"Could it be because of the misty dungeon? Could it be that there is another mechanism, Prince Ji Burn forgot to mention it?" Qin Xiao asked suspiciously.

At this moment, a mechanical sound rang in his ears, which immediately made Qin Xiao understand his doubts and why Prince Ji Burn didn't mention this matter.

"Participant Qin Xiao..."

PS: Add a new chapter, thanks to the ordinary Wang Laowu for sending 99 blades, this is the rhythm that will kill me!

Chapter 272 Bus No. 45, Canteen No. 9

"Participant Qin Xiao, your hunger is close to the critical point, and persistent hunger will affect your combat power. Please quickly go to the side of the Samsara Street where you are, wait for the No. 45 bus, and go to the No. [-] canteen!"

"Under the cover of the system identity, going to the cafeteria will not be attacked by the natives of the copy, please don't worry!"

what the hell?

Xue Shaoqian and Qin Xiao looked at each other, somewhat understanding why Prince Ji Ran didn't mention it.

Because this is obviously a common mechanism in dungeons, it is not known how many such mechanisms are in the dungeon, and the time is limited, so it is naturally impossible for the Burning Ghost King to explain all of them.

Under normal circumstances, there is a systematic protection mechanism, and there will be no danger.

After all, who would be so courageous to walk out of the circle without any cover after entering the fog dungeon for the first time.

It happened that Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian were the two of them. When they saw that there was an emperor bomb in the dungeon, they hit it off and ran out without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, a cycle was solved smoothly, and it should be relatively safe here, so the three of them waited by the roadside.

After a while, a bus came from a distance, with No. 45 written on the front of the bus.

The bus stopped in front of Qin Xiao and the others, the door opened, and the driver was a middle-aged man with a big belly.

Qin Xiao looked inside the bus, there were a total of more than a dozen people on the bus, some of them were obviously participants, and although the remaining nine were no different from ordinary people, the dullness hidden deep in their eyes told Qin Xiao that they Either aboriginal, or a participant who used special props.

"What are you looking at, buy a ticket and get on the bus, or get out!" The driver gave Qin Xiao a cold look, and said impatiently and arrogantly.

Ghost emperor level breath!It is indeed a copy of the mist!

The nine aborigines in the car were not simple, at least they all contained the aura of a prince.

However, the aura of the aborigines is relatively obscure, if you don't distinguish carefully, you will be no different from normal people!

Note that it is a normal person, not a normal ghost, which is also the quickest way to distinguish the indigenous from the participants.

Sensing the other party's breath, Qin Xiao was speechless secretly, and got on the bus.

When Qin Xiao saw what was written on the coin box, Qin Xiao's eyes almost popped out.

Get on the bus, please use your ghost spirit, the ticket is [-] yuan!

It costs a hundred thousand to take a bus!

The exchange rate between ghost energy and local currency is one to one thousand!

[-] million rides on the bus, can you believe it?This dungeon is inflated to the sky!

The setting of this so-called hunger degree is not just for cheating tickets, is it?

This misty dungeon is darker than myself!

Qin Xiao automatically ignored the fact that he had just created almost one hundred soldier-level ghost food, each of which could transform at least one hundred thousand ghost energy, and got into the car cursing in his heart.

The three of them sat directly in the last row. As soon as they sat down, Qin Xiaobian couldn't help complaining in a low voice:

"This dungeon is asking for money! It's getting more and more like those money-losing games! Is it easy for me to get some ghosts!"

"That's right! You're right! It's not easy for you to earn ghost energy!"

Xue Shaoqian, who has long been accustomed to Qin Xiao treating money like his life, nodded repeatedly.

"Boss, we meet again!"

What Qin Xiao didn't expect was that he even met an acquaintance here. A beautiful woman sitting in the front row turned around excitedly and said to Xue Shaoqian with a flattering expression.

This beautiful woman was just the one she met on the giant wheel, the first young woman ghost who had the courage to come up to please Xue Shaoqian.

Xue Shaoqian raised his eyebrows nervously when he heard this.

There are natives here, once they find out their identity, they will run away immediately!

