
Nodding my head, although I'm not in a good mood, it can be seen that Linnai is actually in a bad mood, but she pretended to be happy in order not to make my mood worse.

Seeing Linnai put so much effort into it, my heart... also feels warm.

"Okay, let's eat sashimi, and let's make dumplings after eating!"


Linnai nodded fiercely, as if all those troubles would be thrown out of her head.

The silver-banded herring tastes really good, delicious, and it is a perfect match with neon soy sauce and green mustard.

One bite at a time, a plate of silver-striped herring was eaten like this. Then, Linnai and I walked into the kitchen to knead the dough and prepare to make dumplings.

"Make dumplings!"

Linnai said loudly on purpose, but just after she finished speaking, Jiaozai who was still sleeping over there suddenly froze and turned her head to look directly at her.


As if protesting something, Dumpling groaned twice.

"Eh? It's not making dumplings like you, it's making dumplings."


Dumpling blinked blankly.

Chapter 20 Nobility

I had no interest in having sex with Dumplings, so I called Lingna over directly.

When I'm not in a good mood, I can only knead the dough quickly, then make the meat stuffing and wrap it up.

It took more than four hours to complete the whole set. I watched TV while packing. In fact, there was nothing to watch.

I made about five catties of dumplings, and Jiaozai was watching from the side all the time. Shaha and Wangcai had already arrived under the table, looking at us with drooling eyes.

Especially Xiaohui, this guy can talk, so Man Tianfei keeps muttering. The other cats have already gone to other places, far away from the two dogs. It's not pleasing to the eye, but I just can't beat it all the time.

After all, the size puts it there, a Czech wolfhound and a husky completely make these cats have nothing to do.

The room suddenly became lively, cats meowed and dogs barked, Xiaohui muttered, and dumpling clucked and clucked, making the villa look like a tropical rainforest.

"Dumpling! Dumpling! Dumpling!"

On the top of the head, Xiaohui fell on the tree trunk, looked down at the dumplings below, and kept mumbling, because Linnai and I were talking about making dumplings, it thought we were going to make dumplings, but it didn't listen Shouting dumpling smashing dumpling smashing is like saying 'come up quickly, they're going to trap you'.

But after all, Xiao Hui is not an existence that has devoured evil spirits like Dumpling or Shaha. Even if he is human, he still has his own limit. In addition, when he is in a hurry, he can't remember anything else, so he can only dump Dumpling shouted.

As for Dumplings, he looked up at Xiao Hui contemptuously, ignoring it, but Hai Jiang, who was standing quietly by the side, suddenly turned around, staring at Xiao Hui with a pair of eagle eyes. , Seeing Xiao Hui froze all over, shutting up instantly.

Seeing Xiao Hui's reaction, Hai Jiang glanced at Xiao Hui contemptuously, then turned to look at Jiaozai, the sights of the two birds of prey met in mid-air, and Hai Jiang didn't know why Thinking about it, suddenly spread his wings, leaped into the air, and swooped down to smash the dumpling.

As for Dumpling, it turned around, because its wings were still injured, so it couldn't fly for the time being, but it didn't show the slightest fear, instead it looked like it was fighting. When I saw this, I didn't go Before stopping it, the dumpling smash is already very human, so it won't kill it.

And Haijiang...Although it is Haidongqing, it has never eaten the soul of the evil spirit, so it is not the opponent of Dumpling.

Judging from the way of description in Xianxia novels, Dumpling is already considered a monster.

And things didn't go beyond my expectation. The moment Haijiang swooped down and stretched out her claws to grab the dumpling, the dumpling spread its wings. Although it couldn't fly, it still jumped up and jumped instantly. In the middle of the air, before Hai Jiang could react, he clasped Hai Jiang's neck with his claws, and then fell down, directly pressing Hai Jiang under him.

'Pu la la ~ puff la la ~'

Hai Jiang, who was pressed on the table, was still not convinced and kept flapping his wings, trying to fight back, but no matter what, he couldn't raise his head, and the eagle feathers flew all over the sky.

