"What's the situation?" Emerson asked Arceus while controlling his body to rise.

After all, he was just a simple executor from the beginning to the end of this matter, and the specific principle was basically in a state of half-knowledge.

"You have successfully absorbed one of the world's cores, and you only need to get another core to complete this task, but now there is a bad news to tell you."

Arceus did not give a detailed explanation, but talked about what Emerson still needed to do.

Emerson knew that the other core that Arceus was talking about was the Muchen Bead that Hu Bayi and the others worked so hard to find afterwards, which was the so-called Phoenix Gallbladder.

Compared with the bottomless ghost cave hidden in this vast desert, the Muchen Bead is easier for Emerson to obtain. After all, he knows the exact location of the Muchen Bead.

Chapter 555

"what news?"

"We made some mistakes in our estimation of this world, so you need to find another world like this."

Arceus' voice sounded in Emerson's heart.

"Then go find it."

Compared to Arceus' slight frustration, Emerson's mentality is much better.

Stepping back to the platform where he jumped off before, he smiled and said to Aning and the others: "I'm fine."

Then he looked at Professor Chen and the others: "Professor, since we have found the Jingjue site and the coffin of the Jingjue queen, why don't we set off to go back now."

This place has no meaning for Emerson. He is not interested in those so-called cultural relics, gold and silver. Now he only wants to reach the next place as soon as possible to complete the mission of this world, and then take his women to all over the world. Take a good look around.

"This... why don't we study it again."

Professor Chen hesitated, and said in a discussing tone.

Now everyone knows that Emerson's decision is irresistible, especially the glowing appearance of Emerson just now is still vivid in his memory, so Professor Chen asked this question very carefully.

However, Professor Chen still thinks about these things. It doesn't mean that other people present will be so calm. For example, he has fallen into Comrade Hao Aiguo's words and immediately shouted after hearing Emerson's words: "How is this possible? The value here is infinite. For the price, we have to..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Emerson raised it up in the air.

Emerson said with a smile on his face, "The only thing you need now is to be sober, don't take my friendliness towards you as capital for nonsense!"

"Ho ho..."

Hao Aiguo's body was hanging in the air, his teeth and claws were waving, his face was flushed from suffocation, but he couldn't utter a single word except for a strange sound in his throat.

"Hey, Mr. Qiao, we have something to talk about, talk about it."

Professor Chen hurried forward to persuade Emerson, wanting him to put Hao Aiguo down first.

This time, Emerson did not give Professor Chen face, but raised Hao Aiguo's opinion higher. This kind of precedent cannot be set. People like Hao Aiguo are idiots. It's over, then next time it might not be just him alone.

This time, no one raised their guns again, and everyone watched what happened in silence. The only people with combat power were Hu Bayi and the three of them. He was unhappy with his attitude, and Shirley Yang only cared about Professor Chen, a family friend. As for Hao Aiguo's current situation, he was not in his consideration.

It's fine if it's an ordinary danger, but it's fine if you risk Emerson's wrath, she doesn't want to put herself in it again.

Hao Aiguo only felt that his breathing became more and more difficult, tears flowed out uncontrollably, his hands were still grasping at his neck in vain, but from his legs, it could be seen that his strength was leaving quickly. his body.

"Mr. Qiao, I can assure you on behalf of Aiguo and others, we will leave with you immediately."

In the end, Professor Chen reluctantly agreed to Emerson's request just now. He had already seen that if he did not agree, then Emerson would really kill Hao Aiguo in front of everyone.

Only then did Emerson let go of Hao Aiguo, and threw him directly on the ground beside him: "What did the professor say, if you don't want to leave, it's okay, I just need to take them with me."

As he spoke, he pointed to Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Shirley Yang who were beside him. No one else needed to participate in the next activities. If they wanted to continue here, he didn’t have to stop them. Everyone was calm. It's fine if you say it, you have to use this tone to talk to yourself.

It's also fortunate that my temper is much more gentle now, otherwise Hao Aiguo wouldn't have had a chance to catch his breath, and he would have turned into a corpse to report underground.

"Us?" Wang Kaixuan, who was standing aside watching the play, saw that Emerson suddenly pointed his target at them, pointed at himself in a daze, and then pointed at Hu Bayi and Xueli Yang beside him.

Obviously, he couldn't figure out where the advantages of the three of them came from, and he would be designated by Emerson to leave with him.

Emerson nodded: "That's right."

Then he said to Professor Chen: "As for you and your students, I can leave enough supplies for you, enough to persist until you walk out of the desert."

