At this time, Zhang He and the others were already close, and the distance was too close. Even though he saw that those people seemed to throw something, Zhang He didn't care too much.After all, I have never seen this thing before, well, who knows what this thing is useful for the first time.

But just after Zhang He and his group set foot on this side of the land, the camp suddenly became chaotic, including Zhang He's own horses, which also lost control. "What happened?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, a rain of arrows covered Zhang Xi's cavalry team.There were already many cavalrymen whose horses lost control, and it is not known how many people fell down. The cavalrymen behind basically rushed over the distance of more than 100 steps by wading over the corpses of the people in front.

The distance between the two sides is too close, and it is useless to know what happened.Then the cavalry on Zhang He's side bumped into the spear array on Zhi Yuan's side in the chaos, and after losing control, basically the cavalry in front fell down in batches.

Zhang Xi's horse was also finished, but he reacted very quickly and did not suffer much damage.Zhang Yun who landed picked up an iron ball with his hand, and he immediately understood the function of this thing.

"Damn it!" Zhang He cursed directly.

Although there were horse-rejection posts in the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was absolutely no such thing.In the later stage, there will be horseshoes, so there is not much damage.But at this time, this disgusting thing with spikes is indeed the biggest threat to the war horse.

In just over 100 meters, almost thousands of people can die.Knocked down by a falling horse, hit by a bow and arrow in the chaos, etc., too many people were injured and died.

And because of the various falls in front, the speed of the horse dropped directly.As a result, except for some soldiers in front, the soldiers behind have no speed at all.

How can the cavalry break through the infantry's line of defense without speed?When Zhang He saw the situation, he could only admit it.He called on everyone to get out and go back the way they came.After all, if you go back the same way, there should not be too many barbed iron balls on the ground.

But in such a short moment, people and horses groaned everywhere.Moans and wailing sounds.Zhang He's heart was bleeding, but seeing Zhiyuan was ahead, he just couldn't make it through.

And Zhang Xi also found that there could be hundreds of soldiers wearing white robes around Zhiyuan, and these soldiers actually had long painted halberds, similar to the Euphorbia warriors on his side, obviously designed for cavalry.

These hundreds of people basically killed all the cavalry who rushed into the opponent's infantry group in front, and those cavalry who lost their speed were as helpless as if they were stuck in a quagmire.

"Retreat!" Zhang He shouted again, and then led the remaining 3000 people to leave, and arranged for the infantry to rear up.

The importance of these thousands of cavalry is much more important than that of more than 1 infantry. Even if they are all dead, it is worthwhile to keep these cavalry.

But what Zhang Xi didn't expect was that suddenly, thousands of kite cavalry rushed out of the nearby woods.These cavalry did not attack Zhang He and the others, but went around to Zhang He's back, and began to throw those bits and pieces on the ground.

Just passing by... Zhang Yun knew that if he wanted to rush over, he would have to pay at least a thousand casualties.

"I was tricked, I was tricked by that woman..." After all, any special thing can achieve unexpected results when it first appears on the battlefield.

Zhang He looked around, and there were more than 1 infantrymen under him. He immediately ordered: "Everyone enter the woods to fight, and retreat while fighting."

Then Zhang He immediately led the cavalry into the woods first. After all... since the other party just came out of the woods, it means that there should not be many thousands of paper kite soldiers here.

Zhang He guessed right. In fact, there are only more than 1000 infantry in the forest now.But these infantry are not used to stop the enemy, but to set fire...

Zhiyuan spent a whole day researching a chain meter.The purpose was to kill Zhang He and his men. Although Zhi Yuan didn't think he could kill Zhang He here, it was enough to kill some of his main force.

Just after Zhang He's cavalry and infantry all retreated into the woods, Zhiyuan directly ordered people to attack with rockets, and used Taoism again, causing gusts of wind...

The soldiers who were originally in the woods also lit the fallen leaves with torches one by one.It is winter but there is no snowfall. No snowfall means that the climate is very dry.

In just a short while, Zhang He found that there were flames all around.Even if he found that the kite had successfully splashed the black dog's blood out with Taoism, the spread of the fire could no longer be stopped.

"It's life is over." Zhang He led more than 1 people in the woods and couldn't find their way. The paper kite set the whole forest on fire.

In just a short while, some soldiers were fainted by the smoke.

Chapter 320 Five: Exploring the capsule

Because animals are most afraid of fire, the entire cavalry team fell into chaos, and people fell off their horses and were trampled to death.

Zhang Xi had no choice but to ignore the infantry in the end and lead the remaining cavalry to rush through several fire fields. In the end, only two thousand cavalry escaped from the woods.

