Zhang Baiqi next to her got a little nervous at this moment, and she said to Zhiyuan, "Sister... the plague is not easy to deal with, once you get infected, you will definitely die."

Pei Yuanshao also nodded and said that he was right. To be honest, the death and panic caused by the plague were much more terrifying than the consequences of war.

Zhi Yuan carefully thought about the disease prevention routines for future generations, and then said to Pei Yuanshao, "Go and have a look... maybe it can help."

"Hire some carriages nearby immediately, and then purchase lime, cloth, bitter wine (vinegar)...the more of these three things, the better."

"Master?!" Pei Yuanshao still wanted to persuade.

Zhi Yuan chuckled: "Don't worry, how dare I go if I don't have some skills? Since I plan to go, then I have the skills to control the epidemic."

"Besides, even Kong Rong and Hua Tuo have gone. If it is really a major plague, it may not be resolved within a few months."

"Bai Qi, help me write something later, and then hurry back to Pingyuan County. Qingzhou is not far from each other. Once the plague breaks out on a large scale, I'm afraid many places will be unavoidable."

"Too many people died in the turmoil last year, and many corpses were left in the wild. It is estimated that there will be more plague places in the spring."

Zhiyuan frowned, she did think about the plague situation last year, but she was too busy to forget.

When the two heard that a large-scale plague might break out, they were immediately frightened.But the girl Zhi Yuan seemed to know everything, which made them believe even more.

So they didn't hesitate, and Pei Yuanshao asked the soldier in front to accompany him to go shopping.As for the Confucian Mansion, they heard that this woman was going to help their master, so they directly greeted the butler of the Confucian Mansion, and dispatched a lot of carriages.

There's even a wizard prepared...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Teng County is not far from the country of Lu. Basically, in the afternoon of the next day, a group of people came to the border here.

Zhiyuan also had people make thousands of fabric-sewn masks in one night.This thing still has a certain effect, after all, it is good to be able to guard against it.

Then there are bitter wine and lime. Lime was used in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, but most of the time it was used to preserve the heads of enemies.

But in the event of large-scale plagues, especially those caused by dead people, lime is a very important sterilizing tool.After Zhiyuan told the function of these things, the people of Confucian Mansion generously helped to collect them, which made Zhiyuan have a good impression of the current Confucian Mansion.

In the end, I got more than 200 carriages piecemeal, and I traveled day and night and came over the next night.

All the corpses that can be seen on the roadside are all sprinkled with lime and then buried deeply.There are more than 300 corpses buried along the road, and many of them are fresh.

Here in Qingzhou, the battle between the Guanjun Xiangyong and the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army has not been interrupted. After all, the Yellow Turban Army does not produce food, so they can only loot everywhere during the spring.

Kong Rong was not far from the official road, and he did not enter Nateng County.Kong Rong still cherished his life. Although he brought many people to the epidemic area, he didn't dare to get too close.

Kong Rong was taken aback when he saw so many people coming, but there were still some people in the Confucius Mansion, so soon someone came to explain the situation.

When Kong Rong heard that Zhi Yuan was capable of controlling the epidemic, he instinctively didn't believe it.And the Kong family...only women and villains are difficult to raise, this sentence has far-reaching implications.

Kong Rong was a little annoyed, looked at the pile of things in the big altar and small jars and gave a "hum", then looked reluctantly at the paper kite not far away.

"Hey, isn't this a tiger girl? Why are you here? I heard that the emperor intends to get you into the harem as a female historian, why don't you hurry to Pingyuan County to receive the order, and come here to join in the fun."

"The plague won't see you as a weak woman, so it won't make you sick...it will be too late for regret."

Zhi Yuan scolded MMP inwardly, and then said to Kong Rong, "Kong Wenju, don't worry about this, even if you get sick, I won't get sick."

"I am a teacher from Mr. Wujiao. If it weren't for the suffering of the people, I wouldn't come to help. You don't even dare to enter Teng County, so why don't you let Yuanhua go in alone?"

In terms of hurting people, Zhiyuan's mouth is no worse than Fang's.Kong Rong's expression changed.Flushed with anger, he pointed at the kite and said, "I dare not go in? Good! Then what's the matter if I go in with you now!"

