Accompanied by a creaking sound, a bus slowly stopped in front of Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian.

This bus has exactly the same style as the whole city. At first glance, it is just an ordinary bus, without any special features.

Right in front of the bus, there is a sign with No. 38, which shows that the identity of this bus is exactly the bus that Qin Xiao wanted to find, and was mentioned by the ghost kings in the cafeteria when they were chatting.

There were a lot of people on the bus, more than 20 indigenous people, and the whole bus was packed to the brim.

"Everyone lean in again, everyone lean back!"

A woman who looked about 30 years old with thin lips and wide forehead spoke loudly.

On the woman's body was a small army green bag.

Apparently, the woman was the conductor on the bus.

The style of this bus is a bit like the 90s on Earth, and the clothes of the people on the bus are obviously more retro than the natives Qin Xiao saw before.

This is not surprising, in the copy of Cangshan City, there are some places where a large loop is surrounded by a small loop.

For example, in the community that Qin Xiao was in before, not only the family that jumped off the building was circulating, but the entire community was also a larger cycle. It is very likely that other small cycles were also going on in a certain room or on the roof of a certain building.

For this community, the entire Cangshan City is another major cycle, so that one layer is layered with another layer, like a super nesting doll.

However, there is a loop of loops like Qinchunyuan Community, and naturally there is an independent loop like the old lady Pengci, which is independent of other loops.

Therefore, if you find an ancient brothel or tea house in the style of the Republic of China in Cangshan City, it is absolutely normal.

Such a cycle, relatively speaking, is much simpler.

Therefore, seeing that the style of this bus was obviously different, Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian didn't show much abnormality, and got on the bus directly.

"Why are you still squeezing in! There's no room in the back!"

"Conductor, you want to squeeze me to death!"


There were dissatisfied complaints from passengers in the bus.

"Is there still space, isn't it? Let's squeeze together and let these two little brothers come up! The next car is still uncertain when it will be!"

The conductor yelled, pulled Qin Xiao and Xue Shaogan up, pushed them to the back of the bus, looked at Qin Xiao, and asked, "Which stop are you going to?"

"Get off at the terminal directly! How much is it?" Qin Xiao asked.

"A total of three yuan!"

This time, the charges charged by the conductor were quite normal, there was no No. 45 bus, that extremely black-hearted toll method, also, if Cangshan City had that kind of price everywhere, let alone the ghost king, the prince would not be able to stand it! "

"Did you also go to the Cangshan funeral home?"

Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian paid for the bus ticket, and because it was so full that there were no seats, they stood by the window and observed the inside of the bus.

But just as they stood firm, a middle-aged man next to him asked curiously.

"Yes! Uncle, you also went to the funeral home, what a coincidence!"

In order not to show any flaws, Qin Xiao quickly nodded and said casually.

But after all, he knew too little information, Qin Xiao's words still made the other party frown sharply, and stared at him with piercing eyes:

"You take this car, don't you even know who we are?"

When these words came out, the natives in the bus looked at Qin Xiao and Xue Shaoqian at the same time, and their gazes all fell on him with vigilance. Obviously, if the two of them made a mistake in answering this question, these people would be killed in an instant. will run amok.

The middle-aged uncle turned out to be us, which means that at least most of the passengers in this car are from the same place.

And judging from what he said just now, the middle-aged uncle should also be going to the funeral home.

These clues are connected together, if I guess correctly...

Qin Xiao's mind turned rapidly and began to analyze.

The terminal of this car is the funeral home. This point is the time when the funeral home goes to work. At least most of the people in the car are employees of the funeral home.

Obviously, they took this bus at this time all year round. According to the style of this bus in the 90s, if you think about it, you know that people at that time were very taboo about this.

Therefore, this bus at this point should be quite famous, that's why the middle-aged man has doubts about Qin Xiao.

"So what if you know, it's just a job! I have a friend who is also a makeup artist, and I even asked him to do my own makeup!" Qin Xiao said carelessly.

