At this moment, I thought of many things, but in the end, there was only one way I could think of...

He stretched out his hand violently, suppressing his nausea and fear, and grabbed it... This man's, medically called 'the lower corner of the ribs' is actually the bottom of the middle of the chest ribs.

The wet, slippery and tender feeling immediately brought a strong sense of nausea, resisting the bloody smell in my mouth, I whispered: "I'm sorry!" Then I pulled down hard! !

My body is a bit thin and weak. After all, I am only 15 years old, and my bones are not yet fully developed, so my bones are relatively soft. With such a hard pull, I directly pulled the corpse to a position next to me. One click!

Although I am sorry for him, I can only let him be my stepping stone.

Because my body and his body are almost close together, during the process of falling, the speed has been slowed down a lot, and at this moment, the moment I pressed his body down, the falling speed increased again, and I quickly pressed the body with both hands. Living on both sides...but...

My hands are already wet with blood at this moment!

The two hands couldn't do any cushioning at all. The rotten cloth strips were completely broken at this moment, and my whole body fell straight down. Before I fell, I barely controlled my body to curl up and protect my head. , and then... I felt like my whole body had slammed into a soft object!

'Boom! ! ! '

I... fell on the man's body. Fortunately, I didn't get injured. Unfortunately, my left leg suffered another impact, and the pain made me almost cry out...but... I didn't have the chance to cry out , the moment I fell, the iron net was directly broken by the impact force, and I fell again!

In this way, I barely protected my head, curled up into a ball, fell, paused, fell again, paused again, smashed the iron net all the way, and fell down!


The impact force of each fall made the iron grid unable to support it, and also made my... brain buzzing.

I don't know when it stopped, but when I stopped, I felt dizzy in front of my eyes. The man's body was torn apart by the iron net during the fall, and the whole body looked tattered , and my body is full of blood and flesh, some on his body, some on my own...


I couldn't help moaning, I was still alive, I couldn't help but congratulate myself for my luck.

However, I'm not out of danger yet, I need to...get up and keep going.

After finally getting up, I wobbled and opened the iron net in front of me... Fortunately, I could already see the scarlet moonlight coming from the other side of the iron net. The moment I opened the iron net, I subconsciously glanced at it Outside……

"Second floor?"

I made it to the second floor alive!

Gritting his teeth, he managed to crawl out of the ventilation duct, but because of his weakness... the whole person fell directly from the position of the ventilation opening, and hit the bed with a 'bang', and his mind instantly buzzed , My eyes went dark, and I almost passed out!

Can't pass out!cannot……

Barely controlling his mouth, he bit his tongue hard!


The salty rust taste spread in my mouth, the sticky blood reverberated in my mouth, the pain in my tongue made me wake up in an instant, I braced my body, and got up from the bed.

"Can't stop...huh? Crutches, great..."

Just when I was about to leave, I suddenly saw crutches all over the room. I didn't know which room it was, but although all of these crutches were corroded, some of them were at least barely usable, so I picked up two The crutches were stacked together and placed under the armpit of Zuo's left arm. He forcefully supported the broken left leg, barely opened his eyes, and walked out with difficulty.


The crutches were thrown down on the ground, and the echoes echoed in the silent corridor. The door of this room was already corroded and could not be locked at all. It opened with a light push, and I just followed Walking along the corridor, with all my strength... like a snail rushing forward, I walked forward.

The blood has already soaked the clothes of the whole body, and the shoes under the feet are filled with blood. Every time you take a step, there will be a pool of blood in the shape of footprints on the ground. The feeling of pain has already begun to appear numb, consciousness... There is also some erratic feeling.

I don't know my state, whether I can continue to live after leaving the hospital, least there is still a glimmer of hope, if I stop here, it will be completely hopeless.

I am not afraid of my own death, what I am afraid of is that after I die, I will become an evil spirit body without independent emotions, hunting and eating human souls at will...

I don't like the feeling of being out of control.


I know that I can't fall now. Once I fall, I'm not sure if I have the strength to stand up, so I can't fall.

Finally... I came to the top of the stairs, and just as I was walking from the second floor to the first floor, there was a faint "crack, crackle" sound in the silent building.

