Many of his subordinates immediately shouted promises, and Zhi Yuan led the people away from the north gate of the town.But when the kite just arrived at the north gate, four or five tripping ropes suddenly protruded from the ground!

Nearly a hundred soldiers were tripped by the tripping rope at once, but the kite jumped out quickly anyway, and killed more than a dozen nearby people who were manipulating the tripping rope.

Jia Xu's horse near Zhi Yuan also fell down, but Zhi Yuan quickly pulled him away from the horse.But it may be because Jia Xu's head was hit accidentally, and he passed out directly.

"It's been tricked!" Zhi Yuan suddenly became very calm. She looked at the fallen soldiers and said to them.

"The enemy's target is me. Take off your armor and hide in a nearby camp. The other party will not deal with you."

A soldier's leg was broken, but he endured the pain and shouted to the kite: "Master, we can help master resist for a while, master leave as soon as possible."

Zhiyuan glanced at Wang Tao in front of him: "You take the injured people and hide them immediately. There are more than 3000 people on the other side and you don't even have horses. Stop it!"

"Don't die, wait until we all survive, and then slowly settle accounts with each other!"

Zhi Yuan led the remaining 400 people to run directly north, followed by more than 3000 soldiers.

Just when Zhiyuan was about to enter the dense forest, Zhiyuan suddenly saw some figures moving in the dense forest.

And on the road ahead, I also saw thousands of infantry intercepting myself.

"Very good! It seems that you really want to kill me..." Zhiyuan gritted her teeth, took out a magic talisman from her body, and then said a few incantations, and said "Urgent!" directly in the direction of the forest.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind on the flat ground, the power of the gust of wind was very strong, and the sand and stones were rolled up like a sandstorm.Zhiyuan shouted to his subordinates: "Follow this windward wall and rush into the woods!"

There were indeed quite a few soldiers in the woods, and when those soldiers saw Zhiyuan approaching, they planned to shoot their bows and shoot arrows.But then they were blown by a gust of wind, either they were blinded or the arrows they shot were blown back, causing the team to be in chaos for a while.

At this time, Zhi Yuan directly led the cavalry under him to kill them.

Chapter 260 IX: Encircled and Suppressed

The infantry near the woods were crushed by the cavalry led by Zhiyuan in one charge.Even before the cavalry arrived not far away, at least 600 people could be killed.

Infantry who don't even have shields against cavalry at close range basically have no chance of winning.Seeing that the cavalry of the opponent was almost approaching, Zhiyuan blew a whistle and disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

"Damn! You bastards! More than 3000 people with bows and crossbows can't stop that woman's hundreds of people!" A general of the gentry cursed, he couldn't imagine how the opponent escaped in such a world-wide net.

As for what is affected by the strong wind, the long-distance cavalry can't even see it.And... even if these people said it, the generals of the gentry would not believe it.

"Everyone enter this forest for me, I must find and kill them, otherwise you will die!" The general waved his horsewhip, and then drove his men into the forest to look for Tang Zhiyuan.

But to be honest, after entering this kind of jungle, although the other side can still see it, because there are too many trees, it is not easy for either side to move forward.Zhiyuan led people around a circle first, and divided dozens of her own subordinates out.

"Because the other party is near the jungle, you immediately go to the plain to deploy troops. This time is not an easy matter. The other party can mobilize tens of thousands of people to encircle and suppress me, and the plain has not responded at all. This is not normal!"

Zhi Yuan thought a lot for a while, such as whether Tang Tian had an accident, or whether Liu Bei betrayed her.

But with the useless troops not far away, it's impossible to think about it... If Zhiyuan doesn't need many cavalry now, and can have [-] cavalry, it can beat the opponent out of shit.

Obviously, most of the people are Xiangyong family members of the gentry, and their abilities are just that, but since they can form a siege around themselves silently, at least it means that in Pingyuan County, some officials have covered the other party and betrayed themselves .

So Zhiyuan didn't intend to let the other party go, as long as the army from the plain came over, it would be a matter of minutes to kill these people.

So Zhiyuan started a guerrilla fight with the opponent directly, and Zhiyuan's subordinates also stayed in Xiangping for a year, so everyone is very good at fighting in the mountains.

As for the soldiers of the gentry, after entering the jungle, many people could not tell the difference between the south, the south, and the north.Then about an hour passed, and more than 1000 people were killed by Zhi Yuan and the others.

