When he was about a hundred steps away from the Qingzhou Army, Zhang Yun suddenly realized that something was not normal.Because he actually saw some light on the side of the Qingzhou Army.

It's not light....it's fire!Just behind the shield in front, densely packed flames actually appeared.Zhang Xi was startled, that woman actually found out his secret? !

Suddenly Zhang Yun saw that the woman had come to the front of the line, and then took out a short javelin in his hand.The woman smiled in his direction, and threw the javelin directly where he was.

"She saw me?!" Zhang Yun was startled again.

Zhiyuan's javelin did not hit Zhang Xi's correct position, after all, there must be some discrepancy after running.But just after Zhiyuan's javelin was shot, there were thousands of javelins in the Qingzhou army's camp, all of them shot towards Zhang Xi's position.

But at this moment, Zhang He had already stopped in his tracks. After all, he had fought Zhi Yuan once, and he knew very well that this woman was much more vicious than he was.And at the same time, Zhang Yun's body quickly wanted to run back, and the guards on the side also ran back with Zhang Yun, and the team immediately became chaotic.

After all, Zhang He is not a fool. After thousands of javelins shot out the position in front of Zhang He, countless rockets fell from the sky.And the short javelins in other positions also flew out with flames, and even if it was not at night, so many flames reflected a small half of the sky red.

The sound of "Boom... Boom..." kept bursting out from Xiandeng's side, and every time the sound was heard, a small piece of flame rose up.

And because Zhang Xi ran away in front, the team was even more chaotic than before, and thousands of people even knelt on the ground and surrendered directly to Zhi Yuan.

Zhang Xi was going crazy with rage, especially because there was an arrow above his knee, and the skin on the side was a lot reddened by the fire.In the end, he only ran to his camp under the escort of a few soldiers. Fortunately, the Qingzhou Army did not pursue him.

However, the kite's purpose was not to defeat Zhang He's army, but to slowly move northward.

Chapter 480: Nemesis

After Zhang Xi ran back, he counted the losses and found that at least 7000 people had not followed.Of course, it does not mean that more than 7000 people died. Many people ran away or surrendered to Qingzhou.

However, because the opponent did not pursue them, the remaining 5000 people brought by Zhang Yun were reluctantly waiting here.Zhiyuan didn't order anyone to come over to cover up the killing, otherwise there wouldn't be such a small number of people left.

Zhang He asked the doctor accompanying the army to pull out the arrow from his leg, and then smeared some herbal mud on it.In the end, he took a look at the morale on his side and couldn't help but sighed, and went back to Yuan Shao's camp to plead guilty.

Someone from Zhiyuan's side also saw Zhang He's injury, and quickly reported it to Zhiyuan.After Zhiyuan heard that Zhang He had been hit by an arrow in the knee, the corners of Zhiyuan's mouth twitched involuntarily.It seems that Zhang Xi's knee is a magnet for absorbing arrows.

However, Zhiyuan reckons that this guy should not be so unlucky. After all, Zhiyuan's real black technology has not yet been used, that is, arrows with blood groove arrows.As long as this kind of arrow hits any part of the body, the opponent is basically dead, even if the output is not too large.

Zhiyuan still pays more attention to climbing the technology tree, so the treatment of craftsmen is quite good.Otherwise, how could it be possible for Qingzhou to produce so many black technology equipment, even though the investment for each item is sky-high.

Yuan Shao made a misjudgment because Zhiyuan failed to kill Zhang He's remaining army.After Zhang Yun pleaded guilty to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao and his think tank analyzed it, thinking that Zhi Yuan did not dare to stay too long, and it must be that the situation in Bohai County was very dangerous.

So Yuan Shao waved his hand and asked Lu Bu to lead 10 people from his headquarters to chase after Zhiyuan. Anyway, the two had a grudge, didn't they?After Lu Bu thought about it, he happily agreed.

Today's Huns have been arranged by Lu Bu to the border of Jizhou, so many men naturally stayed, and Zhang Liao also took some of them, so now Lu Bu has 20 men, which is the largest number of people.

This time, he came to Bohai County to chase Zhiyuan. Lu Bu led 10 people, and the remaining 10 people were in charge of the current Hun King.Lu Bu's men were still short of generals, except for Zhang Liao, his original men were either killed or took refuge in Zhiyuan.

