Because there seem to be more powerful existences in the inner world, I clearly feel that the evil spirit body wants to enter the inner world, but is afraid of certain existences in the inner world.

In the end... the evil spirit body gave up entering the inner world, and as the desire to devour was filled with the strangeness of the sheep's head, the evil spirit body gradually regained control, but at this moment my consciousness has almost fallen into a blurred state.

The sheep's head has devoured hundreds of souls, and the memories of these hundreds of souls exploded in my mind, countless No. side reverberates.

male, female, old, young...

Husband, wife, children, parents, the hunger of poverty, the glory of wealth, countless different memories, countless different emotions, it is almost impossible for me to tell who I am.

However, in this state, I still knew that I was going back to my body. With this little rationality, I returned to my body, and then to the villa, and finally fell into a state of complete loss of control.

Then came this month of coma.

After that is now...

During the battle, I tried to use the world watch, but... Unfortunately, the world watch can be used, but when I use it, the body of the sheep head monster becomes invincible, which makes me feel like Yes... the whole world was suspended, and I was moved out of the world. Although I was still at this coordinate position on the earth, my body was actually moved to another place.

It feels like a change in multidimensional space.

But no matter what, I finally survived, and as for the month of coma, my soul kept deleting the memories of countless people, almost piece by piece, but even in this state , I still retain the memory of many people's knowledge.

So... Now, in terms of knowledge alone, I have the sum of hundreds of people.

Countless kinds of knowledge opened my eyes.

It ranges from how to use the most comfortable tools in carpentry, to the construction of rocket launchers and the way nuclear weapons are manufactured, and even other cutting-edge things.

The huge amount of knowledge made me feel uncomfortable for a while.


I took a deep breath and felt that my body is gradually recovering. What I need most now is to eat something... After all, I haven’t eaten for a month, and I just discharged waste for another month. Now my body urgently needs some food To supplement the nutrition of the body.

I slowly raised my hand, and a black shadow separated from my palm. The palm formed by the black mist was back to back with my palm, moving flexibly according to my will.

"The evil spirit body has been strengthened a lot... the control over the body is also much smoother, but... the control of the evil spirit body is even more difficult now."

In the past, 10 minutes for the evil spirit body to leave the body was considered a limit, but now, this number has been reduced to less than 5 minutes, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Three 10 minutes, no matter how strong it is, at least this evil spirit body can still be used, but 5 minutes...

shook his head.

Forget it, I still don't want these.

I have been lying in bed for a month. Although Aunt Zhao often wiped my body, she couldn't take a bath after all, but now I am much more comfortable.

I moved my joints that seemed to be rusted due to long-term inactivity, turned off the shower, came to the tub, reached out to check the water temperature, and confirmed that it was OK, then sat next to the tub, I have to say, The difference between men and women can be distinguished in many cases, this sitting posture is very uncomfortable...

He hurriedly changed his position and sat in the place where the tub was prepared to sit. At least it was flat. Although it was a bit cold, at least he didn't panic.

I pressed the switch next to it, watched as a gap opened from the side of the bathtub, and a waterproof touch screen slowly rose. I adjusted the water temperature and massage gear, and then went to iQiyi to find the king of the pit, and watched The King of the Pit slowly lay down in the bathtub along the edge of the bathtub.

Looking at Lao Guo's single mouth, he took out the milk bath bag from the drawer, sprinkled it into the bathtub, threw the bag aside, then leaned on the antiseptic bath pillow, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the peace of this moment.

Although I have been in a coma for a month, my mind is full of various voices, and I have never been quiet. I can feel the water rushing down my back, the warmth wrapping my whole body, and the refreshing feet, which made me groan .


Hmm... It seems that this voice is a bit ambiguous?

Well, never mind, no one heard anyway.

After a month of deep sleep, the brain does not feel any sleepiness at all, and the body is gradually recovering its physical strength. Of course, the energy replenished by the evil spirit body cannot be replenished as quickly as the physical substance, but it is more comprehensive. I can even Feel that slight soreness that comes with stretching your bones.

Of course, the speed of this extension is not fast. According to my estimation, in May and June next year, when I go to high school, my height should break through 1.6 meters five, maybe reach about 1.6 meters eight, right?

"It seems that the closet should be cleaned up. I don't know if Aunt Zhao wants it. Anyway, they are all famous brands, and they are all ready-made clothes. I haven't worn them a few times. According to second-hand sales, they should be able to sell for a million or so. ..."

Bags... just sort them out. I don't like those women's bags very much. I keep a few more neutral ones, and the rest should be cleaned up.

It’s not that I like to carry a bag, but now as a girl, I should always carry a bag. Although I don’t need to hold any cosmetics, things like wet wipes and aunt’s wipes must be carried with me, as are handkerchiefs and facial tissues. Generally speaking, girls are needed, and this aspect cannot be missed.

As for cosmetics... do I wear makeup?

Hmm... Although a few of the hundreds of people I have absorbed are makeup artists, but it's okay for me to see other people's makeup, or to do makeup for others, but to do it for myself? ?

I'm a big man, what a beauty.

