The roots of these gentry are naturally in the local area. What can they do to fight the local gentry when they go to Bingzhou?In the end, the result of most of the gentry is that the bones eaten by the locals will not be left.

It would be better if he didn't leave... The first time the gentry found out that this group of princes didn't have a good thing, would they consider the interests of the gentry if they were born in the gentry?It's ridiculous...

At this time, Zhiyuan came to Runan.The news that Yuan Shu called back just reached here...

Otherwise, Runan would think that Yuan Shu was defeated. Fortunately, Yan Xiang was quite capable, otherwise many people would surrender to Yuan Shao.Even many gentry who lost their daughters to Yuan Shu secretly took their own daughters back.

Zhiyuan naturally didn't intend to care about this kind of nonsense, but after analyzing the situation a little, she left a letter to Yuan Shu... Since he was fine, Zhiyuan didn't plan to see her anymore.

Zhi Yuan intends to return to Qingzhou, reorganize the fight Yuan Shao.It would be a good thing if Yuan Shao really stayed in Yuzhou.

Because when going south to attack Jingzhou, all the local gentry and Liu Bei's army contributed their strength, and Zhiyuan's army was only [-].And Zhiyuan's main force, that is, Tai Shici and Xu Huang who returned to Qingzhou, trained thirty to fifty thousand men in just over a year.

It is too easy to recruit soldiers in troubled times. Even if the land is allocated by the kite, there are still many refugees and the Yellow Turban Remnant Party who came over to join. It is impossible for these people to share the land, so most of the soldiers are naturally for the sake of eating. .

Tai Shici and Xu Huang have trained nearly 4 people in just one year, plus the original 1 main force and tens of thousands of local security forces, the maximum number of troops that the Zhiyuan faction can control is [-] to [-] up.

These people are naturally the capital necessary for Zhiyuan to maintain the stability of Qingzhou. Although the emperor certainly has no dissatisfaction with him, there are many people who are not open-minded if they don't keep them together. In the past year, Qingzhou has also killed many nobles and gentry who are a threat to Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan is getting older day by day, and now she can't wait to unify the world, instead of leaving a mess and retiring.So since Yuan Shu was still fighting, he simply disappeared, and he didn't die anyway.

In the letter Zhi Yuan left to Yuan Shu, the main thing was to make Yuan Shu pay attention to people's livelihood.I hope Yuan Shu has experienced this, and don't trust those vacillating gentry.

In the end, Zhi Yuan gritted her teeth and gave Yuan Shu a copy of her Fiery Wine recipe. After all, if she used this thing, she would have a greater advantage if she was fighting Yuan Shao.

How Zhiyuan returned to Qingzhou will not be mentioned for the time being, except for the two Yuans who are still fighting, the eyes of the whole big man are on Chang'an, Yongzhou.

Cao Cao led [-] troops to Hangu Pass to meet the emperor. This time Cao Cao sent out all his best, even Xun Yu and other counselors accompanied him to fight, the purpose is to return the emperor to Xuchang.

After Cao Cao went back this time, he talked to Xun Yu about the kite. After all, the relationship between the two of them was really good, and Cao Cao himself found that he really didn't know enough about the kite.

Xun Yu told Cao Cao about Zhi Yuan's first conversation with him, and then he said to Cao Cao, "Although that girl was immature back then, she always knew what she was going to do."

"Over the years, she has gradually realized what she told me back then. Although I don't know whether it is good or bad...Although my Xun family is also a gentry, it is not small compared with the top gentry."

"So... I understand that girl's actions quite well, but we really can't learn from it. However, she has already taken up righteousness by supporting the young emperor... If we can't save the emperor, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for us to develop in the future."

"Now the situation in the Central Plains is clear, and the rise of Qingzhou's power is irresistible. Although the Yuan family has the support of the gentry, they are now in a deep quagmire in Yuzhou. Although there is no news about Yuan Shu, Yuzhou is not so easy to digest. "

"If we can really welcome the emperor back, then we can open up Liangzhou and attack Hanzhong to control Shuzhong. Maybe we will have the capital to fight Qingzhou in the future."

"But if we can't defeat the Xiliang army to welcome back the emperor, we can't survive for a long time relying on only one state. Whether it's Qingzhou or that Yuan Shao, they will definitely annex us and expand ourselves."

Cao Cao sighed, then nodded in agreement.In this situation, the Xiliang army must be defeated, but it is indeed difficult to be outnumbered.

