Marita was expressionless, as if she felt Ge Hou's gaze, she glanced slightly at Ge Hou.

Just this one glance made Ge Hou stand up with goosebumps all over his body! !

Turning his head suddenly, not daring to take another look, Ge Hou felt cold in his heart.

'who is she?Why are the eyes so scary! ? '

It's not that there is any meaning in her eyes, nor is it that her eyes are very sharp, it's hard to describe, that feeling... It's like a strange stare at each other!

However, despite the fear in his heart, Ge Hou couldn't help but have a bottom line in his heart.

'It seems that this Marita is the insurance for this mission, right?The guy who can make me, an advanced player, feel extremely scary at a glance must be one of the top players, but I don't know... who is the big guy? '

Recalling the names I had heard, I felt as if I had never heard the word 'Marita', and frowned slightly.

'is the organization's secret weapon?Or is it just plain powerful? '

Taking another look at the Dongyu Sea in front of him, Ge Hou secretly shook his head.

'Forget it, this mission was originally just to follow along, let's see what's going on first, shall we?If it doesn't work, I can only run away with Shao Ming. '

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, Shao Ming beside him suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

Immediately afterwards, a crazy smile suddenly appeared on Shao Ming's face.

"Ge Hou, look over there, another monster is coming!"

Ge Hou was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked in that direction, but at this moment, his body trembled suddenly, and he... couldn't move! ?

Just as he was stunned, Marita behind him walked in front of him at some point, and then, Marita raised her hand and took off the black glove on her right hand, and then... Look at Ge Hou It was a moment he would never forget.

I saw that Marita's arm was full of strange-looking eyes. These eyes were all closed before, but when she took off the first set and raised her hand, the eyes on that arm , opened suddenly! !

Just the distance between the back of the hand and the wrist, there are more than a dozen eyes of different sizes, different colors, and different pupils, and all the eyes are looking in... the direction where the weirdness is.


In the dense fog, there was a shrill scream suddenly, and immediately after, Marita turned her head sharply, staring at Ge Hou with a pair of eyes.

The voice said coldly:

"Don't look around."

Ge Hou suddenly didn't dare to look any more, he lowered his head abruptly, and dragged Shao Ming forward.

Chapter 98 Why hide? (plus more)

Ge Hou didn't dare to look around, but his heart was already boiling.

The Marita behind her had more than a dozen eyes of different sizes on her slender arm just now, and her skin was no longer white, but a strange dark brown!

Obviously, she almost stepped on the boundary line between weird and human! !

Already, it can't be regarded as a normal human being! !

'If my guess is right... Under her clothes, there are probably all these eyes! '

Thinking of this, Ge Hou couldn't help being terrified.

What kind of monster did he form a team with?

This woman was able to hurt Wei Wei in the dense fog! !

'Is this the top player? !Is this... still a player? '

Ge Hou swallowed. This time, he didn't even dare to turn his head or look at Marita.

Among the players, the one thing everyone agrees on is that...

[The player cannot hurt the weirdness, the two sides are not equal]

And this is almost impossible to break.

It is said that top players can break this boundary, in the word of mouth of these people:

Some say a top player is a living weirdo.

Some people say that top players are no longer individuals.

However, from the beginning to the end, Ge Hou never met any top players.

But today...he finally saw it! !

Ge Hou is the first to say that Marita is not a top player! !

That is definitely a top player! !

There was no trace of emotion on her face, as if... She was not a normal person.

Recalling that arm just now, Ge Hou shuddered in his heart.

That is indeed not the arm that a normal person should have.

At this time, Donghaohai also looked back, and said in a very respectful voice:

"Please take action."

Marita didn't say a word, she just glanced at Dongjihai faintly, and then continued walking forward.

Seeing Marita like this, Angelina was a little worried, but she didn't say anything.

She and Marita are good friends met in this game, but... this Marita used to be quite a cheerful person, and she could always smile when faced with despair, but now, she has become a top player. She hasn't smiled for a long time.

Continuing to walk forward, as time went by, the number of weird times they encountered was also increasing, until they walked out of a position of about 1000 meters, and they had encountered seven weirdnesses.

Although it seems that there is no danger every time, in fact, each of them has used their abilities.

Only Angelina never made a move, because her duty this time is to be the one responsible for delivering the information.

Before she finds the sealing point, she absolutely cannot use her abilities or consume her stamina.

Dong Yuhai's entire arm had no skin at all, and his clothes were also stained with a lot of blood bit by bit.

The entire sleeve was almost dyed bright red.

Dongyu Hai, who was short of blood, was already pale.