Although the sales are not many, at least it can be regarded as making up for the soul that I ate Aunt Zhao's shoulder, right?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help thinking about what to do next.

I want to take a look at my mobile phone, but I don't like to move it, but at this time, I have my own method.

The arm of the evil spirit body was separated from the flesh, watching his scorched and skinny arm stretched quickly, he opened the door of the bathroom, and then came to the bedroom, took the mobile phone on the bedside table, and quickly retracted the evil spirit With his arm in his body, he gently closed the door of the bathroom so as not to wake up Aunt Zhao, and then took the phone in front of him.

Although it has been a month, the mobile phone has never been turned off. Although Aunt Zhao is a little timid, she is very careful.

Flipping through the phone, I couldn't help frowning.

"Special mission rewards... The difficulty of permanent missions has increased, and the time has lengthened? What kind of reward is this?"

(About the relationship issue in the high school chapter, it will be very "exciting")

Chapter 26 You Wake Up

This kind of reward, which is not considered a reward, makes me feel very helpless. If we say that the normal resident missions are D- to C level, now I feel that even if I can’t fight against the weirdness, at least I can rely on the power of the evil spirit body. To exist and to survive.

In this way, I can get a lot of points, and I will be able to live more easily when facing other tasks in the future.

But now... things have changed.

Scroll down and take a look.

The original four tasks have not changed, but at the bottom of the task introduction, there is a line of red words enclosed in brackets.

The positions that indicate the difficulty of the four tasks have changed slightly.

[Resident mission: once every 3 to 12 months, mission difficulty C+~A.Cooling]

[Sudden task: free trigger, task difficulty C+~S+. 】

[Team task: waiting for assignment, task difficulty A ~ SSS]

[Single-player mission: triggered during the mission, mission difficulty A ~ SSS]

[Special task, waiting to be triggered, task difficulty B+~SSS]

Looking at these five lines of characters, I frowned, it seems... I should be considered a special category in this game, this mission feels like the difficulty that the system specially added for me.

The original D-~C level difficulty has completely disappeared. Judging from this, it should be that the system has determined that the D-~C difficulty has not posed enough threat to me, so as to prevent me from maliciously scoring points, so it is excluded.

Level D is a level where passers-by have a high probability of survival. At this level, it seems that the sheep's head is weird. To a certain extent, it no longer follows the normal laws of physics, but it cannot completely break away from the laws of physics, and there are very powerful rules. Looking at it, it's like the incident in the hospital. If there are passers-by players who react quickly enough and escape while the sheep head monster is chasing me, some people may survive.

Level C is a level where beginner players and passer-by players have a chance to survive, but the survival rate is relatively low. At this level, the weirdness should not completely break away from the laws of physics, but the rules of forced restraint should be reduced.

B-level and A-level have not been encountered yet, so I will not comment for the time being.

The S-class has basically been completely out of the constraints of the laws of physics. What happened in the bus cannot be explained by human technology at all. Everything that happened does not conform to the normal laws of physics. It's not normal. At this level, killing weirdness has become so easy. At least now, I am almost certain to die when facing this level of weirdness.

At the S level, it is definitely not for junior players and passers-by to participate.

As for the SS and SSS ranks, the difficulty of the S rank is so strong, so what are these two?Increased scope?Increased terror?Less chance of survival?

It's hard to imagine what would happen under these two levels of circumstances. The bus incident easily took the lives of more than a dozen people, except for me, no one survived, not even a soul left behind.

At least for me, this level is still hard to imagine now.

In any case, the difficulty has been greatly increased at this stage, and the dates of permanent missions have also begun to fluctuate. What is the reason?

I can't understand it, and I can't find any clues to guess what, but the only thing I understand is that at this stage, the system seems to have deliberately increased the difficulty for me.

"Is it a resident mission every 3 to 12 months? That is to say, the shortest cooling time is 3 months, and the longest is 12 months."

Why do I feel that my resident missions are completely different from other players' resident missions?

The resident missions of other players are relatively dangerous at the beginning, but after reaching a certain level, after getting used to living on the edge of danger, this level of crisis should not be very fatal, it should be regarded as another kind of welfare Well, at least they can rely on this to earn points, and this is the only way for ordinary people to accumulate points.

but i...

C+~A?This level of difficulty should already be unbearable for many intermediate players, right?

"It's true that I'm not a human, but the are a real dog!!!"

He vented helplessly, but what else can he do next?What else can I do besides scolding a few words?

Discouraged, he left the phone on the nearby item table, leaned against the bath pillow with his eyes closed, thinking about the future situation, a layer of haze could not help covering his heart.

More and more dangerous missions, the horror of not knowing when it will end, not only must be careful everywhere to avoid triggering unexpected missions, but also face team, resident, and even single-player and special missions, such days... the spirit of those advanced players , should already be on the verge of collapse, right?