"Really? I just keep my makeup on!" The middle-aged uncle was successfully distracted by Qin Xiao, with a slightly excited expression, he gave Qin Xiao a thumbs up and said:

"However, you are so courageous! Let alone ordinary people, even I dare not put makeup on myself, I always feel gross."

Following Qin Xiao's words, the eyes of the people around became more friendly, and the favorability of several of them even started to rise.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Xiao chatted happily with the middle-aged uncle and a few nearby natives, and kept getting information from them.

Xue Shaoqian had a panoramic view of all this, thinking about his bragging and socializing on the 45th Road before, he felt his cheeks were a little hot.

In the funeral industry, except for a few, most people are fed up with staring and rejection on weekdays.If you want to tell others that you are a funeral undertaker, or simply a make-up artist and cremator, the first look that most people will give you will be extremely hurtful.

However, Qin Xiao's stupid and bold appearance, which quickly won the favor of everyone, and occasionally made up or said a few embarrassing things like sleeping in the graveyard when he was a child, let them know that he really has no taboos.

In this way, the relationship between the two parties is instantly drawn closer, especially for this group of people who have more or less inferiority and cowardice because of the eyes of the people around them.The astonishingly courageous, unabashed, and even a little 'stupid' Qin Xiao is completely on his own with them!

Therefore, everyone naturally knows everything and speaks everything.

The middle-aged uncle even complained to Qin Xiao that he was too busy recently. A bus collided with an oil tanker and an explosion occurred. There was a pile of charred corpses. The body was stitched up.

Chatting all the way, after two or three stops in a row, the vehicle stopped again.

This time, there were three young men standing outside waiting for the bus, wearing flared trousers, shirt leather jackets, sunglasses and metal necklaces, one of them had green hair, the other two, one had an afro perm, and the other had dyed bangs With a bunch of yellow hair, a standard non-mainstream gangster outfit.

Because there were a lot of people on the bus, the conductor didn't see the appearance of the three at first, but when he saw the appearance of the three, his face changed suddenly, and he reached out to pull the door.

"What are you doing? You are not allowed to ride in the car!"

Among the three, the gangster with a bunch of yellow hair laughed, jumped into the car in one step, and said loudly:

"Didn't you see the young master coming up? Squeeze back!"

The passengers in the car obviously knew the three punks, they all squeezed back, and the three of them got into the car with hippie smiles on their faces.

The few middle-aged people who were originally chatting with Qin Xiao and whose favorability had reached fifteen or more all shut their mouths now, with ugly expressions on their faces, not knowing what to think.

Qin Xiao was puzzled, and was about to ask, but the feeling of his clothes being pulled came from behind him.

Turning his head, the rather handsome conductor was looking at him beggingly.

Of the three young gangsters who just came up, two were clinging to the salesperson one behind the other, and the yellow-haired gangster had a wretched smile on his face, and he was still holding the salesperson's floral skirt, pulling it up little by little.

ps: Thanks to the old ancestor Xiaojiao's wife Cinan, who is eager for a great god certification from the old ancestor Heisi, thank you very much!

Chapter 283 The buffet feast cycle begins

The conductor was caught in the middle of three gangsters, and looked around for help.

Looking at her, the surrounding passengers all lowered their heads.

Qin Xiao frowned, and raised his hand subconsciously.

"Don't be impulsive!" Xue Shaogan grabbed Qin Xiao's wrist and said in a low voice.

Qin Xiao's actions were just subconscious for a moment, even if Xue Shaoqian didn't remind him, he wouldn't mess around here.

After all, this is in the cycle of the fog dungeon.

It's not a time to help others, maybe you help the conductor stand out with your front foot, and she will run away and twist your head off with your back foot.

As the bus drove, the three gangsters became more and more courageous, and the green-haired gangster even put his hand into the conductor's collar openly.

The people around were still indifferent, including the driver.There were even two people who looked excited.

The despair in the conductor's eyes grew deeper and deeper. Xue Shaoqian and Qin Xiao looked at each other, and everyone could see the meaning in each other's eyes.

Accident, I'm afraid it's about to start.