As for the infantry, not even two thousand survived in the end, and the rest were all suffocated to death by the smoke.Those infantrymen who were still alive still started to run out from inside and surrendered to the kite before they survived.

Zhiyuan herself didn't expect to be able to eliminate so many people, because one of her ambush caused the other party to lose more than [-]...and most of them were burned to death.

Zhi Yuan couldn't help sighing: "I'm afraid it will shorten my lifespan... Zhuge Liang burned the barbarians to death and lost his lifespan. I'm afraid it won't be much better if I do it myself."

And... this is so cruel that many soldiers look at Zhiyuan with fear.Some of the more than 2000 people who were still alive even went crazy, and even after that, many people stayed away from the woods.

Of course... the fire can't be extinguished at all. They are all deciduous trees, and they can't be extinguished after burning for a while in winter.And the bigger the fire, the bigger the fire, and when Zhiyuan found out that she couldn't control it, she couldn't save it.

"I'm really guilty... I set fire to the mountain and sat in the prison." The corners of Zhiyuan's mouth twitched. There are forests everywhere in this era, and it might not be able to extinguish the fire for a month.

Zhiyuan felt deeply guilty, but she didn't have much to do.After pulling everyone back to Nanpi, the palpitation gradually disappeared.

The resistance here in Nanpi was quite fierce, after all, the gentry supported Yuan Shaojun.In Zhang Xiu's attack in the past few days, he has almost attacked the city twice, but in the end, he was filled back alive by the opponent's sea of ​​people.

However, when the kite arrived and released some prisoners but Nanpi, the whole Nanpi completely collapsed.Nearly 2 Zhang Yun were defeated by the kite, and even most of them were burned alive.

In other words, they don't have any reinforcements now, and they are only left to defend the isolated city.There are tens of thousands of people outside, and they know what is going on right now.

The defenders called a few gentry here, and the landlords and squires came over to study what to do.After all, in their circle, Zhiyuan was already described as a murderous maniac.A group of people were frightened, and finally decided to fight to the end.

After all, it was rumored that after the kite broke through the city, it would kill the entire family of the gentry, and before killing it, it would insult them and let the slaves judge themselves.

Even if this is not the case, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep my money.I can't even keep my own money. What will happen to those slaves in the future? It's none of their business to have enough food, clothing, and land to cultivate.

In the end, basically all the servants and adult men in the city were mobilized to defend the city.And told the other party that the woman massacred the city everywhere, and if Nanpi was captured, they would all have to be killed.

A group of low-level civilian slaves have never been out of the house all their lives, so they don't know what Qingzhou looks like, it's not just what the master says.And anyway, being a slave can eat a few mouthfuls of food, which is better than being killed.

And those masters actually gave them meat, and rewarded them for winning.As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and nearly ten thousand people were quickly recruited, and then all of them were pulled to the city wall to defend.

Zhiyuan nodded: "To be honest... I actually don't like to cause too many casualties, because talents are the most precious thing. There are so many deaths in front, it is really a last resort..."

"It seems that those gentry should have encouraged the civilians to come up to defend. I guess the other party should have described me as a very bad woman."

"But I don't want to drag the opponent down. I'm afraid I won't be able to break into Nanpi for a month or two after fighting like this. Both time and population will be greatly lost."

"Just use dynamite to..." Zhi Yuan thought for a while, although it was only enough for one use, at least he could get in touch with Youzhou quickly.

After all, Zhiyuan also wanted to know what was going on in Youzhou.Guo Jia and Tai Shici in Liaodong have lost contact for a long time.Although kites don't think they have anything to do, kites now require a lot of coal.

With coal, you can start another technology tree if you are making boilers and making steel.In the future, we will slowly develop technology, and we can also play with steam power.

After all, here in Shandong, Zhiyuan really couldn't find coal there, and she didn't carry a Baidu mine map with her, so she just dug out the minerals without the ability, thinking that here Zhiyuan gave an order to her team.

Surround the opponent during the day, and start digging tunnels to enter the vicinity of the city gate at night.And Zhiyuan began to arrange fences outside the city wall, the purpose is not to let the opponent run away.

However, such an arrangement reassured the gentry in Nanpi City.After all, which one of them doesn't have a pile of food and grass, so they are absolutely not afraid of being surrounded by paper kites.And some people began to rejoice that when Yuan Shao's reinforcements arrived, they might still be able to be promoted.

The gentry gathered more than 1 people plus the original several thousand, and they changed shifts every day to defend the city wall.It's a bit embarrassing to say it now, but luckily the kite brought a pickaxe or something, otherwise the current weather would basically have hardened the ground.

It took more than three days to dig out a tunnel for one person to enter and exit.The kite miscalculated the difficulty of the current weather for excavation, but it is indeed possible to wait in order to reduce casualties.

