But these people are not enough, although it should be enough on the road.But in a few more months, I am afraid that these people will not even be able to make a wave under the impact of tens of thousands of peasant troops.

So Zhiyuan directly carried out militarized management, and she personally led the team to watch.

In front of Zhiyuan, she bought a lot of slaves from the slave market as servants, so she soon asked these people to lead 50 people to train, which is nothing more than a captain.

So in the end Zhiyuan made up fifteen small teams, and some of the rest were for elimination. After all, there were indeed some old and weak, although very few.

Zhi Yuan led a team herself, because she planned to get her own soldiers, after all, it would be more convenient for these people to command wherever she was going in the future.Therefore, Zhi Yuan picked people who looked strong and strong, and Pei Yuanshao would suffer if he met two or three.

Get up at [-] o'clock every morning, except for those who cook, everyone else must run around the convoy.

Those soldiers were not easy to manage, but these servants, even if Zhiyuan killed them, no one would dare to stand up against them.

Zhiyuan has learned the set of military training, not only need to travel every day, but also add a lot of physical training.

But in return, Zhiyuan announced a three-meal system.Now they got a lot of money from Yuan Shu, so they still have enough food.After running every morning, I eat breakfast around morning hours, porridge and cakes, as well as pickled pickles.

At noon, they are basically on the road, so they mainly eat dry biscuits and boiled beans.At dinner time, just after camp, this time may be better, because there will be broth and bone broth.

This kind of treatment, although the daily training is very tiring, but most people can still sustain it.After tossing for a few days, Zhiyuan picked out some people who were really weak in physical strength and fitness, and asked them to cook for the rest every day.

Then Zhiyuan asked Pei Yuanshao to lead the rest of the soldiers to go out and hunt some wild animals that were there as rations.

After all, it is ancient times, except for a few places on the official road, most of the rest of the place is no man's land, and there are still many birds and beasts.Although most wild beasts are very dangerous to humans, for regular soldiers, it is just a salvo of bows and arrows.

Offal must be eaten, and the offal of beasts is rich in vitamins and can prevent night blindness.But meat is liked by everyone, even Zhiyuan herself.

Although there are a lot of people, most of the time each person only gets a little broth, but this kind of treatment is much better than that of many servants of the gentry. After all, I don’t know how many people don’t know the taste of meat for several months.

The same is true for Tang Tian, ​​who was even stricter by Zhi Yuan.Zhiyuan had already made it clear to Tang Tian before she came out that the biggest problem in going to Pingyuan now is to face Zhang Jiao's rebellion that may come at any time.

If you don't want to die, you have to exercise.You even need to know some weapons. If you are not good enough, you have to learn the fencing skills in the six arts of gentlemen.

Tang Tian is not a pedantic person, he naturally knows that it is definitely not as good as Luoyang in those places.So he didn't hesitate to train, and even occasionally brought his wife Yin to exercise.

Zhiyuan also introduced a reward and punishment system very appropriately, that is to run every day, and when she is on the road, keep her best five groups to eat meat, and the poorest five groups can only wait for everyone to eat If you eat it again, there will probably be no soup left.

In the first group of the first five groups, everyone has a large piece of fat every day, the kind of juicy fat that produces oil.

That's the same sentence... Meat.In the eyes of these slaves and servants, fatty meat is the most delicious thing in the world.Therefore, the spirit of the entire team has been changed only a few days after this regulation was promulgated.

Zhiyuan ran as soon as she said running, and slaves and servants would not think whether this was military training.And those who are actually soldiers have never seen this kind of training method.

Although it was strange, Zhiyuan did what she said.Except for the [-] soldiers borrowed by Tang Zhen, the rest of the soldiers were all given to Zhi Yuan by Yuan Shu, and these people are just Zhi Yuan's personal belongings now.

