"But don't cause too many casualties, if possible, just kill the leader." Zhi Yuan said again.

But this time Cao Cao didn't express his opinion, but said to Zhi Yuan: "We don't count what we say, and... what Mr. Huangfusong said is right. After a farmer sees blood, he is no longer a farmer."

"They are all unstable factors, and the emperor's order has arrived, that is to kill them all!"

Zhiyuan remained silent, and Huangfusong came here the next day.The first thing he did was to scold Dong Zhuo, because Dong Zhuo went north against the emperor's will.

"Warrior is born without education! Gongwei (Zhu Jun) and we jointly signed a letter, accusing the new Zhonglang of not doing anything. Once this side falls, Luoyang will be in danger?"

"Fortunately, Miss Zhiyuan has some skills and is not chaotic in times of crisis. Otherwise, relying on the tens of thousands of people we brought, I'm afraid we won't be able to completely defeat Zhang Jiao in Guangzong."

Zhu Jun also nodded, and he was not polite to write a letter on the bamboo slips right now, and sent it to Luoyang quickly through the cavalry.

They will not deny Zhiyuan's contribution, after all, they are people of the same class, and Zhiyuan is still a junior, how could two adults take the credit for Zhiyuan.

On the contrary, because of Zhiyuan's support this time, no one will obliterate the credit of Liu Bei and others.After all, they were also responsible for capturing the flag first, wounding Zhang Liang, and killing tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers (bodies and headscarves).

No matter how bad Liu Bei is, he is also Lu Zhi's apprentice.Therefore, although the status is not very good, it can still be regarded as a person in the system.At least it is much more comfortable to use than Dong Zhuo's martial arts background.

When Zhu Jun learned that Zhang Jiao was supposed to be dead, he laughed three times... because everyone could see that the Yellow Turban Thief was just around the corner.Not only the interests of their gentry have been maximized, but the world has also been stabilized.

So when several people came together, since Zhang Jiaoxin was dead, let's take the opportunity to attack the city.After all, the morale of the Yellow Turban Army should not be high now. If you are lucky, you can win Guangzong in one go.

Zhi Yuan thought for a while and said, "I don't think we should send troops directly, because the underdogs will surely win... Now that Zhang Jiao is dead and attacking now, I'm afraid it will give those Yellow Turbans a chance to vent their anger, and I'm afraid they won't be able to win."

Huangfusong nodded, and then said to Zhiyuan: "Young lady is talented, but it's always good to test it out."

"The morale rises once, then declines, and then exhausts... I'm not afraid of those yellow scarf thieves venting, because their morale can no longer be improved after Zhang Jiao's death, it will only get lower and lower."

Zhiyuan stopped talking because she agreed with Huangfusong's words in her heart.After all, he is a person who has been fighting all the time, and his eyes are quite unique. Compared with him, Zhiyuan is nothing.

Soon Zhiyuan's team was recruited, it doesn't matter anyway, Zhiyuan doesn't expect anything from these teams.But Huangfusong and the others recruited only the Han army, and it was impossible for them to move the private soldiers that Zhiyuan brought from the plain.

Then Huangfusong personally commanded a group of township braves to attack the city.Sure enough, the Yellow Turbans resisted fiercely. The Han army suffered more than 2000 casualties after fighting for a whole day, and they didn't even attack the city.

In the evening, Huangfusong brought some people over again.Then he said to Zhiyuan, "I'm going to launch a surprise attack tonight, and Zhang Jiao is dead... After fighting all day today, their defense must be lax."

"Which one of you has the ability to register first?"

Liu Bei and Cao Cao stood up at the same time: "We!"

Zhiyuan doesn't plan to participate because it doesn't need to.After all, Zhiyuan has contributed too much, and this kind of battle is the same for others.

Otherwise, the credit is too great, and it is not a good thing to be targeted by the emperor.What if she was asked to marry that prince, Zhiyuan didn't dare to refuse this request, so she probably ran away in the end.

So... either Liu Bei or Cao Cao can go, because Huangfusong and Zhu Jun deserve the most credit, and Cao Cao and Liu Bei can also become famous in one battle.

Huangfusong glanced at Zhiyuan with some satisfaction, this woman is really good at life.He said to the kite: "I see that you have a good command, why don't you study with me for a while, and I will teach you how to arrange troops."

Zhi Yuan understood it as soon as she heard it, although she didn't like these two people, especially their massacre of unarmed civilians.

But learning is naturally good, because they are all generals who have played for a lifetime.

