The situation in the car in front should be regarded as an omen, but this time, I am not sure whether it is an omen or it has already started, because there is no prompt on the phone.

The knock on the door just now, coupled with the reaction of Dumpling and Haha, let me know clearly that the person who knocked on the door was definitely not a human being.

But... what is that thing?

Then this moving speed is definitely not what normal people can possess, and when he left, there was no sound of footsteps at all!

No matter how you look at it, that... is definitely weird!

I frowned slightly, although I was a little sleepy, but I still pulled myself together, and while gently stroking Shaha who was lying beside me, I looked out the window.

"These days, it seems that we have to be vigilant..."

If it's about other people, maybe I can ignore it, or even just think about saving my life, but it's different now, because... Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu are likely to be involved in this matter.

Even Liu Chengyun and Liu Chengyu!

Lingnai, Shaohe... Aunt Liu, Aunt Zhao!

These people could all be the targets of this game!

This is the family and friendship that I finally got, and all of this is what I have now!

In the previous games, every time, I was cautious, afraid that I would die, but this time... I may really have no way out.

With his eyes closed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination in his heart.

"No matter what... I have to keep my family. It seems that I have to take the initiative this time."

When I accepted Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu from the bottom of my heart, I knew... there would be a day when there was no way to retreat, but I never thought that it would come so early and so soon.

Clenching my hands into fists, I took a deep breath.

Although I really want to shoot now, even desperately, but the most important thing is... I can't find that monster now, and it's not the right time.

Just like at that moment just now, I couldn't directly fight against the monster in front of Reina. According to the current strength of the evil spirit body, even if there is no SS rank, it is at least S+. This strength is enough to fight against any monster below the SS rank , Usually, I suppress my instinct to devour, but this time... maybe I really have to fight.

It's to seize the moment...

According to the weird normal behavior, it usually only appears at night, but in the villa, the lights are usually turned off after nine o'clock, and rarely after ten o'clock, even Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu, most of them will be at this time sleep.

So... all I can do, and that is... patrolling in this huge villa after nine o'clock.

This is the only way I can meet that weirdness head-on.

Sitting and waiting... is never the way to go about things.

But how powerful the weirdness is this time, what type it is, and how it kills people, these are all unclear.

If you go straight up, it is very likely that you will never return.

Chapter 18 Absolutely not! (22/120)

But if you don't do this, once the game pulls Gong Lianyu and the others directly into the 'passerby player' class, it will be over.

When the car said, six people died this time, including me!

Then, besides me, there are only five people left.

I don’t know how accurate the omen is, but I’d rather believe it or not. According to the minimum of five people, the family will definitely be involved. If you want it to end before it happens, you must Start early.

The weirdness must not directly attack Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu, and the same is true for Yuncheng Yunyu.

They don't have any experience in fighting this kind of thing. Once they encounter it, it can be said that they are basically dead.

The full text of the omen I remember hearing in the car was this:

'A murder occurred in a village and town, the death toll was six, and you were among them! '

Neither Linnai nor Shaohe heard this passage, so it can be completely judged as an omen.

But Linnai heard the knock on the door just now, and responded, so is this a sign, or has the mission already started?

Knocking... a portent or a hint?

There is no information about the start of the mission displayed on the phone, which means... at least for now, the mission has not started yet.

"Murder incident... Murder incident... Judging from these words, the cover-up method of the game this time ends with a murder incident. Whether it is a sign or something, at least this can be confirmed..."

Thinking, I closed my eyes, raised my head, lay on the dry and soft quilt, and thought while stroking Shaha.

"The death toll is six... Villages and towns, including me, these passages should be linked together..."

Closing my eyes, thinking about it, I felt drowsy, I don’t blame me, it’s the fault of the quilt, it’s too dry and soft, it’s too comfortable, lying on it makes people feel very sleepy, wanting to sleep, gradually, Thinking became a little stiff.

"The death toll...the death toll...six people...who are they? Among them is me..."

In my drowsiness, I muttered in a daze, and I was still thinking about this question in my mind, but when I was thinking this way, suddenly... a slight cold wind blew in front of me.

At the same time, I felt the fool in my arms suddenly stand up.

"What are you doing~ idiot~"

In a daze, he wanted to reach out and hook Shaha's neck, but what he got... was not the usual smooth hair, but the back hair that was all blown up!

"Why... it's blown up..."

In a daze, I didn't react in my mind for a while, and I asked subconsciously, but... before my words fell, suddenly, a hoarse voice came from my ear.

"That's are among them!!!"

This hoarse roar exploded in his mind instantly like a bomb! !

Shocked all over, he opened his eyes suddenly, his scalp exploded in an instant, the evil spirit body almost instinctively came out of his body, and suddenly grabbed the top of his head with his hand!

There was only a 'hissing' sound in the ear, the claws of the evil spirit body seemed to have caught something, but it didn't catch it to death, but was escaped by it in an instant! !

Look back again!

In the direction of the top of the head, there is nothing.

But... at the moment, the idiot next to me, and the dumpling standing on the bird stand, are all facing this direction.

