The urine of the horror world, you dare to go to the driving school without a ghost, whether it is a ghost or a ghost, you must die there!

The driver dared to object and nodded again and again.

Qin Xiao glanced at the car, his eyes stayed on the remaining disguised evil spirits for a moment, and said lightly:

"Just sit for me, understand?"

Immediately, three ghosts in mourning clothes and two ghosts in disguise, a man and a woman, nodded at the same time.

Everyone else was stupid, especially the female elector who was promoted. Seeing the disguised ghost sitting next to him nodded, he almost fainted.

She had just chatted a lot with the other party in a low voice, and planned to go back to Rongcheng and get off the bus together.

Now her intuition is cold, and she thinks about it and knows that without Qin Xiao's words, she later thought she would get off the bus with others when she arrived at the station.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Qin Xiao was about to get out of the car, she finally couldn't help it and said, "We... can we know your name? If what you just said is true, you are closing down the most terrifying copy of the last train in China. , you will be the hero of China!"

"Ye Tian!"

Qin Xiao said without turning his head, at this time, it is better to use his stage name.

What Qin Xiao did not expect was that at this moment, the name Ye Tian was fermenting wildly in the real world.

ps: Four shifts, but I can't guarantee it's every day. It didn't take long for me to move, and it was a bit floating...

Don't ask for the address, you can't find it if you're hungry?I myself ran to the next neighborhood last week!

Chapter 98 Our Cherry Blossom Hero - Ye Sang

It's him!It's him!it's him!Our cherry blossom hero - Ye Sang!

A post on, the largest social networking site in Sakura Country, was quickly pushed to the top of its popularity.

The person who posted it was a picker named Kojima Hirakawa.

From his own perspective, he introduced everything that happened in the happiness clinic.

A Chinese person took the initiative to undertake the task of the first consultation, dealing with countless evil ghosts, and finally ended the entire dungeon.

In the dungeon that must die, only one Manjima Tsunayoshi who deserved it in the eyes of Sakura Country himself died!

Originally, no one would believe such a thing.

But with the voices of people who have experienced the copy, there are students, white-collar workers, and even Yuyi, an educator who can be called a model worker.

This time, everyone couldn't help but believe a little.

Then, they found out!The clinic recruitment list that should have been issued a long time ago has disappeared this time!

Not only that, even using the registration card, the name of the clinic cannot be seen on the copy list.

Ye Sang!

It must be Ye Sang!

After all, everyone else is soy sauce, and it is only by him that they can live to the end.

"I didn't expect that there are such kind heroes in Huaguo!"

"What Huaguo, haven't you heard of it! Ye Sang lives in Bancheng, and now he is a native of our big Sakura country, and he is our own hero!"

"Unexpectedly, the happiness clinic has been closed, Ye Sang is a big drop! Sakura hero!"

"Ye Tianouba is not actually a Chinese, but a person from our great universe. Our great universe has a long history and heritage, and many people have the blood of our great universe flowing, such as your teacher Yuyi from Sakura Country, and this Ye Tian Oppa! It's all our Smecta!"

"No no! Mr. Ye Tian is so brave, he must be from our undead! Those damn black-hearted businessmen, I want ten pounds! Made by a hero like Mr. Ye Tian, ​​it must melt in your mouth, soft and silky! That's it! Our Ganges water, eat at least ten kilograms a meal! Maybe, it can also prevent flu!"



The Sakura Kingdom's website is full of discussions about the hero Ye Sang.

Originally, the words were full of admiration, gratitude, etc., but in the face of the participation of a large-scale international student, the Heroes Appreciation Conference instantly turned into a Heroes Competition Conference.

In the end, even the legendary Ganges undead joined the battlefield.

Of course, the undead do not mean that they are really immortal. This world does not have any supernatural powers except the horror world.

The immortality here means not afraid of death!The periodic table of elements dares to be filled into the stomach, and eating cow dung can prevent influenza, and even eat it to the extent that domestic cow dung is out of stock and imported from outside.

Some unscrupulous merchants even took the opportunity to secretly import a large amount of pig manure and human manure from China, which is relatively close.

These imported black dung are simply processed by unscrupulous merchants and flow to the market, becoming the biggest culprit in the undead dung market.

Originally, they liked to steal a large number of videos of Huaguo on international websites and pretend to be their own, watching a bunch of people call the undead amazing, and they hid in the back.

This time, naturally, it became one of the favorable contenders for the hero.

Qin Xiao is a sakura person?Come check this out!

Soon, a new video was posted online.

On the video, the young man who couldn't see his face clearly stood in front of the [-] driver and said lightly, "Tell him, don't open the copy in the future!"

Domineering, no doubt!

Immediately afterwards, it was the voice of warning other evil spirits: "Sit down for me, understand?"

Guys, is this the picker?

Too domineering!Simply cool!

When Ye Tian uttered the words, all the people sitting in front of the screen widened their eyes. Although they had been prepared, they were still in shock.

Of course, compared to Ye Tian's coolness, what is even more shocking is the information revealed at the end of the video.

It has been found that [-] copies have disappeared from the list of selected copies!

Another taboo copy has disappeared!

The horror world has been here for five years, and countless dungeons have appeared, but the most frightening thing is not the dungeons where tens of thousands of people live, but the seemingly inconspicuous [-] ghost bus.

