Hanging up the phone, I continued to walk out of the gate of the campus. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Although the sun was still warm and pleasant, the gate of the campus was much deserted. I also deliberately delayed the time.

And just as I guessed, when I walked out of the campus gate and was only a few steps away, there was a wave of malice from the direction beside me.

In an instant, I directly separated the head of the evil spirit body from the head of the physical body. In this way, it seemed to others that I was walking with my head down, but in fact, my head was in a state of deep sleep, while my body was still in a state of deep sleep. In the running state, he looked in that direction with the head of the evil spirit body.

'Got you……'

I hope you won't feel bored if you watch it slowly _(:з"∠)_

just sauce

Chapter 11 Spirit Guy

Just a dozen meters away from me, in front of a street stall, stood a male...well, a man.

Cun Tou, it doesn't look so slick, but a little handsome, and there is no villain in his eyebrows. This time, he is chatting with the stall owner, holding a pancake fruit in his hand, while eating Talking while talking.

The moment his eyes locked on me, I locked on to him. After seeing me, this guy took out his mobile phone to confirm. He seemed to have sent a text message. It seemed that he should be notifying the other side.

I don't know how much of my guess is correct, but it stands to reason that there should be no problem.

Reasoning things like this is often just guessing, but it's just based on guessing.

From all the clues, guessing the truth is reasoning.

I didn't continue to look at him, but continued to walk forward, because I lowered my head, and I am only 1.6 meters, which is not considered very high, so no one noticed that 'I' actually had my eyes closed, Now if there is someone who can see the spirit body, it is estimated that the scalp will fly in fright.

After all, a person walking with his head down, with another elongated black lacquer protruding from his neck with a humanoid face that is more comical than funny, if you are not afraid, you will be a ghost.

Although there are ghosts to be afraid of.

After waiting for the traffic lights, I continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened. Of course, I still looked at the two sides to make sure that there was no car before I left. Now I can be regarded as a little rich woman anyway, don’t die in a horrible incident, but Died in a car accident, that would be ridiculous.

I walked past the traffic lights, and the guy with the inch head said goodbye to the stall owner, and then followed him directly, keeping a distance of about seven or eight meters from me, not far or close, while eating the food in his hand. Panbing Guozi, while pretending to be looking at the phone in his hand, but has been observing his evil spirit body, but clearly saw his eyebrows raised from time to time, obviously following me.

'Looks right...'

Although I don't know if their kidnapping method is the same as I speculated, but the malice emanating from this person's sight, as well as his behavior of following me, all mean that most of the previous guesses are correct.

Zhang Yan... She actually teamed up with other people to harm 'Liu Yunyan'.

This is really... an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

In fact, I have a few relatively simple solutions. For example, contact Liu Yunyan's second uncle immediately. Her second uncle is the director of the Provincial Police Department. With such a great god, it is estimated that our righteous people's police will meet in 3 minutes. Arrive within the specified time and arrest these people immediately as I said. Even if there is no evidence of criminal record or the like, you have to go in and squat for 48 hours.

However, I don't intend to do this, and the reasons are very simple. First, I don't want to make this matter too big. Second, at this stage, 'I' is not full.

Or... 'I' can never get enough to eat, so I need to be fed occasionally.

And, this way it can be done once and for all.

As a person who still has a sense of justice, what I can do in the face of such a bad banker is naturally to ruin the other party's reputation and expose all crimes.

And the most convenient way, I have already mastered it, not to mention it is good for me, why not do it?

I looked at a chess teahouse at the entrance of the campus. Because it is a campus area, many elderly people will bring their children, so the chess teahouse here is also quite lively. Many elderly people will stay here for a day, drinking tea while waiting for the next session It is a relatively new model to take the children from school, eat and drink and so on.

And the consumption level is not high, ten or eight yuan for a cup of tea, you can add another cup, and you can play chess casually.

Of course... Meals need to be calculated separately. There is a separate kitchen here, ranging from home-cooked dishes, big pot dishes, high-quality dishes, and a la carte dishes. Ten yuan is enough for a lunch.

So many old people here.

But now it is much quieter. After all, the students are out of school, and these old people have gone to take care of their children. Not bad, as soon as he saw me coming in, even though he was a student, he didn't wait too long and walked over immediately.

After all, this is a chess teahouse for old people. These old people are all with children. Maybe she thinks that I am here with the elders, so when she asks me, she still looks behind me from time to time.

"Is the kid alone?"

After watching for a while, it seemed that after noticing that there were other people behind me, the waiter asked a little suspiciously.

"Well, find me a private room, I want to lie down for a while."

The waiter was stunned, and looked me up and down. I was about to say something, and I didn't intend to waste time. I took out my wallet from my bag, took out three hundred-dollar bills, and handed them to her for two. One for tea, one for you, any questions? "

"No... no."

