[Heavenly Knight: Fusion Monster, Nine Stars, Light Attribute, Warrior Family, Attack Power: 3800, Defense Power: 2500]

[Effect · Fusion: "Queen Knight" + "Guard Knight" + "King Knight".This card cannot be Fusion Summoned without the above card.

①: Once per turn, when this card on the field targets a monster's effect, magic, or trap card, it can be activated by discarding 1 card of the same type (monster, magic, or trap) from your hand.That effect has no effect. 】

Chapter 204 The finale of Chapter [-] is Excalibar!

"Is it an attack power of 3800? It is indeed a very powerful monster, but it still cannot defeat Desses with an attack power of 4000!"

"Of course I know this! So I activate the equipment magic from my hand! The power of the magister! Equip this card on the Celestial Knight! Let the Celestial Knight's attack power increase! Every magic and trap card on my field , the attack power of the Celestial Knight can be increased by 500 points! I have the power of the magister and two block cards on the field! Therefore, the attack power of the Celestial Knight has increased to 5300 points! Enter the battle stage! The attack of the Celestial Knight! bit slash!!"


The Celestial Knight in gorgeous armor held up the great sword in his hand, slashed a golden slash, and attacked Desses.

"Don't even think about it! I activate the second Relief of the Buried God from the graveyard! Exclude the five cards in the graveyard! Make the Celestial Knight's attack invalid! And end that battle phase!"

A white shield appeared on Deses's body out of thin air, helping Desses block the attack.

"Is the second Relief of the Buried God? That's it, it was sent to the graveyard last round because of the Holy Shield, so I'll end my round like this!"

【Game: Hand: 3 → 4 → 2】

It was also when the game announced the end of the round, and the duel between Balong and Jouchi was over. After listening to Peacock Dance's explanation, Jouchi immediately began to set a flag for the game.

"In this situation, the game is definitely won, how will that guy named Raphael fight! There is a Celestial Knight with an attack power of 5300 on the field of the game, which has already surpassed Obelisk and the Five Emperor Dragons! "

But before the words in the city fell, Raphael, who had drawn two cards, inserted a card into the duel board.

"I launch quick attack magic from my hand! Whirlwind! Destroy the power of the magister on your field!"

A whirlwind appeared on the field out of thin air, destroying the power of the magister equipped on the Celestial Knight.

"Nani?!" Cheng Nei suddenly exclaimed.

Kyoko and Honda both showed expressions of disgust towards Jouchi.

"Can you crow mouth stop talking?!"

The city was speechless.

Xingyu also rolled his eyes, the old crow slapped you, but luckily you didn't say anything.

"Enter the battle stage! Desses' attack! Hell's slash!"

Desces once again defeated the game's monsters, causing another 200 points of damage to the game, reducing the game's HP to 2300 points.

"The round is over!"

[Raphael: Hand: 0 → 2 → 1]

"My round! Draw cards! I'm fine! The puzzle of victory has been assembled! Raphael! This round, I will use light to completely smash the darkness in your heart!"


"I activate the magic card! Dimensional fusion! Pay 2000 life points! Let the banished monsters be special summoned to the field as much as possible! I special summon the black magician and the black magician girl who were banished by the effect of Aitos!"

The black magician and the black magician girl returned to the field, and there were only 300 health points left in the game.

"Then I activate the magic card! The Altar of Resurrection! Remove the two cards from the top of the deck! Choose a card from the graveyard and return it to my hand! I choose the resurrection of the dead from the graveyard to return to my hand!"

"The resurrection of the dead?! Do you want to revive the Celestial Knight or the black magician?"

"Of course not, what I want to resurrect is the light! The resurrection of the dead activates! I will resurrect the guardian of your graveyard, Aitos!"

"What did you say?!"

Amidst Raphael's exclamation, white light suddenly burst out from the cemetery area of ​​his duel disk, and a pure white angel descended from the sky again, but this time he stood on the opposite side of Raphael.

