"Is the attack power 5000? But don't forget, I have two defensive monsters on the field. If you fuse the monsters on the field, you will lose the chance to give me a fatal blow!"

"So from Vadokana!"


"The special effect of Trinity, this card cannot attack directly, but the attack power of this card will be doubled in the round of fusion summoning, and this card of fusion summoning can attack three times in one battle phase! Therefore, only the strength of the Trinity can clear the defensive monsters on your field, and enter the battle stage! The phantom hero Trinity, in turn, will face the Star Saint Lou Suyi in the defense mode and the Star Saint Omi in the defense mode. Jia Xingyun launched an attack, and the phantom double burst!!"

"Leave it to me! Ha!!!"

Trinity shouted angrily and launched a charge, and the red fist shadow waving instantly blasted the two defensive monsters on Gilgamesh's field into pieces.

"Next is the attack of the enchanted evil dragon Uroboros! The breath of the evil dragon!!!"


The three dragon heads of the enchanted evil dragon Uroboros spit out black and blue dragon breath together, and sprayed it directly towards Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh was overwhelmed by the black-blue breath of the dragon, and even Vimana began to be corrupted by the breath.


Seeing this, Gilgamesh snorted coldly, put away Vimana directly, and resisted the dragon's breath with only his own body.

Because the life value dropped to 0, the dragon's breath also ended quickly. Gilgamesh did not take much effort to withstand the wave of dragon's breath, but after the dragon's breath, Gilgamesh's figure became unreal.

"?" Xingyu was taken aback when he saw this.

After looking at his body, Gilgamesh said unhappily: "In the end, it's just a servant's body. Is it close to the limit after traveling through this world? It seems that this time it can only go so far. That's it!"

After speaking, Gilgamesh took off the golden dueling disc and threw it at Xingyu.

"Next! This is a gift from this king! Hero king of foreign lands, your performance is still satisfactory to this king, so I will admit your name, but next time this king will completely defeat you And take away your title of king, you can enjoy the final glory to your heart's content! Hahahahahahaha!"

Amid confident laughter, Gilgamesh's figure turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

Chapter 837 Chapter 820 Return, Shocked Hongye

Holding the golden dueling disc that Gilgamesh threw over, Xingyu was still a little dazed, and it dissipated. Although I don't know what method Gilgamesh used to cross the world, it seems that this consumes a lot.

But will Gilgamesh really find him in the future? There isn’t much left for GX’s plot. Soon he will return to his original world, and his next action will be to go directly to another world during the 5DS period. He will not come here again for the time being. If Gilgamesh If Shi even looked for him during that period, he would not be found at all!

Such self-talk dissipated, and he really deserved to be a willful king of heroes.

Xingyu shook his head, put away the golden duel plate and the deck on it, summoned the D round to travel through space and returned to the area where Judai and others were.

At this time, through the time machine, the dead elves have been resurrected, but they did not leave immediately because they were worried about Xingyu's situation. After thanking him, he was sent back by Yubel.

In the end, only Xingyu, Judai, and Yubel remained.

"Teacher Xingyu, who was that just now?"

"It's the other Jin Yingying that Iskandar said. Iskandar had a duel with him after returning, and used words to lure the guy over, but it was resolved. After losing to me in the duel , he went back to practice his dueling skills."

Judai scratched his head, he always felt that things seemed not that simple, but since Xingyu didn't want to say more, he didn't want to ask more.

"Well, then we should go back, right? Everyone should be waiting for us over there."

"Well, let's go, there's nothing to do here, let's go back."

So Yubel sent the three of them back to the academy.

Seeing the return of the three, everyone was relieved. After exchanging pleasantries, Principal Samejima decided to hold a banquet attended by all teachers and students in order to calm everyone's mood.

Hibiki Hongye and Sanze also stayed temporarily, planning to leave after the banquet was over.

