"Is there any help for Bo Fu? I brought a lot of things..." Yuan Shu directly took out a large package, which contained a lot of jade and precious stones, and even two large pieces of gold.

Zhiyuan wiped her body clean, and then changed into another set of clothes. "I don't know...but I have to try. By the way...get someone to collect some Tiankui's blood. I can't use my handle next time. How much blood I have is not enough."

After Yuan Shu nodded and the two chatted casually, Yuan Shu went down to prepare.He could tell that Zhiyuan was definitely very tired, so now Yuan Shu's hands and feet are quite regular.

Zhiyuan slept until evening, and then hastily ate a meal. "I'm getting some spirits to Bo Fu's house, I think it might be useful."

Zhou Yu originally planned to stay, but was kicked out by Yuan Shu.It is enough for him to take care of it alone here, and Yuan Shu gave Zhiyuan a good reason: "I also have destiny in me, that Taoist dare not do anything to me."

"Your destiny..." Zhiyuan covered her face. "Okay, okay... Do you know that his younger brother Zhongmou's fate is more than a hundred times more than yours..."

Yuan Shu curled his lips: "Didn't you say that guy was captured by the gentry, do you want to kill him quietly?"

Zhi Yuan made a helpless expression: "You have accepted Bo Fu as a foster son, so you think it's okay to kill his brother?"

Yuan Shu smiled at Zhiyuan: "I'm thinking for you..."

Zhiyuan sighed: "Sun Ce's son, and he does have a destiny. It's a pity that I won't let the world fall apart again, so let his destiny... go to a place that we can't control."

Yuan Shu's eyes lit up: "What about my destiny? I can also go to a place that you can't control..."

"Well... no, how about we go to a place that has nothing to do with the big man? Then we can still build a country. I will be the emperor and you will be the queen..."

Zhiyuan kicked it directly: "I want to go by myself, do you still think that you don't die fast enough in such a barren place?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and take it over there, remember not to move!" Zhiyuan found Yuan Shu and wanted to join in the fun, but he was kind enough to help you, so Zhiyuan could only rely on him.

Zhiyuan sat on the futon and closed her eyes to meditate. Around the time of Haishi at night, Zhiyuan directly entered the spirit world again.Zhiyuan walked out of the camp, and then looked at the distant sky.

Yu Ji was very punctual, but he still formed a huge phantom.Zhiyuan is not capable of making her body so big, it consumes too much of her strength.

"That's right, it seems that you, a woman, seem to have some ability to block that gadget... I'll come over today to see if I can let you rest for a day..."

"It seems that there is no need, then continue to..."

Paper Kite: "MMP!"

Yu Ji still didn't make a move himself, and summoned something with a wave of his hand.This time it was not a spirit, but a monster in human form.There is a trace of black power on this thing, and it holds a huge ax in its hand.

"This is the resentment of a soldier under the ancient demon king... after his death." Yu Ji "kindly" told Zhi Yuan about the origin of this thing, and then issued a clear order to take the thing.

The whole body of this thing is reddish brown, and it seems to have a layer of armor on its body.What Zhiyuan didn't even expect was that when this thing waved its hand, a black air rushed towards Zhiyuan. It was obvious that it also had skills.

The black air should be the breath of the ghost, Zhiyuan thought for a while and opened a spout of spirits, and then used her ability to control it to form a cloud of wine mist and rushed towards the ghost, and was directly ignited by the kite when it collided.

My dear readers, come in and have a look

This book is coming to an end, and I don't know how to count words, so it is estimated that 130-150 million must be over.

I have four pits, one of which has already written seven or eight chapters.Post what these pitfalls come to mind, and they may be reviewed later.