So now Lu Bu's subordinates are basically a group of generals from the Huns.Lu Bu didn't like these people at all. In his opinion, they were just a bunch of trash.But after all, no one was available, so Lu Bu could only personally lead people to chase Zhiyuan.

Since the Huns were all cavalry, they were already close to Zhiyuan's army on the second night.The scouts of the two sides clashed with each other, and the cavalry of the Huns were completely abused by the cavalry of Qingzhou.

Lu Bu almost died of anger, and scolded a group of Hun generals for half an hour.Now the Huns don't have saddles and horseshoes, let alone one Han beats five Hus, and Qingzhou almost didn't make a loss ratio of ten to one.

But the Huns couldn't help it, and they couldn't understand why the group of Han people were more skilled than them on horseback, and they had more iron armor than their leather armor, so how could they fight?

Although Lu Bu's military strength is very strong, but the opponent Guan Yu, Sun Ce, Zhao Yun, these three people are here, Lu Bu has more time to play with them.If you can't beat them to death, Lu Bu himself is in a hurry when the three of them go up together.

So after catching up, Lu Bu found that he still had nothing to do with the opponent.This is really embarrassing, although there are only 3 people on Zhiyuan's side, Lu Bu's 10 people just dare not come up.

But after so many years, Lu Bu knows that no matter how low his IQ is, he can't do it recklessly.So Lu Bu looked at the map and found that it was not far from Ping'an Kingdom, and the people guarding the grain and grass in Ping'an Kingdom were Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

Lu Bu thought for a while, it seems that those two people still have some skills, at least they can fight seventy or eighty rounds with him.If there were these two people who helped hold Zhi Yuan's subordinates and beheaded that damned woman, he might be able to succeed in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Lu Bu followed Zhi Yuan's team leisurely, and then sent someone to Anping Kingdom on his own.Yan Liang and Wen Chou stationed grain and grass in Anping, where there could be [-] soldiers.

Coupled with Lu Bu's 10 people, there is no way this kind of number can suppress the female soldier.And Zhiyuan looked at the map, and then laughed.They are all calculating with each other, since the kite can lead 3 people as bait, they are naturally prepared.

Zhiyuan quickly passed on the news here, then found Guan Yu and said to him: "Brother Yunchang, I plan to let you lead five thousand cavalry to this location..." Zhiyuan clicked on the map, and there are all The plain is nothing more than a little closer to a small county.

"This place is very suitable for cavalry, and if Lu Bu contacts the people of Anping Kingdom, the army sent by Anping Kingdom will definitely pass by here. Brother Yunchang leads the cavalry here, how about beheading the opponent's general here?"

Guan Yu nodded, speaking of when he was in Yuzhou, after Lu Bu ran away... Guan Yu and the others got the Chituma.However, because the Chitu horse was seriously injured and could not be used as a war horse, Liu Bei and the others let the Chitu horse breed, and produced several batches of war horses with good pedigree.

Now the earliest batch has been around for three years. Guan Yu and the others ride this kind of horse. Although the speed is not as abnormal as the red rabbit horse, it is much better than ordinary war horses.

A three-year-old horse is equivalent to a human in his 20s, which is when his physical strength is at its best.Even if Ma Kuai was ruthless and Guan Yu was singled out with Lu Bu, he would not lose for nearly a hundred rounds.

But Yan Liangwen Chou was not Lu Bu after all, and Zhi Yuan felt that it shouldn't be too difficult for Guan Yu to kill these two people instantly.

So Guan Yu took away the [-] cavalry, while Zhi Yuan took the team to a small hill and settled here after finding a water source.

Lu Bu thought that his harassment made the opponent unable to advance, so he directly led 10 people to surround the small hill.He had a very good idea in his heart, that is, he only needs to surround and wait for the tens of thousands of people from Anping Kingdom to come over, and then trap this woman to death.

After Lu Bu surrounded the kite, he felt much better.Then Lu Bu started to sing again, took Diao Chan to the foot of the hill and blew at the kite.

But at least Zhiyuan knew about the situation of the Black Mountain Army through Lu Bu.Zhiyuan only knew a rough idea before, but now she knows more.

Zhi Yuan looked around and found that she hadn't brought Huang Zhong.So Zhiyuan sighed...

If Huang Zhong was here, and she had bloodletting arrows, maybe she could really shoot Lu Bu.Lu Bu's bow and arrow is indeed good, but Huang Zhong is even stronger.