Shaha's back hair was all tied up, his canine teeth were sticking out, and a vicious growl came from its throat, while Dumpling's eyes were wide open, looking at this direction motionlessly!

This direction... outside the wall! !

This matter came to mind in an instant, and the evil spirit body rushed straight up almost as soon as the word 'outside the wall' came to mind!

'This time... I will act first! ! '

I thought in my heart, and at the same time I brought a trace of determination. It is too dangerous in the state of the evil spirit body leaving the body, but this danger is inevitable. The only way I can do it is to eat the weird before the evil spirit body goes berserk, Or... to return to the flesh.

However, when I walked through the wall, I found... there was nothing in front of me.

In the corridor, it was eerily quiet, not a single person, not a single ghost, and all around... there was no other moving thing.

The body of the evil spirit body has returned to a height of five meters. In this corridor, which is only about four meters high, I had to bend over, and my extended arms almost reached the ground. After observing for a few moments, he turned back through the wall, looked into the room again, and found that Shaha and Jiaozai had relaxed and were no longer vigilant.

But at this moment, both Shaha and Jiaozai were looking at the evil spirit body. The bent evil spirit body looked very abrupt in their eyes, and it was incompatible with this Chinese-style room. The body was as black as ink, and the thin body The shapes... all seemed extremely strange.

I raised my hand and looked at my claws. I feel that even if I face a normal goat-headed monster, I can kill them equally. This is still a rational state.

If you give up your reason, your strength should increase exponentially!

He took a deep breath, of course...the evil spirit body does not need to breathe, this is just a habit left over from long-term use of the human body, after giving up reason, there will be no such situation anymore.

It was about five seconds since I left the body, and after making sure there was nothing else, I returned to the physical body.

The body slowly regained consciousness. When I opened my eyes again, I sat up and looked at the phone for the first time, but found that there was still no reminder in the phone.

And the was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Did you sleep for more than five hours? Why didn't Reina ask me to have lunch?"

He mumbled subconsciously, then looked at Shaha and Jiaozai, and after confirming that they were no longer aggressive, he could be sure that the weirdness had left.

No... Strictly speaking, until now, it's not clear whether it's weird or not.

Most likely an omen.

It's weird, it can't communicate with humans.

But the omens are different.

The omen is the instinct of the evil spirit body to foresee danger in advance, and this instinct will appear in a way that I can understand, that is to say, the words I heard are probably omens.

In the past, the omens only appeared for a short period of time, maybe even after the monsters were staring at me. The time between seeing the omens and the start of the game was basically not much.

But this time the omen is a little strange.

I just saw some images before, or reflections and the like.

But this time, even Dumpling and Shaha responded.

Could it be... Weird is very powerful?

I don't know, but right now, it doesn't look very promising.

"The death toll... six people? Then let me see, do you dare to attack me first!"

No matter what, the family members must not be involved this time, neither Shaohe Lingnai nor Aunt Zhao Liu! !

Chapter 19 Whoa~

"Starting tonight, we will patrol every day and never stop until the crisis is resolved!"

Gritting his teeth, he gave himself a death order.

But... there is another very important thing now, and that is...

"Lina!!!! Why didn't you call me for lunch!!!"

Jumped off the bed directly, and walked out, calling Linnai's name. When Dumpling saw me leaving, she flew over and stood on my shoulder, and Shaha followed closely behind me. behind.

As soon as I stepped out of the bedroom door, I saw Ling Nai, who was holding a Chinese-Japanese dictionary and trying hard to learn some rare words.

This is also the reason why Linnai was able to communicate normally with people in half a year, and even read and write some words. When she was free, Linnai would study at home and ask me if there was anything she didn't understand.

Even in the Liu family's old house, Linnai's study-loving habit has not changed at all.


"Miss? Are you awake?"

When Linnai saw me coming out, she quickly put down the dictionary. She was about to say something when she suddenly saw my angry face and asked in a daze:

"Miss, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter... Rena!! Look at what time it is now!!"

Rena was taken aback, and raised her hand to look at her watch.

"Miss! You forgot to eat lunch!!"

I wipe!She was the one who was so surprised!She was so surprised!

This, this, this... is like saying I'm going to starve to death if I don't eat lunch! !

Do you think I'm a pig! !

Even pigs won't starve to death because they haven't eaten a meal! !What do you think of me! ?

However, under Linna's astonished expression, I originally wanted to complain about Linna, but I couldn't say it.

If you say it, isn't it a disguised admission that you are a super big eater who will starve to death if you don't eat a meal! ?

But...but why did I get so angry when I saw the smile hidden under Rena's surprised expression?


Seeing the tangled face on my face, Reina's originally surprised expression couldn't hold back, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, and then she burst into a 'puchi' laugh.

"What are you laughing at!!"

"Miss... your expression is so funny~"

Rena pointed at my face while holding her stomach throbbing from laughing.

Subconsciously, I turned my head and looked in the mirror, and suddenly... I saw a beautiful girl, um, definitely a super beautiful girl.

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