"Let's leave with you." Professor Chen gave a wry smile when he heard the words. If they are weak scholars who only know how to do research, if they only rely on themselves to stay in this vast desert, it is estimated that they will never leave the desert. .

If he was alone, he might have chosen to stay, because it was his long-cherished wish to study the culture of the Western Regions. In addition to his age, he was already prepared to face death.

But it doesn't work now, because he still wants to take all his students out safely. In the current situation where there is no guide, they are separated from Emerson and the others. Their ending is only lost in the desert.

Waving the coffin of Queen Jingjue, including the konjac with the scent of corpses on it, he put it into his elf ball, and then made a gesture of invitation to Professor Chen: "In this case, let's go, Professor."


Shazhou once again appeared on the yellow sand, but except for Emerson and the others, everyone else looked disappointed.

Wang Kaixuan counted the treasures brought out from the Jingjedi Palace on his seat, and was estimating the value of these things. While counting, he felt that he didn't leave enough time for himself, otherwise he could get more.

Hu Bayi next to him looked helpless. Although he was very happy with these gains, the current situation really made him unhappy. Emerson named the three of them as the reason why they continued to follow him before. I haven't figured it out yet.

After much deliberation, Hu Bayi couldn't hold back after all, walked up to Emerson and asked the doubts in his heart: "That Mr. Qiao, I don't think we will be needed after we go back. Fatty and I are just working as security guards." leader."

"Too modest, how could the descendant of Captain Tangtang Mojin be just a small team leader?"

Taking out a glass of wine and handing it to Hu Bayi, Emerson said with a smile.

"Touch Captain Jin?"

The voices of the conversation between the two were not deliberately lowered, so other people can hear it as long as they pay attention to the situation here. When Emerson said that Hu Bayi was Captain Mojin, Professor Chen immediately gave a light surprise.

Chapter 556

"Professor looks surprised? Isn't this Ms. Yang also a descendant of the Taoist who moved the mountain?"

Emerson looked at Professor Chen and said that he didn't believe that Professor Chen didn't know Shirley Yang's true details.

The real purpose of coming to the desert this time may not be known to others, but Professor Chen, the initiator, must be aware of it. This is also related to his relationship with Shirley Yang's family. They came here for the curse.

"Moving Mountain Daoist?"

This time it was Hu Bayi's turn to be surprised. He really didn't think that this American girl would be a descendant of Taoist who moved mountains.

"Old Hu, what is this mountain-moving Taoist?"

This topic aroused Wang Kaixuan's curiosity, and he asked Hu Bayi who was beside him with his elbow.

"Faqiu Tianguan, Mojin Xiaowei, Xiling Lishi, and Mountain-moving Taoist. These are the four major factions in the tomb robbery world, and the most mysterious one is the last-ranked Mountain-moving Taoist."

"Mountain Taoists are good at the art of biochemical restraint, and their whereabouts are secretive and hard to find. They explore ancient tombs only for 'Dan Zhu', not for wealth. They usually dress up as Taoists, so they are called Move Mountain Taoists."

Hu Bayi looked at Shirley Yang, and told the description he knew about the Taoist who moved the mountain.

"Hey, it turned out that he was also an upside-down."

Wang Kaixuan didn't think too much about it, he knew that this American girl was doing underground business just like them.

"My grandfather used to be a Taoist who moved mountains, so I also have some skills in this area."

Shirley Yang also didn't intend to defend herself, and directly admitted it openly.

However, her eyes were always on Hu Bayi. Along the way, she noticed that there was something wrong with these two people. She thought they were just ordinary tomb robbers, but she didn't expect to be the descendants of Captain Mojin.

After all, compared with those wild tomb robbers, factions with inheritance such as Taoist Qianshan and Captain Mojin all have their own unique hometown skills.

Unlike Taoists who move mountains and divide armor, the method of Mojin Xiaowei is unique in finding ancient tombs. Among the four major factions, only Faqiu Tianguan, who has long been lost, can compete.

"Then I don't know what your Excellency needs us to do?"

Shirley Yang looked at Emerson and asked.

She can roughly guess Emerson's purpose now. Since the three of them are all about tomb robbery, the only thing that can be used for them is to explore ancient tombs.

Perhaps it was mainly due to the two Mojin captains. After all, they were not good at finding ancient tombs when they moved mountains, otherwise they wouldn't have failed to find what they wanted after all these years.

"Of course it's because there is a tomb that needs to be visited, but I'm not sure if we can find what we want, so I thought about letting three experts in this field go with me."