In the Han Dynasty, one mile was about 400 meters long, and the distance from Luoyang to the plain was about 600 kilometers long.However, since the official road was like that in the Han Dynasty, the speed along the way was not very fast. It was close to [-] to [-] carriages, so how fast could it be.

So the convoy travels about thirty or forty miles a day, which is almost the limit.The original plan was about forty days to reach the plain.

However, after Zhiyuan's thorough militarized training, the speed of the entire team has doubled, and they can actually travel eighty miles a day.This speed is very fast. You must know the advancing speed of the general soldier army, which is the same.

Although in some records there are such situations as three hundred miles a day and night, it is a rapid march after all.Zhiyuan's place is full of luggage, and many of the soldiers were surprised to be able to walk eighty miles a day.

It took less than seven days from leaving Luoyang City to when Zhiyuan came up with a complete set of rules, and then when the entire team changed.

If anyone violates the rules set by the kite, or fails to meet the requirements of the kite, the light ones will run around the convoy, and the serious ones will be stripped of their clothes and run away.

Anyway, let's see who loses face in the end, after all, people need face, right? This effect is surprisingly good.Stinghead had been taught this way all the way, and Zhiyuan told them to tie a rock in front of them and continue running if there was another time.

After all, Zhiyuan is not a devil, so how could she kill people at the slightest disagreement... But the name of the tiger girl is getting louder and louder.

Distinguishing rewards and punishments is what a leader must do well, because she knows in her heart that the time left for her is definitely less than half a year.

It is difficult to turn a group of slaves into a strong army in half a year, but at least they can hold weapons and not tremble when defending the city.

There are also more and more robbers on the road, although they dare not directly rob this team, because many people in the team give them a lot of momentum.But this does not mean that this team is not noticed by the robbers, and even a cavalry team of 200 people will go out in many cases to harvest some people who are not good-looking.

In more than ten days, Zhi Yuan also went to talk with the generals photographed by Yuan Shu.The cavalry team is easy to manage, because there are only 200 people, so there is no captain, so Pei Yuanshao directly leads the cavalry with his recently improved skills.

And the captain of the infantry was somewhat familiar with Zhi Yuan, he was the young general Yu She.Yuan Shu also sent someone who knew Zhiyuan, after all, if he had some friendship, he could avoid a lot of trouble.

Zhi Yuan hoped that Yu She could join the training arranged by her, and Yu She agreed after thinking about it.Because Zhiyuan does have some charm, no matter what she does, she looks very confident, making people feel that she is very sure about military training.

Chapter 35: Time is tight

In fact, after studying the map, Zhiyuan found it quite embarrassing.Because on the side of Anping Country, it has to be more than 400 miles away from the plain.At this time, Pingyuan was barely managed by Anping Kingdom, so Zhiyuan had to go to Anping Kingdom first.

After all, anyway, this position is a bit overstepped.In fact, the position of postal supervisor can be appointed directly through Anping Kingdom, and theoretically, there is no need to go through the imperial court.But Tang Zhen's money is in place, so it's a big deal to save face.

Therefore, the position of Zhiyuan still has to follow the arrangement of Anpingguo, and it is necessary to apply for it... It's not a big problem.Tang Zhen has been Sikong for many years, and this little face is not a problem.

But this Anping country is too close to Julu.Others don't know, but Zhi Yuan does. This is Zhang Jiao's hometown.

In this era, the distance from Julu to Anping is only two hundred miles away. If there is a rebellion there, it will probably spread to Anping within a few days.What Zhiyuan didn't know was that it was also like this in history. Anping Kingdom was occupied shortly after the Yellow Turban Uprising, and later Liu Hong directly abolished Anping Kingdom.

Pei Yuanshao once again asked Zhiyuan to go to Julu, but Zhiyuan hesitated for a while but agreed.In fact, it was good to meet Zhang Jiao, who was also a well-known leader of a peasant uprising.

Zhiyuan has always been sympathetic to peasant uprisings, but most of the peasant uprisings in history were nothing more than cannon fodder before the chaos of the world.When it comes time to fight for the world, how many people are really farmers?