First: In the Tang Dynasty, Yang Guozhong's youngest daughter was remarried.This book is a serious female hero line, and my book is indeed going astray from the female hero now.The specific setting is a high-magic world, similar to that of Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, and history is interspersed in it. (The outline is being worked on, and the current progress is 1/10)

Second: In the Song Dynasty, the same is the change of marriage (covering face). The protagonist may travel to the world of Water Margin and become Pan Jinlian.This book is a serious Queen's novel, and the protagonist should be able to become an emperor... A low-magic world (the outline hasn't been made yet, only ideas)

Third: urban abilities, semi-game writing...the old routine.Similar to the story of gaining abilities in the game and being a magical girl in the real world.That's right...it's also Bianwen.Since I write urban articles and drive various things, there may be more lily lines, but the risk of 404 is too high.There will be unscientific plots similar to Eastern Fantasy and Western Fantasy Marvel DC... (The outline has not been made yet, only ideas)

Fourth: In the future world, human beings are enslaved by alien creatures, and even most of the human beings are reduced to primitive people.The protagonist is a time traveler, leading the plot of human re-emergence.Note, I have already written seven or eight chapters of the male protagonist of this book. (This book is a bit difficult, but it is very interesting for me. However, the outline of this book has been made more than 1 words before, and it was lost by Jiyou’s coding software, and it was lost two times in a row. Times. So now I don't even have a 1/5 outline for the rest of the book.)

Readers can have an in-depth discussion here, and I will read them one by one and reply.

Chapter 450: Yu Ji is angry

The flames directly shot up to the sky at the door, but those flames seemed to be burning in the air, and there were bursts of piercing screams.

To put it bluntly, it was the first time for Yuan Shu to see Zhiyuan's magic. After all, many people don't believe in Taoism, although Zhang Jiao did use it back then.After seeing this unscientific flame, Yuan Shu couldn't help believing what Zhi Yuan said before.

But Yuan Shu didn't say anything, and even stuffed a small box into his bosom again.Speaking of which, Yuan Shu planned to give Zhi Yuan a gift, but there wasn't much time ahead, and Yuan Shu didn't want to disturb Zhi Yuan to save Sun Ce.

Zhiyuan ignited those yin qi, and then she took out another jade pendant.The kite directly crushed it with both hands, and then touched some cinnabar with her hands from the side.

"In the vast and boundless Fengdu there are many King Kong Mountains, the immeasurable light holes of Lingbao shine on the lake of fire, the souls of the nine secluded sins are accompanied by incense clouds and streamers, and the God of Dinghui and Qinglian is born forever... pardon!" Zhi Yuan directly held her hand The contents in it were thrown out in front of him.

And he drew a weird talisman in the air with his cinnabar-possessed fingers, and suddenly a strong silver-white light formed in the air, directly hitting the magic soldier.

There was a buzzing sound in the air, and the bodies of a few patrolling people not far outside the camp flew out and fell to pieces.The rest of the people were so frightened that they ran away, and after a while, a group of Sun Ce's men completely separated the area.

The kite took a breath, and the magic soldier was actually ignited by the white power, and it let out a terrifying roar, but its life seemed to be fine, those huge long knives rushed over to chop at the kite.

Zhi Yuan casually summoned her epee to fight with that demon soldier.Zhiyuan's epee is also part of the spirit, all things have spirits, nothing more than strong and weak.

Zhiyuan felt that her abilities had regressed a bit. Speaking of which, Zhiyuan seemed to have not fought the enemy in person for a long time, and was more often a commander in chief, although she might be in the front.

So after reaching out to the magic soldier, Zhiyuan felt that her routine was a bit unfamiliar.The two fought for a while, and Zhiyuan noticed that Yu Ji not far away had disappeared...

I don't know if he thinks this magic soldier can beat the kite, or if he just let the kite out for a day.But even so, this thing is not easy to deal with, and even Zhiyuan plans to use it more...

But Zhiyuan thought about it and forgot it, if she used her big move today, what else could she do tomorrow.Zhi Yuan hesitated for a moment, then thought of Sun Ce on the bed.