Lips are a little chapped and gray haired.

Angelina was very worried, and glanced at the East Sea.

"Mr. Donghao, you can't go on like this. If you go on like this, before you find the seal point, you will be unconscious due to excessive blood loss!"

Thanks to the presence of Shao Ming, every time, before the weirdness approached, he was discovered early. This is why there were so many weirdnesses, and there were no casualties.

Shao Ming's role in team tasks is self-evident.

Otherwise, even if there is a top player like Marita, someone will probably die.

"I'm fine...the urgent purpose now is to find the sealing point..."

While talking, Dong Haohai glanced at the phone subconsciously, suddenly! !

On the map of the mobile phone, a red dot lit up about 500 meters away from them! !

A hint of surprise flashed across Dong Haohai's tired face.

"found it!!"

Angelina still wanted to persuade her to go back if she couldn't, but before she could say anything, Dong Haohai suddenly exclaimed.

She also subconsciously looked down at Donghaohai's mobile phone. Unfortunately, although they are both players, they cannot see the other party's mobile phone interface.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and looked in that direction.

"Really... found it!?"

Just 500 meters to the northwest of them, there is indeed a red dot!

Although the current location and the surrounding environment are not displayed on the mobile phone map at all, the location and distance of the red dot can still be seen.

"It's here!"

A look of surprise flashed across Dong Haohai's face, he turned his head and glanced at Ge Hou behind him.

"Ge Hou, ask Shao Ming if there is anything weird."

Because it can detect a distance of 500 meters, so at this distance, it is probably possible to judge whether there is any weirdness there.

Ge Hou nodded, then turned around and pulled Shao Ming.

Shao Ming didn't look bored at the moment, he was playing Tetris with his mobile phone.

"Okay! Stop playing!!"

When Ge Hou saw this scene, he immediately became angry. He reached out and snatched Shao Ming's cell phone, then raised his finger to point in the direction of the red dot.

"Shao Ming, is there anything weird over there!?"

Shao Ming's mobile phone was robbed, a flash of anger flashed across his face, and bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyeballs, but when he looked up, he was taken aback when he saw Ge Hou.

The angry expression on his face instantly returned to normal, and there was a trace of clarity in his eyes.

"Oh ~ Gehou? What are you talking about?"

"Is there... anything weird?"

Ge Hou rubbed his forehead helplessly, and pointed again.

Shao Ming nodded, and then looked directly at the direction Ge Hou was pointing.

"One-two-three...there are five."


Angelina felt a chill in her heart, and exclaimed!

"Ah~ five, there is one more walking this way, about 50 meters away from us? No, it's already 40 meters!!"

"Oops! Go away!!!"

Hearing that it was less than 40 meters away, Dong Haohai quickly turned around and walked towards the building next to him.

There was also a hint of panic in Angelina's eyes, and she hurriedly chased after her. Ge Hou grabbed Shao Ming and chased after her. Only Marita was left. She glanced in that direction, and then followed lightly. Behind the four people, he walked into the store next to him.

  As soon as they rushed into the store, the four of them couldn't stop panting. In order to lower their footsteps, the four of them advanced as much as possible with their front toes on the ground. Although they had all exercised, they were still very tired. However... the four of them followed Marita behind her didn't seem to be struggling at all.

"Why are you hiding?"


Love you ε? (?> ? <)? з

Chapter 99 Blood vessels

The four of them couldn't help being taken aback.

"Then... if you don't hide, what should you do?"

Ge Hou looked at this top player in surprise. Could it be that this boss is out of his mind?

Could it be that there are a lot of eyes growing in the brain, which confuses the intelligence quotient?

Marita's face was indifferent, she glanced at the four people, and then looked back at the direction from which the strangeness came. Although she hasn't noticed what the strangeness is until now, she knows the general direction, and at least she can avoid it.

"Instead of avoiding it, it is better to bypass this road and continue walking forward. If you keep hiding, when will you reach the sealing point?"

Marita spoke lightly, without much human touch in her voice, as if a cold machine was speaking.

Ge Hou was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Marita, then at the others, feeling in his heart... what this big guy said seems to be true, why are they hiding?Wouldn't it be over if we just bypass this road?

Probably because of instinctive fear, all four of them subconsciously chose to avoid rather than bypass.

This was pointed out by Marita, and the four of them couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

In the end, it was Dong Haohai who stood up and glanced at the other three people.

"Huh... Marita is right, we are making a fuss, let's go, bypass this road, and move forward on another road."

You can pass through the community directly, and there is no need to walk on the street. In this way, the chance of encountering weirdness is much smaller.

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