Heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the blurry field, surrounded by iron railings, the fog was so thick that it was impossible to see what it was like inside, so he could only walk to the railing and yelled something inside. : "Lu Haochen!!!"

However, the sound could not be transmitted very far. The thick fog blocked the transmission of the sound. Even if it was my loud voice, it would be difficult to spread throughout the venue.

After a little hesitation, I was going to enter the fence and explore inside.

The dense fog on the outermost layer blocks all direct connections between the outside world and the inside world, and even sound cannot penetrate. Once inside, any technological equipment is useless.

The mobile phone has become something that can only watch the time.

Frowning slightly, he walked along the fence, and soon came to an iron gate, which was tied with iron wire, and the end of the iron wire was inside, that is to say, someone was inside the gate. tied.

He raised his head and glanced, there was no one guarding the door, it stands to reason that this is not normal, no matter what, 26 people, no matter how tired they are, should come to guard the door, but there is no one in front of them, only one from the inside The iron gate that binds the gate.

I looked down and saw that the floor was made of PVC. It must have been laid by the school to protect the students, right?

I looked up and saw that the height of the fence was about [-] meters, whether it was high or low.

Nodding his head, the hair of the evil spirit body stretched back, one end supported the ground, the other supported his legs, and instantly flicked upwards!

With this force, the body jumped upwards, turned over again, and fell directly into the basketball court.

The moment I landed, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Yunyan! Is that you?"

Immediately afterwards, a vague figure walked over from the thick fog.

Seeing this figure, although I was sure it should be Lu Haochen's figure, I still mustered up [-]% of my energy, and the hair of the evil spirit spread out instantly, like a big net, blocking the in front of himself.

At the same time, Lu Haochen walked over from the dense fog, with a look of deep fatigue on his face, as if he hadn't slept for three to five days, and the heavy black bags under his eyes were very serious. Eye-catching, with bloodshot eyes.

The moment I saw this person, I was still not sure that he was Lu Haochen. After all, no one could be sure what would happen in this thick fog.

"who are you?"

I frowned and glanced at him, Lu Haochen froze for a moment, then lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"your husband!"

Well, this is Lu Haochen, that's right.

When I was sure that the person in front of me was Lu Haochen, I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward. When he opened his arms with joy, I stepped on his foot hard, then ducked away with my head down. He embraced the coming arms.

"Ah!!! Yun Yan! What are you doing!!"

Lu Haochen screamed when I stepped on him, and knelt down to cover his feet.

"What about the 26 people?"

Lu Haochen grinned and raised his finger to point to the direction of the basketball hoop. He could faintly hear some human voices from there, but they were very subtle. If he didn't listen carefully, he might even think he was hallucinating.

"Why don't you get someone to watch the door? You're so sure this is a safe zone?"

Lu Haochen grinned in pain and pointed at me.

"Take out your phone and see for yourself!"

Take out your phone?

Could it be that the safe zone is still within the system's regulations?

Slightly stunned, because the first time I entered the thick fog it was an evil spirit, this time I was in a hurry to find Lu Haochen again, I really didn't pay attention to the APP, when I heard Lu Haochen's reminder, I took out my phone and looked at it, and frowned slightly .

In the system, a new interface appeared. Only one option box under this interface was lit, and the name was [First Singularity]. A map within a radius of twenty kilometers.

On the map, most of the areas are gray, but the area I just walked over is a little different from other places, it is dark red, and finally, the basketball court where I am now is a bright area. Area.

Next to it, there are three kinds of hints.

They are:

[The bright area is a safe area]

[The dark red area is the explored area]

[The gray area is the unexplored area]

Is this some rpg game?

It has been explored but not explored. Do you think this is a sandbox game?

Looking back at Lu Haochen, since he was sure that the area was safe, then the problem would not be a big deal.

What should be considered now is how to leave alive.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but glance at Lu Haochen.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so embarrassed?"

His bloodshot eyes and lack of confidence in his words, coupled with the deep bags under his eyes, did not seem to happen in a day.

"Ah~ this, it's nothing... just the ability to save people."

Hearing this, I frowned and looked directly at Lu Haochen.

"How many times do you use it?"

"It's okay, don't you think I'm fine?"

Seeing that Lu Haochen was still playing sloppy with me, I couldn't help but increase my tone.

"I ask you... How many times have you used it!"

Just when Lu Haochen was forced to tell the truth by my gaze, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Xiaochen? Where are you?"

The sound came from far to near, and an ordinary-looking middle-aged uncle also walked out of the dense fog.

Chapter 66 How much did you use? (108/120)

"Dad, this is Yun Yan."

Lu Haochen turned his head to look at the person who came, and quickly extended his hand to introduce him. When the middle-aged uncle heard this, he quickly turned back to look at me, with an eager smile on his face.

"You are Yun Yan. Hello, hello, I am Xiaochen's father, Lu Jianmin."

"Ah~ Uncle, hello, I'm Liu Yunyan."

This should be the first official meeting between Dad Lu and me, right?

Although the occasion is not very good now.

"Oh, this girl is really pretty, not bad, not bad."

Uh~ Uncle, can you take your eyes off your daughter-in-law first, this is not a marriage agency, and under such circumstances, you still have the heart to see your daughter-in-law, tsk tsk, what a fatherly heart.