"Aitos!!!" Raphael showed disbelief in his eyes.

"Next, I will open the cover card! Equip magic! Excalibar (holy sword)! This card can double the original attack power of the equipped monster, but as a price, when this equip magic is on the field, I can jump After my card drawing stage, as long as I draw a card, this card will be destroyed! I will equip the Excalibar on the guardian Aitos! Let Aitos's attack power increase to 5000!"

[Excalibar: Equipped with magic: The original attack power of the equipped monster is doubled.When this card is on the field, you can skip the draw phase of your turn.If you draw a card from your deck, this card is destroyed. ] (from DM Episode 164)

Excalibar, whose name alone makes people feel powerful, descended from the sky, and the holy sword that replaced the goddess was held by Aitos.

"Finally, I activate this card from my hand! The Eye of Timaeus! Let Timaeus fuse with the black magician on my field! Summon the Charm Dragon and activate the effect of the Charm Dragon, except the ones in my graveyard All magic cards! Each card increases the attack power of the spell dragon by 300 points! There are nine magic cards in my graveyard! Therefore, the attack power of the spell dragon increases by 2700 points!"

[Spell Dragon: fusion/effect monster, eight-star, dark attribute, dragon family, attack power: 2900, defense power: 2500]

[Fusion/Effect: "Eye of Timaeus" + "Black Magician"

When this card is Special Summoned successfully, banish all Spell Cards in your Graveyard, and this card's ATK increases by the number of those banished cards x 300. 】

"Because the guardian Aitos left your graveyard, Desses's attack power dropped to 3500! Enter the battle stage! I use the spell dragon to attack Desses! Magic beam!"

The Talisman Dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a huge beam of light, which hit Des Seth.

"The Talisman Dragon's attack power is 5600, and Desses's attack power is 3500, so it will bring you 2100 points of damage to Raphael! Let Raphael only have 50 points of health left! At the same time , the effect of Desces is activated! Send the last card in your hand to the cemetery to avoid being destroyed by the battle! Raphael! Next is the finale, the attack of the guardian Aetos! Excalibar!!!”

Aitos held up the holy sword shining with golden light, swung it down, and a huge golden beam of light also appeared, attacking Desses.

In the dazzling golden light, Desses' body also turned into light and dissipated, leaving only a white mask that fell to the ground. At the same time, Raphael's HP also returned to zero.

Aitos stepped forward and hugged the white mask in his arms, and nodded to Raphael. At this time, the enchantment slowly moved closer to Raphael, intending to take away Raphael's soul.

Seeing this, Xingyu frowned, failed?Has the darkness in Raphael's heart not completely disappeared?Could it be because the backup guards are still in the cemetery?Or is it because the game is useless this time?

Just when Xingyu thought so, Raphael showed a relieved smile.

"It seems that you are right. For dueling monsters, the cemetery is indeed not a forbidden place. For us, the justice between darkness and light is indeed determined by our own hearts! This duel is for you to win Already! Nameless Pharaoh, Yugi Muto!"

PS: In the end, I wrote three more chapters... No, I can’t write so much about the duel between Kaiba and Ameruda. I want Kaiba to quickly solve Ameruda in one round. Anyway The hippocampus does not shuffle its cards daily.

Regarding the group question, um, actually I don’t have the idea of ​​building a group, one is the shadow caused by the first two books, and the other is that I often can’t control the thoughts of the water group, just like in the author group, I am the one who suffers the most bans Those few, because they couldn't control themselves, could only take the initiative to apply to the editor for a ban, so let's forget about building a group or something, lest I get so confused that I don't want to type.

Well, if you want to create a group to play poker, you can create a group yourself. Anyway, there is no restriction on communication in the comment area and inter-posts. You can communicate by yourself. As for me, forget it.