Xun Yu smiled calmly: "My lord, don't worry, although the other party has 20 people, they are just mobs."

"And I heard that Han Sui's mind is changeable, and he is known as the Yellow River with nine bends... According to the information from Chang'an, the relationship between Han Sui and Ma Teng is not very good now."

"Otherwise, the two troops would have brought down Chang'an long ago, but now they are not in harmony because of the distribution of benefits, so Chang'an has not been captured."

"If we do something about it, the entire Xiliang army can be disintegrated." Xun Yu said confidently to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao nodded: "Okay, then we... will send troops to Chang'an tomorrow... to meet the emperor in person."

Chapter 420 Three: Separation and Combination

Cao Cao's more than 5 people and many civilians passed the Hangu Pass, and they must not be able to hide from the Xiliang Army...

Because the main force of the Xiliang army is cavalry, and most of the soldiers are armed peasants, and because of the delicate relationship between Han Sui and Ma Teng, they surrounded Chang'an for a year without attacking it.

In the first month, Han Sui and Ma Teng did attack with the main force soldiers, and even reached the top of the city at one point, but they were finally driven down because of the lack of siege equipment.

Because the towns in Xiliang are not very high, a city wall of five or six meters is considered tall.But the city walls of Chang'an and Luoyang are the highest standards of the Han Dynasty. The shortest part is eight...nine meters, and the highest part can reach about 12 meters...

You just make a ladder that is twice as long as it was in Xiliang, okay? Besides, the Xiliang army doesn't know anything except ladders. They don't know anything about well rails, catapults, and siege engines...

Therefore, even if the main force attacked Chang'an, the casualty ratio was as high as four to one five to one.After fighting for a month, Han Sui began to be a little lazy. After all, if his subordinate died five or six thousand times, wouldn't it make him feel bad?

So every time Han Sui sent troops to attack the city, he began to let the cannon fodder troops go up to die. Many people died, but the city wall never attacked again.

It was understandable for Ma Teng to see the opponent paddling at first.The city of Chang'an is really too tall. Anyway, they have more than 20 people here, and they have also arrested many civilians from Yongzhou to serve as civilian husbands, so they simply use these people to consume the emperor's army.

It took more than half a year for these two people to delay... At this time, there was no rift between the two sides, it was just that they didn't want to send the main force up and let the cannon fodder die.

But after more than half a year, their food and grass gradually ran out.The Ma family is a big family, one of the six great families in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but even so, he couldn't bear the food and grass consumption of nearly 20 soldiers and civilians.

Liangzhou was originally relatively desolate, and after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they rebelled and fought for several years. In the end, Dong Zhuo took another [-] people into Luoyang, so Xiliang has long since declined.

Time has just entered autumn, and before the food and grass are harvested, the Xiliang army also ate a lot of human flesh.But even so, the soldiers were hungry and full, even affecting the elite soldiers.

The conflict between Han Sui and Ma Teng arose at this time, because most of the food and grass were provided by Ma's family, so when there was not much food and grass, Ma Teng's place would naturally be given priority...

On the other hand, Han Sui couldn't even get enough to eat for the elite, what a fart... He said that he came to the Central Plains to see the rich world, but it turned out that Chang'an was no better than Xiliang.

Han Sui went to look for Ma Teng, but it was of no use at all. Instead, Ma Teng asked Han Sui to raise money by himself in a nearby village.When Han Sui went back, he told his general Yan Xing about it. Yan Xing laughed and said to Han Sui, "If you don't give it to us, won't we go grab it?"

"The Ma family's bastards are just relying on the background of the gentry, but they have no respect for us and think highly of us when they ally with us. I also saw nearly a hundred grain trucks entering their camp yesterday."

Yan Xing has never dealt with the Ma family, mainly because the Ma family is a noble family.The gentry usually bully men and women and do nothing wrong. Although Ma Chao is young, he is basically a local bully in Fufeng.

There was a fight between the two of them once, because Yan Xing was a few years older than Ma Chao, so Ma Chao almost didn't beat him to death that time.The root of the conflict was nothing more than looking at each other unhappy, and at that time Yan Xing really didn't dare to kill Ma Chao, so they just beat him up together.

But as the two of them approached the age of 20, Ma Chao's strength and kung fu increased rapidly, but the current Yan Xing gradually became no match for the other party.Of course, being defeated does not mean not daring to fight. Ma Chao would not dare to confront him head-on if he really worked hard.

