"Well, not many, I just brought three cards, the Lava Demon God, the Volcano Queen, and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God-Spheroid. If you dare to leave only two monsters on the field after eating the Lava Demon God once, if I had known how tough you are, I would have replaced the Volcano Queen with the Lava Demon God."

The black demon god suddenly looked M·M·P, who would have thought that you would bring so many disgusting cards like this, you wouldn't mind getting stuck!

"Well, because I used the Volcano Queen, I can't do a normal summon this round, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what the normal summon is! I activate a magic card, one-on-one, and summon a monster from my hand. Send it to the cemetery, and special summon a level [-] monster from your hand or deck! I send the spherical chestnut ball in my hand to the cemetery, and special summon a level thieving worm from the deck!"

"A level stealing bug again?!"

"What a fuss, there's no way I can't play three cards like the level-thieving bug!"

The black demon fell into silence, your uncle, to say such words so confidently, is simply shameless!

Xingyu: Hey, I haven't said that your mustache just now is brazen!

"I activate the special effect of the Dark Production Factory again, send the level-stealing bugs on the field to the graveyard, and draw a card! Shocking! This completes the preparation!"

"What?! Ready to complete?!" The black demon suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Oh! Don't be nervous, it's just that the preparations for summoning the gods are complete! You are not the only one who is called a god! Now, the ceremony for the descending of the gods is finally ready, so keep your eyes open! I will activate the cemetery The effect of the level-stealing bug, let the Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon drop from level [-] to level [-], and special summon the level-stealing bug in defense mode, then I will remove the ancestor dragon ancient dragon on the field as a cost, and special summon a different dimension from the hand In this way, there are two level one monsters again! I stack the level one different dimension spirit and the level one stealing bug, and the two monsters build a stacking network, XYZ Summon! Come out! Himeya Palace of Senra!"

"It's Sen Luo's Ji Ya Palace again?!"

"It's not over yet! I'll activate the Ritual Magic Card, the Ritual of Fantasy, from my hand and on the field to release the monsters with a total level of [-] or more, and summon the Demon Ritual of Sacrifice from the card in my hand! Of course, I will not use The Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon or Sen Luo's Hime Palace is liberated. What I want to liberate is the monster in the cemetery! The special effect of the spherical chestnut ball in the cemetery can be used as a monster with the required level value when the ritual summoning is performed. I will banish this card from the cemetery! I will banish the spherical chestnut ball in the cemetery, and let the chestnut dragon spherical body be used as a sacrifice in a fantasy ceremony, a ritual summoning, the demon of offering sacrifices!!"

[Sacrificing Demon: Ritual/Effect Monster, One Star, Dark Attribute, Mage Family, Attack Power: 0, Defense Power: 0]

[Ritual/Effect: "Fantasy Ritual" descends.

①: Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting 1 monster on the opponent's field.The opponent's monster is treated as an Equip Card and equipped to this card (only 1 can be equipped).

②: The ATK and DEF of this card become the respective values ​​of the monster equipped by this card's effect. If this card is destroyed by battle, destroy the equipped monster instead.

③: When you take battle damage in battle with this card equipped with a monster by the effect of this card, your opponent also takes the same amount of effect damage. 】

"In this way! The four monsters of ritual, fusion, overweight and synchronous monsters have gathered on the field of both of us! The conditions for the final god to come are thus completed! The law of victory has been determined! I will The Ritual Monster Nasai Demon, Fusion Monster Hunger Poison Fusion Dragon, Xyz Monster Senra's Ji Yagong, and the Synchro Monster Demon King Super Dragon Lord of the Flies on your field are excluded! Special from the hand Summon the ultimate god! The giant god of destruction and creation in your hands, wake up from the eternal sleep, and set your sights on this world! Descend! Star God Sophia!!!”

PS:感谢【某有节操的红白】2、【黑夜下的魔术师】10、【独立团长李云龙】3、【半夏微光】1、【木得事】3、【懒洋洋的懒羊羊 】3、【是路过的假面骑士】2、【@漠暗风】2的刀片打赏。

Chapter 1147 Chapter 110 Chuang Xingshen, a well-matched opponent

Xingyu yelled and pressed the card onto the duel plate. In an instant, a roar resounded through the world. The left hand held the shining power of creation, and the right hand held the dark power of destruction. Sophia, the god of creation, descended here.

[Star God Sophia: Effect Monster, Eleven Stars, Dark Attribute, Angel Family, Attack Power: 3600, Defense Power: 3400]

[Effect: This card cannot be summoned normally.This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ monster each from the game, which is face-up on the field.The Special Summon of this card cannot be nullified.When this card is Special Summoned successfully, remove from play all other cards in both players' hands, field, and Graveyard.The effects of Spells, Traps, and Effect Monsters cannot be activated in response to the activation of this effect. 】

"The ultimate god who holds the power of creation and destruction! Star Creator Sophia?!" The black demon god couldn't help showing a surprised expression. This name sounds very bluffing, but why, this star creator Sophia doesn't have any pressure at all?