After speaking, Kong Rong strode towards Teng County, and his subordinates wanted to go over and drag him, but Kong Rong kicked him down. It was obvious that Kong Rong was really angry.

Zhi Yuan giggled, and then led someone to follow, and called a man from the Confucian Mansion.Handed him the mask and a spell to drive away the disease, and asked him to pass it on to Kong Rong.

Zhiyuan spent most of the night drawing talismans before she managed to wear them all. If a few Zhiyuan really died, she would feel a little sorry for them.

After Kong Rong got the things, although he glared at Zhiyuan fiercely again, he still put the things on his body obediently.After all, dying for the sake of integrity and dying miserably due to illness are not the same state at all.

Going south for another three or five miles, I saw the gate of Teng County.The gate is open here, and there are many groans around.The sound of chanting, and because Kong Rong brought a lot of bravery, this place has been completely blocked.

Kong Rong's plan was, if Hua Tuo and Hua Yuanhua could be saved, then he would save a few... If not, Kong Rong would never let anyone leave this Teng County.

Otherwise, Lu Guocheng will be unlucky at that time, and Kong Rong doesn't want his Kong family to be infected with the plague, isn't it?

There is a stall on the side of the road, where a lot of wormwood is ordered.Wormwood also has a certain bactericidal effect, and Hua Tuo has also done some work here.

Hua Tuo himself drank ginger water and some herbal medicines, so that he would not be infected before saving others.Many townspeople around are cooperating with Hua Tuo and are classifying some patients.

The ones that are too heavy can only be thrown together. Maybe those who are light can be saved, but some people who have a fever and are about to vomit blood can only be left to fend for themselves.

But this is not enough, real isolation must be achieved.The kite took a look at those who coughed up blood, either dark blood or pink foamy blood.

"Those who vomit blood are hopelessly hopeless. They have severe lung infection, pulmonary edema or tuberculosis. Those who can still talk, let them explain their last words, and then give them a quick answer."

"But remember, don't be contaminated by the opponent's blood, then cover the opponent's body with lime, and burn it with kerosene."

After Zhi Yuan finished speaking, everyone was stunned.Kong Rong pointed at the kite and scolded, "You woman has such a vicious heart! How could you kill someone just like that?"

Seeing that many people didn't understand Zhi Yuan's words, including Hua Tuo, he also frowned.Zhi Yuan could only explain: "If it's just a simple fever and cough, it means that the disease has just entered the body, and medicine can be used to treat it at this time."

"But if the person who has vomited blood, his body has been completely destroyed by the plague. And the liquid and blood sprayed out with the cough will bring the plague out of the body and infect more people."

"This kind of person really has no cure. Mr. Yuanhua has been here for a few days, so have you seen these people who vomit blood, has anyone survived?"

Hua Tuo thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "There is only one, but...but he is unconscious." After speaking, he pointed to a person not far away, a person who was lying on the straw mat without any reaction people.

Zhiyuan walked over, and then scratched the person's eyelids with her hand.It was found that the pupils of the eyeballs did not expand, and were even slowly turning.The kite waved its finger in front of this person, but the eyeballs did not follow the finger, which was meaningless.

Then Zhiyuan checked the knee jerk reflex and found that it was still there... Zhiyuan guessed that this person might have become a vegetable.Zhiyuan briefly talked about some things she knew, and finally said that if she disagreed with her, then put those who vomited blood in a room alone.

Quarantine is necessary, and Zhiyuan gave Hua Tuo another talisman and told him some of her abilities.Then there was disinfection and sterilization, and the whole city was completely sprinkled with lime brought by the paper kite.

Then the room where they were, all the rooms where the sick were, were all sprinkled with bitter wine.This kind of thing is still effective in sterilizing bacteria, and Zhiyuan estimates that it will have some effect in the next few days.

All the sick people were divided into rooms according to their severity to rest. Although there were various strange smells in the air, a Taoist said that this thing could control the plague, and most people still chose to believe it.

In the evening, Zhi Yuan asked his subordinates to find an unowned corpse that had died from vomiting blood due to the plague, but had no relatives.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Zhiyuan does is planing, and Zhiyuan is very courageous now.

