After being stunned for a while, everyone turned their heads to look at Asuka, with the expression of what the hell is your brother doing.

Asuka also turned dark, and was about to shout angrily, when the assassin guarding the tomb suddenly appeared beside Asuka, covering Asuka's mouth.

"Hush! Don't be too angry. I will explain the situation to him later. Let him hide now. That person should be chasing him soon."

Asuka nodded quickly. Although she didn't know who her sister-in-law was talking about, she was still willing to believe her sister-in-law. Compared with her unreliable brother, the assassin who guarded the tomb, the elf sister-in-law, had a lot to say. Much more believable.

Seeing that Asuka agreed, the assassin guarding the tomb also nodded to the others, and then disappeared directly.

Then, a blond man with a hat appeared outside the classroom.

"Is it here? Fubukin! Get the hell out of here! Explain it to me!"

The angry growl of the blond man came in, and everyone except Xiang Lu was taken aback, Fu Bujin?What the hell?But the ring green thought of something and frowned.

Of course, the blond man didn't get a response. After all, Fuxue was hiding from him, so how could he come out to see him on his own initiative now.

But the blond man couldn't be sure that Fubuki must be hiding in this classroom. After all, he was too careless and accidentally let Fuyuki disappear from sight, so he could only be sure that Fuyuki was hiding in this teaching building, but he couldn't be sure that Fuyuki was hiding in this classroom. In which classroom, it was only after discovering that someone in this classroom guessed that Fubuki might be hiding here.

But Fuxue didn't respond, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and look at everyone in the classroom, ready to ask if they saw Fuuxue's figure, and then he froze because he saw Hibiki.

The blond man quickly reacted, and asked angrily: "Mr. Xianglu, why don't you let Fubukin compete? Are you looking down on other dueling academies? With Fubukin's strength, don't you qualify for your competition?" Is it a player?"

Xianglu shook his head and said, "David Raber? It's a pity that we don't look down on other dueling academies, and Fubuki's strength is not insufficient, but he has already participated in a competition, you understand what I mean."

"Are you kidding! I chose to repeat the grade just to duel with that guy again. Now you guys are telling me that he won't compete, how could I understand!"

The blond man named David Raab showed a ferocious face, and rushed towards Xianglu angrily.

PS: Well, it seems that there is a part of the plot where the cards are not played, and the cards will start tomorrow.

Thanks for the rewards of [Ticky Snacks] 2, [Where is Newton's coffin board] 2 blades.

Chapter 748 Chapter 730 Chapter [-] David and Rikki

However, before David took a few steps, the fallen angel Diesel and Nova Lord appeared in front of him, blocking his way and looking at him coldly.

Xianglu said in a bad tone: "David Raab, this is not the United States. Are you mentally prepared to bear the consequences of acting wild here?"

"Oh, interesting, isn't it the United States? But do you dare to attack me casually? Don't forget, you are the organizer of this World Dueling Academy Ranking Tournament. You should also imagine what kind of criticism you will suffer!" David sneered.

Xingyu jokingly said: "Really? But you don't seem to know one thing, there is surveillance in this classroom, and what you said before is enough to save us from any criticism! "

David froze for a moment, turned his head for a few glances, and found the camera on the wall facing this side, and his face darkened instantly.

"Actually play this trick for me! Very good, if this is the case, then I will change the way, let's fight, let me see if your students are really good enough to replace Fu Bujin as a player, If you win, I won’t say anything, but if you lose, call Fubukin out to me, even if he still doesn’t play the role, he must let him and me face each other again under the eyes of everyone Decide the outcome!"

"Has it really turned into a duel again? But I refuse!"


"One of my favorite things about Xingyu is to say NO to self righteous people!"

"You bastard!!" David suddenly looked annoyed.

Xingyu sneered and said: "As duelists, we naturally wouldn't refuse a normal duel, but why should we agree to a duel with unilateral conditions like yours? Although our students will definitely not lose, but this duel It's not fair from the beginning, you can fight Fubuki as you wish if you win, but it won't do any good if we win, don't say anything, you won't come looking for trouble if we win, you won't come looking for us Trouble, I still want to trouble you, arrogant guy!"

David gritted his teeth for a while, and even wanted to directly summon the elf he held to show Xingyu a little more powerful, but considering the powerful Victory Dragon recorded in the data, he still had to endure it and began to think about it. What should I bet on to successfully initiate a duel.

Soon, David came to a conclusion, gritted his teeth and said: "Very well, since you said that you don't agree to an unfair duel, so what, if your student wins me, I will quit this world directly Duel Academy Ranking Tournament, I use my qualifications as a contestant to challenge your students!"

