And this time, Allahad also reported in advance every time. Although he didn't ask what his ability is, but according to the range, it can be seen that he can basically judge the weirdness within 300 meters, and the location is very accurate. .

This ability is really easy to use, at least better than mine. If I have this ability, I don't need to be so afraid during the mission.

No wonder he would be lost by the power. With such a powerful ability, who wouldn't be lost?

But as the old saying goes, how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?

If you are not careful, sooner or later you will die.

"Ahead, 60 meters, Class A."


I nodded and looked left and right. Although I couldn't see the sides of the street, I already knew where I was from the intersection just now. It was less than 1000 meters away from the central store. At this moment, Alaha and I Under De's feet, there was all that kind of ground made up of flesh and internal organs, which was soft when he stepped on it, and there was an unidentifiable smell in the air, whether it was foul smell, fishy smell, or rust.

It smells bad anyway.

There is also a little sweaty smell.

Plus what's underfoot.

Very disgusting.

"Go on."

The human tissues on the ground have all grown on the ground, and fresh blood is flowing in the blood vessels. It seems that these fresh blood keep these tissues alive.

At least, these bodies are not exactly corpses, but alive.

biologically alive.

Here, regardless of the difference between men and women, whether it is a distinctive gender organization or a non-distinctive hands and feet, as long as it is found in human beings, it can be found on the ground.

However... in the face of such flesh and blood, it is impossible for any individual to have that kind of desire.

Because it's disgusting.

For example, right now, I am stepping on a mass of intestines. This mass of intestines should be the large intestine, and there is a large section of small intestine in front of it. There is a foul smell in the air.

Can you imagine that there is a big P share next to the large intestine?

If there is still desire for this, then... well, it is indeed a bit strange.

Taking a step forward, he stepped on a liver, and the blood in the liver was squeezed out at once, but it didn't splash out, but flowed along the huge blue blood vessel.

"There are still five streets to get to the sealing point, get ready."

Glancing back at Allahad, this guy didn't care about these human tissues on the ground at all, and just walked with a blank expression.

Allahad nodded, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just continued to follow behind me.

Sure enough, the emotions of the top players have basically disappeared.

I have memorized the location of the sealing point, and the map is also in my mind. As long as I can judge my position, I know how far I am from the sealing point.

Continue to walk forward quickly, every step, there are such human tissues under the feet, and sometimes, if you are not careful, you will step on the boots into the mouth of a certain head.

It's getting worse and worse.

These human heads on the ground basically maintain expressions of horror, despair, or pain. The strange thing is that the souls of these people should have been eaten long ago, but the expressions on their faces are always the same.

Along the way, I saw at least three to five thousand heads, whether on walls, street lamps, or on the ground, wherever I could see, there were these heads.

It may sound like nothing, but if you are there... not only will you have a creepy feeling, but you will also have a feeling that you want to vomit.

Chapter 120 VII This Woman Is Sick

Continuing to move forward, the distance from the sealing point is getting closer and closer, and the ordinary ground is gradually exposed on the road under the feet.

It seems that the closer the organization is to the center, the more.

When you see the organization, you will inevitably think of the weirdness of the blood line. Is there any relationship between the two?

Or even a different manifestation of the same weirdness?

Frowning slightly, we continued to move forward. With the alarm of Alahad in normal operation, we came safely to a position less than 100 meters away from the sealing point.

Slightly paused, and glanced back at Allahad.

"What props do you have that are useless?"

Allahad looked at me indifferently.

"Body Repair Volume."

"Have you used everything else?"

He nodded.

It seems that this guy also died once, but he was killed by some strange thing.

"Your other teammates... didn't survive??"


Well, I don't bother with this issue anymore.

"Then get ready, there may be danger ahead."

This is the sealing point that the lone traveler was in charge of. Up to now, the seal has not been successful, which means that the seal has failed.

I just don't know how many of those people died.

Thinking, I walked over, followed by Allahad behind me.