"Sophia, the God of Creation, cannot be summoned normally. It can only be Special Summoned when I and the opponent's face-up monsters on the field must be excluded from Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz monsters!"

"Is that why you specially summoned those three different types of monsters? But I still have the Volcano Queen you gave me on the field. With Sophia, the star god, I can't defeat me!"

"That's not necessarily true! The special effect of Star God Sophia, when this card is successfully special summoned, all cards in the hands, field, and graveyard of both parties other than this card will be excluded! Therefore, the Volcano Queen can't act as yours." Shield!"

"How can I let you succeed! At this moment, I activate the cover card, counter the trap card, and exchange it for free! The opponent can only activate it when the monster effect is activated. The activation is invalid and destroyed. The opponent draws a card! I invalidate and destroy you Star God Sophia, let you draw a card!"

"It's useless! Star Creator Sophia is the god who masters the ultimate power of creation and destruction! Therefore, the effects of Star Creator Sophia cannot be chained!"


"Come on, Star God Sophia, the cycle of creation and destruction!!"

As soon as the words fell, Sophia, the creator of the stars, put her hands together, combining the shining creative power of her left hand and the dark destructive power of her right hand, turning into a chaotic ball of light, which suddenly bloomed, forming a The shock wave that cleans the entire world spreads around the star god Sophia, drowning the black demon god and the stone boat in an instant, even crossing the entire island and spreading to the whole world.

After a while, the shock wave dissipated, and the face of the Black Demon God became extremely ugly, because at this time, the hands and graveyards of the Black Demon God and Xingyu became empty, and only Sophia, the God of Star Creation, was left on the field. .

"Extreme God, Check Mate!" Xingyu smiled and stretched out his right hand to gesture for a gun.

But the black devil fell into silence, regretting that he had chosen the ancient ancestor dragon as the effect object of the demon super dragon Lord of the Flies. If he had chosen the hungry and poisonous fusion dragon instead of the ancient ancestor dragon, then he would now Can have 5500 life points, in that case, Star God Sophia, who has only 3600 attack power, can't clear his life points in this round, he still has a chance to fight back, but it's too late to talk about this now ah!

"Fight! Star God Sophia, launch a direct attack on the ultimate god! The principle of creation and destruction!!"


Following the order of Xingyu, the black and white glows smashed at the black demon god together. The entire stone boat was blasted into dust under this blow, and the black demon god also fell directly from the sky, hitting the wilderness below. above, embedded deep in the ground.

Seeing this, Xingyu was stunned. What's the matter? Sophia, the star god, is just an ordinary card. There are no elves. Even if I bless my own power, I shouldn't be able to cause this level of damage under the defense of the black demon god. power?

When Xingyu was puzzled, the black demon god underground had no plans to fly out of the ground at all, but controlled his body to melt into black gas, planning to run directly through the underground route.

As for the ceremony of the duel, well, although everyone knows that the rules of the duel are absolute and cannot be violated in the world of card king, the rules of the duel are not without loopholes.

Just like Xingyu, he played a word game on the bet. The bet is half of his dark power, but he doesn't have any dark power himself, so even if he loses the duel, he doesn't have to pay any price. After all, zero Half is still zero.

As for the Black Demon God, although he did not play word games on the bet, he played word games elsewhere. According to the prior agreement, if he lost to Star Language in this duel ceremony, he would split His strength, consciousness and body were given to Xingyu as a reward.

However, this agreement does not specify when he will divide his power, consciousness, and body to Xingyu, so he can run away first, hide somewhere for 2 years, and use the darkness to transform the original body. After the strength, consciousness, and body are eroded to a little bit, then give that little bit to Xingyu.

If it is too much, he can even hide first, and then find a chance to sneak attack Xingyu, beat Xingyu to the last breath, and then give the reward to Xingyu, after all, the rules of the duel only stipulate that he must The reward was handed over to Xingyu, but there was no regulation on the amount of the reward and the time of delivery, nor did it stipulate that he could not get the reward back later, so the operability was still very large.

Well, obviously, in terms of conspiracy and tricks, the Black Demon God and Xingyu are evenly matched opponents. Unfortunately, the duel strength of the Black Demon God is much worse than that of Xingyu, and in terms of power level, the current Black Demon God is not as good as Xingyu. That's why the Black Demon God had to flee in embarrassment now.

Of course, it is up to the Black Demon God to decide whether to run or not, but it is up to Xingyu to decide whether to run or not.