Since he couldn't beat him, then Sun Ce must be able to beat him.Earlier, in order to avoid trouble for Sun Ce, the kite put Sun Ce to sleep...Anyway, someone fed water and rice soup, and he couldn't die if he didn't come out for three days.

But spirit bodies can still be produced, at least Zhiyuan also has this ability.So Zhiyuan, after kicking the demon soldier away with all her might, went directly to Sun Ce's bedside, took out a charm from her bosom, and stuck it on Sun Ce's forehead.

Sun Ce's body suddenly struggled and shook, and then his spirit floated directly on the bed. "What's wrong with me?" Sun Ce looked at his body...

"I was killed by that demon?" Sun Ce only saw the kite at this time.

Zhi Yuan directly kicked the spirit of a long spear on the weapon rack not far away to Sun Ce's side, and Sun Ce quickly caught it.

"Come here and help, or you might really die..." Zhi Yuan said to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce naturally saw the monster, but using force is his strong point, so Sun Ce shook his spear and charged at the demon soldier.

With Sun Ce's joining, the magic soldiers finally began to lose.Sun Ce brandished his long spear, and in just a short while, he stabbed several holes in the demon soldier's body.The magic soldiers roared, and the resistance became weaker and weaker.

Finally, the demon soldier was beheaded by Sun Ce, and at this time, Yu Ji appeared again. "Monster!" Seeing Yu Ji, Sun Ce rushed towards Yu Ji, wanting to kill him.

"Come back!" Zhiyuan shouted at Sun Ce.

Yu Ji pointed at Sun Ce, and a cyan force shot out directly from his hand.As soon as Zhi Yuan ran over, she saw Sun Ce being blown away, and Sun Ce's spirit was instantly driven into his body.

In reality, Sun Ce vomited blood directly, and woke up... "Yaodao, I will kill you!" Sun Ce yelled while vomiting blood.

Yuan Shu hurriedly brought him some water and asked what happened.At this time, the kite directly activated the magic circle that had not been activated before.

A magic circle composed of five kinds of gemstones, and five kinds of special things are pressed under the gemstones.Gold (fire alchemy), wood (lightning splitting wood), water (rootless water), fire (falling fire), earth (foundation soil), the paper kite was directly activated, and the power of the magic circle actually formed a not too big circle around the paper kite. pentagram.

The five kinds of power generate and restrain each other, becoming stronger and stronger through continuous fusion.Yu Ji's complexion couldn't help but darken, and then she laughed loudly: "That's right, it's possible to activate this kind of spell, but it can't reach me."

Yu Ji faced his head and feet again, and immediately two blue lotus flowers wrapped him inside.

At this time, Zhiyuan finally raised the aura of the magic circle to its peak. "Five Spirits Suppressing Evil..." Zhiyuan's eyes glowed blue, and then she pointed her sword at Yu Ji.

The five-pointed star directly hit Yu Ji's body with the five-point power. Outside Yuan Shu and Sun Ce, it was obvious that the five gemstones in the magic circle were all turned into powder.

And one piece in the magic circle can last for four to five hundred years. It is said that the jade pendant handed down from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period broke directly.

There was a loud thunderous noise in the air outside the tent, and after the loud noise, a huge shock wave directly blew away the tent where Yuan Shu and Sun Ce were located.

Many soldiers outside were bleeding from their ears, and some who were too close fell to the ground and passed out.Zhiyuan didn't expect the power of this thing to be so strong, and she didn't have much feeling in the spirit world now.

Maybe it's because it's far away from Yuji... The kite directly caused chaos in the world of spirits, and many nearby spirits were frightened, or they were directly disturbed by the power of the kites and flew all over the sky.

Yu Ji was really injured this time, the lotus flowers above his head and under his feet became transparent, and he looked at Zhiyuan with a somewhat angry gaze.

