Although he didn't know the purpose or the method of using it, but just looking at the shape, he knew that it was a technological creation far beyond the earth.

After all, some things can be seen just from the appearance.

This discovery completely overturned Emerson's previous speculation. It seems that this underground is not what he thought, it is just an ordinary animal den, but there are intelligent creatures, even more advanced than humans on earth. civilization!

Now that he has discovered this, Emerson will naturally not leave, so he should continue to take a look at it anyway.

And this also made him have a guess, that is, is the planet he observed on the spaceship just now like this planet, and the creatures on it do not live on the ground?

Playing with the things he picked up just now, Emerson continued to walk forward.

But this time he didn't go far, and he saw a familiar thing.

A huge creature crouched quietly on the ground, but on his body were pieces of armor like bones!

The Chitauri's bio-warship!

Although it was only a semi-finished product, Emerson could recognize it as the main weapon of the Chitauri.

At this time, he also thought that he had stumbled into the Chitauri's lair by accident.

And this small, unremarkable planet is where they raised the mother body of the biological battleship.

As long as the mother body of the biological battleship grows to a certain size, the Chitauri will bring this creature here for transformation.

This is also why their biological warships are a mixture of life and machinery.

And the one in front of him is an unfinished semi-finished product!

Emerson walked around the semi-finished product a few times, but found that most of the transformation of the warship had been completed, leaving only some finishing work.

And these finishing work may be related to the defense and attack of the battleship, but it does not affect his mobility in the slightest.

Fiddled around for a while, borrowing the experience of driving a battleship these days, Emerson successfully entered the inside of the battleship.

Only when he came in did he realize that it was completely different from what he had imagined!

Originally, in Emerson's imagination, most of the transformation of this kind of biological battleship was to add pendants to creatures.

It's like a cabin that docks a small spaceship, or an engine that increases maneuverability.

But the core of the battleship is still the body of the creature.

It was only after he came in that he realized that the opposite was true.

This huge biological battleship has already been made up of machinery after the transformation.

His biological appearance is just a ostentatious shell, and the inside is a high-tech spaceship!

Moreover, the technology involved in this is definitely beyond the earth's technology by how many years, or even a few generations.

Because this kind of warship can maintain the survival of appearance creatures in this state, it means that he has designed the domain of life.

The project of transforming people will definitely not be difficult for the Chitauri people!

It can even be said that the reason why the Chitauri are stronger than the earth can also be found here!

Chapter 328 Agent May

The technology of the Chitauri people has reached this level. Even if Emerson doesn't know much about this aspect, he knows this level of technology, and it is not a problem to use it to enhance the human body.

Thinking about this, Emerson's mouth naturally showed a smile.

Because from now on, the crystallization of this technology is his.

Chitauri's biological battleship will become his new car.

As for whether he can master this kind of technology, it depends on whether his subordinates can eat all the technology here.

This planet now appears to be Chitauri's warship factory.

Perhaps there are similar existences in other places, but that is not something Emerson should consider.

He didn't intend to go to the Chitauri's territory at first, but just bumped into it by mistake.

Emerson is actually more interested in this creature than the war machine that the opponent relies on.

The Chitauri's army was nothing to him.

Although he borrowed external force, there are still six divine beasts on his elf island. It is really not that difficult to deal with the Chitauri army.

But these creatures, which are the mother bodies of biological battleships, are different. With the lessons learned from King Kong's own family, these big guys are likely to play unexpected roles.

Even if it doesn't have too strong abilities, just this size plus the defensive power of the elves, it is a force that cannot be underestimated.

Especially on the battlefield, it is very likely that a wave of charge can deal with weaker enemies!

But that was all, and there was nothing else that made him pay attention.

After getting out of the battleship and inspecting it, only one weapon depot was found.

Although the weapons and equipment inside were sufficient, they were of no use to Emerson.

The foundation of his life is all on the elves. This kind of seemingly powerful hot weapon is no different from a fire stick to him!

Resolutely abandoning his old love, Emerson drove his new love and set off again.

He won't go to investigate the other planet. After sending people to come, he can let other people go.

At most, it is the planet where the Chitauri live, which doesn't mean much.

"Are you looking for Emerson?"

Mei looked at the strange woman in front of her and asked suspiciously.

Her relationship with Emerson was no secret on the island, but this was the first time someone tried to find Emerson through her.

"I have something and I need to ask him for help."

Agent May had expected this for a long time. If the other party was so nice, she would not have let her come alone.

In other words, it is very likely that the other party will go to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I don't know where he is now, sorry."

Mei shook her head and gave the answer.

