However, what no one expected was that the Xueba Ghost actually said:

"If he has any more problems later, call me!"


Qin Xiao quickly agreed.

Socialism is a talent that goes against the sky!He didn't expect that when his favorability level reached twenty, he could directly ask Xueba Gui to warn others on his behalf.

What if this is 50, or even 100 favorability?

Everyone else was stunned to see this scene. Could it be that he met his own brother?I haven't heard of anyone encountering the ghosts of their relatives in the copy of Thriller World!

But if it weren't for relatives, why would you help so much?

"Damn, why can't I meet such an awesome tablemate!"

Not far away, a picker in a suit gritted his teeth jealously. However, as soon as he finished speaking, his deskmate handed over a notebook:

"Student, can you tell me about this topic?"

"This one……"

The man in the suit turned pale instantly.

The same is a binary equation, but it looks a little simpler.

Although everything in the school has been returned to the teacher, but after all, I have learned it before. Even if this simple equation has only a little impression, it is no problem to carefully recall it and rely on the logic of adults to make it.

It can be seen that he has seen the end of the girl, how dare this man in a suit dare to talk about any topic, and immediately sneered and said:

"Sorry, neither can I, why don't you ask someone else?"

After these words came out, the man in the suit at the same table changed his face, and his whole body became black.

"Idiot, you can't do such a simple thing. What do you want this garbage head for? I'll throw it away for you!"

As he said that, he was in the bright white ghost claw.


A big head rose into the air and landed exactly in the trash can in the corner of the classroom.

Mud horse!

This is no way to live!

A group of selectees turned green.

Teach the problem, take your head off and put it on for yourself.

Don't teach questions, just throw your head in the trash can, why do you love learning so much?

In addition to the one whose head was gnawed off at the beginning, who went to the toilet and didn't come back, a total of five people have died.

There are only eight classes a day plus a lunch break, three classes have just passed, and five of the twenty candidates have died.

The remaining fifteen, and six or seven are missing arms and legs.


Another voice sounded, and everyone shuddered.

Looking for the reputation, I saw that Xu Lei's face had lost half of the color.

On his left, a petite female student with braided horns was handing over the notebook in anticipation.


The senior who lost his arms and even his nose was gnawed, didn't know what to do for a while, and his face was full of fear.

Jingle Bell……

Just then, the get out of class bell rang.

"get out of class is over!"

There was a burst of cheers in the classroom, and most of the ghost students ran out in an instant, including the ghost student with horns.


Reclaiming his life, Xu Lei gasped heavily.

"Brother Xu, you are so lucky!"

"It's too dangerous. I can see the ghostly energy on that female ghost. If it's a little bit later, I'm afraid she will shoot at you!"

Several candidates immediately surrounded, congratulations and congratulations.

Xu Lei also narrowly escaped death, fortunately not.

"Brother Xu, what did you encounter when you went out last class?" asked the first candidate who came up to speak.

In such a precarious place, no one has the time to really congratulate others. When they come together, it is not as simple as lamenting Xu Lei's good luck.

It's already the third class. After such a long time, naturally some people can't help it. It can be seen from the legs of the selected person in the culture.

Referring to the encounter between classes, Xu Lei's face turned pale again, and his voice trembled a bit:

"Don't go to the toilet, don't go! Even if you pee in your pants, don't even think about going to the toilet."

Xu Lei's terrified appearance made everyone feel terrified.

"What's in the toilet? Isn't Xu Lei a senior? He was almost taken off his head by the same table just now, but he didn't frighten him like this!"

"Four people went out, and two came back, and they all lacked arms and hands. You don't have to think about it to know that there must be something more terrifying in the toilet! Fortunately, I went to the toilet before I came!"

"Fortunately my prostate is good!"

"Fortunately, I have my period!"

"Fortunately, I was just too scared, it's over!"


A group of people were very glad that they didn't go out rashly, even the guy with his legs crossed gritted his teeth and sat back.

"Wait a minute, have you seen that guy who was lucky?"

The guy with the shit luck is naturally Qin Xiao.

"He seemed to go out after class just now. He seemed to be suffocated. He didn't hear Brother Xu's warning..."

Someone said, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

In the toilet, there is no Xueba ghost, that lucky chosen one, I'm afraid it's going to be cold now!

Chapter 7 Dangerous Toilets

This is a desolate and dilapidated school, a solitary three-story teaching building, dilapidated everywhere, and most of the glass is broken.

The whitewashed walls turned gray after years of wind and sun exposure, and large areas of the walls exploded or even fell off.

Dark red traces scattered all over the walls and floor, like ketchup thrown in by countless naughty children.

The sky was also dim, as if it had been painted with a layer of gray and white, and the sun in the middle seemed to be coated with a layer of filter film, not only not dazzling, but exuded a kind of gloomy cold.

