"?!" However, before he could laugh a few times, he was startled by Mahad's 'but'.

"Although we can't crack it, we can put a new magic circle on the outside of the magic circle. In this way, after the effect of this magic circle ends, no matter whether the winner is Kaoru or Dazi, they will all be defeated by the new magic circle." trapped by the magic circle."

Wang Xiang said in a deep voice, "Very good! Then do what you want Mahad to do! Make sure that guy Pairang pays the price for the sacrificed people in the magic circle!"

"Pay the price?! Don't laugh so hard! Pharaoh, do you think you are the messenger of justice?! You—!"

Before Tapirang finished speaking, the black magician waved his staff and released a sound-proof magic circle, which was placed around the magic circle of the final battle, temporarily isolating the internal sound.

"Black Magician, what are you?!" Wang Yang was taken aback when he saw this.

The black magician shook his head and said: "Pharaoh, we don't need to listen to the enemy's nonsense, we should quickly mobilize resources to build a new magic circle around this magic circle. Maybe we're running out of time."

Wang Yang nodded. Although he also guessed that the black magician might be hiding something, he was willing to believe in the black magician.

After that, Mahad led people to mobilize resources, and the black magician approached Aknadi in private.

"Master Akenadi, I have something to ask you."

"...You should still be Mahad, right? What do you want from me?"

"That's right, I'm Mahad, but I'm not the Mahad of this timeline. As for what I want to tell you, it's Seth's business!"


Chapter 334 Chapter 330 Your Name

When Mahad began to mobilize supplies, Xingyu also temporarily separated from Wang Yang and the priests, because Xingyu knew that he was a pawn belonging to Kaorang, and what he saw and heard meant that Kairang also I have seen and heard, so I am not suitable to act with other people.

So Xingyu separated from the others, squatted outside the magic circle and began to observe Diabond, because Xingyu felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Diabond now. The first time we met, he was so much stronger that Xingyu couldn't help wondering if Kairang had found another powerful elf to kill him before he troubled Dazi.

But after thinking about it, Xingyu really can't imagine that there are any wild and powerful elves in this era, so they can't be the blue-eyed white dragon, let alone whether the previous Diabond can beat the blue-eyed white dragon, even if he can Defeated, with the connection between Seth and Qisara, Seth will definitely feel something if something happens to the blue-eyed white dragon, so Xingyu can be sure that the blue-eyed white dragon is fine now.

But if nothing happened to the blue-eyed white dragon, it would be impossible to explain why Diabond became so strong. Even Timaeus, who was in the legendary knight state, was almost killed by the tail of Oliha Gang, who was in the black snake state. Diabond's current performance is too unscientific, right?

Looking at Diabond who was fighting against the God of Olihagang with six younger brothers in the magic circle, Xingyu fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, after Wang Yang, Simon and other priests separated from Xingyu, they did not leave the magic circle too far. After all, Tapirang and Dazi were still in the magic circle. , and if Xingyu didn't take the initiative to ask them to keep a distance from themselves, they even planned to guard the edge of the magic circle with Xingyu.

After being silent for a while, Isis couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart, and asked Wang Yang: "Master Pharaoh, can you please tell me what happened to that Mahad whom you called the black wizard?" What's the matter? What's the relationship between him and the Mahad I know?"

Hearing what Isis said, Simon and the other priests also looked at Wang Yang curiously.

Wang Xiang smiled wryly and said, "I'm not very clear about this, and even if I know, I'm not fit to say it. Both the Black Magician and Mahad have chosen to keep it secret, so how can I go against their will What about their secrets?"

Isis sighed: "It seems that I overstepped. I'm very sorry, Lord Pharaoh."

"It's okay." Wang Yang smiled and didn't care, because he could see that Isis asked such a question purely because she was worried about Mahad.

And at this time, a black figure suddenly emerged from the shadows in the corner.

"Who?!" Seth immediately raised the Millennium Rod to aim at the shadow, and at the same time was ready to summon the elves.

The black shadow stepped out of the shadow and appeared, Wang Yang immediately stopped Seth when he saw this.

"Seth! Don't be nervous, the shadow mist girl is an elf of the astronomical language."

Seth still did not put down the Millennium Rod, but said solemnly: "Lord Pharaoh, you can't just let go of your vigilance. This elf is not necessarily the elf you know. Doesn't that astrology mean that he can't summon a powerful fighting spirit?" Is it an elf? Then how did this elf appear? Maybe it’s just another elf pretending to be it! And he just separated from us on purpose, so there’s absolutely no need to send elves to find us now.”