The casualties on Zhiyuan's side were pitifully small...only more than 100 casualties.Although Zhiyuan also feels distressed, she still intends to entangle her.

Soon the opponent's morale collapsed, and the gentry general asked those people to chase Zhiyuan, and none of his subordinates dared to go too deep.In the end, the gentry general gritted his teeth and led the people back to an open space with a wider view.

"Get out of here, bitch, if you have the ability to challenge me one-on-one... She is evasive like a coward. I thought the tiger girl was so powerful, but now it looks like a mouse!"

He really couldn't catch the kite, so the general could only use aggressive methods to see if he could fool the kite out.

Zhiyuan sneered secretly, and asked her subordinates to prepare their bows and crossbows.She led someone to a place about fifty steps away from the other party, and then shouted at the other party: "I'm right here, do you dare to come over?"

Then Zhiyuan made a gesture, and more than 100 people directly faced the general, which was a round of arrows.

The other party also saw someone shooting an arrow, so he ran behind a tree without hesitation.Then the bow and arrow almost missed his position just now, which made this buddy so scared that he wanted to pee out.

And at this time, his heart finally retreated.If it continues like this... If someone on the plain finds out, it will be too late for them to run again.

So the general seemed to have made up his mind to retreat, but just when he turned around to say something.Suddenly there was a "click", and then the general felt his body go numb, and then passed out directly.

"OY..." Zhiyuan chuckled, and then threw aside the Lightning Charm that had just been consumed in her hand.

Seeing his general fell, the other party became even more confused.A few loyal servants carried the general and ran outside, while Zhi Yuan and her men began to harvest the enemy.

Hmm... Many people surrendered directly, but Zhiyuan has no time to deal with these people.But at this moment, there was a sound of people turning their backs on their backs from outside the jungle.

And a loud voice came: "Princess hold on, Zhang Yide from Yan is here!"

Zhiyuan made a beautiful expression, and then ordered his subordinates to gather the enemy's prisoners.These people would not be killed, but the kite would definitely not let them have a good time.

Although most of these soldiers were slaves, since they attacked him, they also killed many of his subordinates.Then re-educate while doing hard work...

The three Liu Bei brothers were indeed outside, and he was supposed to be patrolling in this direction today.Many people know Zhiyuan's itinerary, so Liu Bei plans to come over to greet her.

But suddenly someone reported to him that the wine transported from Erlong Mountain was actually robbed by more than 1000 bandits.This made Liu Bei directly take people back to suppress the bandits, after all... those drinks are all money, and he has been suppressing bandits in the plains for more than a year...

For more than a year, there were still bandits fighting against him. It must be too embarrassing for Zhiyuan to hear about it.As a result, after Liu Bei took people there, he found that it was a group of mobs. Although they were bandits, they were simply fooled over.

The other party didn't even know that the convoy they robbed was the Tang family's liquor convoy, but they heard that it was just an inconspicuous family, and there would be no serious consequences if they robbed it.

So the head of the family planned to leave here after making a vote. After all, Qingzhou's management is getting stricter, but he didn't expect to shoot directly.

At this time, Liu Bei also felt a little strange, but he still asked his subordinates to arrest those people.Hmm... Liu Bei still couldn't bear to kill all these bandits, so he just asked someone to guard them.

He led the cavalry to Jizhou to pick up Zhiyuan, and after walking for a while, he saw the cavalry sent by Zhiyuan.Liu Bei directly understood what happened, and then ordered people to rush over quickly.

Of course...Liu Bei left the infantry behind and took those bandits seriously. Now he suddenly felt that these people might not be bandits.

Soon... After an afternoon, both the fighting and the cleanup were over.Liu Bei arrested more than 4000 opponents, and the rest either died or ran away in the chaos.

But Zhiyuan had a cold face at this time, because she found out that all the soldiers she left in the small town in front of her were killed...including the man named Wang Tao.

According to the confessions of some captives, someone reported... and then they were surrounded by hundreds of infantry.Although those people fought at a high level, they were all outnumbered and killed in the end.

Zhi Yuan really gritted her silver teeth, and said to Jia Xu, who had bandaged her head and had come to her senses, "Give me three days, I want to know who did it!"

Chapter 270: My Yunmei!

Jia Xu, it really didn't play a role, because he was hit in a daze from the beginning.But Jia Xu was also angry, she almost fell down.

