The cold-faced count does not want to trigger the plot Author: De Yarimi


Levi, who was hit by a speeding truck, came to the world of GALGAME without accident and became a handsome Earl Riber Campret with some facial paralysis.

Due to Riber's slightly weird cause of death, Li Wei always felt that there were people around him who wanted to harm him.

As time went by, Li Wei found that the people around him were not quite right.

The indifferent maid seems to be the minion of a mysterious organization, the chef who does not cook well dares to grin at his employer, the honest and loyal butler can fly on a horse, and even the hunched gardener can jump ten meters high.

The most important thing is that Riber is so handsome, he is not the protagonist, but a villain.

So, I looked at the "Saint" who was locked in the dungeon by myself before time travel, and then looked at the triggering plot called "Kamprete's Karmic Fire".

Li Wei felt that he was probably not far from being praised.

Volume 1: Chapter [-], The Witch is Wailing

"Have you played the latest game, GALGAME?"

"Which work? Is it "The Witch is Wailing"?"

"After playing it, the plot is surprisingly interesting. Of course, it would be even better if there are R-rated elements."

"I don't have a deep impression of other games in this game, but I can't forget the earl. Is he a shadow clone? Why is he in every line?"

"Haha, +1. The villain of the whole game is supported by the Earl alone."

"Li-e gives people the feeling that there is a gap in grade with other people. If I were to choose the protagonist and the earl, I would choose the earl."

"Maybe it's because the painting is too hard, so I don't want to throw it away after only one use, so I use it repeatedly?"

"If the earl didn't end up badly in every line, I thought the earl would be the hidden protagonist."

"+1. Speaking of which, what about the guy in the group who claims to be a GALGAME expert? We've been chatting for so long, but he hasn't come out yet."

"Who knows, maybe I'm still buried in the clearing game. Trying to find hidden lines or something."

"Such as Earl Line?"

"Enough is enough! If this goes on like this, the game will become "The Earl is Wailing."

"The earl is crying (grass)."

"Then let's talk about which line has the worst earl."

"Of course it's the earl in the saintliness, right? After all, in the first chapter, the earl was turned into ashes and thrown away..."




boom!blah blah blah blah...

Accompanied by a crashing sound and a series of cracking sounds of fragile objects, Levi gritted his teeth and opened his eyes.

There is no pain in the whole body, especially the upper body, where there is a hot feeling after being scratched.The worst part is the neck.The feeling of suffocation that has been surrounding him has always been painful.

It turns out that being hit by a truck is such an experience?

Li Wei was lost in thought.

At the moment before his consciousness was interrupted, he remembered a large truck that seemed to be accompanied by the background music of the word D, knocking himself into the air at lightning speed.

Until the moment before he was hit, he didn't know that the truck could drive so fast.Add a pair of wings to it, maybe it can fly!

It shouldn't be too much to sentence the truck driver to ten premeditated murders for stepping on the truck's gas pedal so full.

Thinking of this, Li Wei sighed.

He wasn't curious now why he survived being hit by such a fast truck.

After all, it was an iconic means of transportation like a truck, and it was a strange scene he had never seen before.

Therefore, apart from time travel, there is no other explanation.

However, he encountered the worst situation as a time traveler.That is, there is no original memory of the current body.

Struggling to stand up, Li Wei turned his head, and saw broken glass scattered on the ground beside him, and a chandelier emitting golden light.

Why the chandelier is on the ground is a question.

Before Li Wei had a grasp of the surrounding situation, there was a knock on the door in a leisurely manner.

Due to the dark atmosphere in the room, Li Wei was startled for a while.Then, he hesitated again about how he should respond.

Fortunately, before he hesitated for long, the person who knocked on the door took the initiative to speak out,

"Master, I heard a loud noise in your room before."

The person who spoke was a woman with a nice voice.

However, her tone was a little subtle.It is as dull and emotionless as a machine, as if the interval between words is constant.

This also caused Li Wei, who was a little agitated by the title "Master", to quickly calm down when he heard the lack of respect in the other party's tone.

"For the time's okay, you go back first."

After deliberating for a while, Li Wei replied.Then, soon the footsteps of a woman leaving outside the door were heard.

After looking around again, Li Wei found that he was in a very spacious room full of Western-style furnishings.

The bookshelves full of books represent that Li Wei may have no future in this world if he wants to make a fortune in this world through paper making and printing.And the full-body glass mirror with a silver edge in the corner of the room also represents that Li Wei wants to make a fortune by making glass, mirrors and other things, which is also a step behind.

Of course, Levi doesn't know these technologies either.Moreover, from the luxurious furnishings that can be seen everywhere in the room, it is not difficult to see that the identity he traveled to is a rich dog, so he probably doesn't have to worry about money.

It seems that the level of technology in this world is not bad?

Li Wei touched his chin and stood in front of the mirror.

In the mirror was a young man with curly black hair.The delicate and sharp facial features are like a carefully crafted work of art.

In his purple eyes, sharp gazes shot out all the time.And on his thin face, there is no trace of emotion, indifferent and stern.

I have to say that "Li Wei" in the mirror is quite handsome.

