But at least it can burn violently, which can cause an explosion.The kite estimated that a very large amount of medicine might be needed to blow up a section of the city wall.

Then the kite dug a big hole under the city wall so that tunnels could be dug during the siege.During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, this method was used to attack the towns of the Qing army, and it also had a good effect.

Zhiyuan poured out all the gunpowder and made a relatively thin big iron can.Pour all the medicine inside, and then seal the outside mouth with mud.

Then Zhiyuan made a short piece of thick incense as a fuse, simply fixed it under the city wall, and then crushed it to death with stones outside. "Okay, although I don't know if it will explode, but just to be on the safe side, it's better for us to retreat farther away."

From Zhiyuan's point of view, the explosion of this thing might not be as loud as the dust explosion she made back then.However, it may also be because the quantity is relatively small. During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, to blow up the city gates and walls, they were all packed in coffins.

After Zhiyuan led the people back a long way, she waited quietly.It's impossible to determine the time, but Zhiyuan didn't dare to rush over to check.Even if there really wasn't an explosion, the kite would have to wait at least an hour or two before checking.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, many people may die.

But it seems that it is still more face to Zhiyuan, and it is only time for a cup of tea... There was a very dull explosion sound, but Zhiyuan clearly felt the ground shaking slightly.

The city wall did collapse, but only a small part, about half a meter.But the dust was very heavy, and the paper kite waited for a long time for the dust to disperse.Zhiyuan went over to check it a bit, and found that the iron can was not blown apart, it seemed that the huge airflow and shock wave collapsed the city wall.

"Hmm... It seems that I should also have someone prepare a coffin." Zhiyuan muttered.

Chen Dao still had a cold look, although he did look at the slightly twisted tin can with some curiosity.

Chapter 310: Two Secrets

Almost a few more months have passed, and it is almost New Year's time.Liu Bei brought tens of thousands of people to the plain. Of course, among the tens of thousands, only seven or eight thousand were Liu Bei's army, and the rest were Mi Zhu's caravan.

Zhiyuan still had credibility, and Mi Zhu also knew that the other party must be rich.And coupled with the manufacturing process of wine and oil, it was indeed enough for Mi Zhu to come over in person.

Mi Zhu even heard that there were not many soldiers in Qingzhou, so he brought about [-] soldiers with him, intending to trade with Zhiyuan.

But this time when Liu Bei came, he still had a lot of entanglements in his heart.Because the meaning of the kite is to let Liu Bei come to Qingzhou to discuss matters, which is absolutely unusual...

Liu Bei directly pulled everyone on his side over, and then showed Zhi Yuan's order to them. Some people thought it didn't matter, while others thought it was meaningful.

Xu Shu coughed first: "My lord, since Princess Xiangping has resisted this incident in Qingzhou, she must be planning to take revenge."

"My lord is from Princess Xiangping's influence, so the other party must think of you first. And if my guess is correct, the princess wants to talk to you, lord, so that you can truly become her influence."

"After all, so long ago, most of the relationship between you was cooperative. Even though the lord stayed in the plain for several years, the other party never forced the lord to join."

"But I'm afraid it won't work now, because the enemy is too powerful. Whether it is Yuan Shao or Cao Cao, who has broken up now, the princess has to mobilize all her strength."

"This also means...My lord, you have to make a choice. Become a real general under her command, or break away from the opponent's separatist regime."

Liu Bei nodded: "My guess is the same, that's why I called everyone over to see how to answer...do you want to go to Pingyuan in person?"

When Liu Bei said this, everyone fell silent and began to think.Among Liu Bei's subordinates, some people thought Zhiyuan was good, so naturally some hated it.

Among the hated people, the most important is another adviser under Liu Bei, Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong.Why doesn't he like it?Because he is from a serious noble family, he is naturally very disgusted with Zhiyuan's approach.

However, because he knew Liu Bei's friendship with the other party, Chen Deng thought about it and said to everyone: "No matter how powerful the princess is, she is just a woman. The lord has defected to the past, and the princess will marry Yuan Shu in the future. Isn't it true that our territory is all surnamed?" Yuan?"

This kind of thinking is perfectly normal. Speaking of which, many people think this way about Zhiyuan.After all... You have to marry even if you are powerful, and if you marry the land you control, isn't it all your dowry?

This is one of the main reasons why few people can take refuge in paper kites, and it is very realistic.

Hua Xiong laughed: "That woman? If that woman really marries Yuan Shu, do you believe that Yuzhou's surname is Tang, not Qingzhou's surname Yuan. That woman is too scheming, and she will never give up her territory just because she gets married. .”

This is also true, and the rest nodded.Then at this time Zhang Fei suddenly laughed: "No matter what you do, I don't think you should betray others and separate Xuzhou."

