The kite sniffed suddenly, then sneezed twice. "Who is speaking ill of me behind my back..."

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with us anyway. But I want to tell you one thing in advance... This year is definitely not a peaceful year, and many people will die this year."

"Perhaps there is some truth to this astrology, and I'm not sure... let's go, we have been to this big man, the last peace year." Zhiyuan smiled, and then went straight down the city wall.

Tang Tian muttered in a low voice from behind: "That is to say, in this plain, if you talk like that in Luoyang, you won't be able to cut off as many heads as you want."

Xi Zhicai looked at the sky again: "Is what this woman said true? But this year's matter, I guess it will come to fruition soon, right?"

Bamboos with a height of two or three meters were piled up at the door, and I don't know where Tang Tian got them.There are almost [-] people in Pingyuan County now, and it is estimated that it may reach [-] to [-] next year, so it is still very lively.

Today basically everyone has meat, and as long as they can walk, they all come near the gate of the city.

In ancient times, Chinese New Year/Spring Festival was actually not a good day.Today's setting off firecrackers, posting couplets and so on, in fact, in ancient times, they all meant to get rid of demons and ghosts.

Now there are no firecrackers, only firecrackers... so people who can walk are basically surrounded here, hoping that firecrackers can drive away bad luck and bad luck on their bodies, and they can live a good life the next day.

After all, Zhiyuan knew how to draw talismans, so she also made some talismans that could ward off evil spirits and cure diseases, and gave them to a few close people.And said to them: "This thing can be replaced by me next year."

Suddenly Zhiyuan thought of something, and said to several people: "The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu. Thousands of households always replace the old talismans with new ones."

"Okay!" Tang Tian and Xi Zhicai said yes directly, there is already poetry in this era, although it is not as good as the peak in the later Tang and Song Dynasties.

But it's not a good sentence, they can hear it naturally.Just when the two people agreed, the pile of firecrackers was also lit... Zhiyuan sighed again, as if to raise everyone's worries again.

Chapter 49: Assassination

The muffled sound of firecrackers kept coming, and people in the whole Pingyuan County were very happy.Especially for the poor and refugees, at least they won't starve to death this winter.

Then we said peace to each other, and went back to wash and sleep.The Spring Festival is like this in this era, at most it is just a little bit of food for them, so that they can have a good meal or two.

Dumplings hadn't appeared yet, and Zhiyuan had no time for this invention.Although Zhiyuan intends to plant the land, after all, time is tight and there is no time for her to develop little by little.

So even during the Spring Festival, after the firecrackers were completely burned out, Zhi Yuan led people to inspect the city walls again.

"Should we dig a moat..." Zhiyuan looked at the city wall not far away, and then touched the ground with her hand.

It's too frozen for digging at all.After thinking about it for a while, Zhiyuan had no choice but to give up this idea.Then Zhiyuan leaned against the city wall and thought again.

"It has snowed a lot this winter, and it's still light snow rather than heavy snow. Some refugees in Pingyuan County are living relatively comfortably, but I'm afraid next year will be another disaster year."

"This calamity year is not aimed at the plains, because there is sufficient groundwater in the plains. Even if there is no rain next year, the kites can still ensure smooth farming. But it is not necessarily the case in other places..."

"Additionally, next year Zhang Jiao will do it very soon, and I'm afraid Chungeng will be doomed. Alas... next year, from natural disasters to man-made disasters, the population of Dahan will lose more than one-fifth."

This is the general trend of the world, Zhiyuan has no ability to change all this.She is not even counted as a little butterfly now, and it is not easy to survive the storm.

Zhiyuan was thinking, but a soldier next to her suddenly shouted into the distance: "Who is sneaking around there?"

At this moment, a cold light flashed across.A silver light flew towards the position of the kite, like lightning in the middle of the night.The soldiers near the kite reacted quickly, and directly slashed at the lightning with their long swords.

With a sound of "ding", a long arrow flew not far from the kite.

"No, quickly protect the master!" The soldier shouted.

There were only four or five people around Zhiyuan, because she was just here to see how the city wall was being repaired, and most of the people liked them very much, so naturally they would not think of anyone coming to assassinate her.

Of course, Zhiyuan's reaction speed was not slow at all. She was really stunned at first, but after the first arrow was blocked, Zhiyuan was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat.I was really careless, if there were no cronies and soldiers around, then I would really suffer if I couldn't handle it.

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan directly took out the two swords, and looked in the direction that attacked her.That was a corner of the city wall, and there could be dozens of people rushing towards this side in that direction, and they kept shooting arrows here.

Zhiyuan blocked two sword strikes with her thin sword, and then rushed to the front of the group of people.A group of men in black, all masked, obviously came to assassinate.

"Whose one? Zhang Jiao?" Zhi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't feel any quarrel with Zhang Jiao's people.