Chapter 480: Cut Yanliang

Huang Zhong may or may not be able to hurt Lu Bu, but it's always good to think about it.Now Zhiyuan is waiting for news from other places, as for the outcome, she really doesn't know.

As for thinking about it carefully, he sent out several waves of people in succession.Although Zhiyuan reckoned that even if Anping's food was burned, Yuan Shao would not fail so easily.

After all, this time it was the gentry who fully supported Yuan Shao, which is different from Yuan Shao and Cao Cao fighting for hegemony in history.In history, Yuan Shao's defeat of those gentry was just another person's support, and Cao Cao didn't dare to do anything to them.

But it's different now, if Zhiyuan defeated Yuan Shao, then basically everything about the gentry would be explained.Therefore, Zhiyuan reckoned that the gentry would not let Yuan Shao die, and Zhiyuan burned his food and grass in time.

However, if Yan Liang, Wen Chou can be killed as in history, then Zhi Yuan basically feels that her winning rate will be much higher.

That's what Zhiyuan thought, and the plot seems to be moving in this direction.Guan Yu led five thousand cavalry to a small village here, and all the people in the village ran away.

A battle of several 10 people does not require the relocation of the population above, and all the people below who can escape must have escaped.Soldiers and robbers are basically the same at some point, even though these people know that the military discipline of the Qingzhou Army is indeed good.

But who knows what will happen in the real fight, so there are basically no people in the border villages and towns of Jizhou and Qingzhou.Guan Yu hid the cavalry in a nearby depression, and then did not light a fire to eat some dry food to solve the problem.

I have carried dry food for about three or four days with me here, and now I am ambushing the opponent, and most of the opponent is infantry.After all, not everyone is equipped with cavalry, and Yan Liangwen Chou's cavalry team is really not much here.

After all, what kind of cavalry is used to guard the food and grass? This belongs to defending the city and not going out of the city to fight.But after all, they had fought against each other before and let them stay in Anping Country, these two people would have been bored for a long time.

After Lu Bu's messenger came over, the two of them couldn't bear it any longer.After all, Lu Bu said that he had surrounded the woman on a small hill near Anping, but they didn't have enough people to go head-to-head with Qingzhou's army.

After hearing what Lu Bu's messenger said, the two of them inquired carefully.Then Yan Liang snorted disdainfully: "So? You 10 people dare not face each other's 5 people?"

"A man as powerful as Lu Fengxian dared not fight the Qingzhou army with twice the army. It's really ridiculous."

Lu Bu's subordinates were obviously angry, after all, what the other party said was really ugly.So he said directly: "It's always better for Marquis Wen to be on the safe side, after all your general Zhang Junyi almost died in the hands of that woman."

"Thirty thousand soldiers went to beat that woman first, and the other party didn't have any casualties, but he himself died more than 2 people. I don't know what will happen to General Yan?"

After the soldier finished speaking, Yan Liang's Wen Chou was a little surprised, but he quickly returned to normal.Because of Zhang Xi's ability, several people still think it is more reliable, although there are usually some fights.

Wen Chou sneered: "Since the woman is surrounded, what are you afraid of?"

"Otherwise, if you stay here, I will lead 5 people to help Lu Bu."

Yan Liang shook his head: "Anping is just as important here. The city walls here are not tall, so naturally we need to keep more people."

"I led 5 infantry, that's all. The woman was only [-] plus Lu Bu's [-]. Heaped her up too. Anping Kingdom cannot afford to lose, so be careful."

When Yan Liang said this, Wen Chou nodded in agreement.After all, their main task is to guard Anping Country's food and grass, and if there is any problem with the food and grass here, Yuan Shao will never let them go.

Although if the woman could be killed, it would definitely shake the world, but to put it bluntly, the two felt that it might not be possible to keep the woman.So in the end, the troops were divided altogether, and Yan Liang led 3 people to support Lu Bu.

Led by Lu Bu's messenger, more than 3 people began to head west, that is, the small hill where the kite was.Originally, the messenger arrived on horseback in about a day or so, but because Yan Liang was leading infantry, it probably took two full days to walk.

An old man like Yan Liang has been in Yuan Shao's camp for a long time, and he has a lot of younger brothers... Although there are not many famous people, there are nearly a hundred people like Captain Pi.

