However... At this moment, I hesitated.

Is what appeared in front of my eyes an illusion, or... the real thing?

If it's real, I'll cut it if I cut it, but if it's an illusion, wouldn't I just kill a person directly?

This is different from self-protection, this is almost active killing!

And at the moment when I hesitated, the woman turned around and walked out!

That woman... the human half of her face was facing me.

She walked in the direction of the door, and my eyes moved a little bit with her.

Gradually, I saw the non-human half of her body behind her.

Usually people, the other half... don't know what it is! !

And she, as if she didn't notice it at all, limped... towards the gate.

With a 'click', the door lock rang!

In an instant, the goosebumps on my body stood up.

The hair of the evil spirit body has almost wrapped around her neck. As long as she makes any abnormal movements, even if I don't want to, my instinct...will make me cut her neck.

However, she didn't look back, let alone make any weird movements, she opened the door and walked out!

The sense of fear in my heart fell back slightly, and I was nervous... I swallowed unconsciously, only to realize that my throat was a little dry.

Subconsciously, I wanted to reach out to take out the water bottle from my carry-on bag, but before I looked down at the bag, I saw it... Just as the bathroom door was about to close, the woman turned her head to look at me! ! !

That half of a face that doesn't belong to humans just stares at me like this!

Full of... resentment and laughter.


With a metallic sound of the lock closing, the door... closed.

The whole bathroom was completely silent.

Except for the faucet that was not turned off behind him, which was still beeping, everything else... became normal.

The voices outside the door also gradually entered the ears, some people were talking, and there were some sounds from the exercise equipment.

This is... the sound that can be heard in a normal bathroom.

My mind is a bit blank. I don't know whether what I encountered is a hallucination or a real one. It stands to reason that there should be no hallucinations if there is an evil spirit body. But if this is the case, how can the woman just now explain it?

The fear in my heart is still lingering. There is no sign of the series of events just now. If it is someone else, as long as it is not the group of people who have lost their nerves, top players like Marita or Alahad, Anyone who saw this scene would be terrified.

Even in normal times, when walking at night and a person pops out suddenly, you will be taken down, not to mention the weird incident that just happened without warning!

Heartbeat, 'thump' began to speed up, as if it had just reacted, it was constantly accelerating and pumping, and the body could not completely calm down.

But... Even if you can't calm down, you have to force it! !

Once you lose your composure, it means that death is not far away! !

The mind clearly understands this, but the body cannot completely calm down, the heartbeat is constantly accelerating, and there is even a feeling that the heartbeat is echoing in the ears, as if every time the heart beats, the whole body trembles Same.

And with my heart beating faster, I couldn't calm down at all.

"No, this state is too dangerous now, I have to go home."

The more people you meet, the more weird things will happen. The best choice now is to go home, calm yourself down, and think about what happened!

Gritting her teeth, she turned around and walked to the bathroom door, and pushed the door open! ! !

In front of me, a man covered in bandages and looking at me with vicious eyes suddenly appeared... Weird! !

The hair of the evil spirit body instantly wrapped around his arm, and directly hit it!

'Boom! '

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of my eyes, that was obviously a strange looking thing, but now it turned into a strong man, still maintaining the state of being beaten, that is, the scene returned to normal at the moment of tightness.

And the man also fell to the ground, tilted his head, passed out without even farting.



"what happened!?"

"What movement?"

Not far away, some people who were exercising couldn't help turning their eyes around. Seeing this scene, I subconsciously turned my head and looked at my loyal maid, Jiang, who had been guarding the bathroom door.

At this moment, Linnai's cute face was full of astonishment, her big eyes were wide open, her small mouth was slightly opened, as if she saw some incredible scene.


"go home!"

Ignoring those people who came over to watch the excitement, he turned around, grabbed Linnai's hand, and ran directly to the changing room.

Behind him, several coaches walked up to the man. I shot so fast that the person who was beaten didn't even have time to squeak, and the others didn't even see that I did it.

So, I took Reina and went straight back to the dressing room.

Rena looked at me, although she had doubts on her face, she obediently took off her tracksuit quickly and changed clothes.

As for me, I immediately took off my sportswear and quickly changed into the clothes I had when I came here. I didn't even have the idea of ​​taking a bath here.

Put on your jacket, set it up from above, stretch your hands behind your neck, flick your long hair up, then put on your coat, and turn around...

Right in front of me, a strange elongated neck stood in front of me like this! !

Those venomous eyes are staring at me!

Its neck is about [-] centimeters in length, its back has a strange bulge, it looks like a hunchback, its body is thin and shriveled, there is no hair on its head, its skin is brownish yellow, fear once again occupied my heart !