However, during the past three days, Zhiyuan has not been idle.Directly let the supervising army on his side publicize the cause of slave liberation in Qingzhou to the soldiers on the city wall.And the matter of dividing the land in Qingzhou and cracking down on the gentry was publicized on the city wall day and night.

This is what scared the gentry. In the beginning, people kept making cold shots.In the back, the kite directly asked people to make a huge shield, and then asked the supervising soldiers to use a metal tube as a loudspeaker to continue propagating on the city wall.

When Zhiyuan was about to light the fire, she personally came under the city wall.

"In the past few days, you must all know my policy, so when I enter the city, as long as you give up resistance, we promise not to attack you. If you want to follow us to Qingzhou, I promise everyone More than fifty acres of land."

"Those gentry have oppressed you for too long, and I will judge them as soon as I enter the city. Now you can bear with it for a while, because I will make decisions for you for your grievances later!"

"Why are the gentry so afraid of us? It's because I can teach you how to resist and no longer be their slaves!"

When Zhiyuan shouted, there was a commotion on the city wall.However, the gentry led the soldiers and quickly pointed their weapons at the slave servants.

"What are you doing? Do you think that woman can break in? Don't think about it!"

"I told you that the woman would kill you when she came in, but you didn't believe it! I'm sure I'll feed you slaves, I'll see who dares to disobey the order, and I'll kill you!" The solidity of the city wall yelled viciously at those people.

Zhiyuan made a helpless expression: "The sound will be a little loud for a while, but don't be can just run away."

"Light it up... remember not to stand at the gate of the city!"

Chapter 320 Six: The Death of the White Horse

Although the gunpowder of this era is poor, a gunpowder explosive device about the size of a coffin is still powerful.

After about a stick of incense, Zhiyuan suddenly felt her feet sway, and there was a muffled sound.

It's really not that powerful, but at least it completely blows up the vicinity of the city gate.The wooden city gate broke directly, and even the city wall near the city gate was missing a hole about one meter wide.

If someone immediately led someone to fill in the city gate, even if the kite attacked immediately, it might not be able to tear through this gap.Of course...if it was a famous general like Zhang Yun, he might still be able to resist.But this group of gentry had already been frightened to pee, and they ran away as soon as possible.

Zhang Xiu rushed in at the first time, those gentry subordinates were no match for Zhang Xiu, Zhang Xiuhu tortured and killed those soldiers who were still resisting like a flock of sheep.

Some gentry had already opened other city gates and were about to run away, but they were already surrounded. In the end, except for being captured by the kite, they basically did not cause too many casualties.

Zhiyuan chuckled, and came directly to the criticism meeting in the city.This kind of thing is easy to handle, and it is also one of the fastest ways to win the hearts of the people.

And at the same time, Zhi Yuan sent people north again, and Gongsun Yue was also attacking a town in the north here, Zhi Yuan also wanted to ask the other party what the current situation was.

And this time Zhiyuan didn't bring out a counselor, so he planned to make Guo Jia a strong man.After all, Guo Jia has been in the north for a long time, so he should do some serious work.

Zhi Yuan estimated that according to Guo Jia's ability, she might have conquered Sanhan with Tai Shici, and when her big ship was ready...then she could continuously transport the coal mines to Qingzhou.

Then there is the matter of Bohai County, Zhiyuan has used up all the explosives, and Bohai County is really not easy to fight.Zhiyuan intends to study it with Gongsun Zan, if it doesn't work, he can only wait for Qingzhou gunpowder to get some more, and is trying to find a way to attack the city.

It is winter now, and it is getting more and more difficult to fight in winter.So whether it's offense or defense, Zhiyuan has planned to keep Bohai City until the beginning of next spring.

Zhiyuan thought of everything very well, but what Zhiyuan didn't think of was this.At Jieqiao, hundreds of miles away, Gongsun Zan ushered in his final battle.

Gongsun Zan has been in Youzhou for more than ten years, and the most elite part of Baimayi has more than 3000 people.The heavy cavalry Gongsun Zan couldn't afford it, but these 3000 men were all equipped with double leather armor. When fighting Yuan Shao in the front, they used cavalry and shooting first and then charged, which could easily overwhelm the opponent's camp.

In fact, in Yuan Shao's many fights with Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao suffered a lot.But...Yuan Shao has a lot of people, you kill me one thousand, I will come two kill me five thousand, I will come ten thousand.

How many people do you have in Baima Yicong? Cavalry is the most expensive. In the bitter cold of Youzhou, if you die a thousand Baima Yicong, it will hurt your bones... I died [-] ordinary soldiers, but it was just one more Just a string of numbers.This is the gap between the two, and it cannot be made up by a few big victories.

