Extra episode 91:

Feng Qing: The first time I saw Noelle today, I was deeply fascinated by her.

Feng Qing: Ah, that cute appearance, that dignified standing posture...

Ying: You are greedy for other people's knives.

Chapter 92: Giving Lessons to Maids (Please subscribe and ask for tickets)

The maid Noelle put her hands behind her and looked at Fengqing and Ying with an apologetic expression.

The other party paid a lot of money to find herself as a maid, and she was very happy, because this was the recognition of herself by others.

However, she still wants to help more and more people, she really has no way to be a full-time maid.

"For example... If it's part-time cleaning or something, I'm willing, full-time... Sorry, this may not be appropriate."

After finishing speaking, Noelle seemed to have done something terribly wrong, with tears in his eyes, he quickly bowed and apologized to the two of them.

There is no way, but she can't do this. She is obviously a maid, but she claims to be everyone's maid.

If she works full-time, she is very worried that other people's commissions will not be completed.

Feng Qing handed the bag to Ying, and squinted slightly at the bowing maid...

She wore a maid's turban on her head, "Six Five Three" wore a layered ruffled apron with a huge bow at the back, and a black tights that wrapped her whole body.

It deeply stimulated Feng Qing's heart.

Yes, he just liked it, and he didn't hide it.

Especially the two bright roses on her head added a lot of color to her beauty.

It's just that the upper body armor doesn't suit her well.

This is what Feng Qing thinks.

Ying and Paimeng were watching the development of the matter from behind, sometimes looking at Fengqing, sometimes looking at the maid who had been bowing.

Feng Qing said slowly at this time: "Get up first, I want to tell you a story."

He decided to tell a story he had heard before, to see how Noelle would feel after hearing it.

After hearing Feng Qing's words, Noelle raised her head in confusion, and Ying handed her a silk scarf to wipe her tears.

"Thank you, sorry."

Feng Qing was not annoyed when his words were interrupted, and began to tell the story:

"In the past, there were two families who were neighbors, and they usually had a good relationship."

"Because one of the families is more capable, the family is much richer. The two families had no grievances, but this year, God was angry and brought disasters, and the fields were not harvested."

"The poor family had no harvest, so they had to lie down and wait to die. At this time, the rich family bought a lot of grain. Thinking of our neighbors, they sent a liter of rice to the poor family, which saved the day."

Feng Qing said slowly, at this time, Noelle felt that this rich man was very nice, and he was a very nice person, as if... the same thing she was doing now...

She thought so.

It's just that she didn't see the corner of Feng Qing's mouth smirking, and continued: "This poor family is very grateful to the rich man, thinking that this is really a life-saving benefactor!"

Paimon behind heard this and nodded.

"After surviving the most difficult time, the poor went to thank the rich. During the conversation, talking about the next year's seeds that had not yet been settled, the rich family said generously: "Well, my grain here is bad. There is a famous one. Ancient three go to a bucket of fat one"

"The poor man thankfully took a bucket of rice home. After returning home, his brother said, what can this bucket of rice do? Besides eating, it is not enough for our seeds in the field next year. This rich man It's too much, since you are so rich, you should give us more food and money, just give us such a little, it's really bad."

"This word reached the rich man's ears. He was very angry and thought, I gave you so much food for nothing. Not only did you not thank me, but you also hated me like an enemy. You are really inhuman."

"Thus, the two families who had a good relationship have become enemies since then, and they will never communicate with each other."

Feng Qing narrated the ending, and then the three of them became silent.

Obviously there is still some sunset shrouded in it, but the three of them feel a little uncomfortable listening to the story.

Feng Qing continued to ask: "What do you think of this story? Did you remember anything?"

He was waiting, waiting for Noelle to substitute himself into the story.

Noelle didn't speak, she was thinking, what would happen to those people if she didn't help them in the future? "

Thinking about it, he quickly shook his head.

"No, no, the residents here won't be like this."

Noelle finally said a word.

She didn't dare to think about it. Although she was a little reckless, she was not stupid, she just wanted the approval of others.

Feng Qing continued: "You might as well think about those entrusted tasks and the faces of those entrusted."

"Also, you should be very clear in your heart. In fact, the entrustment of those people is the work of others. Why do you have to do it?"

"Actually, you are very smart and just want to help others, but why don't you think about whether these people are worth helping?"

After Noelle listened to the three questions, she covered her ears. She didn't dare to think about it, but she still thought about the past in her mind:

"Miss Noelle is very hardworking? Hey, I have some work here... Oh, no, it's a commission, I don't have time to do it! Please help me..." "Miss maid, do my commission first, It's a rush, it's too far away...oh it's not too far, it's me with a rush to get done right now"

"Please help me do this, please help me run my legs..."

Noelle recalled these things in her heart, and murmured: "No no no"

Then she fainted in Fengqing's arms...

Ying and Paimeng felt that Feng Qing was pressing too hard from the beginning, but they didn't expect Noelle to pass out without asking any questions.

Feng Qing was stunned, he had prepared a lot of things to disappoint Noelle.

