According to the time limit given to me by the system, it is limited to twelve hours. After twelve hours, the next round should begin.

Of course, this is also guesswork. The system did not directly say the time limit for chasing souls, but divided the thirteen days into 26 stages based on twelve hours.

In these 26 stages, I think there will definitely be monsters chasing and killing overtime.

For example, the "worship" of "I will never give up even if I die once", this is not so much a curse as a phenomenon.

A retrocausal phenomenon.

Seeing the roof is the cause, and death is the effect.

However, thanks to this, it is more like the cause after the 'effect' has been determined.

This reversal of cause and effect has made "sad worship" a strange thing that bothers me the most.

For thirteen days, you must not look up at the roof of the building.

Wait... what happens if you go straight to the roof?

Facing the miserable worship of the three figures directly?Or did it go directly from a curse to a head-on confrontation?

After thinking about it, in the end... I still choose not to bother.

It's rare that there aren't any weird attacks at this stage. I should take advantage of this time period and take a break.

Then, it's easy.

Those four people, Ryunosuke tied them up as I said, forcibly fed sleeping pills, blocked their ears with earplugs, covered their eyes with eye patches, and stuffed their mouths with a towel, and then threw them in the On the table in the conference room.

Probably because these four people have shot at me, so Ryunosuke also put these four people on the table for the purpose of warning others, so that everyone who enters the meeting room can see, It is equivalent to killing chickens and monkeys.

Then, I asked the other girls to come over to Ryunosuke's office, and then I asked Ryunoya to bring three members of the group, including seven girls.

Together... watch me sleep.

Yes, even though I know it's awkward, there's no other way.

The time for the evil spirit to leave the body is limited, and it is impossible to be vigilant for a long time when the body is deeply asleep, and the sleeping period is also the most dangerous stage. Therefore, I must ensure that I will not be isolated in a space alone.

That's why eleven people watched me sleep.

Of course, the old man is not a devil, they can play games and cards, but the premise is that they are not allowed to make any noise.

With Long Ye, who has seen the evil spirit body, no one will disturb my rest without authorization.

I looked at the time, and it was already 07:30, because every twelve hours is a period, I don't know the reason why there is no attack at this stage, but at least one thing can be understood, at least for the time being, I am safe.

So I set the alarm clock to 11:30 and told Ryuuya that if I didn't wake up, I would just set off firecrackers to wake me up.

Then, I close my eyes... and fall asleep.

Because the moment the evil spirit leaves the body, the body will enter a deep sleep mode, so I am not afraid of being disturbed while sleeping.

After lying down, the evil spirit body leaves the body for a moment, and then returns to the body without activating the perception of the body, thus falling asleep.

I have practiced this sleep mode for more than a month, in order to avoid lack of sleep under special circumstances, and quickly enter deep sleep to replenish energy.

At the moment when the evil spirit body left the body, I seemed to see the dragon looking at me at this moment. It seems... It may be because of the contact with the evil spirit body, and because he has such a little potential, let him At this stage, weirdness can be seen.

Chapter 42 Stunned

But... what does this have to do with me?

The evil spirit body returned to the body, and did not immediately activate the physical body, but gradually relaxed the spirit body. Soon, darkness... took over all of me.

Because of the long-term mental tension, after falling into a deep sleep, the body relaxed a lot, and the mood... also calmed down.

In a daze, I seemed to hear something.

Swinging, fluttering, the voice is empty, and it echoes around... It seems to be the voice of a little girl.

'Finger cutting...'

It sounded like Japanese, but it was indistinct, and I couldn't help but hold my breath subconsciously and listen carefully.

"Finger cut りげんまん......"

Pull hook... a promise?

What's the next sentence?

My mind was dizzy, and I felt... this sentence seemed to be very important, but it was not clear in my mind, and I couldn't remember where I heard this sentence.

Obviously I know this sentence, but I can't remember it.

And this voice... I also feel a little familiar, but I don't know whose voice it is.

In a daze, the voice flutters and echoes in what seems to be a huge space. This a child's voice, but it has a sense of indifference, coupled with the silence around , looks...somewhat chilling.

"Finger cut りげんまん... Shhh ついたら..."

Pull hook agreement?

If you lie...

What's next?

It's very strange, obviously I know this sentence, I just know it, the words are on my lips, but I just can't remember which sentence it is.

And the voice gradually became quieter, so I had to be more careful and listen carefully.

"Finger cut りげんまん~"

Hmm, what about the next sentence?

"Hush tsuitara..."

The sound is getting smaller, farther and farther away, and less and less clear, which makes me concentrate on listening, almost all my attention is on my ears, the surrounding sounds, no matter how small, I Don't want to let go.


There was a slight breathing sound.

Incomparably clear, with a cold and malicious voice, it rang in the ear of the rapt attention!

"Jin Senben Drink~ま~す~吃吃吃~~"

A burst of weird children's laughter made the goosebumps all over his body involuntarily stand up in an instant, and he opened his eyes suddenly. In front of him... was a strange ceiling.

Blinking his eyes, he said a classic line.

"Knowing らない patio..." (ceiling that I don't know)

At the same time, the voice and those words when I woke up suddenly came to my mind...

"Finger cut りげんまん, shush ついたら needle thousand drink masu..."

Pull the hook agreement, drink a thousand needles if you lie.