Now that people have food and grass and they don't, then just go and grab it.Xiliang has always been a tough folk, and any problem that cannot be solved can be solved by killing the other party.

Han Sui thought about it carefully, then nodded and said: "Do it cleanly, and don't let the other party find out that we stole it."

Yan Xing nodded, and then led the cavalry out.Two days later, Yan Xing quietly took advantage of the darkness to bring in hundreds of carriages of grain, but Ma Teng's grain transport team naturally disappeared completely.

Ma Teng also felt that something was wrong after a few days, and ordered Ma Chao, Pound and others to check, but there was no trace of the development of the food transport team at all.

Ma Teng felt a little strange, and even sent someone to Liangzhou to inquire about it, and finally found that it was lost in Yongzhou.Ma Teng began to think that the people in Chang'an City might have done it. After all, Chang'an must have been short of food after being besieged for a year.

But in the next period of time, Ma Teng found that the food and grass on his side continued to disappear, and all the people and food could not find a place to go, leaving no trace.

So Ma Teng directly asked Ma Chao and others to disguise themselves and lead three thousand elites to transport food to see who robbed them...

And Yan Xing, who was addicted to snatching, didn't even know that it was a trap. After the two sides fought together, Yan Xing realized that he was surrounded by the opponent's main force... and Ma Chao naturally recognized Yan Xing. It exploded immediately...

Because Ma Chao's soldiers are elite, and Ma Chao and others were too angry when they found out that they were cheated by their allies, most of the thousands of people Yan Xing brought were killed, including Yan Xing himself, who was chased out by Ma Chao More than 20 miles.

After the two sides went back, they opened up their formations and prepared to fight, but this matter was finally stopped by Ma Teng, and Chang'an City was not defeated. Isn't the civil strife now nonsense?

As for the first few food transport teams, it must have come, because whether it is food or people, they are all in the belly of Han Sui's subordinates. Well, they really didn't waste a bit.

Therefore, although the two sides did not have a big battle, because of the small-scale conflicts behind the food transport team, nearly ten thousand people died... The gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger. It's not like they're fighting now.

It was at this time that Cao Cao arrived at Hangu Pass and then marched westward. The two men, Han Suimateng who got the news, were a little more united because of Cao Cao's appearance.

Because Cao Cao obviously came here for the emperor, if Cao Cao was allowed to get the emperor, wouldn't they come for nothing this year?So the two discussed it, and immediately attacked the city on the one hand, and dealt with Cao Cao together on the other.

So the two immediately brought together their soldiers and horses, and went to Hongnong County to confront Cao Cao who had just left Hangu Pass.

Chapter 420: Get what you want

Hongnong County, this place is quite interesting to talk about, because theoretically this county can be regarded as Liu Bian's fiefdom.After Liu Bian was abolished by Dong Zhuo, he gave Liu Bian the first rank of King Hongnong.

At least before killing Liu Bian, Hongnong County was his fief.Of course... because of the subsequent series of turmoil, there is no one else to replace Liu Bian in Hongnong County.

Hmm...whether it's the emperor or Liu Bian, they probably forgot about this place a long time ago.Only when Cao Cao arrived here, he smiled and mentioned to his subordinates.Although Liu Bian used to be the emperor, but now he has been abolished after all.

As for Zhiyuan in Qingzhou, although it was recognized by some people, it was basically opposed by all the noble families in the world.The gentry all supported Liu Xie, because he was easier to control than Liu Bian.

This is why Cao Cao came to Chang'an to pick up the emperor and was supported by the entire Yanzhou gentry.Otherwise, if there is no money, no food, no one will give you a fart.After the power of Qingzhou became stronger, because of its own gentry status, no matter whether it was Yuan Shao or Cao Cao, they basically gave their full support.

Otherwise, where would Cao Cao's [-] troops come from? Even Cao Cao and the gentry would not deal with it very much.After all, this thing still depends on the comparison. Cao Cao just suppressed the gentry, while the woman next door wanted to kill the gentry.

Although it seems that Zhiyuan is not so excessive now, the nobles have long since distrusted this woman's character.So now the gentry can't wait to hope that Cao Cao can welcome back the emperor so that he can gain a true orthodox status.

The roads in ancient times were very inconvenient, and there were not many roads to go from Luoyang to Chang'an.Hongnong City was also the place where Cao Cao had to conquer, so the armies of the two sides began to confront each other here.