Chapter 205 Chapter [-] The Disappearing Darkness, Ameruda VS Hippocampus


Under the gaze of the game, Raphael closed his eyes calmly, waiting for Olihagang's enchantment to take away his soul. Even if his opinion changed a little, but Olihagang's enchantment would The matter of taking away the souls of the losers will still not change.

At this time, Aitos, holding a sword in one hand and holding a white mask in the other, didn't continue to watch, but waved the holy sword in his hand, pierced into Olihagang's barrier, and tried his best to stop Oliha Just the enchantment.

"Aitos?!" Raphael suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Aitos in astonishment.

Aitos still responded to Raphael with a smiling face, but the hands holding the holy sword kept shaking, obviously it was not easy, and Olihagang's enchantment was still approaching Raphael.

"Aitos! That's enough! You won't be able to hold on like this! This is the fate of the loser! This is the fate of me who assimilated with the darkness!"

Raphael couldn't help shouting, but Aitos didn't intend to stop at all.

"The Talisman Dragon! Go help Aitos, launch an attack on Olihagang's barrier, magic beam!"

Under the command of the game, the Talisman Dragon flew into the air and spit out a golden beam of light to attack Olihagang's barrier.

"Yugi Muto! You?!"

"Raphael! What you said just now is wrong! You didn't assimilate with the darkness or something! You just committed yourself to Darcy and fate in order to escape from the loneliness of missing family members! The darkness and so on are just you It's just an illusion in my heart, and the fate has not been decided at all, and this situation is proof!"


"Don't you understand? If you really assimilated with the darkness, it is absolutely impossible for Aitos or the Talisman Dragon to shake Olihagang's enchantment! But now Olihagang's enchantment is Being blocked by Aitos and the Talisman Dragon, this proves that the illusion in your heart has gradually faded away! The so-called darkness in your heart has completely disappeared from your heart!"

As the voice of the game fell, Raphael also showed a surprised expression.

"The darkness in my heart has disappeared?"

Baron couldn't help but said: "Raphael! If it's just to escape from the loneliness of missing family members, you don't have to commit yourself to Darcy and fate at all. Don't forget, you still have me and Ameruda A companion in the same situation, you and the dueling monsters who have been with you all the time!"

Ameruda, who just lost the duel to Kaiba, also said, "That's right! You are not alone! There is no need to be immersed in the darkness all the time! Come out, Raphael!"

"Balong, Ameruda, Aitos...and everyone..." As Raphael murmured, the holy sword in Aitos' hand also burst into golden light, and with the spell dragon The spit beams of light blasted Oliha Gang's barrier into pieces.

In an instant, Raphael was overwhelmed by the golden light, and in the golden light, Raphael saw all his dueling monsters, his family, and two of them, Ameruda and Baron. Opponents such as companions and games, everyone stretched out their hands to him.

Raphael couldn't help stretching out his hand forward, and at this moment, the fragments of Olihagang on Raphael's neck were shattered, and Raphael's hand was tightly held by Aitos who put down the holy sword. held in hand.

"Aitos..." The light disappeared, and Raphael looked at Aitos who was holding his right hand in a daze. Aitos smiled at Raphael and disappeared together with a white mask.

Seeing this, Xingyu scratched his head, well, although it is not as shocking as in the original plot, this can be regarded as another kind of happy ending.

The game smiled and said: "Rafael! Congratulations! You have come out of the past!"

Raphael came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "No, I can't say that I have come out of the past, I am very clear that I still care about my past, and the darkness in my heart has not completely disappeared, it's just that With the help of Aitos and all of you, we barely managed to move forward!"

Baron walked up to Raphael, patted Raphael on the back and laughed loudly: "It's enough to take a step! Raphael, you should quit Doma like me, Oliha!" Just let him die, let's go on according to our own will!"

"No, I'm different from you. After all, Darzu-sama is very kind to me. Even though I have already taken steps, even if I will no longer stop Muto Yugi and the others, I will still not quit Doma, I will Watch Darzie walk to the end." Raphael still shook his head, but the meaning revealed in the words was that he did not believe that Dazi could successfully achieve his goal.