Wang Xiang was taken aback, it seemed reasonable, but are you sure you didn't think too much?How does it feel like you are fighting wits with the air?

The shadow mist girl said speechlessly: "I'm sorry, compared to the other elves held by the master, I'm not a powerful elf. As for the following questions, I can only say that the master separated from you on purpose and then contacted you." I'm here to find you."

"Mist shadow girl, what do you mean by that?" Wang Yang asked hastily.

"Because the current situation of the master is not right, he was tampered with by Kaoru. As long as the master sees and hears things, Kaira can also see and hear, so some things cannot be explained in the presence of the master. Can be relayed by us elves."

Seth said with some seriousness: "He can also see and hear what he sees and hears? Are you sure that he is still in a normal state now? Didn't Kairari take his will and control his body?"

The shadow mist girl shook her head and said: "I can guarantee this, the master has absolutely not been seized of the will to control the body."

Seth still looked skeptical, and now he began to wonder whether the Mist Girl could be trusted.

And Wang Yang recalled the situation of the ultimate dark game explained by Xingyu before entering the memory world, and he also understood that Xingyu is now a pawn belonging to Kaorang.

"Seth, I probably understand the situation of Xingyu, so the words of the shadow mist girl should be credible, but the shadow mist girl, I will still ask Xingyu to confirm the situation."

The Shadow Mist girl nodded and said: "No problem, but please ask a little more discreetly, and don't ask questions that are easy to be associated with by Kaoru."

"Well, I know, so what are you trying to tell us by coming to us now?"

"I'm here to tell you the key to defeating Kamura!"

"The key to defeating Kaliang?!" Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and the dark game outside the RPG game venue was also surprised, but in order to avoid being discovered by Kairliang on the opposite side, he still pretended that nothing happened, nothing at all. show up.

"No matter what kind of power Kaliang has obtained now, as long as you have obtained the key and he has not obtained it, you will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Wang Yang looked at the people around him. Simon, Seth, Isis, Karim, and Xia Da were all trustworthy people, so he asked directly: "Then what is the key?"

"your name."

"My name?!" Wang Yang was stunned.

Seth frowned and said, "Are you kidding me? Although the name of Pharaoh is indeed extremely sacred, it is impossible for him to have the power to defeat a guy like Kaliang, right?"

The Shadow Mist girl shook her head and said, "No, his name does have that kind of power. Think about it carefully, do you still remember his name?"

"Hmph! Let's stop this joke! How can I not remember the sacred name of Pharaoh! His lord Pharaoh is called... just..." Seth's face gradually changed, because he found that he was completely I don't remember the name of the pharaoh in front of me.

Chapter 335 Chapter 330 [-] There is only one way to revive the Pharaoh's name

Simon wondered: "Seth, what are you doing? Keep talking, why are you stunned at this time?"

Seth gritted his teeth and said: "I'm very sorry, Lord Pharaoh, Lord Simon, I don't know why, I can't remember the name of Lord Pharaoh at all."

"Huh? No way? Seth, you actually made such a mistake? Isn't Pharaoh's name... what is it?" Halfway through the speech, Simon also showed a confused expression.

Seeing Seth and Simon's performance, Kalim, Xia Da, and Isis also changed their expressions, and quickly began to recall the name of Pharaoh Wang, but they really couldn't recall it.

Wang Yang murmured: "Looking at your expressions, you probably can't remember my name, right?"

"Master Pharaoh, I am really sorry!" X5

Wang Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "If only one of you can't remember it, then maybe it's a bad memory, but if all five of you can't remember it, it's obviously not your problem but mine. Is there something wrong with the name? Besides, it’s not just that you don’t know my name, I don’t even remember my own name either!”

'Besides, I sort of understand what's going on with my own name. 'Recalling the identity of that great evil god, Tapirang, Wang Yang knew it too.

Seeing that Pharaoh didn't care about their mistakes, several people were relieved.

Seth asked seriously: "Isn't it the Shadow Mist girl? How can I get back the name of Lord Pharaoh?"

"There is only one way to revive the Pharaoh's name, and that is—"

"That's it?" X6

"Find the recorded names of the pharaohs."

"..." X6

After being silent for a long time, Seth said speechlessly: "I always feel that you are teasing us. If it's just such a simple matter, then we just need to go back to the palace and look for it?"

"Unfortunately, the name of the pharaoh recorded in the palace is the same as the name of the pharaoh in your memory, and has been erased. Now, there is only one place in the world where the name of the pharaoh is recorded! That is the name of the pharaoh. In the tomb."