Perhaps because I didn't believe there would be such a generous middle school student at all, the waiter was stunned for a moment, looking at me suspiciously vigilant, and even a little afraid to take it.

I also know what she is wary of. Maybe she thought I stole money from home?Otherwise, how could a middle school student carry so much money?

I was silent for a moment, then unzipped the zipper of my jacket, revealing the red sweater inside, and casually pointed to the logo on the chest of the sweater.

"Chanel, [-], don't worry... this money is not stolen, I am the second generation of rich people, go and prepare tea, I like Longjing, the one with Lion Mountain is the best, if you don't have it, change it to another, if you don't have enough, write it down, look back Here you go."

The waiter was dumbfounded by what I said, and when he realized it, a hint of contempt and...envy subconsciously appeared in his eyes.

Well, a normal person's reaction, I don't blame her.

"Please come with me." Although I was stunned by my words, the waiter still followed his job responsibilities and immediately led me to the second floor. At the same time, I noticed the person behind me and also He walked in after him, but I had already reached the corner of the stairs, and he was pretending as if nothing had happened, as if he was looking for someone, but his eyes were always looking at me intentionally or unintentionally.

I went upstairs and came directly to a box. Although the waitress looked at me with malicious eyes, I think this is normal. After all, I am such a young man who shows off his wealth in front of her. Girl, it's weird not to be seen that way.

If it were me, I would see it the same way.

After entering the room, the waiter said to wait a moment, and immediately went to prepare. I don't know if this teahouse has Longjing from Shishan, but even if it is a little worse, the other party will have to work for a while, and it may take a few minutes to wait.

I entered the room and took a look. The room is not big, about 20 square meters. There is a compartment, and the middle of the compartment is blocked by a wooden screen. From the gap, you can see an Arhat couch inside. In the middle hall, there is a chess table, and the air conditioner hanging on it is mostly covered by the mahogany shell. There is a long table next to the chess table. There is a small incense burner on the table, and there is a sound system beside it.

I was not polite, and went directly to the back room, put my schoolbag on the small cabinet next to it, turned around and lay down on the Arhat couch.

I took a hand pillow casually, took off my school uniform, and put it on the hand pillow... I have to say, after becoming 'Liu Yunyan', it seems that Liu Yunyan's cleanliness has also been passed on to me, making me even more cleanliness than before.

Lying on the hand pillow, I slowly closed my eyes, and my eyes... were plunged into darkness.

In the next second, the sight suddenly brightened, and then...a pitch-black hand was slowly lifted from the body, and along with...a pitch-black body, as it left the body, it began to be quickly drawn Elongated and twisted.

When I stood up, I was over three meters tall. Fortunately, the ceiling of this teahouse is relatively high, so my head was not directly inserted into the ceiling.

I stretched fiercely. In fact, this has no effect on the evil spirit body, but when the spirit body that has always been suppressed in my body comes out, it still makes me feel a burst of relief.

I glanced around, and then, I looked down at my feet, and then I stretched out my hand, directly penetrated the floor, and then... I slowly lowered my body, passed my head through the floor without any hindrance, and looked towards the first floor ...


The moment before crossing the floor, I saw a cockroach brother living in the geothermal pipe, and without hesitation... crushed to death.

I hate bugs the most!

Then continue to penetrate the floor. At this moment, if someone can see the spirit body and look up, they will definitely see a strange smiling face growing upside down on the ceiling.

Glancing left and right, I locked on to the guy sitting by the window in an instant. This guy looks pretty good. In order to avoid innocent people being affected by my guesswork, I didn't kill him right away, but slowly fell to the ground. on the ground and stood behind him.

The moment I fell, on the chess table surrounded by five old men next to me, the five old men shuddered in unison.

The evil spirit body itself is very cold, but this kind of coldness is not purely physical coldness, but a kind of coldness aimed at the soul.

Maybe it's because the old people are getting closer to death, three of the five old people seem to have subconsciously glanced at me.

People say that it will take three years for young people to see their ghosts, and old people will see their ghosts right before their eyes. It seems that this is true.

In any case, their bodies have begun to decline, and their souls are not strong enough to feed back their bodies. In this way, the gap between the soul and the body will become larger and larger, and the body and soul will begin to appear inconsistent The situation, perhaps it is for this reason, that they can gradually perceive some things that cannot be perceived normally?

"Hiss~ Why is it suddenly cold, Xiao Zhao~ Have you guys turned on the air conditioner?"

"That's to say...Xiao Zhao, it's winter, what kind of air conditioner should you turn on?"

The five old men over there called out to the waiter immediately, and the waiter came over with a confused face and explained to the five old men.