The hair strands of the evil spirit body stretched out, almost cutting off the opponent's neck in an instant.

Suddenly, the scene just now recalled in my mind! !

When I walked in, there was no one else in the room except Rena!

The one in front of me... this weird hallucination is Rena! !

The hair of the evil spirit body froze for an instant, and at the same time, a blur appeared in front of her eyes... it was Rena.

That long neck weirdness is gone!

Seeing the worried expression on Reina's face, I was uneasy.

'Could it be that I...really encountered a sudden mission! ? '

Up to now, I am still not sure whether what I have encountered is a sudden mission, or whether I have a mental problem.

From the beginning to now, although saw a lot of weird things, so far, they seem to do nothing but scare me!

It's put mental pressure on me.

Sudden fright, but nothing happened!

But I... can't really relax.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Once a certain hallucination comes true, I, who is defenseless, will surely die.


This time, the situation seems to have become troublesome.

Chapter 130 The Sixth Cart Is Coming!

If it continues like this, there may be no good results!

"Go home! Immediately!"

Glancing at Reina who had already changed her clothes, she stretched out her hand to grab Reina's wrist, turned around and walked out.

Along the way, the hair of the evil spirit body was surrounded, and he didn't even dare to take the elevator, so he went directly to the fire escape.

I don't know what the danger is, but I do, try not to seal the space as much as possible.

Just like this, he went all the way downstairs. As soon as he got downstairs, he saw Chen Qinghua leaning on the car door, playing with his mobile phone.

"Chen Qinghua, drive home."

Chen Qinghua froze for a moment, then turned his head and looked at me in surprise.

"Why did Miss come down so early today? Isn't there..."

Without talking nonsense with him, he opened the car door, stuffed Linna in, and then got into the car by himself.

Reina's face was full of surprise, but facing my actions, she didn't resist at all, and sat in the car with the opportunity.

Chen Qinghua was still very obedient. Although he didn't know what happened, he opened the car door immediately and got in.

But the moment he just opened the car door, I suddenly felt blurred!

Linnai and I are sitting in the back seat now, the front driver's door has been opened, Chen Qinghua stepped in with one leg, his body is crooked, and he hasn't sat down yet.

At this moment, on the only empty seat in the car, I suddenly saw a strange figure! !

She... was sitting on the co-pilot's seat, she was wearing a bright red dress, her head was lowered, and the long hair of the steamed bun hung over her side, her head seemed to be broken, and she wore a strange expression angled, attached to the chest.

'hiss! '

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help taking a deep breath!

When I just got into the car, I really didn't see the existence of this female ghost, but now she suddenly appeared! !

Is this also an illusion?

Slightly gritted her teeth, resisting the mixed fear in her heart, her heart beat involuntarily, and took a deep breath.

"Drive, let's go."

I don't know if it's a hallucination or what, but now, I really can't do anything.

The hair of the evil spirit body is wrapped around the body. In this state, it can last for more than ten minutes at most.

However, just when I finished this sentence, suddenly! !

A fat face, fat head, big ears, and a huge gray face suddenly turned around. It was less than ten centimeters away from me. In those eyes full of resentment, there were actually two insect repellents crawling past.

He opened his mouth, and a strong stench came out of his mouth. A cockroach crawled out of its mouth, and quickly crawled to its ear along its huge face with a diameter of [-] centimeters. , and then... got in! !

My whole body was so disgusting that I almost threw up, however, what is more intense now is fear! !

In the end what happened! ?

That big face stared at me, opened his mouth suddenly, his eyes flickered, and there was a burst of 'ZiZi' electrical sound in his ears.

"Miss, are you going home?"

When the eyes became clear again, what appeared in front of me was Chen Qinghua's face, and it was not close to me, but sitting in the driver's seat, just turning his head and looking at me.

Subconsciously glanced at the co-pilot's position, there... the woman was still bowing her head, there seemed to be blood on her hair, and it slipped down on the long skirt.

"go home!"

Suppressing the desire to get out of the car, I nodded.

A trace of doubt flashed across Chen Qinghua's face. I don't know what he was wondering about, but now, I am extremely nervous.

What happened?

Why are things getting weirder and weirder?

'Don't think too much, don't think too much...'

Gritting her teeth in her heart, she stopped worrying about the woman in red, and the car started slowly.

A luxury car is a luxury car. After starting, sitting in the back seat, you can hardly feel the vibration and sound of the engine. The interior of the car is very quiet.

Beside him, there was a rustling sound, and the car got on the road.

"Miss, wipe off your sweat."

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