Baron said helplessly: "You are really stubborn, so what about you, Amerudda?"

Ameruda was silent for a moment, and shook his head. He was similar to Rafael, and he also felt that he had been favored by Dazi, so he couldn't leave as gracefully as Barong, and he lost to Haima. In this case, although Xingyu said that he would tell him who the enemy is after a while, he has no way of knowing when he will know who the enemy is. He is still a little impatient, so he wants to borrow Doma's Force to investigate, of course, he will not stop Xingyu and others from advancing.

"Raphael, I really didn't expect that you would trust and support me so much!" Da Zi's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

"This voice, is Da Zi?!"

"Master Dazi!" X2

Alright, let’s put aside what Dazi will say next, let’s go back a little bit and watch the process of Ameruda’s defeat by Kaima, well, it won’t take too long, after all, Haima looks like he hasn’t shuffled the cards .

"Duel!" X2

"I attack first! Draw cards! I attack to summon the KC-1 Creighton chariot!"

[KC-1 Clayton Chariot: Effect Monster, Four Stars, Earth Attribute, Machine Family, Attack Power: 1500, Defense Power: 1000]

[Effect: For each "Tank Token" on our side, the attack power of this card increases by 500 points. 】

"Then, I activate the magic card from my hand. I choose a KC-1 Creighton chariot on my field to activate it, and special summon three "tank derivatives" on my field Things" (Machines·Earth·Star 3·Attack 800/Defense 1200)!Then the effect of KC-1 Clayton Chariot is activated, and the attack power of each tank token on the field increases by 500 points, so the attack power of KC-1 Clayton Chariot rises to 3000 points!In the end I folded three cards!The round is over! "

[Ameruda: Hand: 6 → 1]

Chapter 206 Chapter [-] The Invincible and Strongest Dragon

"Hmph! Ameruda, is this the strongest lineup you can come up with so far? It's so vulnerable!"


Haima sneered and said: "Hmph! Let me show you Qingyan who is stronger than a god! My turn, draw cards! I activate Pot of Greed! Draw two cards! Then I activate Fusion! Draw three cards from my hand. Send the blue-eyed white dragon to the cemetery! Fusion summon! Blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

Three blue-eyed white dragons flew out from the three cards in Haima's hand, and entered the fusion vortex together, making the appearance of the three-headed blue-eyed ultimate dragon.

"You actually got three blue-eyed white dragons and fusion cards at the very beginning! You bastard!"

"It's too early to be amazed! It's not over yet! I'm going to let the invincible blue eyes come down now! Summoned from above the ultimate monster, the dragon of light that erases everything! Appear! Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon !"

[Blue-eyed light dragon: special summon/effect monster, ten stars, light attribute, dragon family, attack power: 3000, defense power: 2500]

[Special Summon/Effect: This card cannot be normally summoned.It can only be Special Summoned when you release 1 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" from your field.

①: The ATK of this card increases by the number of Dragon-Type monsters in your Graveyard x 300.

②: The effects of all magic, traps, and monsters are up to the player to choose to accept or not.

③: This card can be used as a sacrifice, and any card on the field can be selected and destroyed.This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

As Seahorse shouted, blue-eyed Ultra Dragon's body suddenly burst into blue-white light, and then began to gradually shatter, and finally, completely shattered, allowing a gorgeous light dragon inside to spread its wings.

Xingyu couldn't help but cover his face, Haima obviously shuffled the cards but still drew out such a card, the luck of the cards is against the sky, if this is the time period, even the game's card luck can't compare to this guy Haima, it's simply It is to glue certain cards together.

"Blue-eyed light dragon?! This is the light dragon that fought against that pyramid last time?! Seahorse actually summoned him in just one round?!" Yameruda uttered again in astonishment.

"Hahahaha! This is the final evolution of Blue Eyes! Invincible and strongest dragon! Hahahahaha!!!" Haima laughed wildly.

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