Zhiyuan hesitated for a while, then bowed to Huangfusong: "Apprentice Tang Zhiyuan has met the teacher..."

ps: Backing up the car on a business trip, so it’s fine to send them all together.

Chapter 88: The Yellow Sky Comes to an End

There's no way this is an exchange of interests. Although Zhiyuan wants to go her own way, she doesn't know many things.

Army command is a very important one, and this kind of confrontation is indispensable in ancient wars.

And the kite will charge, it's just a slap in the face.Whether it is offense or defense, a reasonable formation is one of the keys to determining victory.

Zhiyuan is not greedy for merit, so in exchange Huangfusong will give Zhiyuan some things.After all, Zhiyuan is a woman, even if she is powerful, so what.

Of course, it's not that they can't use it. After all, Tang Zhen and Huangfu Song are both ministers in the same palace, so it's not considered to be handed over to outsiders.During this period of time, Cao Cao occasionally received advice from Huang Fusong, but he was not accepted as an apprentice.

But this is not the main thing. After all, the attack tonight is what matters.

Huang Fusong said to Cao Cao and Liu Bei: "In this case, each of you will take 1000 people tonight and attack the city quietly from east to west. I will personally lead [-] elite troops. As long as you control the city wall, we will launch a general attack!"

It is a typical encirclement of three ques and one, but the remaining road is the cavalry led by Zhu Jun ambushing ten miles away.This evening has been properly arranged by Huangfusong, making Zhi Yuan feel more and more uncomfortable.

Because I'm afraid... a lot of people will die in this way, most of these people are old and weak, and the Han army doesn't care about their lives at all.

Zhi Yuan wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Cao Cao and Liu Bei looked at her directly.Zhiyuan could only sigh inwardly, and then stopped talking.

Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, Zhiyuan is a woman, not as good as these men, who have a decisive look.

Cao Cao cupped his hands to Liu Bei: "Xuande... Then tonight, let's see who climbs first."

Liu Bei smiled as well. Within a few months, he became friends with some middle and high-level military officers of the big man, which made Liu Bei feel that he was really lucky.

Today is October 8th, and there is only one new moon in the sky.Now there are almost [-] big men, and it is not difficult to pick out some people with good physique and no night blindness.

The time for the raid was chosen in the middle of the night, because this time is the deadliest time for people to sleep.Even if they didn't sleep, they were probably dozing off.

Liu Bei led people to the bottom of the city, and then quietly used the ladder made during the day to build it on the city wall.

The cries of women and the voices of children can be faintly heard within the city walls.Obviously, most of those near the city walls are ordinary farmers.

"This world... when will it be peaceful. That kite is right. It is true that civilians should not be allowed to suffer such unreasonable disasters."

"But if this troubled world is not ended as soon as possible, countless innocent people will die. So... Xuande, I'm sorry for you..." Liu Bei sighed inwardly, and then quickly climbed up to the city wall with his brothers.

When Liu Bei had just reached the city wall, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "The Han army is attacking the city!"

"The Han army is coming to attack!"

"Get up quickly, don't sleep!"

Liu Bei yelled directly: "Follow me, then jump onto the city wall, and hack the yellow turban soldiers who came over to death with their double-strand swords."

Liu Bei has long arms, and the double-pronged sword is almost like a big knife when swung.And there are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the two great killers, and there were no soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall here in less than 5 minutes.

On the other side, Cao Cao's speed was not slow either. Because of Zhang Jiao's death, most of the Yellow Turban soldiers had no morale.During the day, they played like crazy, but at night, they basically fell asleep.

Huangfusong immediately became excited when he saw the flames on the top of the city not far away.He yelled to his subordinates: "It's time to make contributions, go ahead!!!"

There is no need for too many formations at all, led by the captains of the various captains, divided into several groups and directly killed all the city walls.

The rest is time for massacres. There are too many Yellow Turbans in Guangzong, and there are more civilians... Once the chaos occurs, everyone is running to places where there are no people.

There is no Han army in the north of Wai San Que. Zhi Yuan came in Guangzong once. Because there are too many Yellow Turban soldiers, most of them live on the street.

Once the mess is over, the stampede thing starts to show up.The city gate to the north is only about three or four meters away, so it can withstand the impact of so many people.

As the first civilian failed to stand firmly, the people at the gate of the city fell in pieces, and were quickly swallowed by the people behind.

20 people...all crowded here, the first batch of people who fell, many of them were trampled to death without even screaming...their bodies were trampled to pieces in just a few minutes.

And the bodies of those who died tripped up more people.All of a sudden, the gate of the city was hell on earth, and not even one-tenth of the Yellow Turbans could escape.