Even because Yan Liang himself had some money, he put on a full set of armor for his guards. There were more than 500 of them, and they were very prestigious.

Although Yan Liang and Wen Chou had also suffered losses in the battle with Zhi Yuan before, they really looked down on Zhi Yuan.Especially in the fight in Youzhou that year, Yan Liangwenchou felt that Zhiyuan was easily blocked by them.

The Qingzhou Army is nothing more than the quality of the soldiers, but no matter how good the soldiers are, it depends on who is in command. Apart from making small moves, the woman is relying on the city wall to defend. How could Yan Liang be afraid of such tactics?

Once that woman is caught this time, Qingzhou will collapse, and by then, I, Yan Liang, will be famous all over the world.When the time comes, the lord Yuan Shao will proclaim himself emperor, and I will also follow the dragon...

Yan Liang was not incompetent either. Although he brought [-] infantry, he also deployed a lot of cavalry scouts.On Guan Yu's side, there are naturally many scouts to see where the other party is from him, so it is inevitable to find each other.

Guan Yu directly assembled his team and ran to the opposite side to kill, and Yan Liang naturally began to rectify the army and establish a formation.It's just that except for the elite under Yan Liang, the reaction speed of the remaining ordinary soldiers is still a bit slower.

When Guan Yu led the cavalry to rush over, at least half of the soldiers on Yan Liang's side were still running to their positions, which was very chaotic.Guan Yu saw the timing and rushed over, leading [-] cavalry to attack Yan Liang's flank.

On the other hand, Guan Yu looked at the position of the opponent's enemy general. After all, the handsome flag is very big. To be honest, Guan Yu doesn't know who the enemy general is, but if Guan Yu and Lu Bu are not afraid, are they afraid of other enemies?And beheading this kind of thing, basically as long as the opponent succeeds, the opponent will definitely collapse.

So Guan Yu directly led less than fifty bodyguard cavalry, and killed Yan Liang in front of him.There are nearly ten thousand people around Yan Liang, and Guan Yu is not afraid.

Guan Yu's big saber wheel passed the same place as a corpse, and Yan Liang's soldiers in iron armor were almost leveled by Guan Yu's armor without any resistance.

Yan Liang saw that the morale of his subordinates was going to collapse, so he immediately raised his horse and rushed forward with an iron gun in his hand.Guan Yu put the knife on the ground, dragged out a spark and struck at Yan Liang.

Yan Liang blocked it with his hand, and a loud voice came.The huge impact made Yan Liang temporarily confused, and Yan Liang felt as if his hands were about to be split.

"Why is there such a big gap..." Yan Liang just thought of this, when suddenly there seemed to be a sound of dragon chant.The Qinglong Yanyue Knife pierced Yan Liang's body directly, protruding from the back.

Yu saw Liang Huigai, rode his horse and stabbed Liang with all the people, beheaded him and returned it, and the Shao generals could not be the one...

ps: This chapter is freshly released, because I just finished writing it~~~~

Chapter 480: The situation becomes chaotic

That's right, after killing Yan Liang, Guan Yu turned around among the enemies, and a group of miscellaneous soldiers were Guan Yu's opponents.Guan Yu is now in his prime, and he killed seven or eight of them in the time of chopping melons and vegetables, and then chopped off the handsome flag with one blow.

Because Guan Yu's side is all cavalry, most of the soldiers surrendered after Yan Liang's infantry collapsed.Only a few scout cavalry ran away, and the remaining infantry faced the cavalry with nothing but surrender.

Guan Yu ordered his general Zhou Cang to control the prisoners, and then thought about it himself.Hmm... Zhou Cang actually ran to Guan Yu's place in the end and became Guan Yu's adjutant.

"General Guan, a simple count has been completed, and the prisoners are about 3000. Our cavalry has killed more than [-], and the rest have gone away." Zhou Cang said to Guan Yu.

After thinking for a while, Guan Yu said to Zhou Cang: "How many people from Jizhou are there in our team? Count it up...and I remember that you are also from Jizhou, right?"

"Yes, General, I am from Zhongshan." Zhou Cang said to Guan Yu.

Guan Yu nodded: "Okay, then I have a difficult task for you. You lead two hundred people from Jizhou to join this team, and then we release them."

"Before I came here, the princess had already sent General Taishi to respond. After you enter, wait for news from outside our city. As long as there are three fires in the northwest direction at night, we will definitely attack the city at midnight that night."