The reaction was violent, he predicted it, but he didn't expect it to pass out.

In fact, Noelle had never experienced such a thing, and she couldn't find Bei who was praised by those clients. Those clients knew it in their hearts, but they just wouldn't tell her the truth.

And Fengqing's story and repeated questions made her gradually realize the faces of the people she helped before...

Ying thinks it's weird, not really weird, but now is not the time to think about such things...

I want Fengqing to transfer Noelle to another place, where the wind will catch a cold.

Feng Qing knew what Ying meant, he summoned a rifle, aimed at the beautiful woman in his arms, and with one shot, Noelle's body disappeared.

Then he didn't speak, and shot two shots at Ying and Paimon who were anxious.

He looked around at 2.2, and the several gunshots he made just now should have disturbed many people.

I have to go back and see Noelle quickly.

Yes, he sent the three of them back to Mond's house, which happened to be where the bed was.

"I hope Noelle won't hit Paimon after a while."

Then when the sun was setting, he shot himself in the forehead and disappeared from the path in Qingquan Town...

Even the hunters who hurried over did not find any traces.

After all, there are so many footprints on this road, it is impossible to tell what happened.

Extra episode 92:

Wendy: I ​​haven't played for a long time, please let me play.

Feng Qing: No, unless you are a girl.

Wendy: Am I not pretty?Feng Qing: Are you male or female?Wendy: I, hey, you guessed it.

Chapter 93: Ying understood (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

After Feng Qing sent the three of them back to Mond's home with the power of Emperor Keke, he also teleported back home.

It's just that after he came back, he saw some scenes in front of him: Paimon was being pressed on the bed by the unconscious Noelle, and then Ying was pulling Paimon out vigorously.

In the middle, Ying was still holding on to the jewelry on her head, and kept pulling... Feng Qing's eyelids twitched.

The thing on Paimon's head should not be a simple ornament, Ying is pulling like this, and I don't know if there is something wrong...

"Wind..? Fengqing??? Don't look..o...Come on...help...pull..."

"Well, Ying, why don't you turn Noelle over first and then pull?"

That's right, Ying was stupid again.

Obviously, Paimon could come out by gently turning Noelle to his side, but he had to be pulled out like this.

No wonder Paimon is feeling so uncomfortable now, not because of being suppressed, but because of being ripped off.

Ying touched her head: "I forgot, because just now I saw Feng Qing draw his gun without hesitation..."

Feng Qing understood what it meant, and quickly hugged her and said, "Silly Ying, if I come back first, how can I take you away?"

"And this gun is actually called the Gun of Kindness."

"Both you and Paimon have tried several times."

"Why don't you do this, when you want to teleport in the future, you can do it yourself."

Feng Qing didn't care about the gun, anyway, no matter where it was, he could take it back.

Said these words, just want to tease Ying.

Sure enough, Ying touched the body of the gun with her left hand, and touched the gun with her right hand and nodded, "It really is a gun of kindness."

"By the way, did we forget something?"

The two hug and look at each other...

Ying exclaimed, and Feng Qing quickly turned Noelle to the side, the weight was very light, and most of the weight was on the armor.

Then he took Paimon out.

"It's okay, I just passed out." Feng Qing really didn't do it on purpose this time, he and Ying were too anxious at the time.

The two were afraid that something bad would happen to Noelle, so they ignored Paimon...

Then it became like this.

Feng Qing stroked her hair very distressed.

Hope Paimon is ok.

He put Paimon in another room and covered him with a quilt.

Then she walked out of the room, and Ying also came out of another room at the same time.

He noticed that Ying had been hesitant to speak, as if she had something to say to him.

"Ying, we are so familiar, why are you still so hesitant to talk?"

Feng Qing was quite curious about what Ying wanted to say, after all, now that she has a maid, she doesn't have to get up early to make breakfast or wash dishes.

Although Noelle has not accepted this job yet, Feng Qing is not willing to wait any longer.

It has to be done, and then he will solve other things.

"Feng Qing, why do I feel that something is wrong?" Ying felt that something was weird from the very beginning of the incident.

Now she has finally figured it out, so she wants to ask Feng Qing.

"How to say?"

"How do I feel that the reason why the West Wind Knights refused to let Noelle become a full-time member is because of her reckless personality."

Ying felt that Noelle was very similar to her previous personality, and she did things recklessly.

From the first moment she saw her, she could feel that this maid had a personality similar to her own.

Feng Qing didn't seem to hear it: "I didn't hear what you said."

Then Ying grabbed her ears and said loudly: "I said, did the people of the West Wind Knights not let her become a regular because they cared about her?"

Feng Qing broke away from Ying's hand, put her arms around her waist and said, "Concern? Hmph, if you say you won't let her go to a dangerous place, you can try to persuade her. Noelle is not the kind of person who can't be persuaded."

"But what's going on with the current situation, instead of persuading her, she has to give her many chores that the knights don't want to do."

"The beautiful name is: care about her."

"Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

Feng Qing can't understand until now, Noelle looks very young, why would he call those adult knights around?

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