Perhaps because he had gained experience in the battle with the kite, Cao Cao also began to throw a lot of broken iron to stop the cavalry in dealing with the cavalry in Xiliang.After all, although Cao Cao didn't know how Zhiyuan avoided being accidentally injured by these iron blocks, after all, he still had a lot of infantry under his command.

There are many horses in Xiliang, so it is normal for there to be many cavalry.And Cao Cao directly used this unexpected method to cause heavy losses to the enemy in the first battle between the two sides.Thousands of horses in the Xiliang Army were scrapped, and the infantry in Xiliang was so horrible that they were completely abused by Cao Cao.

This made the Xiliang army very upset, especially on Ma Teng's side... Ma Teng's own horses were all destroyed by the iron blocks thrown by Cao Cao, which made him feel distressed.The two sides fought in Hongnong County for more than half a month, and the Xiliang Army was basically suppressed and beaten despite the large number of people.

Of course, the main reason is that there are too few flat roads in this place, which is very unfavorable for cavalry to charge.However, the infantry of the Xiliang Army lacked serious training, and even many people who stood in line couldn't figure it out.

It has been losing for half a month, and Chang'an seems to have discovered the division of troops here, knowing that reinforcements may arrive, so they resisted more resolutely.This made Ma Teng and Han Sui more and more difficult to fight. After entering the Central Plains for about a year, the soldiers themselves were also very tired.

How can I fight this?But it would be too embarrassing if he went back to Xiliang directly like this.But if you continue to fight, I'm afraid it won't take long, and the morale on your side will collapse directly.

Even Han Sui had the idea of ​​surrendering Cao Cao, and once he had this momentum, he naturally began to think seriously.The opponent has something to restrain the cavalry, but the infantry on his side is not the opponent's opponent.

If Cao Cao is allowed to win the emperor, what kind of official position should he want?After all, to put it bluntly, in order to get the emperor now, he needs an orthodox general position.With so many people on my side, wouldn't the emperor give him a good position?

As for Ma Teng... Han Sui didn't want him to climb on top of him.So after thinking about it, if it doesn't work, contact Cao Cao to study it first?Han Sui thought so, but Ma Teng thought so too.

However, Ma Teng had more people who opposed it than Han Sui. After all, his son Ma Chao was the first to oppose it.It's better to be a prince of one side than to work under other people's hands, and even if Chang'an can't be defeated, just go back to Xiliang.

There are many people who have this kind of thinking, but Ma Teng still suppresses it.What he meant was similar to Han Sui's, that is, they lacked a truly orthodox organization.Although Dong Zhuo got an establishment in the front, after Dong Zhuo was killed, the emperor also removed Ma Teng's official position.

Basically, most of the princes who had a relationship with Dong Zhuo were suppressed, so now Ma Teng and Han Sui are both white.Their official positions are all self-proclaimed, and they are not recognized by others at all.

This is naturally the reason why the two men surrounded Chang'an, but they have not been defeated after a year of fighting, and now that another Cao Cao has come over, there is even less hope.So Ma Teng had no choice but to send someone to contact Cao Cao.

So two embarrassing messages from Cao Cao's side appeared. Han Sui and Ma Teng both meant to focus on Cao Cao, and Xun Yu's strategy was useless at all.

Cao Cao suddenly burst into a sense of arrogance. After all, he had been fighting with Zhiyuan all the time. That woman's training level was too strong, so he felt that everyone's soldiers were like this.Now it seems that they are not all, and the soldiers on their side are indeed elite. It would be a good thing if the other party really surrendered.

Xun Yu also nodded, but asked Cao Cao to keep the hostages in his hands.The Xiliang army is capricious, and if no hostages are left in hand, it may repeat again in the future.Cao Cao nodded in agreement, and then began to send people to contact these two people.

Even under Xun Yu's arrangement, they revealed to the other party that they were about to surrender and recruit themselves, and the two became even more anxious.If one side surrendered, wouldn't it be aimed directly at oneself, so this made the two of them quickly reach a condition with Cao Cao.

In exchange, Cao Cao needs to talk to the emperor about pardoning the sins of the two people, but both parties must have relatives staying with Cao Cao or the emperor.The two sides gritted their teeth and agreed, and finally Ma Teng decided to enter Chang'an as an official, while Han Sui sent his son to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao himself did not expect it to be so smooth. Although this does not mean that the armies of these two families can be annexed immediately, at least in name, the almost 20 people in Xiliang are definitely his subordinates.