Although the lingering voice was unfamiliar, after waking up, with a clear mind, he immediately remembered whose voice it was.

Isn't that... Aiko's voice! ?

Sitting up abruptly, he looked at the nine men and women around him. Several of them got together and played a game of stripping. He held a piece of clothing in front of him, but there was no embarrassment on his face, but he was full of interest (sex).

"Master Sato, you are awake."

Long did not participate in this game, but sat on the sofa beside him, holding a mobile phone, and kept looking at the mobile phone. When he saw me get up, he stood up immediately, first bowed respectfully, and then carefully asked loudly.

"Hmm... Prepare to order meals... Oh no, prepare meals for five people, no, meals for eight people, I'm hungry."

"Eight...for eight people? But we have twelve people here?"

Long also asked in surprise.

"Are you stupid? I eat the eight-person portion alone, so I don't care if you eat or not."

" eat eight servings by yourself?"

Long's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Where is there so much nonsense? Do you want to meet again?"

"No, no, I'll get ready right away! You all get dressed for me!!"

Long Ye is also a young master, so his words naturally carry weight.

And these incomprehensible people, when they heard Long Ye say that, they all got up and put on their clothes quickly. I even smelled a smell that I didn't like in the bathroom next to me.

That's...the smell of a virus.

"Someone is poisoning? Throw me out!!"

Standing up, tidying up some wrinkled clothes from sleeping, frowning and glaring at Long Ye, this guy is too unreasonable, I'm sleeping here, and there's someone poisonous in the bathroom!

"I'm very sorry!! I will teach them a lesson immediately!"

Long also probably saw that I was angry, so he quickly bowed ninety degrees, then turned around, went straight to the bathroom, rushed in, and kicked me!After yelling, two naked men and women ran out of it.

Hmm... Needless to say, some pleasant things just happened in the bathroom.

Long was not polite either, he kicked and beat the two dogs and men, and kicked them out.

The remaining nine people also left the room quickly, and I didn't dare to stay in the room, after all, this isolated space is too dangerous.

In the hall, the four people on the table were sleeping soundly. The others were lying on the chairs, some were asleep, and some were playing with their mobile phones.

In fact, it is yakuza, which sounds like some kind of ruthless person, but in fact they are still human beings, and they also have the interests that human beings should have.

Before I went to bed, these people were a little bit dissatisfied with me, but now when I walked out of the room, I found that these people looked at me with a strange look.

Probably Ryunosuke told them something?

Before twelve o'clock, I don't plan to leave here, and after twelve o'clock, I have to see the situation before leaving.

After all, you can't find people as useful as Ryunosuke and Ryuya father and son everywhere.

I don't intend to hide anything from these people. After all, their memories will be blurred after all. Even if they won't be erased and blurred, after I leave, no matter whether it's dead or alive, I won't have any contact with them again. up.

Looking around, there are three samurai swords behind the seat where I am sitting. I put my feet up on the table, let the legs of the chair fall to the ground, and raised my head unsteadily to look at the swords behind me.

"Long Ye, what is the origin of these three knives?"

"Are these three knives? These are forged. The Izumi Mori Kanesada imitation made by Dayewu 21 was cast by Mr. Aoe Shunji. It has a history of more than 80 years. It is a family heirloom of my family and my wife's group."


I nodded, and as soon as I stretched out my hand, the evil spirit directly hooked the sword and pulled it into my hand.

The moment I got it in my hand, I didn't feel any strong evil spirit or anything like that. It seemed that this was indeed a decoration, and I hadn't killed anyone. Even if there was, it was probably two or three at most.

There were other people in the room watching, and they and their little friends were stunned when they saw me fetching objects from the air and holding the knife in my hand.

Chapter 43 Conventions (38/220)

Of course, I ignored the surprise of these people, and the dragon also knew that I was 'different' and didn't make a fuss, but his expression was also a little surprised.

I didn't even bother to explain this, so I stretched out my hand and pulled out the knife. The knife was sharp and cold, didn't give me the slightest feeling that it could hurt me, which meant that the knife had no evil spirit or evil spirit at all. It is the condensation of resentment.

It's just an ordinary actual combat knife, not a special weapon that can touch evil spirits.

I remember that when I was in the evidence room of the criminal police team, some knives could not be directly penetrated.

What does this mean?

It shows that weirdness is not completely untouchable. Of course, in terms of weird abilities, it is impossible for humans to resist, but these weapons, if they can be used, can be used as reminders.

However, if it is really the kind of weapon that holds a huge evil spirit, I still wonder if it can be used by evil spirits. At least in this way, it may be more useful than simply waving claws.

But unfortunately, this knife is too ordinary, just a normal knife that has never seen blood.

He put the knife into the sheath smoothly, and threw it back on the knife holder.

For my throwing so accurately, although the other people still have surprise and uncertainty in their eyes, they are not as stunned as before.

It was 25:5 when I woke up, and it was only [-] minutes before the alarm clock rang. The powerful biological clock ability of the prison made me use the alarm clock many times, and setting the alarm clock was just in case, which is also because My 'habitual prudence' brings about the trouble.

After taking a nap, he finally relaxed his nervousness a little, and his concentration gradually returned to normal.

It seems that it is really impossible not to sleep, and the nerves are tense for a long time, which also leads to the rapid consumption of energy.

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