"We have known that tiger girl for seven or eight years, and she has been really good to us in these seven or eight years. To put it bluntly, if it weren't for that woman, how could we have so many territories now?"

Guan Yu on the side also nodded and said: "Brother's ambition is clear to me. If you don't want to be attached to the princess, we can simply hang the seal and seal the gold. This Xuzhou is gone..."

"Where my brother wants to go, we brothers will go together. As for the other things, I think what the third brother said is right. The princess is kind to us, and we can't be unjust to the princess."

Zhao Yun was not familiar with Zhi Yuan, but he remembered that the woman seemed to be able to do divination, which was obviously a little unfathomable, so after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

Both Mi Zhu and Xu Shu also said a few words, which roughly meant to respect Liu Bei's choice.After expressing the attitudes of several people, it still depends on Liu Bei's own choice in the end.

Liu Bei thought about it carefully, and finally sighed: "I once promised Miss Zhiyuan that I would not turn my back on her until she was defeated. Since the three of us believe in benevolence and righteousness, I will take you to Pingyuan to have a look."

"However... based on our ability, even if the other party really wants to annex us, at least the conditions will not be low?" Liu Bei knew clearly in his heart that if he disagreed with the past, Zhiyuan might not be the first. Kill yourself.

And it was very hard for me to leave such a foundation, and I was really reluctant to abandon it.So it's better to go to Pingyuan to see what the princess wants to do.

Of course, Mi Zhu must do business, so after deciding to go to Qingzhou, tens of thousands of people acted together.And Chen Deng thought about it, and planned to go there... He wanted to mess up this matter, after all, he represented the interests of the gentry.

When a group of people returned to Pingyuan, Liu Bei couldn't help sighing: "To be honest... I have stayed in many places, but a place full of vitality like Pingyuan is indeed very comfortable..."

"Back then I led a group of farmers to farm, and I don't know how many people welcomed me." Liu Bei looked at the soldiers around him, many of whom were from the plains.

So Liu Bei waved his hand, and went out to visit relatives and friends without causing trouble for three days off alone.Then he took people to meet Zhiyuan, and Zhiyuan had already prepared a banquet for them.

The few people have been friends for many years, and a group of people can let go, Zhi Yuan drags them to drink one by one, of course... this is the last time to drink strong alcohol.

Zhiyuan had agreed in advance that from tomorrow all the places under her jurisdiction would ban food and wine, and the wine that had already been produced would be sealed.Alcohol was only produced on a small scale in case it was needed for war.

Alcohol is only allowed to produce fruity wine on a small scale, and everything related to food is not allowed to be produced.If someone produces, transports, and sells... the criminal law ranging from five to ten years of work and rest.

So in the future, I can only drink some low-alcohol wine, and never think about spirits...

Zhang Fei almost didn't let go of the wine jar, after all, he wouldn't be able to drink it tomorrow.When they were almost done drinking, Zhiyuan first calmed down everyone, and then refilled everyone's wine.

"This bowl of wine is dedicated to all those who died for our ideals...they are all martyrs. I have decided...to build our first martyrs cemetery at the foot of Mount Tai."

"Whether it's in Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Youzhou, or even anywhere in the future, the brothers and sisters who died will be buried in the martyrs' cemetery for future generations to worship."

Zhiyuan drank it in one gulp, and everyone else drank it up in one gulp.Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly red, and she said loudly: "The world belongs to the people of the world, it is definitely not the world of a certain person or a certain force."

"Yuan Shao innocently violated my border and killed my compatriots... I, Tang Zhiyuan, will never die with him!"

Chapter 320: Two Secrets

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhi Yuan saw that everyone was almost drunk, and came to Liu Bei's side.

"Brother Xuande, come with me...I need to tell you two real secrets." Zhi Yuan laughed at Liu Bei, but Liu Bei could tell that he was not drunk.

I didn't know what Zhiyuan was going to do, but Liu Bei thought that the other party didn't need to attack him, so he nodded and followed Zhiyuan out.

Zhang Fei was already very drunk, but Guan Yu was not... He was a little puzzled, and quietly followed behind.

Zhiyuan also had feelings, but she didn't care.Guan Yu only cared about Liu Bei's safety, and Zhi Yuan had no intention of doing anything to Liu Bei.

Because Zhi Yuan was completely confident, she convinced Liu Bei... When she came to a small room, someone changed Liu Bei into a court dress, and even brought a small basin to wash Liu Bei's face.

Zhiyuan looked at Guan Yu, who was not far away, who was somewhat puzzled, and said to him, "You can come too...but you must keep today's matter a secret."