It was obvious that these people were here to kill, so they would not answer Zhi Yuan's words, and a dozen people quickly surrounded Zhi Yuan and the others.

As long as you don't come in the dark, Zhiyuan really hasn't been afraid of anyone in a head-to-head confrontation.The other party also knew Zhiyuan's abilities, so they planned to use Youdou's method to kill the guards on Zhiyuan's side, and then deal with Zhiyuan alone.

But after a group of people fought each other, they realized that Zhiyuan wasn't afraid of Youdou at all.The rapier in Zhi Yuan's left hand was like a poisonous snake, and two people were blocked by Zhi Yuan's weird swordsmanship in just one encounter.

And Zhiyuan's subordinates, because they are all servants, if the master dies, they will definitely not be able to recover, so none of them are afraid of death.After all, assassins are just a group of people who focus on assassination, and it is very disadvantageous to talk about confrontation.

In addition, Zhiyuan's swordsmanship is outstanding, so after Zhiyuan killed a few people, a group of people felt that something was wrong and planned to run away.

"Catch the living one!" Zhiyuan directly unleashed the epee with her right hand, and cut off a person's left hand along with his weapon, and then kicked that person's head, probably knocking him out.

And Zhi Yuan's subordinates also caught two of them, the combat effectiveness of this group is indeed not very good.

Seven or eight of the dozen or so people ran away, five or six of them died and three were arrested. Only two soldiers on Zhiyuan's side were slightly injured, and one had two fingers broken.

There were already patrols at the city gate, so some cavalry soon chased them out.Zhiyuan was also relieved to see the direction in which the other party was fleeing, because the other party did not appear in Pingyuan County.

At the beginning, I was also outside the city, and when I ran, I also ran far away.It would indeed be troublesome if he got mixed into the group of refugees on the plain.

"The next time you collect refugees, you must be careful not to let people with weapons in. All sharp knives must be handed in. Pedestrians and merchants passing by must be registered, and they must be arranged in an area that is easy to be controlled."

Tang Tian heard that Zhi Yuan was assassinated, Zhi Yuan said to Tang Tian when he ran over.

Tang Tian nodded: "If they are refugees, since we have provided them with food, they will naturally obey our arrangement. If they do not hand over their weapons, they will naturally have two hearts."

"Why don't we search the whole city?" Tang Tian asked with some concern.

Zhiyuan shook her head: "Those little things don't pose much threat to me, the main thing now is to find out who sent them here."

"Catch three people now and interrogate them separately...Take them to the dungeon and make the temperature of the dungeon higher, preferably the kind that can make people drowsy."

Zhiyuan suddenly thought of the more humane interrogation method in later generations. She is a girl after all, so how could she use the method of seeing too much blood.

Soon the fire was raised in the prison, which was also an adobe house, and the inside was divided into cages one by one.Speaking of which, this prison is not too small, but there are not many people in it.

The person whose arm was broken by the kite was tied to the wall and woken up by splashing water.The water was splashed with warm water, and the temperature in the room was so high that Zhiyuan was sweating a little in thick clothes.

The man woke up quickly, then looked at Zhiyuan and gritted his teeth. "The bitch has the ability to kill me!" Speaking of which, in this era, there is no setting of hiding poison in the teeth, so before being caught, the general dead will commit suicide.

Don't talk about killing yourself by biting your tongue, this thing is actually very unreliable.The theory of tongue-biting suicide is to choke yourself to death with blood from the tongue - the probability is really not high.

Zhiyuan smiled: "I won't kill you, in my opinion, everyone has his value, and... we are short of people here, after I finish asking your questions, I'll repair the city wall .”

"Start now, raise the temperature, and watch him in shifts. Don't let him sleep...As long as he is confused, wake him up. Within two days, he will speak clearly."

"The other two will do the same, and give me all three people's statements. Remember! If there are discrepancies in the three people's statements, these three people cannot be allowed to fall asleep."

After Zhiyuan finished speaking, she left the cell.

Chapter 50: The Yellow Turban Rebellion

Also on the day of Chinese New Year, Zhao Zhong, one of the ten permanent attendants in Luoyang City, found Zhang Rang.

"I got the exact news that Zhang Jiao is about to rebel. We have collected a lot of money from him. If Zhang Jiao rebels, we will be finished." Zhang Rang said to Zhao Zhong.

Zhao Zhong suddenly became nervous, and then looked at Zhang Rang: "This is usually done by Zhang Gong. If he can't do it, we have to let him avoid the limelight. But we can't delay the relationship. Last time someone borrowed my adopted son The chance of being killed has already messed with me once."

"If it gets on my head again, everyone can't keep us!"

