Probably the people above discovered this situation and sent someone to stop it?After all, that scene just now... was too unacceptable.

"No, no, I'm just an ordinary citizen, it's okay, don't catch me!"

Seeing more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition and eight civilian policemen, the anchor panicked and repeatedly waved his hands in denial.

But those policemen didn't intend to listen to his explanation. Four people came over and held down the anchor at once, and another rushed up and held down the cameraman.

As for the camera, it fell to the ground with a 'click', and the screen continued to shoot people on the ground.

The angle was also right on the host.

Those few policemen rushed up to arrest people, so they held down the anchor. The others didn't notice, but the camera clearly captured the scene!

In the panic, the anchor subconsciously took half a step back, and his foot, by coincidence, stepped on the circle of the 200-meter rope. The moment he was pushed down, the anchor body involuntarily lay down On the ground, the rope suddenly became a mess and got wrapped around his leg.

Others didn't pay attention, and the host didn't think about it too much in a panic, but the video... just happened to capture this scene.

"Copy it! Take it away!!"

"Little Hu, collect all their things!"

"Hey! Don't run!!"

Judging from the sound of the video, there should be three people inside. Among them, the anchor and the camera were pushed down, and there is another person, who should be the background control, split screen or special effects. This person may not see well, Turn around and run.

At this time, the attention of the policemen and soldiers in the video was on the escaped man, and they looked at the young policeman surnamed Hu outside the screen, walked into the video, picked up the rope on the ground, because The rope was already in a mess, trapping the anchor's legs, so the young policeman didn't clean up the pair right away, but stretched out his hand to pull the rope out from the thick fog.

The rope was pulled out for about one meter, but generally speaking, the 200-meter-long line has already entered more than 100 meters in the dense fog, and it can't be pulled out much at all, and the young policeman probably knew it, so he moved his hands back and forth Pull the rope back and set the excess aside.

And at this moment!

The rope suddenly tightened! !

The young policeman was stunned for a moment, and pulled hard, and found that the rope seemed to be stuck, so he gritted his teeth and pulled hard! !

However... the moment he exerted all his force, a huge pulling force suddenly came from the other side of the rope. With this little strength, he could barely resist, and his whole body was directly pulled up. .

To say that the young man reacted quickly, the policeman immediately let go of his hand and shouted at the same time, regardless of being injured, the moment he was dragged away!

"There is something in the fog!!"

Then fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, the others subconsciously glanced at Xiao Hu, and everyone saw that the rope was quickly being dragged into the dense fog by something.

At this moment, the anchor reacted suddenly, and when he lowered his head, he saw the rope entering the thick fog quickly, looked at his feet again, and suddenly cried out in horror!

"Help me!! I'm tied up with a rope!!!"

And the moment he said those words, the ropes tied around his legs tightened with a 'boom', and immediately after, his body slid towards the direction of the thick fog!

The four policemen who caught him reacted instantly, and the four of them worked together to catch the anchor!

"Help me! Ahhhh!!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This... scumbag!"

"I... damn it!!"

The two soldiers made exclamations of surprise, and Hu Jianjun almost subconsciously said shit. Fortunately, he suddenly reacted and shut his mouth quickly. Otherwise, it would be a bit of a shame to spout this sentence in his capacity. up.

Holding the teacup, I smiled and watched the reactions of the four people in the room. Sure enough, Shao He had more contact with me, so he was less surprised.

"Yun's almost done, return the gun to him, we believe it."

Shrugging his shoulders, the hair of the evil spirit stretched slightly, and handed the gun to the soldier. He stared blankly at the gun in his hand, and then at me, completely dazed.

"Well, that's fine, let's get down to business, Shaohe, you guys are not here just for the plane crash, are you?"

If it was a simple plane crash, it shouldn't be the military region that was looking for me, but the national security.

"That's right, Yun Yan... how much do you know about the situation in Shengjing?"

This time, Hu Jianjun did not speak, because the expression on his face was already numb, probably he is still sorting out his views?

So, it was Shao He who spoke this time, and she didn't beat around the bush, she just asked.

Looking at Shaohe, I frowned and reached out for my pocket. However, at this moment, one of the soldiers standing inside the door suddenly aimed his gun at me.

"Stay!! What are you going to do!?"

With a slight frown, the evil spirit's hair flicked instantly, and easily passed through the rifle in his hand.

Everyone in the room heard a 'click' in their ears, and saw that the gun in the soldier's hand was cut in half for no reason....

"I don't like being threatened, don't point a gun at me."

I didn't even look at the soldier who was stunned, I said something lightly, then took out the phone and looked at the phone... Sure enough, one of the rules is 'Do not notify the system to irrelevant people' This message still.

In other words, I can't talk about the system.

"Sorry, Shaohe, I can't say anything about this. If I say it, everyone present, including me, will die, but I can tell you one thing."

Turning his head to look at Hu Jianjun, after all, he is the one who speaks here.

And Hu Jianjun couldn't help but look at me sitting upright in danger. Although the scene just subverted the three views, as a soldier, he still has his own professional ethics.

At this time, there can be no carelessness.