A cold wind blew on Qin Xiao's cheeks, and the ground was cracked everywhere. Occasionally, small grasses stubbornly stretched out from the cement cracks, but for some reason they had withered and turned yellow.

Although it is broad daylight, such an environment is much more exciting than a haunted house.

The gloomy wind kept blowing, and this environment made Qin Xiao feel a little nervous, and he couldn't help but regret it.

It's just a toilet. Isn't the trash can at the back of the classroom smelly?With a big brother covering him, who can stop him?

There is no turning back arrow when opening the bow, and now it can only be fast to go back quickly.

For some unknown reason, the toilets were placed in the corner of the campus, separated by a playground from the teaching building.

On the playground, even if it is not yet autumn, it is all withered and yellow.The grass on the lawn grows chaotically, and the high position can even cover the dry calf.

The overcast wind blew, and the withered and yellow grass swayed with the wind, occasionally revealing the bones hidden below.

When approaching the toilet, a burst of laughter and chewing came.

Qin Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with ghosts, this environment is obviously more difficult for him to adapt to.

At the door of the toilet, several heads were dyed colorful, wearing rivet jackets, for fear that others would not know that they were non-mainstream gangsters.

One of them was plucking a few inches of hair, but the yellow-stained long hair left in the front was enough to hang down to the tip of his nose, and he was holding a bloody arm in his hand.

That chewing sound came from him.

There were two other people, one with red hair, holding a woman's head in his arms, the long hair of the scalp was torn all over the place, and he was gnawing on the bloody head.

The other has long purple hair and is shaving his teeth with a toothpick in his hand. There are traces of blood faintly visible between the teeth.

The ghost world buries love!

The only normal point was the guy standing on the edge of the flower bed with a baseball bat in his hand.

This is obviously their boss, and the other three are very respectful to him. Whenever their eyes fall on the baseball bat, they can't help shaking their bodies, obviously they are extremely afraid.

On the ground, there were two corpses that had been gnawed into bones, and they could be discerned faintly from the torn clothes. They were the two who went to the toilet last recess and couldn't go back.


Seeing Qin Xiao appearing, the guy with one arm in his mouth made a strange laugh like a male duck, and bit a large piece of flesh from his dry arm, and then said to Qin Xiao with a wicked smile:

"Food again! Meat bugs! You have to pay for going to the toilet here! Let me think about whether you want to keep one leg or two arms..."

No wonder all the guys who came out to the toilet were short of arms and legs, and they were charged for co-authoring!

As expected of a world of horror, if you go to a public toilet outside, even if the fee is high, it will only cost fifty cents.

It's good here, if you can't move your arms and legs?

Without saying a word, Qin Xiao shook his head and said firmly, "I'm not here to go to the toilet if I don't go to the toilet!"

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't afford to pee!

"No?" Not only were they not disappointed when they heard the words, but they smiled at the same time.

The purple-haired ghost stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, and said sullenly:

"Since you're not going to the toilet, what are you doing here? Do you want to eat?"

"Insect, you have to think about it!" The red-haired ghost pointed to the male corpse on the ground and said:

"This is for dinner. We fed and ate a whole squatting pit, and we died. Poor!"

"Gaga... The consequences of lying to us are not something you can afford as a worm! So... you'd better think clearly, you can't go to the toilet or not!"

The yellow-haired ghost who gnawed on his arm smiled and said in that broken bellows-like voice.

This is still a black toilet, you have to use it when you come?

Qin Xiao's brain was running fast, and his eyes swept over the heads of several ghosts present.

Yellow-haired ghost-5

Purple-haired ghost+1

Redhead +2

Baseball Ghost +5

When he saw that the baseball that was obviously the boss was expensive and had a favorability score of [-] on his head, Qin Xiao's heart immediately dropped.

"Humble meat bug! Talk! Since you don't go to the toilet, what are you doing here in the toilet?"

The yellow-haired ghost was still unrepentant, the favorability on his head decreased a little again, and the favorability of the purple-haired ghost next to him also changed from 1 to zero.

Obviously, if it falls like this, it will take a few words for the yellow-haired ghost to start.

"Who said the toilet can only be used! This is the school toilet!"

Careful, Qin Xiao was in no hurry or panic, took out the box of Hader Doors from his pocket, took out one and put it to his mouth, skillfully lit it with a lighter, and said lightly:

"Isn't the school toilet used for smoking? You all came here to use the toilet before?"

Saying that, Qin Xiao's contemptuous eyes swept away from Ji Gui's body one by one, full of disdain and ridicule.

Those are super bad students. The suppression of ordinary bad students seems to be pointing at the noses of several people and scolding: You, shouldn't you be good students?

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