After discovering the situation in the memory world, Anyou also looked at GM Kairang angrily.

"Too many GM props?! You, a guy who either goes to school or plays cards, is not qualified to say that about me! Half a year, half a year, do you know how I spent the half a year before this ultimate dark game started? That ghostly place in Antarctica is looking for the Diabond core hidden by the Absolute Zero man of the Star Language. Every day is a vast expanse of whiteness. Apart from finding the Diabond core, I can only make GM props to pass the time! You A guy who knows how to play cards has the nerve to say that I have too many GM props?!"

On the contrary, GM Kairyo looked angry.

Hearing this, the anger on An Youyou's face disappeared, and his expression became weird. This guy, Kaorang, seems to have been tricked by Xingyu. No wonder he put so much effort into dragging Xingyu into this game. In the ultimate dark game.

"Ahem! Forget it, let's go back in time, so that you will use up another GM item, and the power of the magic circle will come in handy, and you may not be able to break through the shackles of the magic circle in the future." !"

"Hmph! Haven't explained the situation of the magic circle yet? But I've also thought of a way to deal with it, so just watch and see if I can break through the shackles of the magic circle!"

In the memory world, the priests couldn't help being surprised.

"What?! Why did we suddenly come back here?!"

"Did time turn back?"

Xingyu and Wang Yang, who had known for a long time that Tapirang possessed the time-reversing hourglass, were staring at Tapirang in the magic circle, ready to make a move.

"Diabond! Take me into the shadows!"

In the fiercely burning flames, Kairyo changed his method of dealing with the magic circle. Instead of letting Diabond use Skyman's ability, he let Diabond use Shadow Mist Girl's ability.

The expressions of the black magician and Mahad are a little dignified. Because of the rewinding of time, has the one-time ability acquired by Diabond been reset?This will be troublesome, although the seventh magic circle can still block the ability of the shadow mist girl, but if the five magic circles from the second to the sixth are not destroyed by Diabond, the seventh magic circle will also be able to block it. There is no way to establish contact with that elf and trap Diabond with infinite power.

In the blink of an eye, Diabond and Pairang appeared between the sixth and seventh magic circles, leaving the range of the flames.

"The next thing is this, I want to see if this magic circle still has the power it had before! Diabond! Phantom spiral tornado!! Phantom spiral wave!!"

The tornado and the black beam, which were twice as thick as before, shot out from Diabond's mouth and between his hands respectively, and began to hit the seventh magic circle, creating cracks in the magic circle.

"Damn it! Did you bless the Trinity's ability on your body?! The seventh magic circle can't hold on anymore!"

"Since you can't hold on, then forget about it! Come out! The Sun God's Winged Dragon! Integrate the effect of the soul into the Sun God's attack! The Phoenix!! Burn Kairang to ashes!!"

Wang Yang decisively summoned the winged dragon, switched it to the phoenix mode, and launched an attack before the seventh magic circle was completely broken.

"Your Majesty the King is really cruel. He actually planned to burn Diabond and me to ashes, but unfortunately, Diabond has the characteristic of immortality, and the damage caused to Diabond can no longer be destroyed. It has affected me! And Diabond, who has the characteristic of immortality, is not afraid of your sun god! Diabond! Block the attack of the sun god! Phantom spiral wave!!!”

After receiving the order, Diabond immediately shifted his attack target from the magic circle to the Winged Dragon. However, because the magic circle still existed, Diabond's attack did not fail before the Winged Dragon smashed the magic circle from the outside. Way to get in touch with Pterodactyl.


Because the magic circle is only inside but not outside, after being touched by the flame of the phoenix, the magic circle immediately collapsed, and the phoenix also had a head-on collision with the phantom spiral wave.

As it should be, the phantom spiral wave has no way to block the attack of the strongest winged dragon among the three phantom gods, but Kaoru is still fearless. The phantom spiral wave can't stop Diabond, as long as Diabon Germany will not be eliminated, and can always act as his shield to block the attack of the phoenix for him.

"Now! Come out! Rosemary! Please!"