Some people may say that Zhu Yuanzhang is considered a peasant, the lowest level... This is not bad, but how many people died before Zhu Yuanzhang, the White Lotus Sect and the Red Scarf Army?People only see a successful person, but they don't see that there are tens of millions of corpses paving the way for him.

Of course, this is also related to the decline of the aristocratic family in the late Tang Dynasty.If the old family is still there, a hundred Zhu Yuanzhang will not even think about becoming emperor.Now it is the Three Kingdoms with aristocratic families all over the place, and the whole body is affected by a single move.

Why did the Yellow Turban Uprising fail so quickly?Because the ban on the party was lifted, and Liu Yan, the Taichang at that time, made a foolish trick for Liu Hong, changing some of the governors to state shepherds, and the clan or important ministers would be in charge.Let it have the power of local military and political affairs, so as to effectively control the place.

This directly caused the local power to grow stronger, and Liu Hong might be able to suppress it when he was alive, but once he died, the world would naturally fall apart.

Speaking of it, this should be considered a benefit, at least the starting point should be good.Because the local clan is also surnamed Liu anyway.So even if you grow up, the world will still be named Liu.

It's a pity that there are not many powerful people in the clan. Maybe Liu Yan has the ability, but what about his son Liu Zhang?Liu Biao also has skills, after all, he entered Jingzhou alone.But what virtue is it to look at his son?

Speaking of the ability of the Liu family to cultivate the second generation of heirs these days, none of them can do it.The same is true for Liu Bei behind, all of whom died in the second generation.

It's getting far again, but what do you want to say after meeting Zhang Jiao?Saying that you are doomed and that your goals are simply unattainable.Perhaps it wasn't for the kite that would have been eaten by a group of Yellow Turban soldiers, and now they might not listen to their opinions at all.

The current Yellow Turban Army is very confident. Outside they have the support of aristocratic families, and inside they have the support of eunuchs.There were even some eunuchs and generals who took refuge in them, planning to take Luoyang with all their might.

But the current low-level civilians are really not that good, even Zhiyuan thinks they are not as good as when they came to Luoyang.Many people, including ordinary people, are basically skinny on the road.

Although rice porridge was occasionally distributed to these people, in their eyes, there was no anger at all.There are even a large part of them looking at their convoy with deep hatred.

Obviously, public grievances are getting faster and faster now, because more and more people are fleeing from disasters, and Zhiyuan even saw a "mass grave" consisting of hundreds of corpses on the road.

This is because the relevant departments carried all the nearby corpses here to bury them, but it is more obvious that the victims dug up a lot and cut away some fresh meat.

Because it is already October, the lunar October.....It has already started snowing in many places.

From Luoyang to the plains, the temperature along the way is around zero degrees, and even reaches minus five or six degrees at night.The climate in ancient times was much colder than later generations, after all, later generations had a serious greenhouse effect.

The dead man had already become numb, and Zhiyuan soon discovered that her task was to take her hand down to find wood and fodder not far away every day.After all, for the entire team, there are almost 2000 people, heating and eating are the biggest problems.

In fact, there are not many horses in the convoy, and many of the carts are donkeys and mules.Most donkeys and mules were brought over from Central Asia on the Silk Road, and they were relatively popular at this time.

After all, in terms of the strength of pulling goods, these things are more practical.Horses can fight even if they are rough horses, as long as they are not afraid of death, laugh...

Near the convoy, many refugees followed.At least there is enough food for the kite, and some rice soup is given to those people every day, so that they don't starve to death.Zhiyuan intends to take in some young adults, because the first thing to do after arriving in Pingyuan County is to strengthen the city wall.

Zhang Jiao will rebel in March, less than five months away.To be precise, there are less than four months left for Zhiyuan, because the time on the road is at least about a month.

And we must pray that there will be no snow... Otherwise, the kite can only laugh, and I am afraid that it will not be able to go for two months.