The two of us arrived at the sealing point safely and safely.

During these 100 meters, I thought something would happen, but nothing happened.

But when we reached the steps of the high platform of flesh and blood, I was a little surprised by the scene before us.

The four of them just stood on the ground blankly, looking at some clothes on the ground.

These four people stood there motionless, even ignoring that they were in the singularity, and might face the threat of death at any time.

"Why don't you seal it?"

Seeing these four people who were all dressed in the same clothes, I hurriedly walked over, but just as I got to the side of these four people, I suddenly discovered a strange thing.

All four of them... were not breathing.

There is no ups and downs of the chest, and no sound of breathing in the nasal cavity, just like four standing dead bodies!

"They're dead."

Allahad added a sentence behind him.

"I know, no need to remind."

Allahad immediately shut up.

I walked over to check it out, put my hand on one of the people's shoulders, and instantly understood...the feeling of touching it was not right.

This is not the temperature humans should have.

Pull a person over, grab the collar with both hands, and tear it down!

Immediately, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This is indeed a dead body, and it is also a mummy, a female mummy, without any breathing, and without any reaction, the whole body is completely shriveled, without any trace of moisture!

No wonder those bloodshots won't attack it, there is nothing to suck on these corpses!

Just as I was thinking this way, the dull eyes of the mummy in front of me suddenly brightened, and then, visible to the naked eye, the skin on her chest and abdomen swelled rapidly, as if filled with water. The shriveled and shriveled skin quickly regained its elasticity, and gradually returned to the normal skin color from that grayish brown color.

And her face also returned to normal.

Then, she suddenly opened her mouth and took a deep breath.


Subconsciously stunned, he took two steps back and looked at this inexplicably alive person in front of him?corpse?


She looked down at the torn clothes expressionlessly.

"I was killed by that blood-sucking monster, and now the seal continues."


I was stunned again, but in the next second, a strange idea appeared in my mind.

Could this person... Could it be that he used the other four mummified corpses to keep himself immortal?

She looked at me indifferently, and stretched out her hands to gather the clothes on her chest.

"You are...that female player named Liu Yunyan, why did you come here?"

"Your ability is to resurrect the dead?"

She nodded and looked down.

"Women's bodies are inconvenient and a little weak. It's better to use men next time."

"These people...couldn't they all be alive before?"

I hesitated a little and asked.

"Why do you ask?"

The woman raised her head. This woman should have looked very ordinary when she was alive. Now that her body has been used by someone to come back to life, her appearance will not change much.

It's just that the skin is much better.

After all, there is no way to live mites on a mummy.

The woman said calmly:

"Of course they are living people, and all of them are players. Only in this way can I meet the conditions for my rebirth, and...the props of these corpses are also available."

That is to say...

I turned around and looked at the other three silent... corpses.

I understand.

Of the five people in this team, only one is alive, and the remaining four are all dead!

Moreover, they are all dead bodies with player identities!

If this is not the case, it is impossible to open the mission. The condition for opening the mission is that twenty players are divided into four teams and enter the singularity from the four directions of the singularity!

Only when all the four dead bodies have player status and are recognized as alive by the app can the sealing task be triggered! !

She looked at me blankly, then suddenly raised her hand to touch my face!

"Your body is very strong, if you live enough, remember @我, I will send you the email later."

Dazed for a moment, two figures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Two hands grabbed her arms respectively.

Subconsciously looked left and right.

On the left is Allahad, what is he rushing for?

And the right side... I never thought of it.

"Lu Haochen!? Why did you come in!?"

Looking at the familiar figure on the right in surprise, why did he come in?when did he come in


Doesn't the normal sealing task require twenty people?One more or one less can't be triggered! !

Is it...

Just as I was thinking, Lu Haochen suddenly turned around and grinned at me:

"I came in one day earlier, didn't you expect it? You want to get rid of me, there's no way!"

I... rub!

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