his skin.

It wasn't over yet, as the will-o'-the-wisp rose, the long knife in Dong Xiaosheng's hand was also stained with a layer of green will-o'-the-wisp, and the blade danced like a storm, and the blades that were shot at him were instantly shattered.

"Kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Dong Xiaosheng had completely lost his mind, and even ignored the hundreds of blades left attacking him, and swung the long knife at Qin Xiao again. This time, the speed was even more astonishing, and he shouted loudly:

"Ghost king technique o ghost fire knife cut!"

The flames of the long knife in his hand soared, instantly forming a three to forty meter long green ghost fire broadsword, and slashed at Qin Xiao's head fiercely:

"Bugs, bastards! Go to hell!"

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