When the black demon god turned into black gas and was about to run away, Xingyu also sensed something was wrong because of the destructive power of the star creator Sophia and the behavior of the black demon god not flying out of the ground immediately. The two dark demon kings Darkness.

Thus, the black gas transformed by the black demon god hit the wall transformed by Darkness before it ran far.

"This place is full, you can't escape!"

Chapter 1148 Chapter 110 Vicious oath, the end of the loser

Hearing Darkness's words, the Black Demon God's actions stopped suddenly, and a haze filled his heart. Has his action been guessed?

Blocked by Darkness, the black gas did not make any response, but went straight up, flew out of the ground, recondensed into the form of the black demon god, and looked at the star language in the sky expressionlessly.

"Hey, isn't this the ultimate god who can't afford to lose and wants to renege on his debts? Why is he back again, run away!" Xingyu joked.

"Can't afford to lose? Want to renege? It seems that you have made a mistake. Do you think I have the power to resist the rules of the duel ceremony?"

"Of course I know that you don't have the power to resist the rules of the duel ceremony, but I'm also very clear about the loopholes in the rules. The previous agreement didn't specify when you would pay the bet, right?"

"You actually know?!" The black demon god couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Xing Yu raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Why do you think I don't know?"


"Oh! It seems that you didn't see through it. I am also using the same word game, but compared to yours, the word game I use is more subtle."

The black demon fell into silence. Rather than saying that he didn't see through it, it would be better to say that he didn't care at all. After all, the winner of the duel ceremony still has a great advantage. As long as he wins, all the word games of Xingyu will be gone. meaning.

However, to his surprise, he actually lost in this duel ceremony with nine decks in hand, which made all his predictions meaningless, and he didn't even have to think about confronting Xingyu head-on , can only do everything possible to escape.

"Okay! Loser, you'd better hand over your bet obediently. Although there was no regulation on when you should hand over your bet before, who let you be blocked by me? If you don't hand over your bet, it will be very difficult for you." You left here alive!"

"I can pay the bet now, but how can you guarantee that after I pay the bet, you won't make a move on me again?"

"Well, although I really want to say that you don't have the right to choose, but if I do this, you will choose to die and die. So, let's do it this way, I swear to the rules of the duel, after you pay the bet, as long as you don't If you take the initiative to attack me and my companions, I will definitely never attack you again, and if you violate it, you will be punished so that you will not be able to win in every duel in the future."

Xingyu's serious words sounded particularly unreliable, a vow that was completely meaningless outside the world of card king.

The face of the black demon god changed, what a vicious oath!Is this guy serious?No, no, there is a loophole in this oath!

"Not enough! It's not enough that you don't attack me yourself, you also need to add the guy who just intercepted me to the oath, and also add the elves of the cards you hold, what ultimate phantom god, what hungry poison The Fusion Dragon, the Eye of Timaeus, the Super Fusion, and the Star God, all must be added!"

Xing Yu rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "You are really careful enough, that's fine, I swear to the rules of the duel, after you pay the bet, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack me and my companions, I will With the card spirit I hold and the Darkness who just intercepted you, I will never shoot you again, if you violate it, I will be punished not to win every duel in the future."

The black demon god pondered for a long time with a sullen face, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no loopholes in Xingyu's oath.

"It seems that you are still a little sincere. Well, I will give you the reward you want!"

As he spoke, the black demon god raised his right hand and pierced directly into his chest. With a difficult expression, he pulled out a red ball of light from his chest and threw it at Xingyu.

After catching the red light ball and sensing it for a while, Xingyu nodded in satisfaction. Very well, this guy really separated the original red dragon completely, and he didn't play any tricks.

Forcibly suppressing the unwillingness and resentment in his heart, and temporarily suppressing the idea of ​​revenge, the black demon god asked blankly: "I have given you the reward you want, can I leave now?"

"Of course, but before I leave, how about I ask you a question? As an existence born from the darkness of human beings, you should be full of resentment towards me now, right?"

Hearing this, the Black Demon God finally couldn't bear it any longer, and replied with a sneer: "Ask the question knowingly! I don't hate you, so why should I still be grateful to you? Don't tell me that you rescued me, and the seal can be lifted without you." , Rex Godwin, who was seduced by me, will also let me out, and it's not in the current state of not recovering much strength, let alone I need to pay any reward!"

"Huh? Finally stopped pretending?" Xingyu tilted his head and looked at the black demon god with interest.

"Hmph! As long as I don't provoke you and your companions, you will absolutely not be able to attack me. So what if I show my inner resentment? Anyway, you can't do anything to get me, so I'll tell you bluntly. When I recover my own strength and recover a stronger dueling ability, I will come to you for a duel ceremony again! At that time, I will make you spit out everything you took from me!"