What she said was indeed the truth, not only her, even Aning and Ruiwen sometimes didn't know where Emerson was going.

What's more, she, who has been studying hard, usually Emerson takes the initiative to appear in front of them.

"Tony Stark sent me."

There was no change in expression, and May repeated what Nick Fury told her.

Tony knew about this, but he didn't know the details.

The reason Nick Fury gave Tony was that the elite agents under him needed to evolve their elves, so they wanted to ask Emerson for a favor.

But he didn't tell him that it was to revive Coulson, who was already dead in the eyes of everyone.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

May knows Tony, and there is almost no one in the entire United States who doesn't know this guy.

You must know that Iron Man is the first superhero to disclose his identity!

Likewise, May knew about Emerson's relationship with Tony.

However, this does not mean that Mei simply believed in this reason.

Just because she knew the relationship between Tony and Emerson, she also knew that Tony could contact Emerson.

That's why I asked this question, wanting to know the purpose of the other party's visit.

"The evolution of the Rumble Stone."

The expression on Agent May's face remained unchanged, and he spit out his intentions.

Rumble Stone is the same as Natasha's strange power, if you want to evolve into the final form, you can't just let nature take its course.

Otherwise, Coulson would have let him evolve a long time ago, and when facing Loki, he would not have ended up in the current situation.

You must know that not to mention the attack power, Rumble Stone's defense power is very strong. Even if it can't completely resist Loki's sneak attack, it can make Coulson's injury less serious, so that he won't become what he is now.

"Rumble stone?"

As soon as Mei heard it, she understood that the evolution of Longlong Stone required others not to know, but she knew it very well.

It's just clear and clear, but she didn't do anything to help.

Because she knows the way to help Rumble Stone evolve, but she can't do it because she doesn't have one crucial thing.

Exchange instruments

This is the so-called communication evolution, the localization that appeared in the Marvel universe, and it is specially used for communication evolution.

It is simpler to use than communication evolution, but the principle is also more complicated.

But she doesn't have this device, only Emerson and Aning have it on the island.

"I don't know where Emerson is, you can go to Aning and try."

Mei repeated again that she didn't know where Emerson was going, but she still gave a direction.

It's just that the direction she gave was somewhat beyond Nick Fury's expectations.

In Nick Fury's vision, he didn't plan to find Emerson directly. The reason why he said this was an excuse, and he said this only to get closer to May.

He felt that if Emerson could do it, then this woman who had stepped into the path of cultivator could also do it.

It's just a miscalculation this time, but at least there is a direction.

"Thank you."

Agent Mei supported the iron box behind him, thanked Mei and left directly.

Aning and Emerson are not this woman, and it is even more difficult to achieve the goal simply.

Walking on the street outside, Agent May recalled the experience of fighting with Coulson, and his eyes couldn't help but become a little firmer.

She has decided to abandon Nick Fury's plan and use her own plan.

Just like before, if Nick Fury doesn't give the order, then she will step into Elven Island by herself!

And it's the same now, she is not a person who obeys orders, especially after that incident happened!

If it wasn't for Nick Fury's constant suppression, she wouldn't even transfer to a clerical job, but went directly to the logistics to teach newcomers.

As for quitting S.H.I.E.L.D., at the level of Agent May, she knew very well that this was simply impossible. She knew too much!

Chapter 329 Conditions

Emerson's whereabouts are uncertain, and Agent May decides to find Aning.

No matter how high the price is, she will not hesitate!

Like Mei, Aning has always lived on Elf Island, and her location is easier to find.

"Do you want the Rumble Stone to evolve?"

Aning sat on a chair, propped his chin with one hand, looked at Agent Mei and asked.

And behind her, Menus was half-crossed, also looking at Agent May.

Although he is also a trainer, and after Agent May was persuaded, he became one of the first trainers of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now facing Aning, her body is already in a tense state.

This is her body's natural reaction, because the person opposite is too strong.

Although Aning looked very casual, that was not the case with Menus behind her. Just putting her peaceful and deep eyes on Agent Mei made her feel like a mountain was pressing on her shoulders!

At this time, Agent May finally understood why Nick Fury had such deep fear of Elven Island.

The woman sitting in front of her now is said to be the second most powerful trainer on Elf Island after Emerson.

But for Emerson, who has the strongest distance, perhaps the difference is the same as with her.

If there were no extraordinary beings emerging one after another, or no elves would be born out of nowhere.

An existence like Agent May is already the peak combat power of a human individual soldier.

But now it is very different. Any trainer who can bond and fuse can be called a humanoid self-propelled gun.

So Agent May is very clear about how lethal these powerful beings possess!


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