Chunyu Qiong took two steps back and used the iron gun to force the kite away, then rubbed his thigh with his hands. "You woman, I plan to have more sons." Chunyu Qiong looked angrily at Zhi Yuan.

Zhi Yuan chuckled: "If I'm not being polite, I'll use a knife. I won't be able to cut it back then."

Chunyu Qiong cursed a few words, but he also realized that he was not this woman's match.What surprised Chunyuqiong even more was that the dead men who had climbed to the top of the city wall were at a very big disadvantage.

Zhi Yuan's subordinates actually formed a battle formation to attack those people, and Xiandeng's dead soldiers would do this, they all relied on their own bravery and naturally they were not opponents of the opponent.Even Chun Yuqiong could clearly see that Zhi Yuan's elite men in white robes didn't make any moves at all.

Chunyuqiong was not a fool either, he could tell that the other party was using this method to consume his soldiers.So he yelled to retreat, quickly ran to the edge of the city wall and climbed down from the ladder.

The few people only played against each other for a short while, and Zhiyuan even felt that the warm-up was not counted as the opponent, so she ran away.And those who ascended the dead first also ran fast, as soon as they said retreat, they immediately started running towards the ladder.

Of course, there was a lot of scrambling, after all, many people knew that those who went down later had little chance of surviving.Therefore, there are many people who push and stumbling each other. This group of people is entirely for themselves to survive, and there is no bottom line at all.

Some even cut off the legs of their companions directly, just so that the other party would not snatch a ladder from themselves.Zhi Yuan really didn't intend to stay with these people, so he ordered his subordinates to clean up.

Yuan Shao's first siege ended in this way, and the casualties on both sides were not too great, if the cannon fodder slaves were not counted.Zhi Yuan counted the casualties, and there were only more than 100 dead on his side, and more than 300 people were injured here and there.

It is estimated that there may be five or six hundred casualties among the dead soldiers first. As for the remaining civilian slaves...who can count those who can't be human.Zhi Yuan praised those soldiers who formed an formation to fight against the Xiandeng dead soldiers. After all, they did a good job after the initial panic.

Naturally, Yuan Shao didn't take this side seriously. This was a tentative siege.After all, Yuan Shao didn't think he could attack this Yongnu in one go, it was just a moment of atmosphere, and then he attacked the city to vent.

Then there are all kinds of temptations. During the day, the captured civilians and some soldiers and ruffians are used to test, and at night, small troops are often sent to attack at night.But Zhiyuan didn't dare to attack the opponent, because their troops were too small.

After all, the opponent's counselor is not a traitor, and it is impossible for Zhi Yuan to send her men to die.Then Zhiyuan carefully thought about some possible situations, so she found some large vats and buried them around the city wall.

It is usually filled with water, and it is fine to boil it directly when defending the city.When there is no enemy attacking the city, it is used to detect whether the opposite side has dug a tunnel. In history, Yuan Shao killed Gongsun Zan and entered Yi Jing by digging a tunnel.

But... the current Yuan Shao obviously didn't make the Yongnu where the kite was located so complicated, but directly used the simplest way, that is to fill it with people!

Perhaps Yuan Shao really didn't take the kite seriously, and the main reason was that Yuan Shao had too many people under his command, so he didn't care about casualties at all.Zhi Yuan couldn't help sighing: "I've heard of crowd tactics before, but now I've really seen it for the first time."

So the daily task is to defend, and Zhiyuan can only try her best to reduce the casualties of her army.After all, the opponent used cannon fodder to consume his own vitality.This situation lasted for about three or four days, and then Yuan Jun's main force also began to join the siege.

At this time, the casualties increased rapidly, and when Yuan Shao's siege lasted for about half a month, the death toll on Zhiyuan's side exceeded 3000, and more than [-] people were injured.

Of course, more people died on Yuan Shao's side.There could be more than 2 casualties. Although most of them were cannon fodder, they did successfully consume a lot of stones and arrows on Zhiyuan's side.

But Yuan Shao was the first to lose his composure... After all, he also got the information that there was an army of Tang Zhiyuan in Xiangping in Liaodong.Yuan Shao also knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, so he used his elite to fight Zhi Yuan's men several times.

But it didn't take advantage of any advantages. Instead, it was because the siege casualties were much greater than the opponent's.Yuan Shao felt uncomfortable as soon as the elite was injured, so he thought of a good way, which was to use wood to build a wooden platform with a height of ten meters outside Yongnu's city.

Then Yuan Shao ordered fifty archers to shoot arrows on the platform facing the city.After all, Yongnu City is only six or seven meters high now, so shooting arrows down from that height really has a clear view.

There were a lot of arrow-wounded people on Zhiyuan's side, while Yuan Shao actually took advantage of the darkness to build several tall towers in succession.This made Zhiyuan a little troublesome, after all, as long as he went to the city wall, he had to hide behind the shield.