In the chaos, Zhang Liang found his own army.When he led 2000 people to the gate of the city, there were more than [-] people because of trampling on the dead bodies, and they even raised the ground several meters.

Zhang Liang still had some skills, and immediately restrained his subordinates to shout together, and finally let the city gate gradually restore order.

But Zhang Liang himself felt a little sour when he saw the huge pile of minced meat.But now there is no way to recover, and we must leave as quickly as possible.

Originally, Zhang Liang planned to leave Guangzong. After Zhang Jiao died, he hoped to keep more of his subordinates alive, but what Zhang Liang didn't expect was that the Han army would attack so quickly.

I can't control much now, let's talk about it when I can run out.The combat effectiveness of the Han army was much stronger than their old and weak group, but there were still many young and strong among them, so Zhang Liang simply led these people to resist the Han army first and let more people pass through the city gate.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was an hour in the blink of an eye.During this hour, more than [-] people passed through the city gate.

A personal guard yelled at Zhang Liang: "General Rengong, please retreat... Otherwise, you really won't be able to escape."

Zhang Liang looked in the distance, it was Zhang Jiao's house, his hands shook, and finally nodded: "Let's go..."

There are too many Yellow Turbans in Guangzong City. Whether it is Liu Bei or Cao Cao, it is difficult to get close to this place until the crowd is cleaned up.So what is around here is just a small group of Han troops.

After Zhang Liang ran out of Guangzong with his men, he had only walked less than five miles before he heard the sound of someone shouting horses in front of him.Soon a group of Yellow Turban soldiers who ran out in front retreated back. An old man hugged a girl who had died a long time ago, and led hundreds of people to shout at Zhang Liang.

"General Rengong... The Han army has thousands of cavalry in front. General, don't go out... We are old, even if we die, we should be able to enter Huang Tian's world."

Zhang Liang saw the old man, and then looked back at Guangzong. "Old man... We didn't take you to build that Huangtian world when you were alive in this life, so even if you die, we will still bring you into that Huangtian world."

Zhang Liang smiled, and then said to himself: "Brother... We Huang Tian are getting together!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards without hesitation, and not far away were slaughtering the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army.

Chapter 89: The Yellow Sky Comes to an End

Although Zhang Liang tried his best to stop the cavalry of the Han army, the remaining soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army and countless civilians still did not end well.

Not far from Guangzong is the Yellow River. Because it was blocked by the cavalry of the Han army on the back road, 7 to [-] people started to run towards the Yellow River to the west.This is completely unconscious, a group of chaotic troops just ran there when there was no one there.

But this kind of unconscious scaring away completely killed them.Zhu Jun led the cavalry after breaking Zhang Liang's army and killing Zhang Liang.He followed the route directly and chased after him. In the early morning of the next day, Huangfusong also led people to meet Zhu Jun, and trapped more than 5 Yellow Turbans on the bank of the Yellow River.

The crying in the Yellow Turban Army was loud, after all, there are not many young and strong people who are still here in Guangzong.Most of the rest are women, elderly people, and a small number of children.

Zhu Jun looked at Huangfusong: "In the eyes of those people, they only look at us with hatred."

"Yes, and we must also set an example. If we let them go this time and rebel next time, where will the prestige of the Han Dynasty come from?" Huangfusong casually gave orders to his men, and tens of thousands of Han troops began to attack the five More than ten thousand Yellow Turban soldiers rushed to kill.

Zhiyuan didn't follow, because she couldn't bear it... Even Zhiyuan couldn't stop her, she was a girl after all, since Huangfusong and Zhu Jun came, Zhiyuan could only control herself to take two thousand men.

There is no way to change all this, so Zhiyuan can only choose to escape.She has tried her best, after all, she won't be like the mother bitch, doing things that she can't do at all, and finally offending everyone.

Although Zhiyuan didn't go to the battle, she wasn't in the tent either.Zhiyuan brought Pei Yuanshao to a high ground not far away, and watched all this from above.She just wants her subordinates to remember that this is the hatred between nobles and commoners.

The civilians in the Yellow Turban Army were crying... They had long since lost the courage to fight the Han army, and now the courage they still have is to commit suicide.Nearby is the Yellow River embankment. Because of the oppressive attack of the Han army, hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers still committed suicide by throwing themselves into the river.

Maybe there are some people who don't want to die, but the whole flow of people is like this, so countless people cried and jumped down at the Yellow River.