So after a simple integration, Cao Cao brought Xun Yu and some civil servants and generals to Chang'an in person.And Cao Cao directly pleaded guilty to Ma Teng first. The emperor saw that as long as he forgives the other party, he can get 20 combat power, so he finally gritted his teeth and endured it.

And Cao Cao finally won the approval of the emperor, and personally entered the palace to meet the emperor.

Chapter 420: Provoking Rebellion

In the past few years, Liu Xie's role has been that of a stamped person.Because he basically doesn't have to do anything except stamping...

Although the worry of life is not a serious problem, I always feel like a puppet.Even though Wang Yun was very polite to the emperor, and even taught the emperor a lot of ways to govern the country, he had no control over the power of the court and the deployment of soldiers.

The Xiliang army is nothing more than that it may be more brutal than Wang Yun. Although the old man Wang Yun still has a heart for a big man, he has to think about his own power after all, and he will never let others take over his power.

Relatively speaking, Liu Bian in Qingzhou can indeed develop his own capable subordinates, because Zhi Yuan acquiesced to this, as long as you don't interfere with me and lead people to unify the big man, you can do whatever you want.

And Cao Cao brought people to see the emperor, Wang Yun naturally felt a little uncomfortable.Because Cao Cao actually defeated the Xiliang army and made the opponent surrender to him.This is equivalent to the current Cao Cao's military strength can definitely be around 15 to 20.

Couldn't so many people become the next Dong Zhuo? ?So Wang Yun immediately found the emperor Liu Xie, hoping that the emperor would order veteran Xu Rong to integrate Xiliang's army, at least the more than [-] people must not be controlled by Cao Cao.

Liu Xie just felt relieved at this time, and asked Wang Yun, "Why didn't Marquis Wen come back with that Cao Mengde?"

This is a good question, because Lu Bu was sent by the emperor to Cao Cao to beg for reinforcements. Now that Cao Cao is back, where is Lu Bu?

Wang Yun couldn't help but think a little more. Because of Diao Chan's relationship, Lu Bu naturally respected Wang Yun very much now, and Wang Yun naturally relied on Lu Bu in the military.But now that Cao Cao came and Lu Bu didn't come back, Wang Yun naturally had to think about it.

So Wang Yun left first, and Wang Yun asked the emperor to give Xu Rong an order to do the matter of integrating the Xiliang army... because now Xu Rong and Hu Zhen are the only people the emperor can command, although they Now they add up to less than [-] people.

Ma Teng and Han Sui's sons, although the emperor was very unhappy with them, he also arranged some idle jobs for them, and even arranged for people to follow them, and kill them immediately if there was any problem.

These two people were also forced by the emperor to go to Cao Cao. If they were all under Cao Cao's command, wouldn't the Xiliang Army be under Cao Cao's management?And Cao Cao had just arrived in Chang'an, so naturally he would not have too much conflict with the emperor, so he handed over these two people.

The emperor is actually afraid. Ever since Liu Xie became the emperor, he really hasn't had a good day. Now that he finally has some rights, he naturally doesn't want to lose them.

Cao Cao turned around and told Xun Yu some people about the situation here, and then Xun Yu said to Cao Cao: "The emperor probably doesn't fully trust us at the moment, the lord has too many soldiers in his hands."

"It is precisely because those Xiliang soldiers were pardoned because of you, my lord, that Wang Yun and the Son of Heaven are obviously afraid of us."

"My lord wants to move the world to Yanzhou, I'm afraid I won't get Wang Yun's consent... And if the emperor is really forced to move, aren't we the same as Dong Zhuo?"

Xun Yu frowned, mainly because the emperor didn't trust them, even though they really didn't want to do anything to the emperor.On Wang Yun's side, the emperor obeyed him, so wouldn't it be empty talk for them to welcome the emperor this time.

Cheng Yu suddenly cupped his hands at Cao Cao from the side: "I have a plan, but it might be a little cruel..."

After saying this, Cheng Yu looked at Xun Yu, who was frowning, and the other party seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, or Xun Yu had already thought of this...but for some reason he didn't say it.

"Talk about it..." Xun Yu sighed, and simply pretended not to know.Cheng Yu began to tell Cao Cao his plan, and Cao Cao agreed with Cheng Yu's approach after thinking for a while.

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