Although there are archers on my side who can resist, but after all, the opponent is very disadvantaged by being condescending.

Unusual update notice during Qingming period

At present, I have no manuscripts, and there is not a single chapter...

Qingming needs to go home to go to the grave, so it took two consecutive days to get home.

The cold is getting worse...I still had a low fever yesterday.

Today and tomorrow, I will go to two places to visit graves. I basically don’t have time to code in the morning. I must rest when I come back in the afternoon. I’m in poor health recently.

Strive for continuous updates, the update time is uncertain every day, update after writing...

Chapter 330 Three: Attack and Defense

After thinking about it carefully, Zhiyuan also came up with a rather stupid solution.The first thing is to get some fabrics out, all of which are covered with kerosene.

Then Zhiyuan led the white-robed army, each in a group of 50 people... Wrapped kerosene cloth on it with short javelins, then ignited it and flung it out to fly to the bottom of the tower. (Just now I used a word She, and a section is a blocking point.)

The tower is less than a hundred steps away from the city wall, which is more than 40 meters... After all, it is difficult for bows and arrows to shoot into the city wall if the distance is too far.

This distance is barely enough for a short gun, after all, it is thrown from top to bottom, under those towers, and it is enough to ignite them.

After making preparations overnight, the next morning, Yuan Shao sent people up the tower again to attack Zhiyuan.

Suddenly Zhiyuan divided into several groups, and then directly pointed the ignited short gun at those towers and threw it out.Even if the kerosene is sesame oil, every city naturally has some, and this thing burns very violently.

As soon as the archers went up, the tower immediately started to burn.Yuan Shao was completely unprepared and had no time to put out the fire.

The flames quickly engulfed those towers, because they were burning from the bottom up, so many of Yuan Shao's archers were burned to death, or they jumped directly from the top and fell half disabled.

The height of the tower is about ten meters. If you jump from this height, even if you don't die, you will have to break your bones.At one time, there were about ten towers built here at Yongnu, all of which were burned down.

And at least 300 archers were burned or fell to death.Archers are still not easy to cultivate, so Yuan Shao immediately dropped his breakfast when he heard about it. "This woman pissed me off! There is still fire oil. She was useless when attacking the city ahead. It is obvious that the opponent did not use all his strength to defend the city."

"Continuing the fight like this is not an option. Do you have any good solutions? If you have any good strategies for attacking the city, please tell me." Yuan Shao looked at his group of advisers.

Tian Feng first said to Yuan Shao: "Master, after all, this is the main force of the tiger girl. But Yuyang is not the only city, I think the other cities of Yuyang should be taken down first."

"Let's see whether this woman is saved or not. It doesn't matter if the other party really refuses to save her. There are at least tens of thousands of enemies and hundreds of thousands of civilians in those cities. As long as we can capture the other party, then it will be good for the morale of the tiger girl." , is also a blow."

"If we can enter Youbeiping and control it, so what if the tiger girl occupies Yongnu? Of course it will be difficult to enter Youbeiping. Yongnu's position is too important."

"But at least it can cause trouble for her, and we don't need more than [-] people here, so we can divide our troops." Tian Feng said.

Xu You, the other strategist at the side, was the one who attacked Yuan Shao the most, and said to Yuan Shao, "Why don't we take the opportunity to send troops to Qingzhou, since the tiger girl has left, wouldn't it be better for us to attack Qingzhou directly?"

Tian Feng immediately shook his head: "What kind of idea is this? It's not like we haven't fought before, and it's not difficult to capture an army of 10,000+. And according to intelligence, it is said that Liu Bei, Xuzhou Mu, is also in Qingzhou. Have you ever fought? "

"This is the way to kill, my lord, don't listen to this man's fallacy."

Xu You's complexion changed immediately, and his eyes towards Tian Feng became very ruthless.In fact, this is also Tian Feng's fault, but after all, Tian Feng's words are such virtues.

But just when Xu You was about to confront Tian Feng, Ju Shou stood up at this time.Then he persuaded the two people, and finally said: "The lord is asking us how to attack the city. Even if what you said is reasonable, it has nothing to do with the current situation."

Xu You snorted: "Just dig a tunnel. No matter how strong his city wall is, we can just dig a tunnel to get there."

Yuan Shao nodded: "This is indeed a good way, then Tian you have any good ways to attack the city?"

Tian Feng thought for a while, and then said to Yuan Shao: "Master, I remember that there are some bed crossbows in the storeroom..."

"These bed crossbows can be set up to [-] steps, and they are very powerful. I see that Yongnu's city walls are only newly built, especially those female walls are not strong. If you use bed crossbows to attack, it may be able to cause damage to the female walls .”

Yuan Shao also nodded: "Okay, then use these two methods to get ready!"