It...had recovered after eating the man's soul.

Holding a cane in one hand, I walked downstairs step by step. I was afraid of falling, and I was also afraid that I would become an evil spirit after death, so I could only cautiously grab the double doll on my chest and pull it down. , ready to be thrown out at any time.


Consciousness became blurred, and the eyes became darker... The world changed from scarlet to black and white...

The sound in my ears also gradually disappeared, but I can still clearly hear the footsteps of that 'paji paji'.

Finally, I came to the lobby on the first floor...I don't know how I persisted, but...the gate of the hospital is in front of me.

On the other side of the gate, it was pitch black, like an open abyss, waiting for me to throw myself into a trap, but I had no choice...

The sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer. I took a few steps forward again, and the sound of footsteps behind me was already clearly audible. It... caught up.

Feeling the strong gaze and the biting chill even though my whole body was numb, I threw the stand-in doll aside without looking back.

No matter where it lands, at least, it can hold on for me for ten seconds...

While throwing out the stand-in doll, I started my inner timing, and continued to move towards...the dark front door of the hospital.


Chapter 21 Didn't expect it!

One step... One step after another, I was almost moving forward step by step at a sprint speed, and behind me, the footsteps were gone, but I could always feel the biting chill lingering around me... I don't know the substitute The principle of using the doll is to stop the weirdness from moving for ten seconds instead of myself, or the rules in the game are forcibly preventing it from moving. If it is the latter, then I can be sure that this guy is using those sheep eyes to die. Staring at me deadly, waiting for that fleeting ten seconds to tear my body apart.


The body became heavier and heavier, and the scenery that could be accommodated by the original angle of view could no longer be seen in front of my eyes. Except for the dark hospital gate in front of me, other places gradually became dim...


Holding on to the crutches with difficulty, my body gradually began to turn cold. The inside of the hospital, which was supposed to be warm, became so cold at this moment. At this one knows how much I pot.

'Four...' The feet... seem to have no feeling?Below the waist, there is almost no perception, but I still understand in my mind... I am walking.

'Five...' The calf of the left leg seems to be shaking... Well, I don't know if I can go out.

'Six...' Is this the seventh step or the eighth step?

'Seven...'Ah~ this is, is this a revolving door?No!I don't want to recall the life that I didn't even have a girlfriend!

'Eight...' My thinking began to freeze... I felt that everything was a little vain, and my eyes began to distort.

'Nine...' Counting...why counting?Oh... yes, press the watch... the watch... the hand...


There was a click in my ear, and I didn't even know when I was ready for the watch. At the moment when the ten seconds had just counted down, my hand subconsciously pressed the last pause on the watch.


Raising my head, I continued to walk forward based on my feeling... Where is the door...?Why can't I see anything?


There is only one thought in my heart... Keep going, but my eyes can't see anything, there is darkness in front of me...


The brain gradually began to wake up, the heart suddenly trembled violently, a strong heat flow was distributed from the heart to the whole body, the eyes suddenly lit up, the vision instantly returned to normal color, the ears were clear, and everything around became blurry. so clear.


Is this... a flashback?At this moment, I glanced back subconsciously. At this moment, I clearly saw that goat-headed monster, that skeleton goat-headed glasses, emitting a green light, looking straight at me like this...

Sure enough, when people are about to die, can they see these things?

Sad... I was about to die, and no one I knew came to pick me up. The scarlet moonlight shone in from the window, illuminating the hall of the hospital, and also illuminating the decayed and dilapidated road in front of my eyes.


Time is running out...just like that...give up...

Looking at the hospital gate, which was less than three meters away, his body collapsed instantly, everything began to become light, his body... also completely lost control, and fell forward...


I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die...

don't want to die don't want to die don't want to die don't want to die don't want to die don't want to die...

However, the body didn't listen to the command at all. Time, at this moment, seemed to have become eternity, and everything slowed down.

I don't want to die... I don't want to die!

But... what else can I do...

Do not!

I have another way! !