Originally, Yu Ji planned to teach Zhi Yuan a lesson, because Zhi Yuan changed the way of heaven too much, since Sun Ce should die in his hands, he should be killed by him.In particular, Sun Ce made him very upset, and Yu Ji also had plans to stand up in his heart.

But this woman who didn't know whether she was dead or alive appeared, and now the fate is in the hands of this woman, Yu Ji has to pass her test if he wants to kill Sun Ce.

But what Yu Ji didn't expect was that he was humiliated by this woman. He originally wanted to point out this woman to let her retreat. It doesn't matter if a Sun Ce dies.

But Zhiyuan seemed to slap Yu Ji's face fiercely, which made Yu Ji completely angry.

Chapter 450 Six: Jin Bu Yao

Zhiyuan suddenly laughed, and then she took out another spell.

"If it was yesterday, maybe I would still be afraid of you, but not today...Let me tell you what is the biggest difference between us?"

"Fellow Daoist is born out of the world to practice, but I joined the world. After entering the world, I will be contaminated with karma, and my body will naturally be affected in the future. For example, I have not made any progress in Taoism for several years now, and that is because I have killed too much."

"But fellow daoists are different...friends of daoism are about karma. Sun Ce insulted you and scolded you, and it was the destiny of heaven, so you can do something to him. But you can't kill innocent people casually. To be honest, it's fine." I stand here, and you can't do anything to me."

"But now... don't forget that there is another person here, which is why I didn't drive him out. Sun Ce does not have a destiny, but this person has..."

"What if I could take out that part of his destiny and inject it into Sun Ce's body? How can you attack him? Even among these three people, you can't do anything to avoid cause and effect."

Zhiyuan came to Yuan Shu directly by her spirit, and said to Yuan Shu in a special way: "Don't move, trust me..." After speaking, she directly took a talisman into Yuan Shu's body.

Then Zhiyuan ran his fingers across Yuan Shu's body. Although Yuan Shu couldn't see it in the outside world, he could feel that something was pulled out of his body, and he felt a chill.

This feeling is very bad, but Zhiyuan's voice reached his ears: "I'm using your destiny to blackmail that Taoist priest, and I'll return it to you when it's used up..."

Yuan Shu stopped moving, and soon a purple gas that was the size of a little finger appeared in Zhi Yuan's hand, and it didn't even have the shape of a dragon.Zhiyuan felt that Yuan Shu's fate was indeed a period, how pitiful it was.

Then Zhiyuan looked at Yu Ji, and put that strength on Sun Ce's chest. "I won……"

Yu Ji was really confused, he didn't expect this woman to play like this.Yu Ji was so angry that he formed a blue spear with both hands and stabbed at Zhi Yuan's body.

Zhiyuan didn't hide, didn't even use any strength, she bet that Yu Ji wouldn't dare to do anything to her.First...Zhi Yuan is an ordinary person, even if he knows Taoism, he is just a person in the world.Killing the kite will definitely lead to karma, and if Yu Ji thinks about cultivating immortals in the future, he will surely reach the sky.

Zhi kites are not demons and ghosts, and they are not considered the kind that can be killed. Killing a paper kite has to form karma according to the reincarnation of heaven.

The teacher of the second kite is Zuo Ci, and the woman who uses the bow mysteriously.Zhiyuan is really dead, can those two make Yu Ji feel better?This is also the main reason why Zhiyuan is not afraid of Yu Ji.

Sure enough, Yu Ji's power exploded in front of the kite, and the kite received only a little impact and was not enough to threaten.Yu Ji looked upset but there was nothing he could do, because Zhi Yuan was determined that they, the old monster, couldn't easily attack ordinary people.

"Little girl...you really have some skills, you won...but don't forget that you have already made the heavens afraid. I used to watch the stars at night, and you only have ten years to live. Let's do it..."

Yu Ji's image faded away, but Zhi Yuan felt a little strange, I can live ten years... am I going to die in my 30s?