"What Yuan Hao said just now is not bad. We really shouldn't put all the soldiers in Yongnu. In this way... we will leave [-] soldiers in Yongnu, and let the remaining soldiers attack the other cities in Yuyang County. .”

"If those cities are breached and those defenders are killed, it will naturally also greatly damage the morale of Yongnu City. Wouldn't it be within reach in the end?"

Yuan Shao immediately dispatched several trusted men, and then he himself continued to command the siege here.The uninterrupted siege during the day and night also made Zhiyuan's casualties more and more serious.

Especially after Yuan Shao pushed some bed crossbows, they actually caused some damage to the female wall above the city wall.There were even huge crossbow bolts that directly penetrated the female wall, causing damage to Zhi Yuan's subordinates.

The parapets are all newly built to guard against arrows, most of them are made of clay and are not strong enough.So those bed crossbows are still very destructive to these female walls, and it also made Zhiyuan's soldiers flustered for a while.

Zhiyuan thought about it carefully, and then ordered someone to pour water on the parapet.Although the current soil is indeed not firm, the weather is very cold after all.

Building walls with ice at night, Yuan Shao found it even more difficult to attack the city the next day.Moreover, the ice was very thick, and those bed crossbows couldn't penetrate such a thick ice wall.

Yuan Shao was angry and angry, but there was nothing he could do.In the end, I had to dig the tunnel bit by bit. This winter... the digging work was really difficult.

Yuan Shao had no choice but to pour hot water on the ground continuously to dig. After the ground became soft, he dug down a layer. It took almost a whole month to dig into Yongnu City.But Zhiyuan had already expected it...

Just when Yuan Shao was about to send troops to attack Yong Nu, Zhi Yuan was already waiting for them in the city.Not only killed some elite forwards, but even poured kerosene directly into the tunnel to ignite, and then added some green grass reserved for the horses.

Directly causing hundreds of people to suffocate to death inside the tunnel, Yuan Shao launched a few more surprise attacks later on, all of which were also discovered by Zhiyuan.Basically, in about two months, Yuan Shao and his counselors used everything they could, but there was nothing they could do.

Yuan Shao even asked the dead man to pretend to be a messenger, telling Zhiyuan that other cities had been captured, and he hoped that Zhiyuan would rescue them.But these dead soldiers were all killed in the end, and their heads were thrown off the city wall.

Zhiyuan said to Yuan Shao with a smug expression, "I'm sorry, I know what you're planning. But before you came, I already told them."

"Even if the city is broken, don't send anyone for help. Even if Yongnu City is broken, no one will come to rescue you. The purpose of doing this is to avoid being tricked out of the city by your tricks."

ps: I just came home from the mountain, I was exhausted~~~~

Chapter 330 Four: Levee Break

Yuan Shao used various methods to attack the city, but they were all resolved by the kite.And during the time when the two were attacking and defending each other, two months had passed.

In the past two months, the temperature has gradually increased, and the ice and snow have already melted.After the ice and snow have melted... the threat of the bed crossbow to the kite is getting bigger and bigger, and because the front of the parapet wall is wrapped in ice, now that it has melted... many of the parapet walls have cracked.

But fortunately, Yuan Shao's bed crossbow did not have many arrows, so the damage to the city wall was not serious.

There was no snow for the whole winter, but shortly after the beginning of spring, there was a sudden three-day blizzard without warning.The blizzard was very heavy, and the snow outside the city was more than one and a half meters, and the entire siege was contained.

This also allowed Zhiyuan to stay comfortably for a few days. After all, they were inside the city wall. Although it might be a little cold to live in the house every day, at least they could persist.

But Yuan Shao outside is different. After this heavy snowfall... Yuan Shao counted the number of people, more than [-] people were frozen to death, and thousands of people were frostbitten...Because it is already spring, so although the weather is cold, the snow It also melted quickly, and Yuan Shao's camp was so wet that there was no way to light a fire to keep warm.

And this kind of hot and cold weather has also caused many people to catch a cold.This bad weather has already made many people retreat...

Of course, it's not that Yuan Shao didn't get good news here. For example, Lu County was finally breached recently. More than 1 people died in battle alone, and thousands of people surrendered...

As for Yuyang City, the outer city had already been breached. Gongsun Yue was hit by three arrows and relied on the inner city to resist desperately.But the day of doom is certainly not far away...

The two sides had long been mortal enemies, so although Zhiyuan told his own people that they could abandon the city if they were defeated, none of Gongsun Zan's men wanted to get out alive.

Both sides fought fiercely, and the casualties on Yuan Shao's side have already exceeded [-]...

"My lord, the future will be long, why not retreat first..."

As soon as this sentence was said, Yuan Shao became angry. "What retreat? If we don't defeat that woman, wouldn't it be too shameful for us to retreat? Yuan Hao doesn't need to say more, if you think I can't beat that tiger girl, go back to Jizhou by yourself."