However, at this moment, Xingyu summoned Rosemary, and made Rosemary activate her own ability. Countless blue light spots entangled Diabond's body, forcibly pulling Diabond who was attacking. Bond changed his posture and turned into a defensive expression with his whole body curled up, unable to move for the time being.


"Piriao! I didn't say that the target of the sun god's attack is Diabond! Go! Burn Kairang to ashes completely!! God phoenix!!!"


Game Master props: Shadow Claws (Wristguards): Used in conjunction with the Outlander's War, when the spirits with the attributes engraved on the Outsiders' War are summoned to the memory world by outsiders, the Shadow Claws can copy the abilities of the corresponding spirits and pass them on to The elf of the shadow claw holder, but can only be used once.

Game Master props: Reverse Time Hourglass (Hourglass) (one-time): Rewind the time in the memory world, and the specific amount of rewinding is freely decided by the user of the Reverse Time Hourglass.

PS: Thanks to [Otakuの家] for the two blades.

Thanks to [Dragon 1] for the two blades.

Thanks to [Sweiyar] for the three blades.

Thanks to [Saitama One Punch Man] for the three blades.

Thanks to【Mini Peanut Bean】for the two blades.

Thanks to [Achilleus Ajax] for the three blades.

More than half of the Wangzhi memory chapter has been written, and it is almost over, um, it should be over within this week.

Chapter 345 Chapter 340 Chapter [-] Strongman Locking Birds, Despicable Tactics

Diabond's spiral fluctuations were terminated because he was forced to change to a defensive display, but the winged dragon in the phoenix mode did not take the opportunity to attack Diabond, but directly passed Diabond's side and rushed towards him. tapir good.

"It's already reached this point, how can we lose like this! Come on! Undead! Put all your grievances on me and strengthen Diabond's power!"

Seeing the pterosaur's attack coming, Kairang, who didn't want to use up his last hole card, could only summon most of the dead spirits that had been wandering around in the dark, and strengthened Diabond's power again.

Well, these undead are the undead of Kruena Village. Under the leadership of Kaorang's avatar, they have been hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, but Naihe Xingyu, Wang Yang and others made preparations for them Not a single opportunity was found.


Amidst the roar, Diabond's power strengthened again, and it took a short while to break free from the spell released by Rosemary, but now it broke free from its shackles in an instant, and quickly rushed towards the Winged Dragon.

"It's useless! Even if you strengthen Diabond's power now, it's too late, Diabond's speed alone can't catch up with the Sun God!"

"So from Vadokana?"


"My lord, you seem to have forgotten that I am not just Diabund's subordinate!"

Tapirang sneered and raised the gladiator pan, summoned a mole-like elf, carried Tapirang directly into the ground, and made the phoenix lose its target.

"Do you want to burrow into the ground to avoid the attack, phoenix, that whole piece of land—"

"Wait a minute, my lord king, I advise you not to do this better, look over there!" Tapirang's avatar appeared out of thin air at a distance from Wang Yang and the others, pointing with a playful face. Pointing to a ruin not far from the place where Tapirang drilled into the ground, a part of something was exposed there.

Wang Yang showed a puzzled expression. Having lost his memory, he didn't know what it was, but he could feel that it was definitely something that had a lot to do with him.

However, only Wang Yang lost his memory. The black magician and Mahad were shocked when they saw that thing: "The coffin of the former king Akkanan?!" X2

"What?!" Wang Yang and the priests were also shocked.

The tapirang clone continued: "My lord, do you still want to continue to attack? In that case, it is uncertain whether my body will die, but your father's coffin and body will definitely be burned! Hahaha Ha ha!"

"You bastard!" Wang Yang clenched his fists with anger and fell into hesitation.

And before Wang Yang could make a decision, Diabond had already caught up with the phoenix. The time that Tapirang's avatar delayed with words and the time Wang Yang hesitated was enough for Diabond to cross it and the phoenix. After all, the phoenix stayed in the air and did not move forward after losing its attack target.