Earlier, Yuan Shao used Zhang Yun to fight five hundred euphorbia warriors. Facts have proved that euphorbia warriors have very good defense and killing effects against cavalry.And Yuan Shao's family property, how could it be only five hundred...he got three thousand!

Three thousand pure heavy infantry with big halberds, how many people in the world can make this kind of local tyrants?Yuan Shao planned to directly solve the problem of Gongsun Zan, and also wanted to obtain a complete Youzhou.

Because Yuan Shao found that Tang Zhiyuan was too much of a threat to him, and the resistance of the slaves in Qingzhou was too strong.Many Qingzhou civilians who were captured earlier actually recruited the slaves of Jizhou to rebel against him, which made Yuan Shao very afraid.

So the next time even if Qingzhou is turned into a deadly place, Yuan Shao will kill Tang Zhiyuan.But in order to turn Qingzhou into a deadly place, it is necessary to have a stable rear and greater strength.

Youzhou and Bingzhou are Yuan Shao's main plans for the next step. As long as these two states are settled and the Huns are controlled to participate in the battle, then the tiger girl will rely on the power of one state, so what if he wins the hearts of the people?

In this world, is it ever decided by the people's will?

So in order to quickly eliminate Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao brought all the euphorbia soldiers to the front line.Even knowing that Zhiyuan had entered Jizhou, Yuan Shao did not send any troops to Zhang He.

As long as Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan, Tang Zhiyuan's army would surely retreat without a fight.So Yuan Shao directly agreed to a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan. Although Gongsun Zan knew that Zhiyuan had entered Jizhou, he didn't pay attention to Yuan Shao's army at all.

So...the end of Baima Yicong came. In order to attract Gongsun Zan to attack, Yuan Shao sent out nearly [-] infantry, and put his commander-in-chief flag behind Jieqiao.

Gongsun Zan and Yan Rou also had more than 5 people. After gradually breaking through Yuan Shao's infantry camp, Gongsun Zan saw that the other party's handsome flag seemed to be retreating, so he led three thousand white horses directly to Jieqiao.

Although Yan Rou felt that something was wrong, but Gongsun Zan rushed over, so naturally he couldn't fall behind.So he also led five thousand cavalry to attack Yuan Shao's army.

Gongsun Zan directly smashed Yuan Shao's vanguard, and then rushed towards Jieqiao.Yuan Shao's infantry were routed, and Gongsun Zan also saw that Yuan Shao's banner was only about a mile away from him.

But just when Gongsun Zan rushed down the boundary bridge and the camp had not yet unfolded.Suddenly a white light appeared in front of him, and this white light shot towards Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan quickly blocked it with his hand, and there was a sound of metal colliding, which made his arm go numb...

A short halberd flew out of the ground, and Gongsun Zan found that a large number of his men were missing in an instant.And just over ten steps ahead, a group of elite infantry appeared, all wearing iron armor.

The front of this team was Ju Yi, who looked coldly at Gongsun Zan's army and laughed, "White Horse Yicong? That's all!"

There was no turning back for Gongsun Zan's side, and he directly bumped into the Euphorbia soldier, and his blood flowed like a river in an instant.

The light cavalry had no advantage at all in attacking the heavy infantry. After Gongsun Zan managed to kill two euphorbia soldiers, his double-headed spear got stuck in the opponent's armor.

And at the same time, Yuan Jun around them had begun to surround them, and Gongsun Zan's cavalry were all stuck at the bridgehead of Jieqiao.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were also killed, and Gongsun Zan's subordinate Yan Gang was beheaded by Wen Chou without paying attention.Gongsun Zan was furious, but was held back by Ju Yi.

And suddenly a small halberd was thrown towards Gongsun Zan again, and he was directly hit in the chest by the small halberd without paying attention.

"Quick back!" Gongsun Zan spat out a mouthful of blood, and then ran back.

But could Yuan Shaojun let Gongsun Zan go, and launched a general attack in all directions.Bai Ma Yicong defended Gongsun Zan desperately, so that Gongsun Zan was escorted back by Yan Rou smoothly.

ps: In the last week, I worked at the main factory here during the day and went to the branch factory at night.It is already past ten o'clock in the evening when I rest every day, so I don't have the brain capacity to code words at all.

During this period of time, the follow-up subscriptions have been pitifully dropped, and I understand...some things I feel are not well written.But...he's so busy.Everyone in my group knows that I haven't uploaded chapters in Internet cafes for a long time...

Next month, I will write 2000 words a day, so I have to postpone it for about a month, because I am too busy to bear it.

Today is Sunday, I have to get off the workshop later...

Last Sunday, I didn't finish my work until eleven o'clock in the evening... The social animal is really tired, and I really want to

Chapter 320 Seven: Going North

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