"Come on, send 500 people to escort Tian Feng to the Bohai Sea." Yuan Shao said to a soldier.

Tian Feng sighed, he knew that Yuan Shao would not listen to persuasion now that he was holding his breath, but it would be good to go to Bohai Sea.Because not long ago, the spies reported that Qingzhou seemed to be sending another army to attack Bohai City.

So Yuan Shao didn't drive Tian Feng away for no reason, he knew that he just couldn't swallow it.But it's useless if you can't swallow it. Although the snow is heavy, it melts quickly, and the whole camp is muddy for a day or two. Let alone the siege, normal training can't do it.

Yuan Shao was worrying, at this time another of his advisors, Feng Ji, bowed his hands to Yuan Shao: "If my lord really wants to break this Yongnu, then there is only one last way."

Yuan Shao immediately became excited: "What way?"

Feng Ji sighed: "It's just that this method is quite powerful, and I'm afraid many civilians will die."

"But it doesn't matter, how many civilians die has nothing to do with us. And this is still the territory of Youzhou, Yuantu said quickly." Yuantu is Fengji's character.

Feng Ji sighed: "In the land of Yongnu, which is only three or four miles away, there is a river that runs from north to south."

(I have a map, but I didn’t bring it with me on business trips, and I didn’t bring it home... The map I found on the Internet was too blurry, and I couldn’t tell what the name of the river on Yongnu’s side was.)

"Now that spring is getting warmer, the snow that fell a few days ago has melted very quickly, and the water in that river will definitely increase a lot. If the Lord really wants to break through the city of Yongnu, it is better to divert the river water to pour it back."

"But in this way, I'm afraid many nearby places will be affected. There are also many civilians in the nearby villages and towns..." Feng Ji said to Yuan Shao.

But Yuan Shao didn't hear these words at all.Yuan Shao naturally knew that big river, after all, that river they got water from in the past few months.It was a bit frozen because of the cold weather earlier, but now it is already civilized.

"Okay! Done, I'll give you three days. Let's move to a place with a higher terrain first."

"Han Meng, I'll give you 3000 people and [-] slaves. Dig that river within three days, and I'll fill Yongnu City with water!" After Yuan Shao said this, he drove the others down .

"Jiang Yiqu (Jiang Qi), you lead 3000 people and capture all the nearby civilians to Jizhou." Yuan Shao began to arrange tasks for them.

Several generals here immediately nodded their promises, and then Yuan Shao prepared to retreat slowly.At this time, another of Yuan Shao's main counselors stood up: "My lord, try to retreat at night, and don't destroy the camp."

"You can even let a small number of soldiers set fire here to paralyze the enemy. After all, once Yongnu finds out that we are retreating, he will definitely come out to search. If the other party finds out about our actions, there will be problems."

Yuan Shao nodded again, leaving more than 3000 old, weak, sick and disabled.To put it bluntly, these people are staying to wait to die, and most of them are subordinates who have already caught a cold and fever.

Although Yuan Shao didn't understand isolation, he really didn't care too much about his soldiers.As a result, more than 3000 people were left behind, and these people were still cooking, eating and drinking every day.

In fact, Yuan Shao has not attacked the city since the heavy snowfall.But the city is quite lively now, after all, if there is no such heavy snow, spring plowing may be a problem.Although Yuan Shao is still besieging them, everyone feels that the other party is about to retreat.

The same is true for Zhiyuan. It was even very difficult to see the other party through the telescope in the front. This kind of muddy road made Zhiyuan feel that this place may be a replica of Germany's attack on the Soviet Union in World War II.

Because it was snowing a lot, Zhi Yuan also ordered someone to shovel the snow.And everyone had to drink a portion of ginger soup every night. Zhiyuan was also afraid of causing a plague. In such a big small town, even if the plague was isolated, many people would probably die.

The weather was fine today, Zhiyuan came to the city wall for a run, and by the way, used the binoculars to look at Yuan Shao's camp again.However, Zhiyuan found that the number of bonfires lit by the other party was much less than yesterday, and the number of people in the barracks seemed to be much less than before.

Zhiyuan called Zhang Xiu over and asked Zhang Xiu, "Do you think the other party has already retreated?"

Zhang Xiu looked at it, and then asked Zhi Yuan: "Shall I find someone to test it out?"

After thinking deeply, Zhi Yuan shook her head: "No need, our goal is to defend the city. No matter what the other party's plans are, nothing will ever change..."

After all, after almost two months, Zhi Yuan's subordinates also suffered tens of thousands of casualties.Although Yuan Shao's casualties were greater, the number of soldiers outside Yongnu was still several times that of Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan really didn't dare to take such a risk.

Chapter 330: Breaking the Levee

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