Guan Yu didn't hesitate, and came over to wash it.Then Zhiyuan led the two of them out of the mansion, and walked towards a remote courtyard at the back door.

Liu Bei was really surprised. He asked directly: "I wonder who the princess is going to take us to meet? Can you tell us first?"

Zhi Yuan laughed: "I have already decided to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty... I can't let Yuan Shao's gentry destroy it anymore. So... I must have someone who can be loyal to the world, and I can only wrong my younger brother."

Guan Yu was taken aback for a moment, saying that he was still very loyal to the Han Dynasty.But what Guan Yu didn't want was for Zhi Yuan to get someone surnamed Liu to be a puppet.

So Guan Yu asked directly: "Princess, I don't remember that you have a younger brother named Liu."

Instead, Liu Bei was thoughtful, and he said cautiously: "No...the princess does have a younger brother, but isn't that person?"

"The princess saved him?!" Liu Bei suddenly became agitated. Naturally, Liu Bei at this time would not have the same mentality as when he was separatist in the later period, so he immediately knew the value of this matter.

Zhiyuan sighed: "I promised the late Emperor back then that I would take good care of him. Unfortunately... If Yuan Shao hadn't attacked Qingzhou, and I really didn't have such a reputation, I definitely didn't want to carry him out."

"You guessed right, he didn't die... As my elder sister, I have been in Luoyang for so long, so I naturally don't want him to be killed. Li Ru? It's just that I was deceived."

Guan Yu also thought about it at this time, after all, Zhi Yuan suddenly said a younger brother, and how many people turned their heads so quickly, they would think in that direction.

Instead, Liu Bei looked at his clothes, and then tidied them up again.Zhiyuan chuckled lightly: "There's no need to be like that, my younger brother is approachable and never puts on airs."

"He has been in the plain for many years, but you don't know it. After all, he has never really seen him, and he has never revealed his identity. No, they have seen the two, so don't be restrained."

Liu Bei nodded suddenly, and the three of them quickly came to a courtyard.The yard was surrounded by female soldiers guarding, Zhi Yuan used the hundreds of female soldiers Dong Bai gave her to do guard work.

Zhiyuan handed a token to a female soldier captain, and the pair nodded to Zhiyuan and went down.Zhiyuan led the two people to open the door and entered, Liu Bei saw several people chatting in the yard here.

Needless to say, there are two old people from Tang Zhencai and everyone in front, but now there is a third old person, Liu Bei recognized each other at a glance, it is his teacher Lu Zhi!

There was also a young man, Liu Bei felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.And beside this young man, there were actually two people dressed as eunuchs.These two people are Bi Lan and Jian Shuo.

Zhi Yuan smiled at Liu Bian, and then saluted him: "Princess Xiangping has met His Majesty..."

Although Zhiyuan doesn't want to use too many rules, it is natural to respect the other party's status in this situation.Naturally, Liu Bei and Guan Yu also came to see them. After all, even if they didn't know the other two, Lu Zhi must have met them.

After meeting Liu Bian, Liu Bei said to Lu Zhi, "I've seen Teacher, why is Teacher here?"

Lu Zhi is really not young, and his health is already very poor.If it wasn't for the good relationship between everyone Cai and Lu Zhi, and they were still alive... Lu Zhi would never have come to Qingzhou.

Fortunately, Hua Tuo opened a medical clinic in Qingzhou. After Lu Zhi came to Qingzhou, he had recuperated for a month, and now he finally regained some vitality.

Lu Zhi sighed to Liu Bei: "The world is in turmoil, and now I am afraid that only you young people can make a difference."

"Although I don't like what the princess did, I will support His Majesty Liu Bian... After all, it was ordered by the late emperor. And during the time I have been in Qingzhou, I admire the current Majesty very much."

Liu Bei nodded and said, "I understand..." He looked at Zhiyuan and said, "Since the princess means this, Bei dare not refuse..."

Although in Liu Bei's heart, there is still an idea of ​​wanting to make a living by himself.But if there is the support of the young emperor, it will indeed greatly increase the power controlled by Liu Bei.

But now... if I have the support of the orthodox emperor, then it is indeed very beneficial.As for the future, anyone can imagine...

Liu Bei agreed, and Lu Zhi nodded: "Don't spread this matter, we still need the support of some people."

After all, there are only Qingzhou and Xuzhou, which is still too little support for Liu Bian.And in Zhiyuan's heart, at least she could get the support of Youzhou and Yangzhou.

Gongsun Zan doesn't have much desire for hegemony, he prefers to play against foreigners.Liu Yu is loyal to the Han Dynasty, so it is relatively easy to persuade here.

