"Ahem ~ Liu Yunyan."

"Ah ~ yes, your name is Liu Yunyan, I'm sorry, I've stayed up too late lately, and I'm a little confused."

While talking, Yugong Lingxiao walked up to me, she seemed to want to reach out her hand to shake with me, but she stretched out her hand halfway, then suddenly retracted it, then leaned in front of me, looked up and down, finally, she His eyes remained parallel to my chest.

Seeing her bent over and sizing her up carefully, I couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed... By the way, is it really okay to look at other people's breasts this way?

Prelude to Chapter 7 (May monthly ticket plus update completed! 35/35)

"Eh~ what are you looking at..."

"You~ It seems that something is different after returning from Neon."

"how do you know?"

I said it subconsciously, but then suddenly remembered that I didn't seem to say anything, right?

Could it be...she is the kind of person with a super high sense of spiritual power?Already noticed the change in the evil spirit body?

In an instant, countless speculations came to mind, but her next sentence almost made me slap her directly.

I saw her raise her hand, and a finger popped out with a 'biu', pointing directly at my chest, with a playful look on her face that I couldn't help.

"You...have grown bigger here? When we first met, there should have been a D-~ Now it seems that it should be at least a D."

"What?! Bigger again!?"

Subconsciously recalling the feeling that the bra was a little tight these days, suddenly realized.

Wait... something seems wrong?

"Damn it! Are your eyes a scanner?! Just look at it!?"

"Hey~ Don't underestimate the infrared digital scanning eyes of a house girl!"

Yugong Lingxiao had a smirk on her face, and she laughed twice, and when she finished saying this, I really wanted to slap her.

This expression is not a girl! !Isn't this a shameless old hooligan through and through! !

Wait... What are you planning to do with your raised claws and those obscene movements! ! !

Subconsciously raised his hand to protect his chest, then glared at Yugong Lingxiao.

"Oh~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sick~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry~"

"What a fucking old problem!!! You're only sixteen! That dirty claw can't be an old problem!!"


"Oh shit! I'm not praising you!!"

We were chatting here, and at this time, the police also came. After all, it is a senior school, and there is a police station at the gate, and there are usually police there, but this time it involved a criminal case, so they came here Just a little slower.

"Excuse me, please step aside."

A few policemen walked in, and came out quickly. A girl was held by two policemen, one left and one right, and walked out between them. Normally, a girl was held like this, it must be He would be afraid, at least he would show similar emotions, but... at this moment, there was no similar emotion on the face of the girl who was walking towards him.

On the contrary, the girl was smiling, and...it was that kind of malicious smile, that smile seemed to be the unbearable pleasure after revenge. Seeing this, my brows were instantly furrowed, my heart trembled, and I was dumbfounded. I stared blankly at that girl, and that girl also looked at me with a smile on her face, just those eyes... Although I have seen countless ghosts, there was still a moment when a chill crawled up my spine!

Passing by, the girl didn't look at me again, but the girl's smile kept appearing in front of my eyes. When I recovered, the two policemen had already taken the girl away.

"Liu Yunyan ~ Liu Yunyan? What's wrong with you?"

Yugong Lingxiao waved her hands in front of me in doubt, as if she was a little puzzled by my daze.

"No... nothing."

Shaking his head, a sense of uneasiness rose in his heart.

This inexplicable sense of unease made me shiver.

"I'll talk about it next time if there's anything else, I have to go to the bathroom."

Hastily used excuses to get rid of Yugong Lingxiao, turned around and walked towards the bathroom. At the same time, the girl's expression kept reappearing in his mind. The more he recalled, the more blurred and distorted he became...

Something is wrong, there must be something wrong.

What is wrong?

Is it weird?

Is the game on?

But the game is impossible!After all, it's still in school, it's still broad daylight, and it's still the real world!

Glancing at the watch, it is clearly the watch world. Even if the game starts, in such a large space as the school, you will definitely enter the world!

Otherwise, there would be more than one person involved!

However, this is obviously a stabbing, a stabbing of a person.

What happened to that girl?

After using the bathroom, I returned to the classroom with doubts,

In the fourth class, the teacher who taught the class was obviously absent-minded, probably because he hadn't recovered from the scene just now.

The girl was stabbed near the chest, which should be a serious injury. According to the amount of bleeding, even if she didn't stab near the heart, she must have pierced her lungs. Whether she can survive in the hospital depends on luck.

After the fourth class was over, I dragged Lu Haochen to an empty corner of the school yard.

Usually this is a place where couples of men and women come, but now it is noon, and they all go to eat. Most couples will go out to eat something good, or go to the cafeteria in pairs.

So, it's quiet here.

"So, you think... the situation in Class One is not normal?"


I frowned and glanced at Lu Haochen, nodded, and just told Lu Haochen everything I had seen, and after I finished speaking, Lu Haochen also frowned.

Obviously, after listening to my description, Lu Haochen also felt that something was wrong.

