After getting out of the car, I hurried over, only to find that Linnai was still in a daze, pushed her twice, and then she woke up slowly, the moment she looked up and saw me, she blinked first, as if she was a little uncertain. Am I hallucinating.

"What are you doing here?"


Rena opened her mouth, but said nothing.

I know, she is worried, hey... Although this kind of worry is unnecessary, I still feel warm in my heart.

"Okay, let's go home first."


Looking at Linnai's flushed eyes, has this little girl become more emotional recently?Is it because of the freedom of identity?

Shaking his head, he turned around and went upstairs, and Lingna followed closely behind.

And just when we walked to the door of our room, the door of the next room suddenly opened, Lu Haochen came from the back of the door, and said: "Come here."

While talking, he suddenly reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me to his room.

Although I don't quite understand what Lu Haochen is going to do, but it should be a business.

Thinking about it, I turned around and said to Linnai: "Linnai, you go back to the room first, I'll be back later."

As soon as I finished speaking, I was directly pulled into his room by Lu Haochen.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing him, I asked a question, but Lu Haochen just kept his face sullen and didn't say anything. He reached out and closed the door with a bang, then turned around and faced me.

"Lu Haochen...what are you looking at me like that for?"

I froze for a moment, what is Lu Haochen doing, why is his face so gloomy?

Lu Haochen suddenly took a step forward, his heavy figure pressed towards me, and I subconsciously took a step back.

However, the entrance is so wide, I stepped back and leaned directly against the wall behind me.

The next second, Lu Haochen raised his hand suddenly, and slapped the wall behind my ear with a 'bang'.

And his body took another step, almost touching me.

Subconsciously raised his hand to support his chest.

"Lu Haochen, what are you doing! Get out of the way."

Pushed it out, but Lu Haochen held his body still and pressed up.

"Lu Haochen!! If you have something to say, don't play tricks on me!"

I push hard.

And he probably listened to what I said, and his body froze, but he was less than a punch away from my chest.

This guy's face was gloomy, and he didn't have a smile at all. His whole face was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip out.

His eyes moved down, but he didn't lower his head, giving me a feeling of being superior, as if... I didn't offend him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Lu Haochen, I warn you, if you look at me like this again, don't blame me for turning your back on me!"

However, Lu Haochen didn't say a word, just looked at me like this.

"Damn! If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a sick cat!! Lu Haochen! Tell me exactly what you want to say!"

As I was talking, I didn't keep my hands this time. Just at this moment, my hands were touching his chest, and I was not polite. I squeezed my thumb and middle finger in, and then twisted it hard.

Lu Haochen's originally cold and gloomy expression couldn't hold back in an instant.

With a groan, she covered her chest and squatted down, just like a little daughter-in-law after being molested by an old pervert.

"Ah~ you, you really pinch! Hiss~"

Hmm... Although the two on the man's chest are useless, they are also weaknesses. As long as you use some strength, there will be pain.

"Oh! Come on, don't pretend to be like me, don't you just want to ask about Tong Wei? Come on, let's talk about it today."

Glancing at Lu Haochen, the chest can't be pinched, and even if it's pinched, wouldn't there be a repair roll?

Even if the repair volume is gone, at most it will be R gland hyperplasia, at worst, it will be over if it is cut, what's the matter?

It's not girls, these two things have to be used by bastards, and if men cut them up, they will cut them up.

As he spoke, he turned around and walked directly into the room, while Lu Haochen covered his chest with his hands and rubbed it gently, grinning his teeth in pain, and even his expression distorted.

"Hiss~ you know? Hiss~ you know you still have such a heavy hand?"

"Nonsense, just now I was angry when I saw your domineering appearance. I deserve to pinch you. At worst, my old lady is responsible and cut it for you."

Lu Haochen's face turned blue immediately.

"What are you cutting!?"

I was taken aback, yes... What are you cutting?

Looking back at Lu Haochen, looking from top to bottom, his eyes... stayed on that point for a moment.

Lu Haochen's handsome face instantly turned livid.

"This can't be cut!!!"

"Tch~ what's the big deal, don't forget, this game has a repair volume, it's okay to cut it, it will grow back the next day."

Lu Haochen's face turned pale immediately.

"You think this is a kind of leek!! Cut it if you say it, and grow it if you say it!!"

"Heh~ Look at your cowardly look, I really don't know how my old lady fell in love with you."