Huaguo Ghost Bus, Cherry Blossom Outpatient Clinic, Undead Ganges Water Plant, Star and Stripe Black Dinner Party...

These dungeons, although their total number of deaths is not large, they all have a premise.

One after another, without any restrictions, you can send invitations directly to the real world.

Tickets for the ghost bus, recruitment lists for outpatient clinics, invitations for water quality staff from water plants, invitations for black dinner parties...

People receive it almost every day, and happiness clinics are already relatively few.

At the Black Dinner Party in the Stars and Stripes, ten invitations are distributed every day, but none of the invitations received have come back so far!

There are not many people watching the death, but he has no restrictions. For example, the Ganges Water Plant invites five people every day, which has been a lot for five years.

This has always been the dungeon that everyone at Blue Star panicked, but now, it has been shut down two in a row.

Does it mean that the taboo copy in one's own country can also be closed?

All of a sudden, the whole network went crazy.

At this time, no one dared to speak ill of Qin Xiao, and no one would fight for his belonging, for fear of angering the superhero who mastered the secret of closing the taboo dungeon.

Of course, Qin Xiao, who was the party involved, didn't know anything about all of this. After getting off the bus, he walked towards the address of the Ghost Gang.

The abandoned community has changed drastically in just a few days.

In front of the black iron gate, several big men in black suits and sunglasses stood there coldly with their hands in their pockets.

Good guy, this is really like a black meeting. He said that what was wrong with the red hair and purple hair just now, it turned out that the two were wearing black suits!

"What the hell? The ghost gang is stationed, idle ghosts... people?"

A big man in a suit was about to cast out ghosts, and suddenly saw that Qin Xiao was actually a living person, and his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm here to find your boss!" Qin Xiao stepped forward and said.

"Who are you? A living person, walking on the street of the ghosts, dare to come to our boss?"

The man in sunglasses did not despise Qin Xiao because he was a living person. He took out a fire axe from his waist and asked sharply.

Qin Xiao was thinking about whether to take out the baseball bat, when suddenly, a loud shout sounded from a distance:

"Blind your dog's eyes! Anyone dares to stop me!"

"Brother Foreskin!" The man in sunglasses quickly bowed his head when he saw the person coming.

The man didn't even look at him. He was wearing a black suit with his sunglasses on his clothes. He stepped forward abruptly and bowed [-] degrees:

"Hello pheasant!"

Chapter 99 Brother Pheasant is not doing the work of a robber, right?

foreskin?This name is domineering enough, I want to cut two knives when I hear it!

Qin Xiao complained in his heart, and felt familiar, looked at it carefully, and suddenly remembered.

Isn't this a copy of the happiness clinic, the gangster who chased the traitor and finally took away the local specialty of Tsunayoshi Mandao!

I don't know what happened to Man Gangji.

This time, it is estimated that it has been digested!

Fortunately, this is a world of horror, and it will not become dung and be disguised as black-hearted dung by unscrupulous businessmen, and then be digested by the undead with the water of the Ganges.

"Where's Brother Haonan? Take me to find him!" Now that everyone has met acquaintances, there is no need to take out the baseball bat.

"Brother Haonan is absorbing ghost energy from the black iron coffin, I'll take you there!" Naturally, the foreskin didn't dare to neglect, and said quickly.

The few younger brothers next to him dared to stop him, the fiery admiration in their eyes, it was not bad that they didn't rush up directly to ask for an autograph.


Suddenly, Qin Xiao seemed to think of something, stopped, reached out and took out two rolls of things and put them on the foreskin's hand, and said:

"Hang this on the gate of the community!"

The foreskin shook slightly, and the two rolls in his hand suddenly unfolded, which were two couplets of black characters on a white background.

Letter: Ink dyed half a chapter, thinking about the mountains and rivers in the world and weeping.

The next book: a document, sadness comes to the world, the sun and the moon.

"Secret treasure!"

The foreskin immediately let out an exclamation, and the members of the surrounding ghost gang also became heavier and heavier.

Secret treasure!

Needless to say, the role of the black iron sinking coffin is definitely the biggest credit for the Ghost Gang's rapid development.

Now Qin Xiao has come up with another secret treasure, and it is still a secret treasure of ten thousand ghosts that can play a role in the entire force.

The foreskin hurriedly pasted the elegiac couplet on both sides of the gate of the community, and suddenly, a cloudy wind in the community swindled out of thin air.

Such an environment is simply an enhanced version of a haunted house in the wilderness for living people.

But for the devil, it is indeed very comfortable.

All the evil ghosts of the Ghost Gang instinctively washed their souls with a cool coolness.

"Cool!" Feeling the changes in the ghost body, although the realm itself has not improved, but the feeling at the spiritual level makes the foreskin extremely comfortable.

"Look at your potential, isn't it a secret treasure! This thing is there! Hurry up and lead the way!"

Qin Xiao kicked the foreskin angrily and said.

Obviously, he forgot his excited expression when he first got these secret treasures, and he was no better than others to get there.

"Yes... some are?" The foreskin paused slightly.

If someone else said this, he would slap it with a big mouth. You thought it was Chinese cabbage!

But the person who said this was Qin Xiao, and the foreskin thought it was...a bit believable!

It was only a few days later, and then I took out the second Myriad Ghost Treasure, can you believe it!

Dare not to neglect, the foreskin hurriedly led the way.

Like most horror worlds, the painting style of this abandoned community is desolate and desolate.

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