Xing Yu raised his brows, did he bet his qualifications for the competition?But it's not incomprehensible. Judging from this guy's words, his only goal should be Fubuki. If Fubuki didn't participate in this World Dueling Academy Ranking Tournament, there would be no reason for him to participate.

"Bet the qualifications?! Don't be kidding! David Raab, you don't have the qualifications to be so self-willed!"

At this time, a girl with blond hair appeared at the door of the classroom and yelled at David.

David turned to look at the blonde girl, and said angrily, "Reggie McKenzie, why do you interfere with my own choice!"

'McKinsey? ! 'XN

Everyone on the central school side was taken aback, thinking of Professor McKinsey who was teaching the dark duel knowledge class in this school.

Rui Ji sneered and said, "Just because I am a teacher at United College of America, but you are just a student of the college."

"FXXK!" David couldn't help swearing. If he hadn't chosen to repeat the grade in order to duel with Fubuki who was retained on an equal footing again, with his dueling strength, he could still become a member of United College of America. Teacher, and now Rui Ji, a fellow at his level, actually uses the identity of a teacher to order him, which makes him very angry.


After a sneer, Rui Ji ignored David and looked at Xiang Lu, but at this moment, she completely changed her face, and asked nervously and hesitantly: "Well, Miss Xiang Lu ,me..."

In an instant, everyone in the central school except Xingyu and Dalu showed strange expressions. In this situation, could it be another lily girl like Leticia?No way?

Xianglu shook his head helplessly and said, "Unfortunately, there is still no news from Hongye."

"That's it." Rui Ji showed a disappointed expression.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood that Rui Ji was not interested in Hibiki like Leticia, but was interested in Hibiki's younger brother Hibiki Hongye.

'It turns out she was the one who wanted to be my sister-in-law, but it's a pity that Brother Hongye hasn't heard from her for several years. Wait, why did Brother Hongye leave? Why can't I remember? '

Judai frowned, realizing something was wrong.

And Xingyu is a bit confused, Xiang Hongye actually has a relationship with Rui Ji McKenzie?Did this happen in the original plot?According to Wikipedia, the person who is interested in Mizuki is Fubuki. Could it be that after the TV plot and manga plot are mixed, the emotional line has shifted from Fubuki to Hibiki Momiji?

Because I haven’t read GX’s comics, Xingyu is a little confused now, but in fact, Rui Ji’s interest in Hibiki Hongye is mainly caused by the influence of Xingyu. In the original plot of GX comics, Hibiki Hongye and Rui Ji A duel was held, but it was not able to win due to the influence of the dark duel, and in this world line, when Hibiki Hongye met Rui Ji, she was already much stronger than Rui Ji, and she had already been affected by the dark duel. I understand, so Hibiki Hongye easily won the victory here, and even used his mouth to influence Rui Ji's thoughts, which led to the current situation that Rui Ji is very interested in Hibiki Hongye.

After a moment of silence, Rui Ji put away her disappointed expression, and said seriously: "Everyone, on behalf of United College of America, I would like to apologize to everyone for David's rudeness, and I will take him back right now, and I won't let him disturb you any more. You guys!"

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, after all, there are self-righteous sand sculptures everywhere.

However, David was unwilling to accept Rikki's order.

"What a joke! Do you think I will obey your orders? I won't just let it go! If you don't accept the duel, don't blame me for randomly finding someone to force a dark duel! Although I can't choose a dark duel here The bet, but you have no way to refuse the dark duel!" David said coldly, and the power of darkness emerged from his body, forming a huge robot behind him, the Great Saturn, one of the planetary series.

PS: I was sealed by the quilt, and I almost couldn't get up, but the update will not be less, but it will be a little later. I should write three to four chapters today depending on the situation. This is Chapter 1.

Chapter 749 Chapter 730 David VS Asuka, Gaia! ! !

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Rui Ji's face turned cold, and the power of darkness began to overflow from her body, forming a gorgeous angel behind her.

"Consequences?! I don't care about that kind of thing, or are you going to have a dark duel with me?" David showed a ferocious expression.

"That's enough! David Raab, since you want to fight me so much, I'll let you do it!" Chuuxue appeared and looked at David dissatisfied.

"Oh! Fubukin! You are indeed here! But what I want is not an ordinary duel. I want to knock you down under the eyes of the whole world, and wash away the shame of my defeat three years ago!" Wei's expression gradually twisted.

Fubuki said calmly: "You should also know that this is impossible. The list of contestants has already been reported, and no one can change it temporarily. You, an official player, can retire, but I am not even a substitute player. It is impossible for a human to compete halfway, so we can only conduct ordinary duels, and for ordinary duels, it is impossible for the TV stations who came for the World Dueling Academy Ranking Tournament to broadcast live."