Of course, I have been walking for about half a month now, except that the speed was a little slower in the previous week, and there are basically about 20 miles a day in the back.Zhiyuan estimates that there will be another fifteen to twenty days, and she will be able to get there no matter what.

Zhi Yuan estimated the distance, and estimated that in another six or seven days, the group of them would arrive at Yanzhou, which is on the border of Shandong.Then Zhiyuan talked to Tang Tian again, talking about things in the future.

First of all, Zhiyuan is going to visit Julu.She led two hundred cavalry, and all the rest rushed to the plains as originally planned.

Then, when Tang Tian arrived, he gathered some strong labor force.The city wall of the plain was built in the form of merit instead of salary.Not to mention at least seven or eight meters, of course, those who wear yellow scarves, or those who stick Taiping Dao talisman papers are not allowed!

Although Zhiyuan sympathized with the peasant army, her own life was important anyway.After all, when those people rebel, it doesn't matter whether you sympathize with them or not.

Of course, this must be told to Tang Tian behind Pei Yuanshao's back. Pei Yuanshao himself is actually quite disciplined. Although he was asked to lead the cavalry, he never mentioned the way of peace.After all, Pei Yuanshao was also afraid that he would slip up, and it would be troublesome for the government to know.

Chapter 36: The Territory of Peace Road

Luoyang, the imperial city.

Zhang Rang of the ten permanent attendants put a piece of information in front of Zhao Zhong.

After Zhao Zhong looked at Zhi Yuan, he nodded and said, "In other words, my godson was killed by this woman?"

"I'm not sure, but it's possible. Do you still remember when the old man of the Yuan family challenged us in court? A few days ago, someone saw this woman coming to the restaurant of the Yuan family with a sack."

"And that day was when the dog's leg was killed. I suspect that this woman took advantage of the Yuan family and made them work hard." Zhang Rang smiled lightly, and then clicked on a passage in the information.

That paragraph reads: This woman is Mr. Wujiao's apprentice, it is said that she knows the art of spells and good swordsmanship, and Yuan Shu is pursuing her, she has no objection.

Zhao Zhong pondered for a moment: "I'll just say why that old man Tang Zhen has become friends with the Yuan family recently. It seems that he plans to marry his daughter."

"I heard that this girl and his brother were released, why don't you take the opportunity to release them..." Zhao Zhong made a facial expression of wiping his neck.

Zhang Rang smiled: "Why do we have to do it ourselves, Zhang Jiao's family has millions, and we usually give him convenience, so we just let him do it."

Zhao Zhong nodded, but then he hesitated: "But I heard that the Taiping Dao is developing and growing, if that guy rebels again, it will be troublesome."

(Zhang Jiao rebelled once before the Yellow Turban Uprising, but failed quickly but was not life-threatening. It can be regarded as a lot of experience for the later rebellion.)

"That's right, this matter needs to be investigated in secret. If it is really done by that guy, we may all die." Zhang Rang said, the two discussed some things, and then said goodbye to each other.

After Zhang Rang left, Zhao Zhong sneered: "Zhiyuan...Tang Zhiyuan? I don't have the patience to let that Taoist deal with you. For some things, it's better to ask someone to do it yourself. It's easier."

Soon Zhang Rang called a man with a stern look, and ordered him to go down after a few words.

This seems to have saved the kite from some troubles, but it also created some other crises.But at this time, Zhiyuan had already led 200 people to leave the convoy and headed for Julu.

These cavalry are all private troops of the Yuan family, well... now they are Zhiyuan's own, because Yuan Shu gave them away.Since they were all members of the Yuan family, these people did not resist too much.

After all, Zhiyuan is a pretty easy-going woman, and she eats three meals a day, including meat for dinner, so life is pretty good.Although some physical exercise is required every day, everyone feels better than before.

The horses are all two horses. Generally, when they are on the road, they ride on one nasty horse, and change to the other one when they are fighting.