However, its struggle was useless after all. After a while, Hai Jiang had no more strength, and seeing that it no longer resisted, she let go of her paws.

And Haijiang, like a defeated rooster, turned around and flew to the distance with flapping wings. This time, even the original arrogant eyes were gone, and he combed his feathers, pitifully.

Jiaozai glanced at Haijiang indifferently, then turned back to watch us making dumplings.

At first, Linnai wanted to intervene, but I stopped her. In this situation, if she intervenes, the two will not be able to tell the winner, and there will definitely be a fierce fight in the future.

But now that the winner has been determined early, and after the two have established their strengths, there will be no desperate battle in the future.

Some small episodes passed like this, and the dumplings were made, but I can't eat them today. Today is 29, and tomorrow will only be [-]. Tomorrow will be the official Chinese New Year.

This is also my first serious New Year's Eve since I became Liu Yunyan. However, I don't feel very festive, but rather helpless.

"Okay, that's it for today, and the rest will be for tomorrow. Put the dumplings in the freezer so they don't spoil."

"Understood, Miss."

Linnai responded, nodded and put away the dumplings with a smile on her face.

Afterwards, Linnai and I were in the living room, watched TV for a while, and then went back to our respective rooms. Naturally, nothing else happened throughout the night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

I woke up early the next morning because of the ringing of the bell from the courtyard gate. When I opened my eyes, the sky was still a bit hazy. After all, it was winter, and the sun had not fully risen at around seven o'clock.

Although there are occasional sounds of vehicles passing by in the distance, they are not loud, but the ringtone is loud.

Because it's the doorbell.

"Who is it, early in the morning..."

I got up a little disturbed, I was disturbed in my dream early in the morning, no one would be happy, I got up, went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into a suit of underwear, when I just walked downstairs, I saw Chen Qinghua Sitting in the living room, there was an old lady who came with her.

Isn't this...Chen Qinghua's mother?

How did she come?

Seeing this, I was taken aback for a moment, and Linnai was serving them tea, so she hurried over when she saw me.

"Miss, Chen Qinghua and his mother are here."


I nodded. To be honest, I didn't have much interest in getting in touch with Chen Qinghua's mother. After all, Chen Qinghua was just a driver in my opinion.

There is no need to have too much contact with his family.

But since I'm here, I can't rush out. Thinking of this, I went downstairs.

First glanced at Chen Qinghua, and then at the old lady. Her eyes were much more active at the moment, not as empty and lifeless as she saw yesterday, and there was a tinge of anger in her whole body, and her expression was no longer the same. The dying pale yellow, but the same bloody face as a normal person.

"The old lady looks much better already."

When the two of them saw me, they had already stood up. As soon as they heard what I said, the old lady's face showed a look of excitement.

"I... I really can't find any words to thank you, thank you..."

The old lady was trembling with excitement, I was really afraid that she would give me a cerebral thrombosis or something, but fortunately, after a while of excitement, she slowly returned to calm.

"It's nothing. I said it before, and you must have heard my request. Chen Qinghua will work for me in the future..."

"Of course! Of course! You are the nobleman of this kid. If it weren't for you, he would have to go home to farm. This kid has no other skills but to be honest. It is his blessing that you let him drive. , my son is too honest, I still worry about what he will do in the future, now it’s all right, with the support of a noble person like you, the eldest lady, this kid will be able to settle down in the future, if there is anything wrong with him in the future, you will be ruthless To put it bluntly, you're welcome, but I know my son, he's honestly a bit stupid, so you should bear with him."

Chapter 21 Toolman sent you a message (81/120)

Uh... by the way, ma'am, I'm hiring a driver.

But... Well, my aunt is a rural person, and what she said can't be that high-grade, and it's hard to say anything if it's a bit ambiguous.

"It's nothing. I just want him to drive. Don't talk too much. What else... You have seen this villa. When he is free, he can help the family with something and do some work. To tell you the truth, I There are only her and me in this family, and it is always more convenient to have one more man."

"Yes, yes, yes."

The old lady quickly agreed.

I looked at Chen Qinghua, then turned to look at the old lady.

