It just looks like the tire might need to be replaced.

'Boom! '

The car door was opened, and I got out of the car with a face full of survivors. At this moment... my feet felt a little weak.

The extremely fast braking made me use almost all my strength so as not to fly out of the front window. I broke out with all my strength in an instant, and my legs were a little sore.

At this moment, Shaohe is still a little soft all over, but I don’t have time to take care of her now, so I quickly picked up the phone and dialed Yaoyaoling directly. The so-called difficulty in finding the police, after reporting the police, I quickly dialed Yaoyaojiu, and then Yao [-], after all the calls, I was relieved, and slowly leaned against the mud-covered Don't Touch Me, calming my heart that was still pumping extremely fast.

That Wuling hopeless.

Before the car rushed out, I saw that person with my own eyes... was instantly crushed into a meat paste by the mud, and that Wuling Hongguang was completely crushed into iron sheets. Now... don't touch the position of my trunk, That is, the position behind me was already crushed by mud and stones. I have to be thankful for my timely response. If I was slower... the one who was crushed by the tunnel should be me.

Is this an accident?

Or... a supernatural event?

I'm not sure whether this is an illusion caused by the APP, or it is really a supernatural event.

However, everything happened.

Looking at the collapsed tunnel, the mud was slowly flowing along the road, and in a daze... I seemed to see that old face with a strange smile from the mud, smiling at me....

There is a hint of scarlet in the mud, and I can even smell the rust smell in the air blown by the mountain wind.

Leaning on the dirty tires, sitting on the icy ground, looking at the blue sky above, Nie was in a daze.


I don't know when Shaohe recovered and came to my side. I don't know what her thoughts were, and she came to my side regardless of the dirt. Like me, she leaned on the tire and looked at the In the slowly flowing mud and the blocked tunnel exit.

At this moment, the surroundings are already full of crowds. Cars are parked in front of the tunnel one by one. There are police officers, firefighters, medical staff, and private cars and trains that want to pass through the tunnel. Almost everyone got out of the car and watched. Looking at the buried tunnel.

"Aren't you going to... explain it to me?"

Amidst the noise, Shao He's voice came from beside his ear.


I turned my head and looked at Shao He who was sitting next to me with a trembling wrist... Although her eyes were calm, there was a trace of panic hidden deep in her pupils. to explain? The rules of the APP clearly stated that it is not allowed to disclose the situation in the APP. I know that the APP must have a way to prevent me from doing so. Explain... Do I want to say that I am a psychic and know that this tunnel will Collapse?

"Some things, it's better not to know..."

Looking back, I saw that the warning fence had already been pulled up, and the fire truck had already arrived here, and began to quickly clear the stones. Someone found the Wuling Hongguang, and they were saving people, but I know that in that car... It is no longer possible for living people to exist.

Glancing at Shao He who was still in fear beside her, her wrist was still trembling.

After a moment of hesitation, I stretched out my hand to hold her wrist, patted it lightly, and comforted her:

"Don't be's okay."

Shao He looked at me with some surprise, wondering if this sentence was useful, she gradually calmed down.

Hmm... If someone sees this scene at this time, they will definitely shout 'Jiang Shi is great', right?

End of Chapter 6(?)

Afterwards, things were much easier. Two policemen came over to inquire, and I explained as I thought, 'I found that the stones on top of my head started to fall, and I felt bad, so I asked Shao He to speed up and leave', Shao He cleverly cooperated with me.

Originally, this was an accident, and the other party didn't ask too much, took a look at the battered don't touch me, and left with a smile.

The incident ended with 'too much rain recently, loose structure inside the tunnel, leading to collapse'.

Fortunately, there were not many vehicles in the tunnel at that time, and the main collapsed location was at one end of the tunnel. The problem at the other end was not serious. The number of people who died was only the people in that Wuling Hongguang, and the rest were the most That is, being injured by falling stones.

Afterwards, Shaohe called Liu Wanqian and Gong Lianyu, and soon, Gong Lianyu sent someone to drive the latest Maybach S-Class-680 modification, double-tone collector's edition, Then he handed the Maybach directly to Shao He, and then he was about to drive away. Don't touch me, I quickly stopped him, after ashes had already been scattered on the co-pilot.

After tidying up for about ten minutes, I put all the ashes back into the box, led the recovered Shaha, and took the dumpling that was still a bit covered, and got into the Maybach, Shaohe drove all the way to The three-storey villa that belongs to me.