If it weren't for Zhiyuan's quick hands, it would be difficult to say whether the current self would be alive.After cursing a few words, he covered his head with his hands and said, "There are only two possibilities, Qingzhou gentry and Jizhou Yuan Shao."

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment: "And Yuan Shao?"

Jia Xu said "Yes": "There must be, and I guess it's probably Yuan Shao. After all, the person who knows our course of action best is Yuan Shao."

"And most of the merchants in this town are from Yuan Shao."

"I reckon...the attack on us in the town was probably just a careless move by the gentry. Maybe they thought they could kill the lord with a surprise attack, otherwise why didn't they wait until the cavalry arrived."

"So the only person who revealed the route of the main road is Yuan Shao, and the ones who attacked the Lord must be the Qingzhou gentry. The Lord can take this opportunity to clean up a group of people. This is a good opportunity to do it."

"The princes of the world may invade and kill each other. Now the problem of the gentry is the most serious problem in Qingzhou."

What Jia Xu said was right, Zhi Yuan also nodded.Of course...the primary purpose is to investigate, and at this time, Zhiyuan still plans to meet Liu Bei first.

Because Zhiyuan has a lot of things to talk to Liu Bei... the first thing to bear is the Xuzhou issue.Now that it is safe, Zhiyuan can easily ask for some recent information about Xuzhou.

The Battle of Xuzhou had just begun, Tang Tian got the news and told Zhi Yuan shortly after Cao Song was killed.It also took Cao Cao three months from preparation to the start of the march.

This period of time was also when Zhiyuan was in Goguryeo, so now that Zhiyuan has just returned... the battle in Xuzhou has only just begun.

Is Tao Qian weak?He thought he was not weak, and even personally led someone to fight against Cao Cao.Many people think that Cao Song was not killed by Tao Qian, but at this time...Tao Qian's army is in Taishan County within Yanzhou.

Where did Cao Song live before?Langya Kingdom... Langya Kingdom is under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou.But Taishan County is not, this is the territory of Yanzhou.You said that you, Tao Qian, personally brought 5 to [-] people from Xiapi to Taishan County. Could it be that you sent Cao Song off?

Even if you are sending Cao Song off, why did Tao Qian occupy a county of Cao Cao yourself?Earlier, he invaded Peiguo County with some names and was beaten back by Cao Cao. Now he led [-] to [-] people to occupy Cao Cao's Taishan County, and killed Cao Cao's father.

It is simply tolerable or unbearable, this old thing is very bad.So Cao Cao led about [-] elite soldiers, basically the largest number he could bring out.

After all, his own father died, how could Cao Cao bear it.The two sides fought in Lu State in Yanzhou, and because Cao Cao belonged to the mourning army, his men were angry and moved forward to defeat Tao Qian.

Zhi Yuan actually went to the location of Lu State once... It was only a few days away from her plain, which is now Kong Rong's hometown.Of course, this is Cao Cao's land now, so no matter how ruthless Cao Cao is, it is impossible to slaughter this place.

Cao Cao soon went south, and sent his confidant Xiahou Dun to lead three thousand elite soldiers to recover Taishan County.Tao Qian was defeated, and only 5 of the 2 people escaped.However, Tao Qian did not return to Xiapi, but retreated to Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is now Xuzhou. Xuzhou in ancient times was a very large area, and the main city of Xuzhou was in Yecheng at that time.Well... A few years ago, Tao Qian moved the capital of Xuzhou from Yecheng to Xiapi.

But there are also many people in Pengcheng, after all, it is the county town of the county country.After Tao Qian arrived here, he was also relatively supported by the local gentry, so soon Tao Qian organized more than 4 people.

And Cao Cao will soon arrive in Pengcheng. After all, Cao Cao is targeting Tao Qian this time, and Cao Cao can't swallow this breath unless he is killed.

Compared with history, Cao Cao doesn't have too many worries now.After all... Lu Bu and Wang Yun have controlled Chang'an now, unlike in the original history, they were beaten out to wander around, and finally attacked Cao Cao's hometown.

But Niu Fu's tens of thousands of Xiliang troops suddenly disappeared... Even when Lu Bu sent people to occupy the checkpoint later, they couldn't find where they were.This made Chang'an very strange. Could it be that the other party scattered and fled?

The gentry here in Yanzhou was also cleaned up by Cao Cao. After all, all the princes and warlords must ensure that their troops are not controlled by the gentry.In other words, Er Yuan was too powerful within the gentry, so he received the most support.