"I don't think any ancient tomb can stop you."

Shirley Yang glanced at Emerson, then at the faint blue flame floating around him, and said.

"Indeed, but wouldn't it be better to do things more safely?"

In fact, for Emerson who knew the exact location, even if there was any danger in that tomb, it would not pose a threat to them.

The reason why he brought Hu Bayi and the three of them was to prevent the things he wanted to find from not showing up because the protagonists were not there.

He didn't think that one person would be able to take away the Muchen Bead if he went in, most of them probably wouldn't even be able to get in, even if they were lucky enough to get in, they wouldn't be able to find the Muchen Bead.

This is a treasure that represents the world. If it is in a higher world, it may have already possessed its own spiritual wisdom.

Shirley Yang didn't continue to ask. She knew the importance better than Hao Aiguo. If what Emerson wanted to find could not be revealed, the danger would not be Emerson who was being questioned, but those who followed. people.

There was no way, the strength gap between the two sides was so great that Shirley Yang didn't even have the will to resist.

But if she didn't ask Emerson, it didn't mean that Emerson wouldn't take the initiative to tell her that this was a good opportunity to mobilize Shirley Yang's enthusiasm. How could he give up so easily?

"Speaking of which, our purpose is still the same. I wonder if Ms. Yang knows Muchen Bead?"

"Zhong Chenzhu?"

Hearing this name spit out from Emerson's mouth, Shirley Yang's body trembled, and she immediately looked at him and asked, "Do you know where Muchen Bead is?"

"I know." Emerson nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I understand." Taking a deep breath, Shirley Yang nodded to Emerson.

This is an irresistible temptation for her. The blood of the partridge whistle is flowing in her body. This is the treasure that the whole family has been looking for for thousands of years. As the last member of the family, Shirley Yang will not give up this opportunity of.

And judging from his performance these days, this unpredictable man would not lie to her, because the other party didn't need it.

Then Emerson looked at Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan, intending to mobilize the enthusiasm of these two people as well.

"These things you two have are enough for the rest of your life, but it's not enough to help those in need."

"As long as you two come with me this time, I will offer items of the same value as these things as a reward. I wonder what you two think?"

For Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan, nothing is more useful than money.

Wang Kaixuan's needs are actually smaller than Hu Bayi's, but no one would dislike him for having more money.

As for Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms, there are a lot of people in need of help, and his share is not very rich. More importantly, he is a curious person himself, and he also wants to see how the legendary Muchen Bead was released. In what kind of place.

What's more, with this money, even if he finishes all the things he should do, he will live a rich enough life.

Again, no one would dislike having more money, and Hu Bayi was no exception.

"Old Hu, what do you think?"

Wang Kaixuan was very moved, but he still asked Hu Bayi for his opinion, wanting to see what he thought.

But because he was afraid that Hu Bayi would disagree, he added his own opinion before he could give an answer: "I think this deal is worthwhile, and it's worth doing once!"

"Then do it once!"

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and decided to agree.

Originally, they had no right to refuse, but now that what was supposed to be free help has become a paid employment, there is nothing to refuse.

"Mr. Qiao, I don't know if my students and I can participate in this event?"

Professor Chen at the side was also very moved. He had heard about Muchen Bead and wanted to see whose tomb where this treasure was hidden.

Chapter 557 Leaving the Desert

"Oh? Professor, are you planning to come with us?"

Emerson glanced at Professor Chen, and then scanned the other members of the archaeological team from him.

"This is a very rare experience, I don't think I should just miss it like this."

Professor Chen also looked back at his students, and then gave his reasons.

"There is no need to teach like this. I said that I will let you leave safely. Then you will definitely leave this desert safely. Isn't there a nearby town over there?"

Emerson pointed to the end of his line of sight, and if his eyesight was fine, he could already vaguely see the sparse houses located there.

He could probably guess some of what Professor Chen was thinking, but he was just afraid that he would not keep his promise and keep these already useless people in the desert forever in order to hide the news.

But Emerson really doesn't have this idea. It's not that he is absolutely sure that these people won't tell it, but that he knows that even if they tell it, few people will really believe it, just like Like the strange creatures that Hu Bayi and the others encountered in their adventures, more people who know about them just take them as talk after dinner, and only those who also have personal experience will believe them.

Even if Professor Chen or his students talk about their existence, those who hear it will find a reasonable explanation in their hearts that matches their own cognition, for example, they experienced certain hallucinations for some reason Such a reason.

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