Zhang Rang smiled coldly: "I said Zhao Zhong, be calm at the critical moment. Our collusion with Taipingdao is nothing more than a few subordinates know."

"There are only three main people, Xu Feng, Feng Xu and Lin Ping. And I have a secret person, who is hiding under Zhang Jiao's hands. Otherwise, I will not get the news that he is going to rebel, and what is certain is that the three It's just a month..."

Zhang Rang's mind was very calm, and he even put a shadow on Zhang Jiao's side, which Zhao Zhong didn't expect.But because the relationship between the two is very good, so now Zhang Rang did not hide from Zhao Zhong.

"Oh?" Zhao Zhong thought for a while, and then asked, "Who is it?"

"He is one of Zhang Jiao's disciples. His name is Tang Zhou. He is from Jinan. He is also considered to be in a high position and has access to some plans of the Taiping Dao. Recently, Tang Zhou was coming to Luoyang, and he probably also connected with Feng Xu and the others. .”

Zhao Zhong nodded again: "It's easy to deal with. Both Feng Xu and Xu Feng have some means of controlling them. As for Lin Ping, just find a chance to kill them."

"Tang Zhou...that's right, I will arrange it immediately tomorrow. Just tell him that I have a way to protect him from death, and let him write a letter directly to our ten permanent servants. In this way, our relationship with Zhang Jiao will be completely removed. "

"And because Zhang Jiao is found to be rebellious, the emperor will pay more attention to us."

The two conspired for a long time, and Zhang Rang made the move that night.Lin Ping fell into the moat and drowned after drinking, and several people related to him disappeared secretly.

A few days later, Tang Zhou of Jinan wrote a letter.Zhang Gong, the ten permanent attendant, received the book and immediately told the emperor Liu Hong.Liu Hong naturally knew about Taiping Dao, and even some officials said that Shi Changshi colluded with Taiping Dao.

But now it is Shi Changshi telling himself that Taipingdao is going to rebel.Then Tang Zhou was immediately taken to the main hall, and the emperor Liu Hong did not even have to promise Tang Zhou to save his life.

Tang Zhou didn't hesitate at all, and directly told everything about Zhang Jiao.And he said to the Son of Heaven: "That thief Zhang Jiao has set up 36 squares, with tens of thousands of generous squares and thousands of small squares."

"There are no fewer than one million followers of the Taiping Dao. Once they rebel, they will surely bring cholera to the world."

Liu Hong was indeed quite frightened, he immediately became nervous, and then asked who Tang Zhou usually contacted in Luoyang.Naturally, Tang Zhou confessed to Xu Feng and Feng Xu, both of whom were outcasts, and they dared not refuse to let them die.

Then Shi Changshi accused the emperor again, after all, these two people were also eunuchs.But Liu Hong didn't care about their confession, but explained that Zhang Jiao's rebellion must be found out as soon as possible.

The ten permanent attendants had already made preparations here, so the two people basically explained it very clearly.In Hanoi County near Luoyang, there was a team of Yellow Turban Army led by Ma Yuanyi, another disciple of Zhang Jiao.

Everything was so logical, Ma Yuanyi was arrested and secretly sent to Luoyang.And at the same time, thousands of Taiping Dao believers were also arrested. Basically, the main force of Ma Yuanyi's side was wiped out before the uprising.

In the end, Ma Yuanyi was torn apart by a car, and Xu Feng and Feng Xu were also executed by Liu Hong.Except for Tang Zhou, everyone related to Taipingdao was killed.Including the thousands of Taiping Dao believers who were arrested with Ma Yuanyi later, they were all buried alive by Liu Hong's orders.

Then Liu Hong ordered again directly to arrest Zhang Jiao, the leader of Taipingdao.Although Zhang Jiao was not fully prepared, due to some reasons of the kite, he was more fully prepared than before for the rebellion.

So "The sky is dead, the yellow sky shall stand, the year is Jiazi, the world will be blessed." Zhang Jiao immediately rebelled.

Up to Youzhou and down to Jingzhou, the entire Han Dynasty, except for Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Yizhou, and Sili, fell into turmoil.

Liu Hong was almost so frightened that he pulled away, how could he have imagined that such a small Zhangjiao would have such great power.In just one month, all 28 counties in the seven states across the country had riots in the Yellow Turban Taiping Road.

Huang Fusong took the opportunity to appeal to ask for the lifting of the ban on the party: "The party has been imprisoned for a long time, if it conspires with the Yellow Turban, there will be no salvation."

To put it bluntly, this is a threat from the party members to the emperor. If you don't touch the party ban, then don't blame us for conspiring with the Yellow Turban Army.And Liu Hong naturally knew it, so out of helplessness, Liu Hong did three things.

First: Lift the ban on the party, amnesty the party members, and return all migrants.