Everything in front of me was pulled forward in an instant, and I saw my eyeballs, my optic nerves, my brain, and finally... the sight penetrated the skull, the scalp, the hair...

'Om! ! '

A strong desire to 'eat' surged up in my mind, but... at this moment, my desire to survive overwhelmed my greed for 'eat'. In an instant, clarity spread from my mind, and reason took over. I can see... myself again.

The lower body at the waist is still in the flesh, while my upper body has completely left the flesh!

I was still able to control my body, but felt very strenuous. I forcibly twisted my waist. At the same time, I felt a sudden twist in my left leg. The broken bone quickly returned to its original position under the blessing of the evil spirit body. , the bones were forcibly occluded together, although the cracks have not been repaired, but the legs have been able to resume normal movement!

Fortunately, the upper part of my evil spirit body was separated from the flesh, otherwise, this severe pain would definitely make me lose my mind in an instant.

The lower body has returned to normal movement. I can tell from the blood flow in the legs that my heart is still persisting...

The line of sight began to increase, and the line of sight began to elongate... The body began to twist. At this moment, the extremely strong desire to survive overwhelmed the desire to eat, and the evil spirit turned around suddenly, facing the sheep-headed monster!


The sharp female voice and the low-pitched boy roared at the same time. As if being provoked, the sheep-headed monster opened the mouth of the skeleton, and let out a roar from its throat!

'hold head high! ! ! '

'Crack, crack, crack! '

The sheep-headed monster rushed up frantically, staring at me with its sheep eyes, stretched out its hand, and grabbed the evil spirit body.

Its height is only about two meters, but... I am more than three meters tall, and my arms are at least 1.5 meters long. Before it caught me, I stretched out my withered black arms and grabbed it neck, at this moment... Unable to grasp the real evil spirit body, but tightly grasped the sheep's head monster's neck.

The moment I started it, I clearly felt the coldness on the sheep-headed monster.

Holding the goat by the neck, I wanted to lift it up, but the evil spirit body seemed unable to compete with this was much stronger than me.


The sheep-headed skeleton opened its mouth wide, let out a sharp roar, then suddenly lowered its head, and bit my evil spirit body's arm!

'Uh ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! '

The severe pain in my soul made me lose my mind for a moment, but only for a moment, a strong anger burst out from my chest, I controlled my body to move backwards, and at the same time, I bent down suddenly, grinning to the base of my ears The big mouth at the back opened, and bit down on its shoulder fiercely! !

A...the smell of rancidity and formalin poured into the nostrils, but...I tasted an incomparably sweet feeling in it.

This is... the taste of the goat's soul, much more delicious than Aunt Zhao's soul...

Ah ~

It turns out that the soul can be so sweet.

It tore off its shoulders with a fierce bite, and it was also irritated by my actions, but... limited to the physical situation, its mouth is a sheep's head, no matter how big the mouth is, it cannot be bigger than me, so, When it started to devour my left hand non-stop, I kept biting him. In less than a second, the left hand of the evil spirit body was completely devoured by it, and its entire body The shoulder was bitten off by me, and the left arm was caught in my hand, and I kept stuffing it down my throat!

Under the crimson moonlight, in the decaying building, two unknown people who are neither human nor physical are devouring and biting each other. It's all about survival.

If any reasonable person stood here, he would probably be scared to pee, right?

But even at this time, I still know that I want to live, I have no part of my body, control the body that has lost its senses, and step back step by step, even though the distance is less than three meters, but... ...At this moment, the speed at which the sheep-headed monster and I are devoured is no longer what humans can see with the naked eye.

I kept biting its body, and it kept biting my body, as if for evil spirits, biting is the most powerful weapon.

And I, who can open my mouth wider, obviously took advantage of it.

Even though its power is stronger than mine, I can taste incomparably sweet every bite, and the sheep-headed monster is also roaring.

The left arm that was eaten by the evil spirit body is constantly being reborn, and its left shoulder that was bitten off by me is also constantly being reborn.

At this moment, the fight between the two sides seems to be not entirely about who can eat better, but also who can recover faster.

But... From the beginning to the end, I didn't have any thoughts of dying with it.

My body is already less than one step away from the gate!

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