Before the banquet started, Asuka approached Xingyu again and wanted to ask about Fubuki's situation, but she was not too worried. After all, Xingyu appeared in the elf world later, which proved that the situation over there should be resolved. Yes, she was just making a routine inquiry.

Xingyu thought for a while, and simply used the D wheel to travel through space to pull back Fuxue and the assassin who was guarding the grave, and asked Fuxue to explain himself. As for the honeymoon, it can be sent back after the banquet.

Fubuki was very helpless about this, but still helplessly explained the situation to Asuka. Of course, Fubuki was also very knowledgeable, and did not tell what Professor Cobra exposed. Just something.

As for Professor Cobra, Xingyu naturally sent him to prison, but because Cobra is also a poor person, Xingyu discussed with Atum and let Professor Cobra meet his dead dry man. The soul side of his son, which has caused Professor Cobra to want to commit suicide immediately. If his godson hadn't kept him alive, he might have smashed his head against the wall before being sent to prison. After all, death The future world has his only hope, but the real world has nothing.

On the side of Asuka and Fubuki, the siblings are communicating, and on the other side, the siblings Hibiki and Hibiki Momiji are also walking together.

"Sister, is that teacher named Xingyu the one you like?" Xiang Hongye asked cautiously.

Xiang Lubai glanced at Hongye, turned around and left without answering Hongye's words.

Seeing this, Xiang Hongye couldn't help but smiled wryly, and was still angry, but this was also normal, after all, he left this world willfully for several years to worship people.

"Brother Hongye, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you had to go to the world of elves." Judai stepped forward and said apologetically.

Xiang Hongye smiled and said: "It's okay, anyway, worshiping people has recovered, and the experience in the elf world can be regarded as my precious memory."

"But Miss Xianglu..."

"Don't worry, it will be fine in a few days, after all, I have come back safely, haven't I?"


"Forget it, Judai, if you really care about it, tell me how about your teacher? As his direct disciple, you should know him well, right? I'm curious what my sister likes What kind of person is this person!" Xiang Hongye asked gossipingly.

Judai suddenly showed a strange expression, what kind of person is he, brother Hongye actually asked such a question, I always feel a little strange, after all, my first understanding of Teacher Xingyu came from Brother Hongye's explanation.

Before Judai had time to speak, the phantom of the worshiper appeared beside Xiang Hongye, glanced at Xingyu and whispered a few words in Xiang Hongye's ear.

"What?! That person actually——!"

"Hush! Brother Hongye! Calm down!" Judai hurriedly covered Hibiki Hongye's mouth, sweating profusely to remind him.


Hibiki Hongye nodded quickly to express his understanding, Judai also let go of Hibiki Hongye's mouth seeing this.

Then, Xiang Hongye pulled Judai into a corner, and asked in a low voice, "Judai, what's going on? How could that Xingyu teacher be Mr. Xingyu?!"

Ten generations helplessly glanced at the innocent admirer, and sighed: "Mr. Xingyu is the first dueling king Xingyu. How can there be so many things? How can I answer this question?"

"But hasn't Mr. Xingyu disappeared more than ten years ago?"

"To be more specific, Teacher Xingyu has returned to his own world, and you should have heard the rumor."

"The Duel King of another world?"

"Yes, more than ten years ago, after the duel with Mr. Game, Teacher Xingyu returned to his own world, and he didn't come back until two years ago."

"There is still such a thing, it's really troublesome, my sister actually fell in love with Mr. Xingyu, who is so much older than him, at Mr. Xingyu's age, he is already married and has children, right?" Xiang Hongye suddenly panicked. face headache.

Judai laughed dryly and said, "It's a lot of trouble, but that's not the trouble. Teacher Xingyu's actual age is a few years younger than Miss Xianglu's."

"How is it possible?! When I met Mr. Xingyu at the first KC Cup more than ten years ago, he should have been seventeen or eighteen years old. At that time, my sister and I were only ten years old. How could Mr. Xingyu be younger than his sister by a few years!" Xiang Hongye's eyes widened with disbelief.