"Bastard!!! So why don't you damn guy participate in this competition! Don't tell me that you can't participate in the second time after participating once. I have already participated once, so why not participate in the second time!" David gradually revealed his beauty.

Fubuki sighed, and said helplessly: "I'm different from you. United College of America has never won a championship before, and it's still impossible to be a champion this time. However, my college has won a championship before. , This time the competition will still be the champion, so we need to pay more attention to our own reputation, if I, who has already participated in a competition, are allowed to participate, it will be bad for the reputation of the academy."

The corner of Ruiji's mouth twitched, will she still be the champion this time?This guy is really confident enough, he can even be said to be arrogant, right?

But Rui Ji was the only one who responded to Fubuki's words. David didn't care about the championship at all, and everyone else had the same idea as Fuyuki. How could they not be the champions!

Fubuki continued: "In addition, there is another reason why I don't participate in the competition, that is, the contestants in our academy this time are not weaker than me, so I don't need to participate at all!"

"Not weaker than you? Do you think I would believe this kind of nonsense? Three years ago, you dared to call yourself KING as a freshman, and there were only two in the entire academy...Only Caesar can compare with you, Now you actually tell me that they are not weaker than you, don't laugh to death!"

"If you don't believe it, you can wait until you compete with them in the competition. Of course, whether you can meet them depends on your own luck."

David sneered and said, "I can't wait for the competition. Since you said so, I'll come and try their skills now!"

"No problem, then let me be your opponent!" Asuka took the initiative to stand up.

"Asuka! Stop it!" Fubuki panicked immediately, David might start a dark duel in this situation, how could he put his sister in danger.

Asuka smiled and said, "There's no way, since you can't participate in the competition, Brother Fubuki, you can only let me, the younger sister, fight instead of you."


Xingyu waved his hand and said: "Fuuxue, don't worry, this duel will not become a dark duel, although I can't stop the dark duel with my ability, but I can seal his dark duel before the dark duel begins." Power!"

As he said that, Xingyu's left eye flashed purple light, and all the dark power in David disappeared.

"What?! How is this possible?!" David showed an unbelievable expression.

"Nothing is impossible. Your dark power comes from a foreign object, but the power of that foreign object is too weak!" Xingyu sneered and glanced at the big Saturn behind David.

Hearing this, David was still full of disbelief, Rui Ji couldn't help showing fearful eyes, but Fubuki breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, I'm relieved, Asuka, help me Brother, let me teach this guy a lesson!"

"No problem, just leave it to me, I just want to test some new cards I added again!" Asuka smiled and gestured OK.

"Damn it!! Don't talk big, even if I don't have the power of darkness, a duelist of your level can't defeat me, Fubukin's sister, just let me fall into the abyss of defeat!" David directly launched the duel disk.

"Heh, let's see who will lose!" Asuka also confidently started the duel.

"Duel!" X2

"Is it up to me to attack first? Draw cards! Very good, I activate the field magic card, Chaos Field!"

As Asuka put the field magic card into the duel disk, a shining ball of light also appeared above the field out of thin air, emitting a warm light.

"The effect of the Chaos Field, when this card is activated, I can add a Chaos Warrior Ritual Monster or a Dark Knight Gaia monster from the deck to my hand, and I add the sprinting Dark Knight Gaia from the deck to my hand!"

"Chaos Warrior and Dark Knight Gaia? Why did Asuka suddenly change her deck?" Judai looked at Xingyu suspiciously, and the others looked at Xingyu one after another. After all, they have never heard of a card like Chaos Field, and it is obviously a new card from Xingyu.

Xingyu said with a smile: "Asuka didn't change the deck, she was just trying to strengthen her own deck. After all, I don't have many digital angel cards on my side, and she is still a little bit far from printing cards. Therefore, I can only try to strengthen it, as for why it is so sudden and why it is the Dark Knight Gaia and the Chaos Warrior, can I say that it is a whim that came from watching a duelist duel recently?"

"Then I activate the effect of the electronic ballet skirt in my hand. This card can release a warrior-type monster or an angel-type monster from my hand or the field to special summon from the hand. I release the warrior-type monster in my hand The dark knight Gaia, who is running monsters, specially summons the electronic ballet practice skirt!"

The phantom of the sprinting dark knight Gaia and the electronic ballet practice skirt card appeared on the field at the same time, and then the sprinting dark knight Gaia turned into a light spot and merged into the card, making two red skirts on his head The green-haired girl with a round ball appeared, came to the field, and posed a cute pose.

PS: Chapter 2, there will be more later, it is being written.

Chapter 750 Chapter 730 Chapter [-] Electronization and Great Saturn

[Electronic ballet practice skirt: effect monster, five-star, earth attribute, warrior family, attack power: 1800, defense power: 1600]

[Effect: ①: This card can be Special Summoned from your hand or field by releasing 1 Warrior-Type or Angel-Type monster from your hand.