As for Sun Jian in Yangzhou, Zhi Yuan believed that the other party could support Liu Bian.After all, Sun Jian was a staunch royalist, but unfortunately he died too early in history.Now because Zhiyuan is not dead, she should be able to support Liu Bian.

Then there is Yuan Shu...To be honest, Zhi Yuan doesn't think Yuan Shu can support Liu Bian.After all, he thinks that he has a certain destiny, but now that he has not obtained the jade seal, he probably won't die and proclaim himself emperor like history.

But even without Yuan Shu, at least four of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty could support Liu Bian. This was Zhi Yuan's confidence.

On the contrary, Liu Xie in the west was a little embarrassed. Neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shao had any clear support for him. Of course, if Liu Bian re-ascended the throne, it would be uncertain...

And Liu Biao and Liu Yan, the two conservative kings, basically don't care about the outside world... Especially Liu Biao is still fighting with Yuan Shu and Zhang Ji, whoever becomes the emperor cares about him.

The most important thing now is that after Mi Zhu arrives, Zhi Yuan will lead troops northward to take down Bohai County.Open up the channel between Qingzhou and Youzhou, and give Gongsun Zan support.

Chapter 320: Two Secrets

A group of people drank tea here again, and it was late at night...the old men left.Speaking of which, Zhiyuan has to rely on them now, although these people seem to be very old, but each of them has a large network of contacts.

If Zhiyuan wants to change all this, it must need their support.This is also a kind of exchange and compromise. After all, Lu Zhi's life in Qingzhou gentry will be much easier.

Of course, Kong Rong will definitely not let it go, and now Kong Rong is dead long ago.After more than half a month of parading in the streets and being thrown stones and rotten leaves by a group of people, he secretly committed suicide in prison.

After all, literati want face. Most of the gentry could not persist in insulting them like Zhiyuan.However, the purpose of the kite has been achieved. Coupled with Jiang Qingqing's rectification movement, the atmosphere in Qingzhou has improved a lot.

After all, in order to compromise, many people from the gentry acted as officials at the grassroots level.Naturally, there are people who steal, rape, play tricks and oppress the common people, and even the officials who normally came to power from the common people, there are many corrupt people.

As long as Zhiyuan is still in Qingzhou, she will definitely clean up this kind of thing every few years.We must ensure that our own team does not have large-scale corruption before the world is pacified.

Zhi Yuan sent those people away, but left Liu Bei behind. "This is the first secret I told Brother Xuande, come with me and I will tell you my second secret."

"Yun Chang, this... has nothing to do with you, and the less people know about it, the better." Zhi Yuan smiled, and tactfully asked Guan Yu to leave.

Guan Yu knew that Liu Bei's life was not in danger, and he should have a good future in the future, so he nodded and left.But Liu Bei was a little surprised. After all, the first secret the girl told was that Liu Bian was still alive, so what was the second secret?

Zhiyuan brought Liu Bei into the house, and then sent the two eunuchs away.Zhi Yuan came to Liu Bian's bedroom. There was only a bed and a bookcase, and it looked very simple.

Zhi Yuan sat down on it, and then she smiled inexplicably. "Actually, even if I tell you the truth, it won't have any effect. This world is no longer the original world, it should already be considered a parallel world."

"Perhaps you think that some of my ideas or things are very different, such as wine or oil. You may think that it was given to me by the Wujiao Taoist, but it is not."

"Actually, the main point I'm telling you is that I don't have the slightest desire for the right to rule this country in this world. If it wasn't because this is the last year of the Han Dynasty, I'm afraid I'd be wandering around now."

"Why do I have no desire for the emperor or such rights? Because I am not a person of this world, at least the soul is not..." Zhi Yuan did not hesitate at all, and told the two of her identity.

Speaking of the things that the traveler revealed his real news in various planes, although there are not many...but there are indeed many.And those who really dare to tell their identities to the current rulers, or people related to them, are basically idealists who want to change something.

Of course, what Zhi Yuan said surprised the two of them very much.Even Liu Bei felt that the other party was testing him at some point, but even if he was testing himself, he would not say such weird words.

Liu Bian believed in Zhiyuan, after all, if Zhiyuan hadn't saved him, he would have died in Luoyang.On the contrary, Liu Bei didn't quite believe his own experience. After all, who would have thought that he had been wandering around for the first half of his life, and he didn't finally become emperor until he was five or sixty years old.

But Liu Bei also thought it over later, no wonder Zhiyuan told herself that she had the spirit of a real dragon, it turned out that she had known that she would become an emperor a long time ago.However.... It is not a very good thing to die in a corner of the world.

Finally, Zhiyuan said: "I tell you this because I have changed too much. Therefore, many things in the future should not happen. But Liu Chan... seems to be born soon?"

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