Arriving at this new home, all the furniture here has been finished, and all of them are made according to the Chinese decoration style. The furniture alone costs 500 million yuan, and there are many antiques in the room, but At this moment, I was in no mood to appreciate it anymore. I hurriedly finished my meal with Shaohe, chose a room, fed Shaha and Dumplings, took a shower, and threw myself on the bed.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling above his head, hugging the soft and warm idiot in his arms, looking at the dumpling hanging beside the bed with big eyes staring, he let out a long breath.


Thinking about what happened today, I didn’t feel very good at the time, but now that I think about it, I feel a little scared. The minivan was right in front of me. At that moment, the driver was crushed by mud and stones. .

I don't really care about other things. What I care about most is that before the driver died, in the reflection of his pupils, I saw... the old lady with her mouth open and a sinister smile s face.

Until now... I began to be a little confused, whether it was a supernatural event, or a simple collapse of the tunnel.

That person...before he died, he must have seen the old lady. His pupils reflected the old lady's sinister smile. Until now, I still remember it clearly, and I can even count the faces of the old lady. on the folds.

Different from that weird smiling face, the old lady had a gloomy smile when she smiled. It was fine when she saw it in broad daylight, but when she saw it in the dark, she always had a gloomy feeling. That malicious smile , making people shudder a little.

In retrospect, it's kind of creepy not to make it.

But... Fortunately, it's all over, and I didn't expect that the figure of the old lady outside the window was just delaying time. What I didn't expect was that the APP probably counted everything.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help picking up my phone and took a look. The original points in it were 180 five, but now, it has become 230 five.

That's right... This time, he was awarded fifty points for his early escape.

Although not as much as the college incident, the danger this time is likely to be greater than the college incident.

Let's put it this way... I feel that the danger level of this incident may have reached the level similar to the bus incident.

First of all, not to mention that the difficulty of my emergency has been upgraded from the original C~A to C+~S+. Secondly, when I recall this emergency, I not only have a feeling of fear, but also make me feel... two-sided Danger.

In that state, if one is involved in a terrorist incident, I believe it will definitely happen again, as in the bus incident, the momentary time suspension.

Once that state appeared, even if I tried my best to survive, it would be difficult to react to the mud falling from reality the moment I returned to the watch world.

Judging from the few terrorist incidents I have experienced, whether it is the college incident or the hospital incident, the occurrence of these two incidents did not cause secondary harm to me, but the bus is different.

In the bus incident, although I was already dead at that time, I experienced a second injury at the moment when I possessed Liu Yunyan's body.

The bus covered up all the deaths with car accidents, but I, the only survivor, did not stay in the bus and survived, but was thrown out of the car directly. My arm was dislocated and my left leg was broken. It fell, and it fell when I fell out of the bus.

Calculating from this aspect, incidents above S level may not be purely a single terrorist incident, and secondary injuries may also be added.

If my calculations are correct, this sudden incident is likely to be above S-level. If it wasn't for the silly and dumpling in my car who had warned the terrorist incident in advance, I might have been caught in an instant before I had time to react. Get involved.

So imagine... what would have happened if I hadn't found out beforehand and escaped?

At the moment when the incident happened, the car might crash headfirst into the old lady's mouth. According to the speed of the car, it would be impossible to die or be disabled if it hit the car. shock.

These are all things that happened in the superficial world. If it was the real world, what would happen?

That old lady, will she suddenly break in through the window?

No, no, no... The game will definitely give me a chance to react, so if it is a game, how should I proceed normally at this time?

It should... be like a car falling into the water, give me a period of time to react, trap the car, and then let me find a way out in the small space inside the car?

So what will be the way out?

I couldn't help substituting myself into the system, and began to think about how to embarrass myself.

Although it seems a bit redundant, I still want to know more about the operation of the system. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible. Only by knowing the task release method of the APP, may you be able to find various ways to crack it in advance.

Before, because it was in the game, some things happened before you even knew it in advance, and you got stuck. On the premise of Jiaozai and Shaha's early discovery, I got a chance to crack it head-on.

If... I am the system, how should I issue this sudden mission?

First of all, the space will not move suddenly, it should be directly transferred to the world, the position remains the same, but the state of the space has changed, so what will this change bring?

Mud slowly rising from the car?

no no!

I figured it out! !

If I were the system, at that moment, what I released should gradually oppress people's spirits!

In other words, let that old lady directly press down on the car body a little bit from above!

And the task given should be to find a way out of 'living' within a certain period of time.