No... According to the state of people like Fangzheng, it should be said that most of the people who can survive to reach advanced players should not be mentally normal. If you want to maintain the spirit of a normal person and survive countless times of fear, this It is estimated that people have the spiritual power of a saint, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

After summarizing a college mission, I think that animals should be regarded as a good early warning method. From this point of view, I really need to raise more animals. No matter where I go, I must carry them with me. Even if I go to school in the future, I must Take some small animals with you to avoid triggering unexpected tasks at any time, and on the way to the task, if possible, it is also necessary to bring one.

But most birds are night blind... Wait, besides Xiao Hui, can I raise another owl?

In a small area, is it necessary to bring some small animals such as squirrels?

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little headache... From this point of view, in order to face night and day, I have to raise many kinds of animals, big and small.

Thinking about it, I was in a daze. At some point, the door of the bathroom opened. When I felt a breeze blowing in and hit my wet cheeks, I subconsciously opened my eyes and glanced at the door. direction.

Aunt Zhao... was putting her hands on her trousers, she was about to take them off, she was looking at me blankly, her eyes were full of... astonishment.

After looking at each other for a while, I smiled and raised my hand to say hello.

"Morning, Aunt Zhao."

Aunt Zhao's reaction was also very enthusiastic. She took a deep breath, and then yelled out in a soprano voice that was definitely beyond human tolerance.

"Hiss~ Miss is awake!!!!!!"

For a moment, my head buzzed, as if I was suddenly hit by a sonic weapon, and the sharp shouts echoed in the bathroom, almost making me spit it out.

What's next... Naturally, it's a mess.

Gong Lianyu and Liu Wanqian ran out in their pajamas, even my younger brother Liu Yuncheng and younger sister Liu Yunyu ran over to join in the fun.

Chapter 27 The Old Man (10/10)

Fortunately, Aunt Zhao was quick-witted, and quickly closed the door of the bathroom, and then went to explain, and then Gong Lianyu hurried in with underwear and pajamas, helping me to wipe and put them on... and Gong Lianyu's My hands seemed a little clumsy, and when I put on the bra, I caught the flesh underneath, and the pain made me gasp.

Gong Lianyu always has a natural sense of ignorance at such times, and she doesn't know how such a woman became the chairman and CEO of a multinational company.

Maybe the skills are a little off?

Facing the clumsy Gong Lianyu, I couldn't help but think a little naughtily.

Next, there was a commotion, doctors and nurses came, and those medical equipment were used on me one by one. Finally, the three doctors discussed for a long time and gave a "very healthy" conclusion. .

In the end, two doctors ran out with the help of a doctor. Liu Wanqian's fist was covered with blood, and he cursed: "You f---ing sick, try to be in a coma for a month!?? Come here and I'll beat you up for life!" Take care of yourself!!!"

In fact, I really can't blame the doctor, but I really can't say this, I can only secretly pray that the doctor's nose is not broken.

But Liu Wanqian did go too far, but I can't say anything.

In the end, after discussing for a while, I called the domestic authority again, and even contacted an authoritative foreign doctor, who gave me an online consultation overnight.

After more than a dozen internationally renowned doctors consulted together overnight for three hours, they came to a conclusion.

That is……

"According to this information, Mr. Liu, your daughter should have been hit on the brain in a car accident. It may have compressed a certain nerve, or touched some place. It is really not easy to deal with the brain. If If there are only symptoms of coma, it is still impossible to determine which part has the problem, and even if there is a problem, it cannot be easily treated, so we suggest that Ms. Liu needs to rest temporarily to see the aftereffect. If the situation happened frequently, surgery would be required. However, from the color ultrasound, the place where Ms. Liu encountered was very small, and it was probably a very small place. Where there is a problem, it can only be judged directly by the naked eye by the doctor on the operating table."

"Yes, Mr. Liu, so now, we suggest that you let Miss Liu rest for a while. If coma occurs frequently, it will not be too late to perform surgery. It's not that we refuse, but this type of brain surgery is very dangerous. , One is not good, not to mention that the treatment is useless, and it may also hurt other nerves."

"According to Ms. Liu's current situation, taking medicine is basically useless. The best way we can discuss is to observe temporarily."

These conclusions naturally made Liu Wanqian's face pale, and Liu Shaoqing, the old man of the Liu family, also came. He didn't say anything, but he was very warm to Liu Yuncheng, that is, my younger brother. When he saw Liu Yuncheng, a kind smile appeared on his old face, and he was a little indifferent to Liu Yunyu...

However, domestic doctors responded politely to Liu Shaoqing's thanks, but those internationally famous doctors who were invited did not respond to Liu Shaoqing, but nodded to Gong Lianyu instead.

It seems that in the international arena, Gong Lianyu's influence is greater than that of Mr. Liu Shaoqing. These internationally famous doctors should also be invited by Gong Lianyu.

But that's right, for those foreign doctors, Gong Lianyu, the CEO of an international company, is obviously more worthy of contact than Liu Shaoqing.

And according to the foreign style, it's normal for them to ignore Liu Shaoqing.

Next, naturally I have nothing to do, I can only helplessly hug Liu Yunyu, who just entered the first grade of elementary school and is on vacation, watching the kind smile on the face of old man Liu Shaoqing over there, playing with Liu Yuncheng.

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