Second: allow clans and gentry from all over the country to recruit rebels to resist the Yellow Turban Bandits, and change the governor to be the governor of the state.

Third: let He Jin, a relative, be the general, mainly responsible for guarding the capital.

The emperor Liu Hong is not stupid, he naturally knows the purpose of the literati of the gentry.But now the Yellow Turbans are powerful, so they can only compromise.But since the gentry can't suppress it now, they can only rely on their own strength as much as possible. Taking this opportunity, Liu Biao, Liu Yan and others have established themselves in various places.

The last thing is to reuse the relatives, no matter what the relatives say, they are also Liu Hong's relatives, and they are much more reliable than ordinary people.Although He Jin's ability is not very good, there is no problem in guarding the capital.

The amnesty of party members caused a sensation among scholars all over the world.So it was obvious that they immediately organized an army and rushed to Zhang Jiao's Taiping Road.In the eyes of the gentry, the Taiping Dao is experience points, and Zhang Jiao is obviously a little passive for a while.

What the gentry did also proved what Zhi Yuan said to Zhang Jiao.In a fit of rage, Zhang Jiao ordered Zhang Bao to lead his men to capture Yingchuan and slaughtered many gentry.

Among them, the Yingchuan Chen family was massacred by Zhang Bao because he had an affair with Taipingdao, but soon betrayed Taipingdao later.I don't know if that bastard Chen Qun is dead or not, but if he really hangs up the paper kite, it's worth drinking a cup to celebrate.

Although it is unclear whether the current Chen Qun was born or not, I am afraid that his future experience will cause a relatively large shock.The eunuchs were the happiest when they saw Taipingdao tearing apart their faces with the gentry.

Not only saved his life, but even caused the gentry to suffer a big hidden loss.And those gentry also found that Zhang Jiao was completely out of their control.The two sides are fighting to the death, and tens of thousands of lives disappear every day on the land of the Central Plains.

Anyway, Zhang Jiao is still very smooth.In particular, Zhang Bao had already led part of the main force of the Yellow Turban Army to fight against Bo Cai and others. After annexing part of the Yingchuan gentry, their strength had greatly increased. Huangfusong had suffered several defeats in a row just after he came to Yingchuan.

ps: Dujiangyan is not bad. I have been eating and saving manuscripts for travel these days, and I can’t go on like this tomorrow.

Chapter 51: Incoming

"How's it going today?" Zhiyuan looked at Xi Zhicai who was sorting out nearby information.

Xi Zhicai sighed: "Not good... Sure enough, the girl's words were right. According to the news from the refugees who escaped recently, my hometown Yingchuan was captured by Taiping Road."

"As for you, girl who belonged to Anping Kingdom, now Anping Kingdom is gone, even in early February. It is said that King Anping was captured by people from Taiping Dao, and he is waiting for a ransom from the emperor."

Zhiyuan smiled lightly, and it was true.No matter what happens in the future, that old man will not come to make trouble for him.

But in the early days of the Yellow Turban Uprising, Pingyuan County was also quite chaotic.At the beginning, more than 1000 people stormed the city gate, because Zhiyuan himself had identified Taipingdao as a cult, so many nearby villages regarded Zhiyuan as an enemy.

But how capable a thousand peasants can be.After Tang Qi led more than 200 cavalry to charge and kill the leader, the rest were forcibly incorporated into the engineering brigade, so they would not make trouble everywhere if they had work to do.

The renovation of the first batch of houses in Pingyuan County has been completed, and civilians and soldiers from Pingyuan County moved in first.Although it was very chaotic outside for a month, it was relatively calm here in Pingyuan County.

Some refugees even asked Zhiyuan whether it is possible to plow in the spring near Pingyuan City.But this was denied by the kite, and I am afraid that there will not be many farming opportunities this year.

"How about the grain and the soldiers' weapons?" Zhi Yuan asked Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai took out a recorded bamboo slip, and said, "At present, there are more than 6 stones of grain and grass. Yuan Shu is quite trustworthy. In addition to the weapons used by [-] active soldiers, there are also supplementary knives in the warehouse." Eight hundred, one thousand long spears, three hundred bows and arrows, and about twenty thousand arrows."

"Among the soldiers in Pingyuan County, there are [-] archers, [-] cavalrymen, [-] infantrymen, [-] artisans and firemen in the army, and [-] medical soldiers."

The medical soldiers were created by paper kites, in order to reduce unnecessary casualties.In Zhi Yuan's view, people are valuable. After all, it is already a troubled world. When casualties are inevitable, it is always good to reduce the death rate.

Three months have passed, and the rules set by Zhi Yuan and the military training have begun to bear fruit.Although most of the soldiers had never seen blood, forming a simple phalanx was already very quick.

Just as the two of them were sorting out some recent project progress and the next development plan, a soldier came in to report back.

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