"Dad, don't talk about this for now, Yun Yan came to rescue us, let's meet the others first."

Lu Haochen saw my embarrassment, so he hurriedly stepped forward and made a cross. Father Lu didn't say anything, but nodded.

"Yes, yes, it's important to do business, take care of this end first, girl ~ my son is not good enough, please trouble you..."


Lu Haochen blushed immediately, maybe this guy can be shameless when facing me, but when facing his father, he is still a child at any age.

"Look at you, I haven't said anything yet!"

"Dad! It's okay, I'm embarrassed too, so don't talk about it for now."

"Okay, okay, according to you! Tsk! Hey... I am so old, I just want to hug a grandson~"

"All right, Dad!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Haochen turned his head to look at me while pushing his father.

"Yunyan, come on, everyone is here."

I'm also a little embarrassed, I can't help it, this father Lu is really a bit of a rural person, forget it, now is not the time to care about these things, hurry up and take a look.

Following Lu Haochen and Dad Lu, they came all the way to the basketball hoop. At this moment, there are more than 20 people sitting under the basketball hoop, including old and young, men and women, and all of them have a look of despair on their faces. , as Father Lu and Lu Haochen walked into the field of vision of these people, several of them's eyes lit up immediately, and they rushed up.

"Little Lu! You are talking about rescuers! Are you here?"

"Xiao Lu, where is the person? Is the person here?"

It seems that Luan Hongchen told me about me just now, it should be to stabilize the hearts of these people, right?

Seeing how anxious these people were, Lu Haochen smiled slightly, stepped aside, and raised his hand to point at me.

"She is coming."

Those people immediately followed Lu Haochen's hand and looked at me. The first time they saw me was hope, the second time was doubt, and the third time... was despair.

"Hi!! Xiao Lu, this... such a big girl, it's too late to run away, who can save someone!"

"Little Lu, how could you lie to us!"

"That's right...she, she...that's it, I can hit three with my hand all the time, look, can her small arms and legs save us? Oh..."

But Lu Haochen, facing these people, just smiled and didn't refute. He even looked back at me and blinked his eyelids.

Seeing Lu Haochen's reaction, I couldn't help feeling a little helpless, this guy did it on purpose.

Forget it, no matter what, you have to show your hand, otherwise these people won't be obedient.

With a blank look at Lu Haochen, this guy knew that I couldn't bear such a provocation, so he deliberately didn't say a word, and wanted me to go up and show my strength.

Ignoring the others, I stepped forward and grabbed the frame of the basketball hoop with my hand. Immediately afterwards, the hair of the evil spirit body wrapped around it instantly, and then I only needed to raise my hand lightly.


I lifted the entire basketball hoop from the ground with one hand, and then threw it into the distance!

'Boom! ! ! '

As long as you are not a fool, you will understand what strength is the moment you see this scene.

Among the 26 people, except for Lu Haochen, the rest of them were stunned. Some even wiped their eyes in disbelief. Even Lu's father looked at me in astonishment.

"Can you rest assured this time? Let's all calm down first, and I will discuss with Lu Haochen how to get you out."

At least it is safe when the dense fog above falls, but the rope of the helicopter is not long enough, only 200 meters. If the helicopter enters the dense fog, let alone whether the dense fog will have any effect on the delicate electronic products, Once the helicopter comes down, that loud sound and air movement, is likely to attract some powerful eerie.

In other words, helicopters cannot enter the dense fog.

Too dangerous.

But if it doesn't get into the fog, the rope isn't long enough.

Ignoring those 25 people, he turned his head, hooked his fingers at Lu Haochen, and walked aside.

Lu Haochen didn't say anything, he glanced at the fallen basketball hoop, smiled, then turned and followed.

Walk to the iron net next to it and lean your back on the iron net. Since the app says this is a safe area, it must be very safe here.

That being the case, there is no need to be suspicious.

I believe that even if my back is facing the outside of the iron net, it is impossible for any weirdness to hurt me.

Only when I was convinced of this, did I dare to look at Lu Haochen with my back leaning on the iron net.

After talking about his experience today, Lu Haochen nodded.

"So, should we either prepare a long enough rope, or use other methods to send people there?"

Lu Haochen stepped on the concrete platform under the iron net, looked outside, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and fell into deep thought.

"Can you go back to the plane now?"

"Do you have any idea?"

I glanced at Lu Haochen, but he smiled and said, "Isn't this simple, can we just use the mirror to teleport it?"

Hearing what Lu Haochen said, and seeing the relaxed smile on his face, I couldn't relax at all.

"Lu Haochen, I didn't say, can you still use this skill in your current situation? Besides, there are not a few people here, there are a total of 26 people, even if I don't need your help, there are 26 people including yourself. "

Speaking of this, I glanced at Lu Haochen and frowned.

"Lu Haochen, don't you use your abilities up to three times a day, and don't they consume stamina? If your stamina is exhausted and you can still use skills, then... what are you consuming now? Life? Or is it the time limit for death? Or... ..."

Speaking of this, I looked at the shadow under Lu Haochen's feet, the shadow trembled slightly, and then... from the side, it turned behind Lu Haochen, avoiding my sight.

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