Chapter 838 Chapter 820 Sinful Heroes

Ten generations spread their hands and said: "I don't know the details, but Teacher Xingyu seems to have traveled directly from ten years to two years ago, that is to say, the Xingyu teacher you saw more than ten years ago is seventeen Eight years old, the Xingyu teacher you saw two years ago is still seventeen or eighteen years old, but now, the teacher should be almost 20 years old now."

Xiang Hongye said with a tangled face: "It's really hard to understand things like a different world, but if this is the case, there shouldn't be any trouble between my sister and Mr. Xingyu, after all, my sister is only 22 now. It doesn't matter if Mr. Yu is two years older."

"But the problem is that Mr. Xingyu doesn't want to fall in love. From his point of view, falling in love is too troublesome, even a little too much. In Wanzhangmu's words, women are not as interesting as duels." Judai He said helplessly, completely unaware of how similar his situation was to that of his teacher.

"Ah, this..." Xiang Hongye was also stunned. When he heard the gossip about Xianglu, he thought that Xianglu's biggest enemy was the girl named Yuan Lihua, but it turned out that Xingyu himself was the biggest enemy. ?

So, Hibiki Hongye was silent for a long time, then Hibiki Hongye stared at Judai and said, "Judao, you have to help me, I'm just such a big sister, and you're just such a big sister."

Judai shuddered, and said with a sneer, "Brother Hongye, I can help you with other things, but I really can't help you with this one. The situation on my side is not easy. If I continue to help Sister Xianglu as a As for the wingman, Teacher Xingyu might knock me unconscious and send me to Asuka and the others' beds."

Xiang Hongye frowned, so that's the case, you don't want to fall in love either, you really are master-teacher-student, you have exactly the same personality.

Xiang Hongye fell silent again. If the direct disciple of the tenth generation can't help, then it will be difficult for him to do anything. After all, he is not very familiar with Xingyu. Let his sister be given to Xingyu for the reason of gratitude, and in this case, even if he wanted to do that, Xingyu would not accept it.

"Ten Dai, tell me, can I have a wagered duel with Mr. Xingyu."

"Brother Hongye, don't you want to use a dark duel to force Teacher Xingyu to fall in love with Sister Xianglu?" Judai looked at Hongye with a foolish expression on his face, how could this EQ be lower than his, It seems that it is necessary to contact Senior Rui Ji at the United Dueling Academy of America to supplement brother Hongye's emotional intelligence.

Hibiki Hongye rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that stupid. I just want to create opportunities for my sister through betting. I don't intend to force Mr. Xingyu to fall in love with my sister. I still know whether the twist is sweet, and I'm not that wicked."

"Then don't think about it, you can't beat Teacher Xingyu [-]%, and you don't have any chance of winning."

"Huh?! How is it possible? If it was more than ten years ago, I would definitely not be able to win Mr. Xingyu, but it is different now! Seven years ago, I was able to barely draw with Mr. Jouchi. Mr. Xingyu should not be weaker than Mr. Xingyu more than ten years ago, and then I trained in the elf world for seven years, but Mr. Xingyu only spent two years. How could I have no chance of winning! At least There should be a [-]-[-]% chance of winning!" Xiang Hongye looked skeptical.

Judai curled his lips and said: "Brother Hongye, I don't know how strong you are now, but if it was only seven years ago, I would have the confidence to defeat you, but I don't have any confidence in facing Teacher Xingyu like this. .”

"I can easily beat the me who was seven years ago, which means nothing at all." Hibiki Hongye still didn't have any AC.

"Let me put it this way. It took Teacher Xingyu two years to catch up to Mr. Game who has grown up for 12 years. I think the current Mr. Game can no longer beat the current Teacher Xingyu."

"What?! How is this possible?! You must know that Mr. Yu defeated Mr. Xingyu 12 years ago!" Xiang Hongye was stunned. The duel is still chilling in his heart. Judai is now saying that it took two years for Xingyu to catch up with the game that has grown up for 12 years. How could he believe it.