I wasn't in the mood to watch them moaning, and turned to look at this young guy with a short cut.

At the moment, he is on the phone.

Maybe it's because of his strong firepower and youth, so his soul is locked in his body. The lock is very good, and he can't feel the existence of the evil spirit body, but he still feels a cool breeze, so he subconsciously puts away the collar of his coat .

"Brother Liu, she has entered the teahouse."

Chapter 12 The villain (1/7 monthly ticket plus update)

"Brother Liu, she has entered the teahouse."

As soon as this sentence came out, I immediately regained my energy. I couldn't help but lower my head and moved to the side of his mobile phone, and put my hands on his chair. I guess if this guy suddenly saw me at this time, he would pee in his pants in fright.

As I lowered my head, the voice from the other side of the phone also came over.

"Why did you suddenly enter the teahouse? Doesn't she usually go to these places?"

The voice on the other side of the phone sounded a bit familiar... But I flipped through my memory to make sure I didn't recognize the voice, and then I flipped through Liu Yunyan's memory, and suddenly saw a person.

Manager Liu?

A shop manager selling luxury goods?

That tall, dog-like store manager with a bit of temperament?Tsk tsk... Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance.

That store... is where Zhang Yan often leads Liu Yunyan to buy luxury accessories.

It seems... my guess is already close to ten.

"Brother Liu, what should I do?"

This kid didn't feel the existence of my evil spirit body, so he asked 'Brother Liu' on the phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll call and ask that little girl."

While talking, the phone over there was put down, and the guy frowned, put down the phone with a face of embarrassment, looked in the direction of the corner of the stairs, and muttered softly: "What are you doing, little girl? "

Does this mean me? ?This must mean me, right?

Are you a bit brave?Dare to speak ill of her in front of an evil spirit?I'm so...

No, no, now is not the time to mess with this guy.

Withdrawing the hand that was about to grab his soul, he turned his head and looked outside the street.

Without the slightest hesitation, according to my guess, that 'Brother Liu' should be blocking me in the alley, I'll go and have a look first, and if the series of things are the same as my guess, don't blame me... …dinner's ready.

The flying of the soul is very easy, as instinctive as eating, drinking and walking, I don't even need to be taught, I just passed through the outer wall and flew to that alley.

From a distance, I saw a small truck blocking the alley, just at the entrance of the alley that was big enough for three or four people to go side by side. Next to the small truck, there were two people, one was squatting on the ground and smoking a cigarette, The other was sitting on the steps next to them. Although both of them were wearing rough work clothes, they looked maliciously in their eyes.

When I am in the state of the evil spirit body, I can clearly feel these malices. Even ordinary people have a lot of malices, but they are not targeted at me.

This car... seems to belong to the water company, right?

Ignoring these two people, I went straight through the pickup truck, came to the alley, and saw at a glance... a man in a windbreaker, a hood, a gentleman, and a pair of glasses on his face, who was sleeping. On the phone, the voice was still harsh.

"What the hell are you doing? Why did she suddenly change her route today? Did you tell her something? Ah!? Are you thinking about it!?"

Seeing what he said, and remembering the content of the phone call just now, I quickly judged that this guy should be calling Zhang Yan.

Then, I quickly leaned forward, of course, I didn't touch him, otherwise he would be able to see me.

Sure enough, after these words, Zhang Yan's voice came from the other side of the phone, trembling with a hint of crying.

"Brother Liu, I didn't...I really didn't...I didn't say anything, and I don't know why she changed the channel suddenly."

"It's from CNM! Okay, even if you didn't tell her, then tell me why she suddenly changed channels?"

'Brother Liu' cursed angrily. However, Zhang Yan on the other side of the phone couldn't possibly know why I switched channels. He faltered, but couldn't say anything. In fact, Zhang Yan didn't know much about Liu Yunyan.

Although the two are friends, Zhang Yan doesn't pay much attention to Liu Yunyan.

What Zhang Yan valued was only money.


'Brother Liu' cursed, then hung up the phone directly.

A guy next to him who looked like a big and three-faced guy who didn't look like a good person came over, handed him a cigarette, lit it for this 'Brother Liu' and said:

"Brother Liu, is there something wrong? Otherwise, let's let go of this business... Don't steal the chicken for nothing, that little girl's family is not ordinary, just in case..."

"No! This business can't be released. Brother Hu is in a hurry. My rent is about to expire. Let her go. Where can I find such an easy-to-handle fat sheep?"

After speaking, he immediately picked up the phone, as if calling the guy who was staring at me.

"Knife, show me. When she comes out, if she doesn't go this way, call immediately. Even if you come here today, this business has to be done!"

The voice on the other side of the phone was a little scared, 'Brother Liu' cursed immediately.

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