Of course, doing this kind of thing in the Han Dynasty is still prone to accidents. After all, this is also desecrating a corpse.

But Hua Tuo himself had actually dissected corpses on weekdays, and even tasted what brains taste like.So when Cao Cao had a headache later on, didn't Hua Tuo come for a third company.

Hey yo... this brain... needs to be opened.

Hmm...no more.

Therefore, in Zhi Yuan's view, Hua Tuo is a true doctor, who can do anything to cure diseases.

After all, at the end of the Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo was the only one who could understand the structure of the human body.After all, Mafeisan is not a sleeping pill to make you sleep, and there is even a chestnut that Hua Tuo underwent tumor surgery in Hua Tuo's biography.

Even if Zhi Yuan died, this kind of person couldn't let Cao Cao kill him again.If the contribution of medicine to mankind can be carried forward, it will save more than tens of millions of people?

So Zhiyuan didn't get as many people, and got a few unowned corpses.They also called Hua Tuo and Kong Rong to come over together, as long as they analyzed the condition of the patient's lungs, they would know why Zhi Yuan would say such things.

Hua Tuo really didn't care about dissecting the corpse, but what Zhi Yuan didn't expect was that Kong Rong didn't care either.With an expression of disbelief, Kong Rong said to Zhiyuan, "I just wanted to see, can you still find the flowers?"

Kong Rong's character is not as well-behaved as Rang Li's when he was a child. Now Kong Rong is very rebellious, and I don't know if he is in the second year of middle school.

There were only three of them in a room except for three or five assistants. Zhi Yuan first bowed to the corpse, and then recited some Taoist mantras and Buddhist heart scriptures.

After all, no matter what, the opponent's corpse was still to be used, so Zhiyuan still had to respect it.But Hua Tuo couldn't stop nodding when he saw it, as it should be...

Then Zhiyuan asked someone to break open the chest and ribs of the corpse, and break them off in two sections.A lung full of liquid appeared in front of several people, perhaps because the person died not long ago, so the color of the blood was not too dark.

Hua Tuo looked at it: "Is this the lung infection that the girl said?"

Zhiyuan nodded: "This should be due to pulmonary edema caused by a lung infection. There are also nodules here, and they have completely destroyed the function of this person's lungs."

"For people who are coughing up blood, there is really nothing we can do. And because their lungs are damaged by the plague, every breath they take will be very painful."

Kong Rong pointed to the location of the lungs, and then asked, "That means this place controls our breathing?"

"That's right... When we breathe, there will be some special gases. And our body needs these special things, and this lung absorbs them through our breathing, so we can live."

"So when a person's mouth and nose are blocked, they die very quickly, because we can't breathe and we die."

Kong Rong didn't taunt this time, but pointed to the place below curiously: "What is this?"

"This is the heart...it is responsible for sending blood from our body to the extremities."

"Hey, hey... Yuanhua, what are you going to do?" Zhiyuan suddenly noticed that Hua Tuo had taken off the mask, and made a little pus from the corpse's lungs with his hands, apparently planning to taste it.

"This can't be eaten...it contains a lot of plague, Yuanhua, if you want to die, I think it's better to take poison." Zhi Yuan was speechless.

Hua Tuo did not try, but asked a question: "Then how did the girl know that there is a plague here?"

"Since the girl said earlier that we breathe something to survive, does that also mean that the plague is also an invisible thing?"

This is really hard to explain. Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "It's true that we can't see them, because those things are too small. If there is a device that can zoom in, maybe we can see those bacteria and viruses."

A high-power magnifying glass, how to make this thing... Zhi Yuan looked at Kong Rong and asked, "Do you have a larger crystal at home?"

If the paper kite doesn't work, let the craftsman see if he can make a convex lens. Of course, even if it is made, it is probably a magnifying glass, not a microscope...

However, some high-magnification magnifying glasses can barely see some things.Zhiyuan asked Kong Rong, and after Kong Rong thought about it, his curiosity made him order his men to go back and search for it.