"Old lady, nothing else is very important, but I can't tell you about my treatment of you."


The old lady was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect me to say this, she was suddenly stunned, in the eyes of these uneducated people, it must be a good thing to be famous.

"I don't want to be bothered."

Looking at the old lady, I couldn't give any other reasons, but the old lady nodded.

"Okay, that's okay, Hua Zi, remember, you can only say what the eldest lady asks you to say in the future, and you can't say what you don't want to say, even if you die, understand!!"

Seeing the old lady scolding his son, while Chen Qinghua just nodded, this kid is really a bit too honest, but, a person with filial piety is always better than a person who has nothing.

Even if it's a little stupid, it doesn't mean it's okay. What you need is loyalty and shutting up, and nothing else is important.

"Okay, old lady, your health is better, and your son will work here from now on. As for the place to live, let's do it, I think you are quite old, and the rural area is not suitable, Chen Qinghua , go out with me in a while, after signing the agreement, I will find a house for you mother and son."

While talking, I took the soy milk that Rena handed over.

"During the day, you come to work and do what you have to do. At night, you go home to take care of your mother. After all, the distance from home is too far and it is inconvenient. As for the salary, it is tentatively set at [-] a month, and you can increase it later depending on the situation. , but I have a request, you don't have a vacation under special circumstances, do you agree with this?"

When I work here, it is impossible to have holidays. After all, I usually have to pick up and drop off at school every day, and once there is a task, it may not be divided into day and night.

"no problem."

Chen Qinghua nodded quickly.

"Also, sometimes I may need to get out of the car in an emergency. I don't care what you are doing at the time. When I need it, you must be there within 10 minutes. I will buy you a motorcycle later, which can be used as your commute to and from get off work." of."

"Okay, everything will be arranged by the eldest lady."

This kid Chen Qinghua is very honest, he didn't put any conditions, and he agreed to whatever he said. For such a cooperative person, I couldn't say much, so I nodded.

"Linnai, give him the car keys. I'll go out with him to see if there is a photocopying agency nearby."


Linnai nodded and gave Chen Qinghua the keys to both cars.

The old lady, while being grateful, followed us to the garage.

The first thing, of course, is to go through the agreement.

Fortunately, although it was Chinese New Year, the law firm was not closed, but this was normal, after all, it was a big city.

Then, I got a labor and employment contract, of course all of them are legal and compliant, and I don't need to deceive him on this point.

And the old lady, although she didn't understand much, still asked the lawyer carefully, as if she was afraid that I would cheat her son.

I can understand this too.

But... the old lady is still a little careless, too short-sighted.

I can save her life with great effort, so there is no need to cheat her son.

Or... Concerned about chaos?

Pretty much the same anyway.

All in all, the contract was completed, and then I went to the fourth son's shop. It didn't have to be too good to buy him a motorcycle. I found a second-hand car shop and bought a second-hand imported motorcycle worth [-] yuan.

Ask him to send it to the villa in a while, write down the location, and we turn directly to a real estate next to the villa area to have a look.

Basically, the price is about [-] square meters. Since the old lady is getting old and it is not easy to take the elevator, she bought a floor.

More than 120 square meters, cost nearly 190 million.

Because it is an existing house, it was traded directly on the spot.

Then I went directly to the real estate exchange to complete the transfer, and within three to ten minutes, the house was in my hands.

Naturally, it is impossible to give the house to him now, after all he still has to work under me, but I can make a will after I go back, and if anything happens to me, the house will belong to Chen Qinghua.

Speaking of wills, there are other aspects that I really need to think about.

After all, I am now in a situation where I may enter the game at any time and die at any time. I have to study this kind of thing more.

Before Gong Lianyu and Liu Wanqian were there, this thing couldn't be helped, but now it can.

The house is down, ready-made, you don’t need to move anything, just buy a set of quilts and move in with your bags.

The old lady was naturally grateful, and when she saw that the house was really liveable, the suspicion in her heart was completely gone.

After packing everything up, let the old lady stay here to get used to the new house, and then let Chen Qinghua take me back to the villa.

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