"Impossible! I was responsible for the construction of the Pharaoh's tomb. I know the situation of the king's tomb very well. If the palace can't resist the power to erase the Pharaoh's name, then the king's tomb can't resist it either. !" Simon had a look of disbelief.

The Shadow Mist girl shook her head and said: "I don't know, I'm only responsible for conveying what the master said. As for why he said that, I don't know the reason. Whether you believe what I said is up to you to decide, but the master and I both I hope you don’t tell others what happened here, if Kaira gets to know this information, you will be in big trouble.”

Wang Xiang nodded and said, "I understand. I believe what Xingyu says, and I won't tell anyone else what happened here."


"Simon, you are responsible for the construction of my king's tomb, can I ask you to take someone to the king's tomb to investigate?"

"It's really helpless, so leave it to me! But I'm getting old, and I may not be able to do it alone. Pharaoh, can you let Karim go with me? Can we only let people who are trustworthy go with us?”

"So, Karim, can I ask you for help?"

"No problem! Lord Pharaoh, I obey your orders!"

Simon continued: "In addition, just in case, I still suggest that Pharaoh check the palace, maybe the names in the palace did not disappear by chance?"

"Heh, let's do what you suggested, Simon, Seth, Xia Da, can you entrust this task to you?"

"Follow the orders of Lord Pharaoh!" X2

Seeing the four people leave to Wang Yang, the Shadow Mist girl hurriedly said: "Wait! Seth, Master has something else for me to bring to you."

"Huh?" Seth was puzzled for a while, Xingyu gave him something?Gave it to the wrong person?He has nothing to do with Xingyu, does he?It was supposed to be for the Pharaoh, right?

In Seth's doubts, the Shadow Mist Girl took out a card and handed it to him.

"This is?! White Dragon?!" Seeing the blue-eyed white dragon on the card, Seth froze in place.

Wang Yang suddenly realized that it was the blue-eyed white dragon. No wonder it was a card for Seth, but besides the black magician, does Xingyu also have the blue-eyed white dragon?I don't know how Haima will feel when he sees this scene.

"This is a gift from the master. If you bond with the white dragon enough, maybe you can summon the white dragon in this card like the Pharaoh summoned the black magician. In that case, you may let the white dragon Something that you will regret for the rest of your life never happened again."

"Regret what happened in your life?! What do you mean?! Tell me clearly!!" Seth panicked.

The Shadow Mist girl shook her head and said: "Master's words only stop here. He said he can only say so much. If he said more, it might have the opposite effect. In short, whether you can change your destiny depends entirely on you." Make your own decision!"

After speaking, the shadow mist girl disappeared into the shadows.

"Wait! How did he know my fate?! Come back to me!"

Wang Xiang shook his head and said: "Seth, you don't need to shout, Xingyu usually only talks half of what he said, besides his own bad taste, there are some factors that prevent him from telling all the things, After all, what he said was something that might happen in the future.”

"What?! Something that might happen in the future?"

"That's right, to a certain extent, Xingyu is a person who can see the future, but what he sees is only a fixed future, which will not change with our actions, so he generally does not say anything to death .”

Isis was shocked and said, "Seeing the future? Isn't this similar to the ability of Millennium Jewelry?"

Wang Xiang smiled and said: "That's right, Xingyu and Millennium Jewelry actually have some kind of karma, but Xingyu doesn't care about this karma. Well, let's get down to business, Seth, do you want Isis to replace it?" You go to check the palace? You should be more concerned about Bailong now, right?"

"No! Lord Pharaoh! Since I have already accepted this task, I will definitely complete it. There is no need for Isis to replace me. As for the White Dragon... I will try this card first! So it won't hinder me from completing the task!"

Wang Xiang nodded and said: "Since you have made a decision, then I won't stop you, go."


Seth turned around again and rushed to the palace with Xia Da, while Simon took Karim to find a mount and was ready to rush to the king's tomb.

PS: Thanks to [Saint-Michel] for a blade.

Thanks to [Nagi] for the two blades.

Thank you [Honest and Honest Man] for a blade.

Thank you for the two blades of 【Good Drunk and Easy Awakening】.

Thank you for the two blades of 【Whole Life Rape-W】.

Thank you [Don't Misidentify Relatives] for a spicy bar.

Thank you [Zai Zong, I will take you to fight] for a spicy strip.

Chapter 336 Chapter 330 Three Partners Reunited, Seth Meets the Blue-Eyed Girl

After the four of them left, Wang Yang was about to send Isis to help Mahad when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"another me!"

"Game!" X3


Wang Yang turned his head and saw that he was happily running towards his watch game, Jounouchi, Honda, and Kyoko.

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