I don't even know why I fell in love with Lu Haochen. Is this... is it also a kind of physiological instinct overpowering will?

"Count, why am I so cowardly? My whole body... wait a minute, what did you just say?"

I shrugged.

"What are you talking about? All right, hurry up and sit down. If you have anything to say, just ask. Really, it's just Tong Wei. I'm worried about you. I'll make this face all day long. Do I need to buy it for you again?" A hat? Green??"

Lu Haochen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know what he thought of, and the expression on his face became a little more relaxed.

Ignoring him, she turned around and sat on the sofa, and when she turned around again, in front of her... was a big butt!


Instinctively dodge back.

"What are you doing!!"

"Sit down? Didn't you let me sit?"

"I let you sit on the sofa, what are you doing with PP facing me!! Are you going to use me as a cushion or as a chair?!"

Lu Haochen was taken aback for a moment, rolled his eyes, and replied.

"It's all right."

I can go to your grandma!

"Don't talk to me, you're sleepy, tell me quickly!"

Although I don't need to sleep, I still feel sleepy. The backfeeding of the evil spirit body is backfeeding, instinct is instinct, and they cannot be confused.

"... oh~"

Lu Haochen sat across from me seemingly aggrieved.

"Okay, just ask what you want, I'm going back to sleep."

Lu Haochen raised his head weakly and glanced at me, then...pretentiously said:

"Actually...Actually, you can live with me too, my bed is big..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, his right elbow rested on the sofa, his wrist supported his chin, and he sneered at Lu Haochen.

"I see, you are not only big in bed, but also bold, why don't you have an operation?"

The corners of Lu Haochen's eyes twitched, and he didn't dare to answer.

"Ask quickly, I'm not in the mood to mess with you."

Lu Haochen glanced at me.

"Actually... there is nothing to ask."

Seeing my attitude, Lu Haochen probably understood the relationship between me and Tong Wei. At this time, it would be spoiling to ask any more questions, so he simply didn't ask any more.

I touched my chin. When I was not Liu Yunyan, this was a habit of mine. Hush beard is also a characteristic, but now the touch is smooth and tender, without that kind of sloppy feeling at all. up.

He took out a piece of Green Arrow from his pocket, opened it, threw a piece to Lu Haochen, and chewed a piece himself.

When you are sleepy, let your mouth move to refresh you, and the mint in the chewing gum can also refresh you. This thing temporarily refreshes you faster than cigarettes.

"That's good... you guy, you don't really think I have something to do with Tong Wei, do you?"

He frowned slightly, why didn't he realize that Lu Haochen was so jealous before?

No... I probably discovered it, but I didn't care, did I?

Thinking about the conflict between this guy and Zhu Yaocheng in the campus, he almost got into a fight because of me,'s actually true.

If the love between a man and a woman is not possessive, is it still love?

Love is inherently selfish.

Lu Haochen took the chewing gum and put it in his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then gave me a firm answer which caught me by surprise.




I frowned slightly, I was a little caught off guard for his honesty.

"Okay...for the sake of your honesty, I forgive you."

Lu Haochen raised his head, glanced at me, nodded and then lowered his head.

"Okay, you can reflect on yourself slowly, I'm going back to sleep."

Seeing him remain silent, I felt a bit awkward in the atmosphere, so I stood up and walked out, but when I reached the entrance, I hesitated.

Although Lu Haochen is a tool person, at least now it seems that I don't have any affection for him. If I were to choose, maybe I would really choose him.

But the premise is that I will only dare after I have no more worries.

Otherwise, I would never choose it lightly.

Because of feelings, it will only affect one's judgment of danger.

But... it might as well give him some sweetness now.

After a little hesitation, he gritted his teeth, turned around, and came directly in front of Lu Haochen.

Looking at Lu Haochen with his head down, without any hesitation, he yelled directly:

"Lu Haochen!"

He raised his head subconsciously, and while he was in a daze for a moment, I reached out and grabbed his chin.

And then... the reflection of my face in his pair of bright black pupils grew bigger and bigger.


Lu Haochen was stunned for a moment, but I didn't miss it, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to fly?

Let go of Lu Haochen, took out a wet towel and touched the corner of his mouth.

When he saw this scene, his old face turned black.

I didn't care what he thought, so I threw the wet wipes into the trash can.

"Lu Haochen, right now I'm not in the mood to make love with these children, but you can rest assured, at least for now... I haven't set my sights on anyone else."

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