After all, there are no horseshoes. If a good horse runs away, it will be distressing.Speaking of the contribution of horseshoes to cavalry, it is far more than that of stirrups. It is because of the appearance of horseshoes that war horses get rid of their status as consumables.

Of course, the kite won’t be produced right now, because it will be imitated by others faster, and it will be the Han people who will suffer at that time, because this thing is simply a magic weapon for nomads.

If you don't have the strength, what you make is just to make others cheaper.But these two hundred cavalrymen, even one or two thousand peasants, don't even think about keeping them, they are the strongest fighting force in Zhiyuan's hands.

Zhi Yuan wasn't afraid that they would know who she was going to meet, because at most it was just the people here, if there were a few of Yuan Shu's spies, even if Yuan Shu found out, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Zhiyuan drove all the way to Julu, and it was estimated that it would arrive in a few days.After all, the speed of the horse is still very fast, and there is absolutely no problem with two hundred miles a day.

The further you go to Julu, the more people wearing yellow scarves.These people distribute food to ordinary people who can't survive, and they are teaching some concepts of the Taiping Dao, such as believing in the Taiping Dao, and after dying, they will enter the yellow sky.

And believe in the way of Taiping, you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future. Tianshi Zhang Jiao will lead everyone to build a Huangtian Kingdom where you can have food and clothing.

Do ordinary people believe it?letter!And very fanatical.

After all, they are almost starved to death, as long as someone stutters, they will believe whatever you say, let alone the Huangtian Kingdom.

Pei Yuanshao said to Zhiyuan from the side: "What's wrong with these people? So many people are displaced. If it weren't for our Tiangong General, they would all starve to death..."

Zhiyuan sighed, she had no way to object.Because at this time, she heard a group of people not far away singing with a special voice.

Xiaomin's hair is like leeks, cut back to life.

The head is like a chicken, and it sings again after cutting.

Officials don't have to be feared.

"Forget it... I can't stop it. The public grievances have reached such a level. Even if there is no Zhang Jiao, there will be Li Jiao and Wang Jiao."

"But... I should induce them, but I just don't know what to say." Zhi Yuan frowned, thinking about many things.

Speaking of which, at the beginning, Pei Yuanshao wanted Zhiyuan to come here because he was afraid that Zhiyuan would tell the truth, and he wanted General Tiangong's Zhiyuan to be imprisoned to avoid damaging the major event of Taipingdao.

But after getting in touch with them for a long time, Pei Yuanshao suddenly discovered that the kite didn't seem to want to report them for rebellion, but rather disliked them for rebellion at all.

Especially after Pei Yuanshao came to Luoyang, Zhiyuan did not treat him as an outsider, so many times Pei Yuanshao found that many people seemed to know about the Taiping Dao, at least people like Xun Yu, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu knew about it.

This made Pei Yuanshao feel terrified, but later he felt that many people knew about it, but they all acquiesced in Taipingdao's behavior, as if this group of people had been bought by General Tiangong.

Of course, Pei Yuanshao himself didn't know what it was for, and he didn't understand many things that Zhiyuan said, so he just let Zhiyuan come to Julu again. Anyway, if he doesn't understand Zhang Jiao, he can always communicate with the other party, right?

Speaking of which, Zhiyuan didn't like this place, because everyone looked at them with malicious intent.Zhi Yuan even reckoned that if these people had weapons, it might be bad for them.

This situation became more obvious the closer it was to the giant deer, Zhiyuan also began to admire this horn.Among other things, this level of organization is indeed very good.

After setting up the camp near Julu, Zhiyuan comforted a team leader here.Pei Yuanshao led the team in front, but this time Pei Yuanshao might not have a hard time leaving with Zhiyuan, so Zhiyuan had to train another person to replace him.

These people were originally Yuan Shu's servants, so the name was chosen at random, and Zhi Yuan simply called this person Tang Qi.

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