Looking at Hu Jianjun's tiger eyes, I said seriously:

"This matter can't be solved by ordinary people. It doesn't matter how many people you invest in the situation in the thick fog. Don't put any trace of innocence and luck into it. Remember one fact!"

Speaking of this, I paused slightly and emphasized my tone.

"The area shrouded in thick fog... is a restricted area for living people."


Hu Jianju glanced at me and said two words.

I shook my head: "There is no evidence, and I can't tell you why. Whoever I tell about this will die."

"You mean... you will kill someone to silence you?"

Hu Jianjun frowned slightly, but he didn't look scared at all.

"'s not me who kills, it's something that humans can't understand."

Shao He quickly asked: "Then... do you have a solution?"

I shook my head helplessly.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a solution. At least for now, I don't have any solution. In the future... maybe not."

Hu Jianju frowned when he heard this!

"You mean, just let Shengjing be like this!? The people inside can't be saved?!"

"No...Of course it's not that I don't save them, but it's useless to save a bunch of dead people."

Putting down the teacup, he stood up and walked to the window, looking at the six tanks downstairs.

"Speaking of which, I might as well tell you that the number of people who can survive in that area is probably only about one in ten thousand. It may not even reach this number, so don't take any chances. Psychologically, once you enter that area, you can be declared dead."

After speaking, I turned my head and looked at Shaohe.

"However, I have some news. Maybe a few people can be rescued, but I will trouble you."

"what news!?"


Hu Jianju and Shao He quickly turned to look at me.

"Shaohe, you know Lu Haochen. I don't need to say more about his abilities. Now, he is in the downtown area, which is considered to be a dense fog area, and there are some areas where people can survive. I don't know how long this area can last, so now I need your help to rescue them."

"how many people?"

Hu Jianjun stood up and asked with a frown.


"what do you need?"

"A helicopter big enough to carry 26 people."

Hu Jianjun frowned slightly, then turned to look at the guards.

"Arrange three transport helicopters here immediately!"


After finishing speaking, Hu Jianjun turned his head to look at me, staring directly at me, and I just looked at him like this.

After staring at each other for a long time, Hu Jianjun said seriously: "I will leave these three helicopters and pilots to you."

"it is good."

I nodded as a promise.

Of course, I also know the meaning of this sentence, which is 'don't let any of them have an accident'.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Jianjun stood up, tugged at the military uniform on his body, very imposing, and then glanced at me again.

"The rest will be left to you. Major Shaohe will help you. Just tell her if you have anything to say. You are old friends, so I won't say much else. I still need to report this matter to the higher authorities." , looking forward to the good news you bring."

After finishing speaking, Hu Jianjun turned around and left. Although his footwork was vigorous, his feet were a little unstable. It is estimated that his blood pressure was a little high because of the collapse of his three views.

He saw my ability, but he didn't know where this ability came from, not to mention such an extraordinary ability, which made him really hard to accept.

But how he accepts it is none of my business.

Hu Jianjun left with his men, and there were only three of us left in the room.

Shaohe hesitated for a long time before turning to look at me.

"Yunyan... about this matter, I..."

"I know, you don't need to explain."

In her position, Shaohe is a member of the country, so she naturally has to handle things from the perspective of the country. She can't hide this matter.

It is estimated that after the plane crash, the people above found her, and she told some weird things about me, so that a major general came to visit me in person.

However, I didn't ask her too high. It's useless to say anything now. Anyway, the matter has come to this point, and it's useless to say more.

"You have your responsibility, I don't blame you, and it's hard to hide this kind of thing from anyone."

Hearing what I said, Shaohe's expression softened a lot, but he still apologized and said to me:


"There's nothing to be sorry for, that's all, don't blame yourself like this, I didn't say anything, what are you blaming yourself for?"

Looking at Shaohe, she smiled, then turned her head and said to Linnai: "Get ready to order food."

Rena nodded and turned to go to the kitchen.

"Shaohe, arrange for the soldiers to have a meal later, and then have a good sleep to recharge their energy. At night, come with me to save people."

Chapter 63 Died instantly (106/120)

Accompanied by a scream, the speed at which the rope tightened completely exceeded the limit that ordinary people could bear, and the rope collapsed in an instant, strangling tightly into the anchor's leg.

As for his screams, on the one hand, he was frightened, and on the other hand, he was in pain.

Seeing this scene, the other four policemen ignored the photographer and rushed up to help pull it. However, the force in the dense fog was so amazing that the eight of them couldn't hold it back. Seeing this, those soldiers also They didn't just stand by and rushed forward. Some people pulled the rope, while others quickly took out their knives to cut the rope.

However, at this moment, a pale arm suddenly stretched out from the dense fog, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, it grabbed the anchor's leg, and then, dragging the anchor's police and soldiers, only I felt an incomparably powerful force that instantly dragged this person into the thick fog.


The anchor screamed and was dragged into the dense fog. Then, there was only a 'click', and the screaming stopped dumbly. At the same time, the dense fog became quiet again.

Everyone, stand still on the spot!

At this time, an infantry squad leader roared angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze!! Get out of the thick fog!!"

The others reacted in an instant and ran back quickly. A dozen of them turned their heads in shock, looking at the quiet thick fog, only the sound of panting.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of footsteps outside the video, and then, the camera was picked up, and then turned off.

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