Sure enough, when the bus passed a bridge, the conductor bit the green-haired man's arm fiercely.

The green-haired man withdrew his arm with a scream, and the conductor stepped on the tiptoes of the two bastards holding him back and forth again.

"Ah! Damn bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

"Fuck, why are you pretending to be innocent? You probably don't know how the three of us killed that one last month, right?"


The three men were swearing and trying to grab the conductor, but the conductor rushed forward.

A few passengers standing in front of the bus, they didn't know whether they had uneasy conscience or some other reason, they turned their heads to look at the scenery outside the window, they didn't react at all to the sudden change.

The conductor squeezed past several people, ran behind the driver's seat, and even stretched out his arm to strangle the driver's neck, his pretty face was full of ferocity.

The bus driver's neck turned red immediately, and he struggled vigorously. The whole vehicle began to turn left and right on the bridge.

"Fuck! You are fucking crazy!"

"Let go, you will kill everyone like this!"


At this moment, everyone on the bus changed their faces. The originally indifferent faces were full of panic and panic. The three gangsters and a few people around hurried forward, trying to drag the conductor away. , Rescue the driver.

But at this moment, the conductor was surprisingly strong, strangling the driver's neck with her slender arms, allowing the people behind her to tear her clothes to pieces, leaving streaks of blood on the wheat-colored skin.

The ferocious expression did not slow down at all, the whole arm was covered with raised blue veins, and the rather handsome face was horribly ferocious.


With a loud noise, the bus smashed through the guardrail and fell straight down towards the bridge below.

Now Qin Xiao knew how all the people on this bus died!


The bus hit the water hard and gradually began to sink.

Everyone on the bus became flustered, all at a loss, flapping the windows hysterically.

It's just that the car had fallen into the water at this time, and under the pressure, even if they slammed it hard, the car windows didn't move at all.

I don't know where the strength of the conductor came from. At this time, the driver in the driver's seat is already exhaling more air than inhaling.

Seeing the car sinking into the bottom of the river, the three punks and the two people around them all ran towards the door without caring about dragging the conductor.

However, the current at the bottom of the river is turbulent, coupled with the effect of water pressure, it is not easy to open the bus door in the 90s.

Anyway, under this violent effect, the oxygen in the bus was rapidly consumed, and everyone's breathing gradually became heavy.

As long as they don't run wild, these people are no different from normal people, and they also need to breathe.

On the contrary, Xue Shaoqian and Qin Xiao were the participants. One didn't need courage at all, and the other relied on strong physical fitness and ghost energy in his body, which was enough to last for a long time underwater.

But at this time, the acting skills of the two were brought to the extreme, and they both breathed heavily, looking as if they couldn't breathe.

"Haha! You bastards, you deserve it! You really deserve it! Damn it, we all deserve it, including me, haha!"

The conductor in front, still strangling the bus driver's neck tightly with his arm, laughed wildly.

"It's all that damned woman. If she wants to kill us, I'll kill him first!"

The conductor's words immediately attracted everyone's attention. Someone yelled, and everyone looked in the direction of the driver's seat with bloodshot eyes.


A drink bottle flew out and hit the driver's head accurately.

This action seemed to remind others that no one would care why the conductor did what he did, they only knew that the conductor was going to kill them.

One after another, things were thrown towards the conductor. There were shoes and hats that did not cause much damage, and fruit knives and cans that could not be underestimated.

In the blink of an eye, the conductor was bleeding, and even the few passengers in front suffered.

"Damn it! If you die, you will die. Didn't you enjoy watching you just now! We have no obligation to save you, you femme fatale woman, I will beat you to death!"

Beside Qin Xiao, the honest-looking middle-aged uncle pulled out a large bag from under the seat, opened the bag, and pulled out the contents.

It was actually a pickle jar the size of a human head, a thick black pottery jar with a black body.

The middle-aged uncle held the jar with both hands, lifted it up vigorously, and slammed it in the direction of the conductor.


The jar stuck to the conductor's forehead and hit the windshield in front of the bus.

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