I haven't told Lu Haochen that my soul is weird, but at least Lu Haochen knows about the evil spirit body.

He also knew how powerful the evil spirit body was, and it was definitely not normal for someone with such a powerful and weird body to be frightened by a look.

"Are there notifications in the APP?"

Lu Haochen pressed a question, but I didn't speak, but just shook my head.

Seeing me like this, Lu Haochen's face became even more gloomy, and he murmured:

"Could it be that……"

"Did you say something?"

Lu Haochen was taken aback by my question, I didn't understand the 'stunned', otherwise, there wouldn't be so many things going on later.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of mutual affection that it affects my judgment at this moment?

Lu Haochen was silent for a moment, then turned his head to look at me: "Yunyan, our original guess may come true."

"What came true?"

"Weird, maybe it's starting to affect reality."

Lu Haochen's sudden statement made me stunned.

"How is this possible! Besides, even if it's a weird effect, there should be a prompt to start the game!"

Lu Haochen shook his head.

"I'm talking about the prelude."

"You mean... this is the prelude to the game?"


"But... What kind of prelude will this be? That girl may not be able to survive anymore, so the prelude is like this, what will the follow-up be like?"

"Not sure, but now we have two options..."

Lu Haochen raised his head and looked at me, with a complex look in his eyes that I couldn't understand.

However, I followed his words and deduced two options.

"You mean... hide and face?"

"Well, the former is very simple. We will leave the school immediately and stop contacting the school for a period of time, so we should be able to avoid being involved. As for the latter... it may be troublesome, we have to kill it in the cradle before the game starts inside."

Chapter 8 The focus is wrong (56/220)

Hearing what Lu Haochen said, I thought for a moment and shook my head.

"No, the game will not be so simple. If we can dodge this way, we don't need to have such a headache. If this is a game as you speculate, then we have no option to dodge at all."

Speaking of this, I looked at Lu Haochen.

"We have only two choices, one is to strangle it in the cradle, end the game before the game starts, or enter the game and barely survive, there will be no third option."

After Lu Haochen finished listening, he fell silent again, this time for a very long time, almost 3 minutes.

"You're right, we should have been locked down."

In the end, Lu Haochen came to this conclusion.

To this, I just nodded in affirmation.

"At the beginning of the game, old players are often locked in, and I have never seen or heard of the situation where all new players are all new players at the beginning of the game. That is to say, no matter how we hide, the game will still start, but at the beginning way will be different.”

Now that we have come to a consistent conjecture, the conjecture is basically close to ten, not to mention that our conjecture is meaningless. After all, for ordinary people, this morning's incident is likely to be a very common one. injury incidents.

But for us players, as long as we feel the slightest thing is wrong, we should bring up [-]% energy, otherwise, we will be the next to die.

"Then suppose... this incident is the opening or prelude of the game, then what is the main purpose of the game, and what rules will it start with?"

After Lu Haochen summed it up, he said the question to be speculated next.

In fact, I have been thinking about it, but I always feel that I have caught some inspiration, but I don't know how to connect it.

The two of us thought about it like this, but no matter what kind of speculation, we couldn't guess a complete one. After all, up to now, there has been no prompt to start the game, let alone any rules.

In this way, the time at noon passed by in a flash, and it was not a long time, so both of us were wasted on reasoning, and neither of us had dinner in the end.

In this way, the time came to the afternoon, and then school was over.

But... until after school, nothing happened.

This made Lu Haochen and I even more anxious.

However, it is too difficult to guess the rules of the game out of thin air. Who knows how this mission will be carried out?

Is it an escape?Is it a puzzle?Or something else?

After school, we found Shan Xuelin, and combined with some rumors the two of us heard at school, we finally sorted out the whole story of the hurtful incident that happened this morning.

In fact, it is also very simple, that is, the two girls fell in love with a boy. As a result, the girl who was stabbed was the first to win the boy's heart, and the two established a romantic relationship. murdering case.

That's right, this incident has risen from a wounding incident to a murder incident.

Because the stabbed girl could not be rescued in the end, at 11:[-] in the morning, it was announced that the rescue was invalid, and the news was not updated until the afternoon, and the school quickly blocked the news.

Therefore, the students did not know that the girl was dead.

Shan Xuelin passed on all the information the police had to me, and Lu Haochen and I went directly to my small villa. The two of us nestled in the room for more than two hours and did not find out why. During the time, Linnai would come in every less than 5 minutes. Normally, she would solve any problems at once, but this time, Linnai made it super troublesome, coming in every once in a while.

I also knew what she was worried about. In the end, I had no choice but to ask Reina to serve me tea in the room. As soon as I finished speaking, Reina suddenly changed into a tea set from her skirt with a smile on her face.

I was crazy.

Rena, how on earth did you manage to hide a hot water jug ​​and a whole set of teacups under your skirt!

Then I picked up Reina's skirt and searched frantically, and finally... I found dozens of interlayers in Reina's thick skirt.

There are all kinds of...all the things I can use in normal times.

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