And after catching up with the phoenix, Diabond directly entangled with the phoenix, without any scruples about the fire of the sun burning on the phoenix, relying on the characteristics of immortality that he had acquired, he confronted the god of immortality forcefully The bird resorted to a strongman to lock the bird.

"Sun God?!"

"Hahahaha! My lord! I'm back again! It seems that you still can't ignore your father's corpse."

Tapirang and Mole Elf came out from the original place again, looking at Wang Yang mockingly.

"You're right! But you also forgot one thing! I don't have only the Winged Dragon in my possession! Black Magician!"

"The Curse of Fantasy!"

The black magician raised his wand at the mole elf, and a six-pointed star's curse appeared around the mole elf out of thin air, restraining the mole elf in place and unable to move.


"Heh, if it's Diabond, he can still break free from this bondage with his own strength, but your other elves don't have that kind of power at all, right? To some extent, you really let the winged dragon be entangled, But from another point of view, you also let your only powerful elf, Diabond, be entangled by the Winged Dragon! Tapiryo! You lost! Black Magician! Magical Wave!!"

"Magic wave!!!"

The black magician waved his wand, released a green beam of light, and blasted straight at Kairang.

"I lost? That's not necessarily true!"

Tapirang sneered and summoned the last elf, a kobold, and asked the kobold to pick up a rope from the ground and pull it with all his strength. The coffin of King Akkanan, who was still some distance away from the ruins, was there. Pulled by this force, it flew out, fell into the hands of the kobold, and was blocked by the kobold as a shield in front of Magic Wave.

"Bastard! You still want to use King Akkanan's coffin as a shield! The time and space of the underworld!!"

Mahad also didn't know when he reincarnated as the second black magician, roared and activated his special ability, created a space channel like a black hole in front of the magic wave, and directly transferred the magic wave to Behind Tapirang, he avoided King Akkanan's coffin and attacked Tapirang from another direction.

"Do you still have this hand? But it's useless! Diabond!!"

The figure of Diabond reappeared behind Kairang, and blocked the magic wave for Kairang, but as a price, Diabond also disappeared.

"How is it possible?! Isn't Diabond fighting with the phoenix in the air? How could he appear behind Kaliang again?!" Everyone looked at Diabond in the air with expressions of disbelief .

"Hehehe! Diabond, who has obtained the power of the dead, has gained a new ability, that is the ability of clone. Although Diabond's clone does not have much combat power, it is still very useful to use as a shield. !"

"Obviously you have such ability and use my father's coffin as a shield! Kaoru!!! How despicable are you!!!" Wang Yang couldn't help roaring.

"How despicable is it? Hehehe! My lord, there are even more despicable things waiting for you! Now hand over all your millennium artifacts immediately, or I will let your father uncover the coffin!" With a sneer, Tapiryo kicked King Akkanan's coffin, making the coffin make two consecutive noises.

"Father! You bastard!!!" Wang Yang was shocked and angry.

"Hahahaha! Did you hear that, my lord, hand over all the millennium artifacts, or do you want your father to teach you a lesson in person!" Laughing, Kaoru kicked the coffin again.

Chapter 346 Chapter 340 On the Degree of Vileness

However, before Tapirang kicked the coffin, the Mist Girl suddenly appeared from the shadow of Tapirang, and slashed at Tapirang's neck with a shadow blade.

However, Diabond's avatar appeared next to Kaorang again, blocked the attack of the Shadow Mist girl, and even grabbed the Shadow Mist girl's arm to lift the Shadow Mist girl up.

Tapirang sneered at this and said, "Xingyu, you don't think I'm not prepared for the Shadow Mist girl, do you? You seem to be out of your mind for forgetting Diabond's clone ability so quickly, and not only Brain, even the power of elves, the shadow mist girl can't even break Diabond's clone, this is too bad! This can't be called the dueling king and the elf of the dueling king!"

"Heh, then I'll show you the tactics of the Duel King! Shadow Mist Girl!!"