"It's time? It's not time! Loser, give me a taste of the ending that a loser should have! You've already Game Over!" Xing Yu's face suddenly turned cold.

"What?!" The black demon god was startled, had an ominous premonition, and immediately wanted to run away.

"Darkness! Get rid of him!"

But it is a pity that the black demon god who has not had much power left is obviously impossible to outrun the Darkness in its heyday. The demon god surrounded him completely.

"Impossible!!! You bastard!! Where's your oath just now!! Aren't you afraid that the rules of the duel ceremony will punish you?!"

The black demon god roared angrily while struggling.

"Oh! When did I break my oath just now?" Xingyu sneered and waved his hand, and Darkness flew out of the ground to intercept the black demon god at first, and reattached to Xingyu's right hand.

"Two?! Two different individuals?! How is that possible?! Damn human!!! You're not good—ah!!!!"

Following the incompetent and furious screams of the black demon god, the second Darkness, who was not bound by the oath, also exerted his own ability to seal the black demon god into the card.

PS:感谢【豹头痛哭】3、【Mμl】2、【灵梦。残】2、【慧星雨夜】2、【小苍】2、【随风流荡 】2、【翊丶随风】2的刀片打赏。

Chapter 1149 The first thousand and 110th chapter nine cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, the star language of the devil king

Soon, there was no sound in the darkness, and only Darkness returned to Xingyu with a card.

Seeing that he has achieved this level, the original consciousness of the red dragon is fine and there is no reaction, Xingyu scratched his head, and could only temporarily press the red light ball to the back of his left hand, forming a red dragon on the back of his left hand , and then took the card with black stripes on a white background from Darkness.

As for Darkness, after handing the card to Xingyu, he planned to reattach it to the back of Xingyu's right hand, but was stopped by Xingyu.

Xingyu shook his head helplessly, pointed to the ground where the black demon god was standing before and said, "As the villain, we must keep one thing in mind, you have to get rid of the root, you know?"

Both Darknesses were taken aback, but the existence pointed at by Xingyu was not stunned. Before Xingyu's voice fell, a piece of soil turned into black gas and escaped into the ground again, and began to flee quickly.

But at this time, the two Darknesses also reacted, and quickly grabbed back the wisp of black gas, and stuffed it into the card in Xingyu's hand.

"How did you find out?"

The two Darknesses looked at Xingyu with some curiosity, the black demon god's backhand was disguised as soil, but even they couldn't find it, Xingyu actually saw through the other party's disguise, was it because of Xingyu's special eyes? ?Pupils of Rune and Red Dragon?But Xingyu didn't activate those two special states just now.

Xingyu tapped his head with his right index finger, and said with a smile: "I discovered it by my brain, or by guessing, his disguise this time is really good, I didn't notice anything wrong, but before he was sealed, I I already guessed that he would prepare some countermeasures. After all, he is an existence born of a god who was infected by the darkness in the human heart. Will such an existence be unable to hear my intentions from my question? I That question made it clear that I wanted to attack him, why couldn't bear it, what sneered, what self-defeating, it was all just a disguise, he just wanted to focus my attention on the part of his body that was on the bright side on top of that."

"I see. So, he was bluffed by you? If he didn't take the initiative to run away, you wouldn't be able to find out what's wrong? But in this case, how can you be sure that he didn't prepare more backhands? With multiple The possibility of preparation is not impossible, right?"

"I don't need to be sure, I just need to erase all possibilities. As I said, weeds need to be eradicated! So, Loki, come and do me a favor!"

Xingyu smiled and snapped his fingers, and the figure of Emperor Loki appeared next to Xingyu. With a wave of his hand, everyone on the island except Crow, Jack and the Godwin brothers was teleported to the port. on the cruise ship, and then with a wave of his hand, he teleported the cruise ship to a place far away from the island.

"You are this?"

"Oh! In this way, the preparations are complete. Alright, Darkness, I'm counting on you again. Seal the entire island into Kari. Well, the people I left on purpose don't need to be left behind. A few stay."

Darkness fell into silence, you are really cutting grass and roots, if you can't be sure that the back of the black demon god didn't go deep into the ground or even the center of the earth, you might seal the whole earth into the card.

After complaining inwardly for a while, the two Darknesses also started to act, covering the entire island with the power of darkness, and stuffing the entire island into a new card. Of course, this card did not change into The cards that can be used in duels are ordinary seal cards. After all, this is just an ordinary island.


The moment the island disappeared, a huge hole appeared on the sea surface, causing the entire sea area to become choppy. However, for Xingyu, the skeleton knight flying in the air on a skeleton horse was more worthy of attention than the sea surface. Ludger and Rex Godwin flying in the air on a D wheel.

"This is?! What's going on?!"

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