②: When this card is released for Ritual Summoning, it can be activated by targeting 1 Ritual Spell Card in your Graveyard.Add that card to your hand. 】

"The effect of the galloping dark knight Gaia, when this card is liberated, I can add a Chaos Warrior monster from the deck to my hand, and I add the Chaos Warrior-the Herald of Creation- from the deck to my hand!"

"The messenger of development?!" David suddenly had a bad feeling. At first he thought it was just an ordinary Chaos warrior, but it turned out to be the messenger of development. That is a troublesome monster possessed by the current dueling king. How did the girl get it? Could it be that the little girl's deck is a powerful deck composed of a lot of precious cards? If there is a card like the real red-eyed dragon knight, then he is really no match.

"In addition, the effect of the Chaos Field is also activated. As long as this card exists in the field area, every time there are monsters in the hands of both parties and the field are sent to the graveyard, each monster will place a magic counter on this card. Because I liberated the galloping dark knight Gaia and sent it to the cemetery, the magic power counter in the Chaos Field increased by one! Then I activated the magic card, the merciful mechanical angel, which can only be activated once a round. Cards: It can only be activated by releasing a computerized angel ritual monster on the field. I draw two cards from the deck, and choose a card in my hand to return to the bottom of the deck. Monsters other than Ritual Monsters cannot be Special Summoned, so I release the electronic Angel Benten- from my hand and draw two cards!"

The phantom of the electronic angel - Benten - appeared and turned into light spots, part of which was absorbed by the chaotic field, and part of which was integrated into Asuka's deck, causing the top two cards to pop out actively.

"I draw these two cards, then return this card to the bottom of the deck, and then activate the effect of the electronic angel - Benten -, which can only be activated when this card is liberated. I can take an Angel from the deck・Light attribute monsters are added to the hand, and I add the electronic cherub from the deck to the hand! In addition, the number of magic counters in the chaos field has also increased to two!"

"Then, I summon the electronic little angel with the defensive position, the effect of the electronic little angel, add an electronic angel monster or mechanical angel ritual from the deck to the hand, and I add the electronic angel - Tuji from the deck Ni - add the card in hand, then activate the ritual magic card, the ritual of the mechanical angel, the total level until it becomes the level of the monster summoned by the ritual, release the monster in my hand and field, and remove an electronic card from the hand Ritual summoning of monsters in an angelic ritual, I liberate the level [-] electronic ballet practice skirt on the field and the dark knight Gaia origin of level [-] in my hand, use the attack to express the ritual summoning, electronic angel -Tujini-!"

The electronic angel with two pairs of arms holding three weapons - Tujini - reappears after a long absence, but this time, it is not the anime version of Tujini, but the OCG version.

[Electronic Angel-Tujini-: Ritual/Effect Monster, Eight Stars, Light Attribute, Angel Family, Attack Power: 2700, Defense Power: 2400]

[Ritual/Effect: The "Mechanical Angel's Ritual" descends.

①: It can only be activated when this card is successfully Ritual Summoned.The opponent must send 1 monster on the field to the Graveyard.

②: As long as this card exists in the monster zone, if your Ritual Monster attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict battle damage to the opponent whose ATK exceeds that DEF.

③: You can activate it by targeting 1 Ritual Monster or 1 "Mechanical Angel's Ritual" in your Graveyard during your End Phase.Add that card to your hand. 】

"Because I sent the electronic ballet practice skirt and the origin of the dark knight Gaia to the cemetery, the number of magic counters in the Chaos Field increased to four, and I activated another effect of the Chaos Field, once a round, put this card on It can only be activated by removing the three magic counters. I can add a ritual magic card from the deck to the hand. I add the Absolute Ritual of the Mechanical Angel from the deck to the hand, and then end this round, but at this moment, the electronic The effect of the angel - Tujini - is also activated. In my end phase, it can only be activated by targeting a ritual monster in my graveyard or a ritual of a mechanical angel. That card is added to the hand. I use this effect to remove the Electronic angel - Benten - added to the hand, it's your turn, David Raab!"

[Asuka: Hand: 6 →...→3 HP: 4000]

David's expression was a bit solemn. Now Asuka's three cards in hand are all clear cards, among them is the troublesome Chaos Warrior - the messenger of pioneering -, and Asuka's cemetery has a dark knight, although it is not certain, but the dark knight cover In the case of Ya, there should be a great possibility that it has a dark attribute, so it shouldn't be difficult for Asuka to summon the Chaos Warrior - the messenger of development - and it should be able to be summoned in the next round. If she can't solve the opponent in this round , then it is very likely that he will be killed in the next round.

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