Before Xingyu finished speaking, the second Mist Girl emerged from the shadow of King Akkanan's coffin, split the kobold's paw with a sharp shadow blade, and then took King Akkanan's coffin with him at a fast speed. slipped into the shadows.

"What?! The second shadow mist girl?! Could it be?!" Tapirang looked at the shadow mist girl caught by Diabond in astonishment, and saw that the shadow mist girl suddenly melted and turned into a The mass of black objects re-integrated into the shadows on the ground.

"Heh! The use of avatars is not Diabond's patent! Now you should think about how to deal with the anger of the game!"

"Tairyo!! Suffer death!! Obelisk's Giant God Soldier!! Smash the God Fist!!!"

Wang Yang almost roared and summoned the Giant God Soldiers, and ordered the Giant God Soldiers to launch an attack with all their strength.

Looking at the white light-wrapped fist coming towards him, Kairara couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. This is not like the magic wave of the black magician. Diabond's clone can't stop this level of attack!

Tapirang decisively took back the kobold, and jumped into the hole just dug by the mole elf.


The shattering blow of the Divine Fist directly shattered the mole elf who was restrained by the six-pointed star's curse, and then bombarded the ground, forming a wave of earthquakes.

"Obelisk!! Continue to attack! Since that guy Kairara wants to be a coward, then bury him alive! Continuous smashing blows!!!"


The Giant God Soldier roared angrily and swung his fists continuously, hitting the ground, forming waves of earthquakes that shook the entire capital, and the surrounding houses that were no longer inhabited began to collapse.

About 3 minutes later, looking at Diabond who had dispersed in the air, Xing Yu patted Wang Xiang on the shoulder and shook his head.

After venting for a while, Wang Yang also came to his senses and raised the gladiatorial plate again.

"Enough! Come back! Obelisk! Sun God!"

Both Obelisk and Winged Dragon turned into light and disappeared. Looking at the ground that had been smashed into a big hole, Xia Da swallowed, and said with some hesitation: "That guy, Kaorang, should be dead, right? Even if he It got into the ground, but it's impossible to withstand the continuous impact of God's attack, right?"

Seth shook his head and said solemnly: "Didn't you notice just now? When Kairang's clone disappeared, he still had a smile on his face, which proves that he is very confident that his body can survive."

Kalim couldn't help sighing: "Isn't he dead like this? What a troublesome guy!"

Wang Xiang said in a deep voice: "He is indeed a troublesome guy, but no matter how troublesome he is, we must find a way to solve him! ... Xingyu."

Xingyu nodded, and the Mist Girl emerged from the shadows with King Akkanan's coffin.

"Father..." Wang Yang touched King Akkanan's coffin, speechless for a while.

Seeing this, Mahad sighed and said: "That guy, Kaorang, has made King Akkanan restless. Such a despicable method can be used. It seems that when fighting him in the future, we must pay special attention not to use corresponding methods. things are threatening the Pharaoh!"

Wang Xiang shook his head and said: "It's useless, if he wants to threaten, there are ways, even if I protect my father's coffin, he can still threaten me with people and so on, so we can only find a way to solve it as soon as possible." He, don't give him another chance to threaten us."

Mahad fell into silence. Indeed, for the pharaoh, even ordinary people would not be indifferent. Although this is the reason why he vowed to follow the pharaoh, it is really a good excuse It's a headache.

Xingyu reminded: "You priests don't just care about what the Pharaoh cares about, but also pay more attention to yourself, and don't let the things you care about be controlled by Kaoru."

Hearing this, the five priests all nodded to show their understanding, but the black magician looked confused.

Well, the black magician is very tangled at this time, because he can't imagine why Kairang here is so despicable, and he even made the method of using King Akkanan's coffin as a shield and hostage, you know 3000 years ago The thieves king Bakula just showed off and returned the coffin of King Akkanan to Wang Yang. Compared with Bakula 3000 years ago, the current Tapirang is much stronger Well, if Bakula 3000 years ago was as insidious, cunning, and flexible as it is now, Wang Yang 3000 years ago would never have had the chance to seal the great evil god in the name of the king, and he would have been killed directly.

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