The car includes four doors, front window glass, trunk and roof. There are seven entrances and exits in total. When the exit at the top is blocked, where should you go?

The time shouldn't be too long. It is estimated that the reaction time given to me is less than 1 minute. In other words, I have to judge where the birth path is within 1 minute!

So if I were the system, where would I arrange my way out?

Of course, it's just a speculation now, in the car where the overhead is constantly being oppressed, and the moving space is gradually shrinking, front, rear, left, right?If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely choose this direction instantly, right?

Four doors, front windshield, trunk, these six exits, four directions, should be everyone's subconscious first choice!

The car is rushing forward. Although the inertia stops when the time is suspended, once it returns to the watch world, the inertia will recover instantly.

If you jump out of the car at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, there will be falling mud in front of you. No matter where you jump out of the car, it will be a dead end! !

Inertia will make people follow the driving direction of the car in an instant, rush directly into the mud pile, and then be buried alive in it!

In other words, no matter which direction, it is a dead end!

It is very likely that in just 1 minute, or even 30 have to make the most correct choice.

According to the original speed of the car, it shouldn't be able to catch up to that Wuling Hongguang. In other words, this car... won't be hit head-on!

Then...there is only one way out.

Stay in the car!

That's right... in the constantly compressed activity space, the only way out should be to stay in the car!

Although this sounds a bit unbelievable, as long as you think about the inertia brought about by the moment when the watch world and the world world switch after jumping off the car, and judging from the speed of the car, the mud cannot hit the car head-on. The only way out is to stay in the car!

The car will not be hit head-on, but the mud will overwhelm the roof of the car, but according to the quality of this car, the fully imported 760li definitely has enough pressure resistance. In addition, if the situation is not overwhelming, if you stay in the car, you will definitely survive.

The place where the tunnel was blocked was only within a dozen meters from the exit. The location of the collapse was not large, and the only one that would be crushed in front was the Wuling Hongguang.

In the ever-compressed activity space, enduring the fear of being crushed at any time, and judging the way out rationally... This system is really good at playing!

No... It should be said that I am really good at playing.

After all, this is what I thought of, not what the system actually released, but from all aspects, maybe... only this inference is correct?

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little sleepy. The silly ha next to me is warm and soft, like a large pillow. I used to be 1.8 meters tall, and I always felt a little small when holding it, but now, my height is just now. When it reaches 1.7 meters, the size of Shaha is just right for me.

I rubbed my face against Shaha's fur... In the ranking of dogs' body odor and cleanliness, Huskies ranked fifth. They can be regarded as very low body odor and very clean dogs. The whole body is full of that smell.


He let out a long breath, cleared the random thoughts in his head, opened his eyelids slightly, glanced at the dumpling hanging on the bedside, stared at my dumplings with cute big orange eyes, and said 'Good night', when I closed my eyes again, I was plunged into darkness...

In the vague darkness, I seemed to see... a hunched figure standing behind me, so gloomy...


(Just a little Calvin, and I'm not short! Twenty centimeters!)

Chapter 7 Can't Say


Mornings often come and go so suddenly, feeling the slight heat from my eyelids, I know it's already bright outside now.

He took a breath, slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at the silly man lying on the pillow. The hair of this guy is too thick, so when I hold him as a pillow, he always feels too hot, so... often in the Before I fall asleep, I will make do with it for a while, and after I fall asleep, I will leave my hug and lie on the side of the pillow.

When I was Zhang Yiwei in the past, it often fooled me like this. Whenever I was in a slumber, when I was about to fall asleep, or half asleep, it ran out of my arms. When I was half asleep and half awake, I got up and slapped it twice, then changed my position and went back to sleep.

But after so many years, I'm used to it, it's already five years old...


As usual, I patted the brain. When I was a male, my palm was so big that a slap could directly cover its brain. But now my palm is small and my fingers are very slender. There is no way to completely cover it, from between the fingers, it is waiting for those big sky blue eyes, just looking at me like this.

'piapia' patted twice, and with a strong waist, I sat up directly from the bed, turned my head and glanced at the bird shelf hanging on the shelf of the canopy bed, and Dumpling was staring at me with big eyes.

I don't know why, when Shaha looked at me, what he saw in his pupils was Liu Yunyan now, not the evil spirit body, but what I saw in the eyes of Jiaozai was the evil spirit body.

The strange smile of a female ghost was reflected in the big eyes of Jiao Zai at this moment.


Stretching out his hand to rub his dumpling-smashed little head, the little guy blinked and didn't make a sound.

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