"Boss, don't be nervous. There is systematic cover on the way to the cafeteria. These natives won't run away!" Seeing this, the beautiful woman quickly explained.

"Of course I know!" Xue Shaoqian nodded slightly, reached out to help the skull pin on his chest, and said lightly:

"It's just that I just broke a cycle, and I'm a little tired."

"It's only been a long time!" The beautiful woman's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xue Shaoqian with admiration:

"Boss is indeed a big boss. It's the first time I entered the dungeon, and I can break a cycle so quickly. There must be a lot of rewards, right?"

"It's just a small cycle, and I don't like a little item reward from mainland China, it's not worth mentioning! It's not worth mentioning!"

Xue Shaoqian waved his hand, with a look of indifference.

The more he said this, the more the ghost king admired her, and finally got up and sat next to Xue Shaoqian, charmingly flattering her.

The young woman was obviously playing with Xue Shaogan's words, but Qin Xiao was not worried about it.

At any rate, he was someone Xu Ziyang could take a fancy to. If he had been so easy to fool, he wouldn't have achieved the reputation of the strongest ghost king in the past.

Qin Xiao knew that Xue Shaoqian would definitely not reveal anything useful to the other party, but after listening for a few minutes, he decisively pulled Ye Xiyue to sit in front.

It blows so much!

In his mouth, the old lady became the ghost king, with three ghost king-level sons and a bunch of ghost-level relatives, and it was no longer touching porcelain, but robbery.

And what about Xue Shao?Relying on the exquisite Wing Chun boxing technique, one hits ten opponents, and he just doesn't need ghost energy to defeat the opponent without the slightest effort.

I can't listen to the bragging in the back, and I can write a mystery novel.

He Xue Shaoqian, with his amazing wisdom and flawless reasoning ability, figured out the key to breaking the game, helped the poor old lady teach a few sons who were useless, made them change their past mistakes, and finally broke the game and won two prizes. A ghost king crystal.

However, Xue Shaoqian played it well, not only stupefied the young woman, but even the other participants in the car turned their ears up.

Those natives seemed to be living in another world, they didn't realize it, they were still chatting with each other.

"Tell me, this Xue Shaoqian, what did he do here... before he was alive? Could it be that he wrote novels?" Ye Xiyue said with a strange expression, obviously also stunned by Xue Shaogan's ability to make up stories.

"Just him?" Qin Xiao curled his lips and said disdainfully: "If you can pretend so well, you are either a celebrity or a liar!"

"It makes sense!" Ye Xiyue thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"The No. [-] canteen station is here. Passengers who want to get off, please go to the back door and get off in an orderly manner!"

Xue Shao blew all the way until the bus stopped, and he was still spitting in the adoring eyes of all the participants.

Hearing the arrival reminder, everyone quickly stood up and walked towards the car.

"How is it? My communication skills are okay?" Xue Shaoqian whispered triumphantly in Qin Xiao's ear after getting rid of other participants.

"Nice! It's too good!" What else could Qin Xiao say, he could only give a thumbs up.

Not to mention, Xue Shaoqian's fooling was not ineffective. At least a few people's favorability towards Qin Xiao has changed from zero or single digits to more than a dozen, which is a little bit of light.

This method can be used for reference.

The No. [-] cafeteria was not as large as imagined. Instead, it was a bit like a school cafeteria, which could accommodate hundreds or thousands of people. At this time, it was almost full of participants.

When Qin Xiao and the others walked in, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, there are actually two worms here! And the worms have lost their camouflage!"

Chapter 273 Terrible prices

I don't know who shouted, and all the participants looked over immediately.

"Huo! There is another beauty! This is a living beauty!" A wretched ghost king looked at Ye Xiyue with bright eyes.

"Human flesh! I bought a piece from a merchant from the outer city more than ten years ago, and I almost forgot what it was like!" A ghost king covered in fat, like a huge meat ball, licked his lips.

"Unexpectedly, there are people who bring living people to the Misty Dungeon. They are from Youdu! Do you think you can eat outside food here to fill your stomach? Funny!" A prince-level participant shook his head, apparently Qin Xiao and Ye Xiyue regarded it as lunch brought by Xue Shaoqian.


Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian ignored these people, and they had already learned the right words from the young woman along the way.

Participants are not allowed to fight in the cafeteria, but it is allowed outside the cafeteria, but the premise is that you are not afraid of causing those passers-by around to go berserk.

So the three of them went straight to the cafeteria window without any worries.

Standing behind the window was a middle-aged man with a big belly. He was fine when he saw Xue Shaoqian, but when he saw Qin Xiao, he immediately frowned, knocked on the dinner plate with a big spoon with a long arm, and his tone was full of impatience road:

"A soldier-level poor ghost came unexpectedly! What to eat, tell me!"

"What do you have here?" Qin Xiao asked, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Apparently, the chef had some restrictions, so despite his impatience, he still said:

"I have normal, ghost king, prince, emperor and VIP four kinds of set meals here. Seeing how you look, you can afford the ordinary ones, one hundred thousand ghosts!"

As he said that, the middle-aged chef also tapped the aluminum plate in front of him with a spoon, and there was a piece of dark unknown mucus inside, which didn't look like it could be eaten at first glance.

"What about the others?" Qin Xiao asked in a cold voice, his fingers flickering ghostly, lightly stroking the back of his hand.

A series of numbers immediately appeared in Qin Xiao's hands.

"What is your identity..." the middle-aged chef said, looking past the number on Qin Xiao's hand, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a smile appeared on his face instantly:

"Of course you can't eat this kind of garbage, let me introduce you to other dishes!"

Mr. money!

Regardless of the fact that everyone present is at the level of ghost kings, each one has a basic ghost energy of hundreds of millions.

But that's his own ghost energy, and it's not a concept at all with reserve value.

No ghost king would be willing to sacrifice his own ghost aura to buy things in such a place. Under normal circumstances, many ghost kings' ghost aura can't make ends meet

It is rare for a ghost king to store more than [-] million.

Only those veteran ghost kings who often enter the fog dungeon will reserve a large amount of ghost energy.

The problem is, such ghost kings or princes are always in the minority, and they even enter the Mist Dungeon once every few years, and there is more than one canteen in Cangshan City, and there are really not many of them scattered.

This kind of money can't be offended, otherwise, what if they go directly to other canteens.

The face of the middle-aged chef changed as soon as he said it, and he introduced it to Qin Xiao with a flattering smile:

"Look, this is a ghost king-level meal, worth 80 ghost energy. Ordinary meals not only taste bad, but can only guarantee half a day's hunger. But ghost king-level meals can maintain hunger for a day. Take three meals."

The food at the Ghost King level is obviously much better, but Qin Xiao looked at the food on the tray and felt something was wrong no matter how he looked at it.

Isn't this stewed tofu with cabbage?There is also a basket of steamed buns next to it.

It's definitely ordinary food, the kind without any ghostly fluctuations.

This dungeon is too stupid!Is this plundering ghost energy?

"Where are the prince-level meals?" Qin Xiao asked.

"You really have vision!" The middle-aged chef's eyes lit up and he turned around.

After a while, he came out with a tray.

Good guy, as expected of a prince, not only did he use special utensils, but the dishes were not simple, it turned out to be...

Scrambled eggs with chives!

What happened to suddenly feeling so extravagant?

"This is a prince-level meal, which can maintain hunger for five days. The key is that the price is not expensive, only 600 million ghost energy points."

The introduction by the middle-aged chef.

"What else?" Qin Xiao raised a trace of curiosity, and asked, "What are the emperor class and the VIP class? You don't need to pick it up, just say it!"

Seeing the bright eyes of the middle-aged chef, Qin Xiao hurriedly said.

Scrambled eggs with leeks is a luxury enough, he can't afford anything higher, it's just pure curiosity.

Although the middle-aged chef was a little disappointed, after seeing Qin Xiao's financial resources, he was no longer indifferent as before, and said enthusiastically:

"Emperor-level food is not ordinary, it is fried pork with celery! It can last for eight days with a ghost energy value, worth 3000 million ghost energy points, and it is placed at the VIP level..."

Having said that, the middle-aged chef poked his head out with a mysterious look, and said in a low voice:

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