And Zhiyuan didn't waste this corpse, basically everything that could be dissected was dissected, and Hua Tuo also disassembled a few parts by himself. Tell each other everything you know.

After almost tossing all night, the eyes of several people were red the next day.The kite's isolation policy has already had an effect. The entire Teng County has not yet had thousands of people infected with the plague, and there were only more than 50 people who became ill that night.

You must know that the number of cases in the past few days has hundreds every day, and more and more.After the patient is isolated alone, the chance of being infected in just one night has been greatly reduced.

For the milder ones, and those who just got sick, Hua Tuo boiled medicine to drink, and Zhiyuan also made some talisman papers that can improve their abilities, burned them and fed them to everyone.

The spells in this world do have effects, but unfortunately not many people know how to use them.

There are also nearly 3000 people in Teng County. Excluding more than [-] people who have died of serious diseases, the death rate of the remaining people is greatly reduced.Zhiyuan also respected the wishes of some people who really couldn't be cured, and put them to quick death.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to revive him after a few days, and he would suffer even greater pain.Kong Rong refused to do this at first, but after seeing the tragic situation of those people behind him, he could only give the other party a happy result.

Although Hua Tuo hoped to be able to dispense medicines to treat those seriously ill, he simply didn't have time now.After all, if you can save those who have just been infected, their survival rate will be higher.

There is no way around this. Under ancient conditions, if the kite hadn't made some sterilizing things, the death rate might have been higher.

Just like this, several people have been busy for another whole month, and everyone, including Zhiyuan, lost more than ten catties...

And the plague in Teng County did not continue to expand, which made them very happy.However, several soldiers who followed were infected with the plague, and one of them died as a result.

This made Zhiyuan very sad, and in less than two months after being brought out, a subordinate who was loyal to her died.Although the other party didn't mean to blame him in the end, it also made Zhiyuan very uncomfortable.

Then Zhiyuan hoped that Hua Tuo could go to Pingyuan and set up a school to teach other people the skills of surgery.And give Hua Tuo money and medicinal materials to support Hua Tuo's research.

Therefore, Kong Rong also provided three large crystals, because he was also very curious about unknown things.

But soon... Kong Rong's weird thinking made Zhi Yuan stay away from him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After there were no deaths and no new cases in Teng County, a group of people couldn't help but cheer.

Although there is no crown now, it is a very happy thing anyway.Zhiyuan asked people to send a lot of spirits from the plain, because Kong Rong planned to celebrate.

Anyway, Kong Rong was rich, so he directly gave Zhi Yuan hundreds of thousands of dollars, asking her to bring some good wine from Pingyuan.Zhi Yuan didn't refuse either, after all, it wasn't much, and it didn't affect Yuan Shu's big head.

Although almost every family in Teng County wears mourning, it is better than all dead.We must know that in the outbreak of plague in ancient times, one death and one city abound.

In addition, a few people did run back and forth, and rescued many civilians.So the prestige of the three of them in Teng County was quite good, which made Kong Rong secretly happy for a long time, so they finally decided to travel for a banquet.

It can be regarded as having fun with the people... The literati of this era are somewhat chivalrous, and very few think that they have a high status and do not like to contact the common people.

In fact, you can look at the evaluations of those people during the Three Kingdoms period. Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shu, etc., all have chivalrous evaluations.

Kong Rong got a lot of livestock, all of which were beheaded and distributed to the villagers of Teng County. Although one person didn't get much, the reputation of the Kong family became more and more famous.

Everyone likes spirits, even Hua Tuo drank a lot.Kong Rong, who had drunk too much, didn't know where to go, so Zhi Yuan told Hua Tuo about her affairs.

Hua Tuo was stunned: "I've been with you for the past few days, and I don't think you look sick."

"It can't be seen from the surface. I also asked someone to look at it. That person said it was a hidden disease. And he couldn't see what the disease was. He said that only Yuanhua can know it." Zhiyuan said.

Hua Tuo didn't care, and grabbed Zhiyuan's hand to check his pulse, and then he also concluded that the paper kite seemed to have folded prematurely.

"Maybe it's because of the lack of yang that you didn't come to Tiankui. After all, you may have lost Yuanyang in your body due to that early collapse."

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