However, Li Wei always felt that he had seen this face somewhere before.But before he thought about it, something more important caught his attention.

That was a purple and blackened deep strangle mark on his neck.


Li Wei stroked his hand towards the strangle mark in astonishment, and found that there is still pain around it, and the strangle mark is so deep that most of his fingers will sink into it.

Immediately, Li Wei, whose back felt cold, hurried back to search around the chandelier, and sure enough, he found a strong white rope made of unknown material.

Originally, Li Wei thought that the current body was accidentally smashed to death by a chandelier, so he was allowed to occupy the dove's nest.But obviously, this rope is the real cause of death of this body.

He was hanged from a chandelier!

And why is it said that he was hanged by someone, not by himself.

On the one hand, this body is obviously a big dog, and he is so handsome, I can't think of any reason for him to kill himself.

On the other hand, it was Levi who did not find anything to step on near the chandelier.

In other words, if he really wanted to hang himself, he would first throw the white rope on the chandelier and make a loop like throwing a rope, and then he would jump and hang his head into the loop accurately.

This difficulty factor is not to say 10.0, but also probably 9.9.

However, if it is said that someone else hanged him, the problem will come one after another.

Because, after Li Wei checked it, he found that all the doors and windows in the house were locked from the inside.

In other words, this is a murder case in a secret room!

Could it be that he has traveled to a world of detective stories?

Li Wei's heart became extremely heavy.

Volume 2: Chapter [-], Why You Shine

The sky is bright.

Li Wei, who hadn't slept all night, kept rubbing his temples in front of the desk.

If someone asked him why he didn't sleep, he would instead ask him how big his heart was to be able to fall asleep peacefully at the scene of his murder.

This night, Li Wei was reading materials in front of the dim lamp on the desk.

It's not that Li Wei doesn't want to solve his secret room murder case, but that he really doesn't have the talent as a detective.After thinking for a long time, I didn't think of the criminal's tricks, not to mention anything similar to clues, but I didn't find anything.

Therefore, we can only change the direction of investigation.

Speaking of which, this lamp is rather odd.Levi didn't find that it was connected by wires, nor did he see where the battery could be inserted, but it was able to emit light, highlighting a magic.

If Li Wei didn't have more important things to study, then he would definitely have to dismantle the desk lamp inside and out.

Originally, Li Wei didn't have much hope for the documents and other things on the desk.He just felt that this was the only way for him to obtain information, so he acted like a living doctor.

But what he didn't expect was that there were some valuable information in it.

For example, who is "he"?

It was a document that was compiled into the Royal College of Higher Education in Mebrien, and there was a line of names that read like a tongue twister.

Riber May Brian Lu Shane y la Camprete.

Then, there was a photo next to the name, which was Li Wei.

Leaving aside the fact that this world even has the skills to take pictures, Li Wei, or Ribel, did not expect that he is only 19 years old.

When he looked in the mirror before, Riber looked at his childish face and thought he was at least 25 years old.

In short, at least from the admission materials, Riber knew his name and age.

The other content is not very nutritious, mainly some recommenders.They were all marquises, earls, and the like, and Ribert couldn't remember any names, including his own.

Judging from the titles of these recommenders, Riber himself is also an earl.

So, in this world, even the earl has to go to school?

Can't afford a tutor?

Riber put the information aside with a strange expression.

Apart from this enrollment information, there is not much useful information.Basically, they are business documents related to Riber's territory.Among them, [-] to [-]% of the terms appearing in the procurement and financial documents were incomprehensible to Riber.It shows that there may be a huge gap between the species in this world and the world he originally lived in as Levi.

"This is how to do ah..."

Liebel lay among the scattered documents, sighing constantly.

Traveling to a completely strange world, Goldfinger doesn't even tell anyone, and doesn't even have a memory.To make matters worse, the original Riber died unexpectedly, so it is very likely that there are gangsters lurking around him who are coveting his life.

The difficulty of living is too high, why don't we just let the gangster stab him to death, and then travel back?

Riber thought so desperately.

Now, after a day, Riber has completely lost the sense of novelty and excitement that he had when traveling through time, and some are full of anxiety, fear, and the mood of wanting to return to the original world.

Yes, there are regrets.

If he hadn't insisted on going out to buy some Galgame, he wouldn't have been hit by a truck, and he wouldn't have crossed over.

What age is it, is it not good to buy the digital version?Even if you want a physical collection, isn’t it good to shop online?If you feel ashamed of the cover, wouldn't it be enough to let the merchant keep the packaging secret?

Why go out!

Riber secretly made up his mind in his heart, if he could survive this dangerous situation, then he would not go to the damn Wang Li College of Higher Education, and would stay in his mansion for the rest of his life.


The sky is bright.

Following the sound of footsteps, there was another rhythmic knock on the door of Riber's room.

"Master, it's time for breakfast."

The distinctive female voice that Riber had heard the day before came again.

Riber, who wanted to send the other party away again, thought about it, and felt that it was not a problem to stay in the room all the time.And, he was indeed hungry.So, he replied "I know", and then began to organize his appearance.

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