It seems that more preparations are needed, and the Taiping Jing also has a way to avoid evil.Zhi Yuan thought for a while and then looked at the piece of destiny in her hand, she chuckled lightly and threw it back into Yuan Shu's body.

Mandate of Heaven does not matter at all, even if Yuan Shu does not proclaim himself emperor in this life, this Mandate of Heaven will not have any rebellious effect on Yuan Shu, because he is too weak... The kite was thrown back on Yuan Shu's body.

Then Zhiyuan withdrew from the spirit form and returned to his own body. He looked at Sun Ce who was sluggish lying on the bed, and then said, "He won't come to trouble you anymore. If you weren't looking for the phantom to kill him, he would have killed him." I dare not make a move on you."

"People with this kind of ability will generally not take action against ordinary people easily. It's good to keep a respectful distance from such things in the future, but you must not be so impulsive." Zhi Yuan said to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce didn't know what to say, but he was naturally not the kind of person who didn't know how to repay his kindness.After thinking for a while, Sun Ce knelt down directly in front of the kite, "I can't repay you for saving my life. In the future, Sun Ce will be at his mercy."

"I once repaid Uncle Yuan's great kindness. I worship Uncle Yuan as my adoptive father. Now that the princess saved me from fire and water, then today I will worship the princess as my adoptive mother and hope for her favor."

Zhi Yuan was taken aback for a moment. Speaking of which, Sun Ce only loved him six or seven years younger, and Zhi Yuan was a little uncomfortable for a while.On the contrary, Yuan Shu laughed loudly: "No need to pray, she is your foster mother..."

Zhi Yuan glared at Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu chuckled, "Do you want a half-state?"

Zhi Yuan snorted: "No, based on the quality of your army, believe it or not, I can calm down with [-] to [-]."

Yuan Shu hummed twice: "I don't believe it. I have Wuming and Bofu. There are not many of your subordinates who can beat these two people. Taishi Ziyi is one of them. Xu Huang is probably not close to the fire."

Yuan Shu also had a very clear understanding of Zhiyuan, and what was more important was that he was quite at ease with these two men under his command.

After Yuan Shu said this, he smiled and took Zhiyuan's hand: "My adopted son should rest, and the two of us should not disturb him."

"Come and leave with me, I want to give you a gift?"

After saying this, Yuan Shu dragged Zhi Yuan away, and when he came outside, a group of Sun Ce's generals surrounded him, Zhi Yuan explained to them, and then Yuan Shu dragged him into their camp.

"Why... so mysterious?" Zhi Yuan shook Yuan Shu's hand away.

Yuan Shu chuckled, and handed the wooden box in his arms to Zhiyuan. "This is an old item. It is said that it was given to Bao Si by King You of Zhou back then. Recently, when cleaning up some noble families who took refuge in my brother, I got the best item..."

"But... hey..." Yuan Shu glanced at Zhi Yuan.

When Zhiyuan opened the box, she was also a little surprised.Inside the box is a hairpin, no...according to the ancient saying, it is a walking hairpin.

Jin Bu Yao...

The body of the hairpin is pure gold, and behind it is a golden flower, more than ten golden vines and dozens of small golden leaves.

I don't believe this paper kite is handcrafted at all, only the nail-sized gold leaves have clearly visible textures, and the golden flower in the middle also has faint textures.

Of course, this thing is not light... although it looks like a leaf is very thin.In ancient times, it was a miracle that it was hand-made one by one, with the gold buckle of the vine in the middle.If this thing is passed down to modern times, the absolute value is more than several billion, and the kite will be shocked for a while.

"Are you satisfied?" Seeing Zhi Yuan's expression, Yuan Shu knew that he had finally surprised this woman once.

Zhiyuan nodded: "A wonderful workmanship...I accept this love...I like it very much. When my hair grows to my waist, I will wear this golden step... If you want to marry, I will marry..."

Zhiyuan also muttered in her heart: "If you really want to be King Zhou You, how can beauty be so important?"

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