But there may have been crying at the beginning, but soon there was another voice in the crowd.That is the most famous folk song in the late Han Dynasty: hair like leeks, cut back to life.The head is like a chicken, and it sings again after cutting.Officials don't have to be feared, and ordinary people should never be taken lightly...

Yes, this folk song basically ran through the entire Yellow Turban Rebellion. Zhang Jiao also used this ballad to agitate the common people at the beginning.But now, when these civilians are dying, they have already regarded this nursery rhyme as their belief.

From ancient times to the present, as long as the common people on the land of the Central Plains have a bite to eat, there will be no rebellion.Only those who are forced to have no way out will raise their arms and call the world into chaos.

However, in the dynasties of the feudal society, there were several dynasties among which there were no civilian rebellions... In fact, the dynasty with the most rebellions was the Song Dynasty, which was blown out to be the richest. There were records in the Song Dynasty for more than 300 years Rebelled more than 400 times...

In order to maintain their own stability, the gentry and the imperial power did not care about the lives of civilians at all.Basically, in most dynasties, only when many people died after the founding of the country and land annexation was not serious in the decades can it be easier.

For these refugees and civilians, not to mention massacres, many times it has become the end of the fellow villagers using your head to lead the military.

"Why did the Yellow Turban Army fail? Because although they were well-organized, they didn't have anyone who could really fight. The elite of the Yellow Turban Army was only at the level of a villager."

"If you don't give weapons, civilians can become soldiers immediately. This training doesn't last for a year or two, and you can't pull it out at all."

"This is all the things I mentioned to you... There is another point, that is, you must have your own territory."

"The failure of the Yellow Turban Army was because they did not have any fixed land. Basically, as soon as the front foot left, the back was already occupied by the local officers and soldiers and the townspeople."

"Just like now, in addition to Guangzong, there is also Quyang in the north occupied by Zhang Bao. Are there other cities that the Yellow Turban Army can control? So when things subside, your primary goal is to cultivate the land!"

"With food in hand, don't panic, and expand the scope of your control step by step. And let more people understand and support our ideas, so that we can succeed."

"And only if we succeed... will the lives of common people get better, and you are all born as commoners. You must remember your identities in the future. If I find that you have become the same people as those gentry, then I will definitely He himself will judge you before the common people."

The following words were addressed to Pei Yuanshao, Tang Qi, Tang Bu, and other main forces of Zhi Yuan's subordinates.Pei Yuanshao couldn't stand it, but Zhi Yuan forced him to.Zhiyuan had tears in her eyes as she faced this tragic situation, but she had to tell her subordinates how to prevent her team from ending up like this.

Fifty thousand Yellow Turban soldiers threw themselves into the Yellow River and died. (There is no such thing as the Yellow River at this time. The Yellow River is called the river and the Yangtze River is called the river. I am too lazy to change it...) The Yellow River almost stopped flowing for a while.

In the end, the dead bodies were counted, and seven to eight thousand people were killed by the river, and all the rest drowned in the Yellow River.Hmm.....it took close to a week to count the bodies.More than 8000 people were trampled to death at the gate of the city, and many of them were so broken that it was impossible to tell if it was just one person who died.

Then there could be more than 3 killed by Zhu Jun's cavalry, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others.In the end, there were more than 5 people by the river... there were only a few thousand corpses, and the rest were all drowned.

The Yellow Turban Army had more than 20 soldiers in Guangzong, and the previous fight with Zhiyuan resulted in only 3 to [-] casualties.But in just these two days of fighting, [-] people died because of the Han army, and more than [-] prisoners were captured.

It is estimated that there are not even 5 people left who really escaped.This is really a big victory, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion has completely ended in this battle.

Then Zhu Jun ordered to kill all the dead heads and some of the more than 3 captives who had been captured, plus the heads of some Yellow Turban soldiers killed before, and made a human head view in front of Guangzong City.

View of the human head...a landscape invented by the Han Dynasty to intimidate others.This was done to the Xiongnu back then, and now it is just as cruel to our own people... [-] heads were placed in front of the Han army camp, and most of the corpses were thrown into the Yellow River.

Zhiyuan couldn't even sleep for the next few days, and it was the first time she saw so many dead people.Every head is complaining about this cruel era, human life is not even worth grass.

And Huangfusong and Zhu Jun, who created all this, were happily writing the memorial.Arrange the meritorious deeds of the people who have done meritorious service in this battle, and write all the battle situation on the bamboo slips, and send them to Luoyang for the emperor to check.

ps: The above plots are basically real history...

It's the end of the month...

If there are any extra tickets, I will give them away...

Update a novel of 135K words a month, I have worked so hard.

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