Of course, having said so much, it means that Cao Cao will never stop so easily this time.If he doesn't avenge the killing of his father, Cao Cao will never let it go!

But now Zhiyuan was looking at Liu Bei with strange eyes.There is not only weirdness in the eyes, but also a hint of envy...

As mentioned earlier, Liu Bei left the infantry to guard the prisoners, so Hua Xiong did not come.But this time, besides the three brothers, there was a fourth general who came with Liu Bei.

This person has a beautiful and handsome appearance, according to some descriptions, his face is like a crown and his eyes are like stars.The height is about 1.7 meters to 1.8 meters, and the figure is also very well-proportioned.

Especially looking at his age, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a white robe and silver armor... holding a silver-colored iron spear in his hand.

Zhiyuan doesn't believe in luck, but now she's on a horse... So Zhiyuan's expression is very weird, she looks Liu Bei up and down, as if she is looking at a monster.

Liu Bei looked confused, and Zhang Fei next to him asked, "Girl?! Does my brother have flowers on his face?"

Zhiyuan interrupted that strange expression, then sighed... "Xuande, if I say that you have the aura of a real dragon, would you believe me?"

After saying this, Liu Bei and the four people behind him were all stunned.Among them, Zhang Fei was a little excited, while Guan Yu and the other person were a little pensive.

Liu Bei's face was a bit ugly, because he knew the meaning of Zhi Yuan's words.So Liu Bei suddenly felt that he might not be staying in the plains until the end...

Zhiyuan sighed, and then said to several people: "Come with me, this is not a place to talk..."

"By the way, this new brother is Zilongba?"

The young man was also taken aback for a moment, because he had only been in Qingzhou for a month, and he was moved by Liu Bei's love for the people in Pingyuan, so he directly took refuge in him.

But the first time this woman saw her, she called out her name.It is usually heard that Princess Xiangping has Taoism, but now it seems that it is indeed true.

"Reporting to the princess, I am indeed Zilong..." This person was still very respectful to Zhiyuan.

But then Zhiyuan still sighed, and MMP in her heart.After all, Zhiyuan went to Youzhou twice because she wanted to find Zhao Yun who was in the wild.

Unexpectedly, Yunmei still ran under Liu Bei's hands...

Chapter 270: Liu Bei's Vow

A group of people came to a temporary camp, and then Zhiyuan looked at Liu Bei who had a strange expression, and suddenly smiled...

Her smile stunned everyone, but Zhiyuan quickly stopped laughing, and then looked at a few people: "Sit down first, you can just listen to what I have to say later. "

None of them said a word, they moved a chair and sat in front of Zhiyuan.Then Zhiyuan said to Liu Bei: "I am a Taoist priest after all, many things...may be fate."

"From the first time I saw Brother Xuande, I knew that you were bound to do something great. Don't be kidding me, among all the princes, Er Yuan is the least likely to make things happen..."

"But there are some things I can't say... It won't work if I say it. But when it comes to feeding the common people and breaking the monopoly of the gentry, I dare say that no one can do it better than me."

The three Liu Bei brothers were naturally deeply touched by this point, so they all nodded their heads involuntarily.

Zhiyuan sighed again: "So I hope Brother Xuande will help me once, at least before I fail, don't betray me, can I?"

"I said that you have some destiny. You are not the only one who has destiny in this world. And the perennial chaos will consume the last breath of vitality after the fall of the big man, and make the Central Plains land uneasy for a hundred years."

"So no matter what happens in the future, I, Tang Zhiyuan, will never treat you badly. If the world can really achieve what I want in the future, I can guarantee that my brother can crack the soil and become king!"

"I can't say many things...but what I say to you, you can only understand but not express. What I want is not a divided country, but a truly powerful regime."

Liu Bei suddenly understood something, and he said to Zhiyuan: "If the girl gets the destiny in the future, I will never betray..."

Zhiyuan smiled and shook her head: "Destiny? I won't take that step. What is the difference between that kind of life and a prison for me? In the future, you will definitely be the ones who will manage the country...but the ones who sit in that position people."

"It's definitely not me!"

Before Liu Bei and the others could express their views again, Zhi Yuan said again: "From today onwards, Xuande, you are no longer Prime Minister Pingyuan. I will write a letter to the Son of Heaven, appointing Brother Xuande as Xuzhou Shepherd!"

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