Zhou Cang gritted his teeth, and finally clasped his fist at Guan Yu: "General, don't worry!"

Zhou Cang is not a timid person. He knows very well that if he succeeds, the opponent's food and grass will definitely be destroyed. This is a huge credit.Zhou Cang reckoned in his heart that if he succeeded this time, it would be no problem for his superiors to give him a real general.

So Zhou Cang immediately asked people to prepare, while Guan Yu came to a group of captives. "You cowardly captives, I originally planned to force you to go to Qingzhou to be slaves for mining."

"But we are all cavalry, and it would be a waste of our time to bring you people." When Guan Yu said this, the group of prisoners was already crying and begging for mercy.Because many people thought that the other party wanted to kill them all by saying this, so everyone panicked.

But Guan Yu's next sentence made them happy: "But this general will never kill indiscriminately. Since it is too troublesome to suppress you, then I will not keep you here for dinner."

"Go away, tell Wen Chou of Anping Kingdom. His brother Yan Liang's head is here with me. If he has the ability, let him come and get it himself."

"Well...but I guess he doesn't dare, you can take my words to him." Guan Yu sneered, and then ordered the cavalry to drive away the captives.

Because Yan Liang's team had cavalry, they ran to Anping State in one night while fleeing for their lives.After hearing that Yan Liang was killed by Guan Yu, Wen Chou vomited blood out of anger.

The popularity of this era is huge, and after all, he is his brother, and it is normal to vomit blood after being killed.In particular, Guan Yu was deliberately provocative, and Wen Chou directly beat the soldiers who had been brought back to explain the situation to him until they were weak and fuzzy.

"My brother is dead, what's the use of you people coming back!" Wen Chou planned to slaughter all the 2 people who had escaped.

Of course, this idea was quickly blocked by his subordinates. After all, if he really wanted to kill all these 2 people, Anping Kingdom would not be able to defend it.Wen Chou planned to lead the rest of the people directly to seek revenge from Guan Yu, but he was also stopped.

Although they don't have any decent subordinates here, most of them are still very rational.Well... at least he was quite rational until things happened to him.Although Wen Chou was angry, he couldn't kill all his subordinates, right? At most, those people could bear a few words of beating and scolding.

After all, if they really lost Anping Country because they wanted to avenge Yan Liang, let alone Wen Chou, they would end badly.Maybe Wen Chou could avoid death by relying on his years of meritorious deeds, but can these miscellaneous generals do it?

In the end, Wen Chou had no choice but to stay in Anping Country.If my brother is dead and I can't take revenge, I'll drink away my worries.So from this day on, Wen Chou was addicted to the wine jar every day, and he was not in charge at all.

The rest of the people didn't care. The news from the defeated soldiers was that Guan Yu was a five thousand cavalryman.How did five thousand cavalry attack the city?So for Anping Kingdom, it is nothing more than adding some patrols, at most it is to report Yan Liang's death to Yuan Shao as soon as possible.

Of course, Yuan Shao's side will definitely be angry when Yan Liang dies, and maybe they will directly dispatch troops to continue to encircle Zhiyuan and Guan Yu. Of course, this is not something that the people below them consider.Now this group of people is just to accompany Wen Chou to have a good drink, and by the way, keep Anping country well.

What happened here quickly let Lu Bu know, and Lu Bu was also very angry.After all...he felt more and more that Yuan Shao's people were useless.No matter what I said, I was "pressing the kite to fight", otherwise the opponent would go up the mountain to defend.

Yuan Shao didn't live up to it, so what can Lu Bu do?So now Lu Bu is also quite embarrassed, because he doesn't know whether to continue to "surround" Zhiyuan here, and Lu Bu seems to find that the other party doesn't care about his siege at all.

Even if Guan Yu wasn't here, wouldn't there still be Zhao Yun and Sun Ce... Lv Bu won't necessarily win in a hundred rounds. Although two fights are not scary, Lu Bu mainly feels that they are too dark.

But just letting the kite go like this, Lu Bu would definitely not be reconciled.So Lu Bu also sent a messenger to Yuan Shao, which means that he is now surrounded by Tiger Girl, and your people are not strong enough...

If you want to defeat the tiger girl, you should send someone over quickly, anyway, it is not far from where you are, and it will arrive in three or four days.

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