"At least I think so. After all, Teacher Xingyu can now draw out the cards he wants, and his tactics are becoming more and more changeable. Mr. Game still wants to use heavy pit decks like he did 12 years ago. It is impossible to target Teacher Xingyu, there is a limit to heavy pits, and Teacher Xingyu has surpassed that limit!"

Xingyu, who heard the conversation between the two because of his quality far surpassing that of ordinary human beings, couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. Judai actually has so much confidence in him?He doesn't have as much confidence in himself as Judai has in him, okay?At the very least, he doesn't feel that the game can't beat him now, he just thinks that he has the possibility to beat the game, but these are two completely different concepts.The former means that his strength has already surpassed the game, and has even reached a different level, while the latter means that although his strength has surpassed the game, he is still at the same level.

After staring at Judai for a long time, after confirming that Judai was not fooling him, Hibiki Hongye's eyes also ignited fighting spirit.

"Interesting! Now that you've said that, I have to compete with Mr. Xingyu! Even if it's not for my sister, my duelist soul can't hold back the challenge of such a powerful duelist. heart!"

Judai smiled and said: "I knew it would be like this! After all, brother Hongye, you are also a duelist, but I still suggest that you find an opportunity to challenge Xingyu teacher in private, don't try to expose the true identity of Xingyu teacher, and don't Think of a bet, otherwise your end will not be much better than what I said before."

Xiang Hongye was stunned, waved his hand and said: "How is it possible, although I have quite a few fans, but it has been seven years, and my fans probably have almost forgotten me, so it is impossible for someone to be like Tianshangyuan Classmates and Saotome-san like you like me, but then again, Judai, I suggest you cherish them, I can see that they really like you, no matter how important they are to duels, they can’t completely Regardless of feelings."

The corners of Judai's mouth twitched twice, and he sneered, "Really? Then let me tell you something, brother Hongye. During these seven years, every few months, a blonde sister came to your house to ask if you came back. Oh, last semester's World Dueling Academy Ranking Tournament, she specially came to ask Sister Xianglu again."

"???" Xiang Hongye was stunned, the blonde sister? !Go to his house every few months? !When did he owe such a debt of love? !Wait, this is not good, what will his parents think if he visits his house every few months!It's over!

PS: Thanks to [rorororo] 2, [Shuke 30277331320] 2 for their blade rewards.

Thank you [I can't be more honest] for a spicy bar.

Chapter 839

[Neptune Great Love] What my classmate said is right, I really stayed up late and overslept, the alarm clock failed, and I didn’t get up until this time.

No, my semi-annual award is in danger if this continues, I will start paying off my debts today, starting from today I will have [-] chapters a day, but with yesterday's [-] chapters, I already owe [-] chapters, this month seems to be more than finished... Tsk .

Stop talking and start writing right away.

Chapter 840 Chapter 820 Chapter [-] The Ten Generations That Are Almost Black

Xiang Hongye forced a smile and said, "Judai, are you joking? Really, how can you make such a joke? It will scare people to death."

Judai said with a smile on his face: "Brother Hongye, do you think I am joking now?"

Hibiki Hongye's expression froze, because he saw full of banter and schadenfreude in Judai's eyes, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

Xiang Hongye's mentality collapsed. It would be fine if Judai and Xingyu were liked by people around him, but he really didn't remember any love debts he had incurred.

"Judai! Tell me the name of that blonde girl! Don't talk about my blonde sister! You definitely know who that blonde girl is!"

Hibiki Hongye pressed Judai's shoulder frantically.

Judai continued to smile and remained silent, wanting to whet Hongye's appetite again, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"I remember that girl should be Rikki McKenzie."

"Reggie McKenzie?!"

Xiang Hongye was stunned, he seemed to have some impression of this name, no way, could it be that he really owed a love debt, he should not be so scumbag that he couldn't even remember the name of the other party after he owed a love debt, right? ?No, you have to figure out what's going on!

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