What is written on the note?After Cao Xing killed Yasha and opened the city gate, three thousand soldiers came in from outside the city.These soldiers are not the soldiers of the big man, but the Huns!

In other words, Zhen Ji and that Wang Juyi smuggled slaves, which contained the private goods of the gentry. These three thousand Huns definitely used this opportunity to come to Qingzhou from Jizhou...

And these people are all Huns, and the current Huns are all controlled by Lu Bu.And Cao Xing was originally Lu Bu's subordinate, and now the reason for his betrayal is the same.

Zhen Ji must not know, otherwise how would she dare to enter the palace?As for Wang Juyi, if he wasn't Zhiyuan's person, he would have been dealt with by Liu Bian long ago.

Who knows what influence the person who handles the kite will have? Even if the kite agrees, will her subordinates agree?Liu Bian was both grateful and helpless towards Zhi Yuan, just like what Zhen Ji guessed, once the world is settled... a group of people will force Zhi Yuan to become emperor, such a thing is not impossible.

But Zhiyuan saved Liu Bian's life many times, so... Liu Bian planned to wait for Zhiyuan to come back this time to have a good talk with her.But he didn't expect Zhiyuan's life to be unknown now, and he was also afraid that the Zhiyuan faction would really evade him, so he became more and more cautious.

After all, the current Liu Bian is no longer that kid who has nothing to do in the neighborhood. He doesn't think about many things and the only one who gets hurt in the end is himself.Liu Bian asked Jian Shuo, "How is Bi Lan?"

Bi Lan is now by Jia Xu's side. Jia Xu left in the evening and asked the emperor for Bi Lan to help.If Jia Xu wants to mobilize the Jinyiwei inside the plain, he must also obtain the consent of the emperor.

Jian Shuo said to Liu Bian: "According to the news half an hour ago, Bi Lan and his men were protecting the officials in the plain. Many low-level officials were murdered. Those nobles really wanted to destroy the officials who came up from the common people."

Liu Bian sighed, and finally said to Jian Shuo: "Now you send someone to deal with those sons of the gentry who are arrogant on weekdays, not just the gentry... the newborn merchant team is the same."

"Many people know about you Jinyiwei, but they never know your strength. Since it's so chaotic tonight, let you Jinyiwei come to the front desk openly."

"My sister said that since it is a violent institution of the state, other people should know of their existence. Only in this way can they have a bottom line and know what not to touch."

After the emperor Liu Bian finished speaking, there was a sound of applause from a shadowy corner.A somewhat lazy girl said to the two of them: "Jian Shuo, hurry up and talk to me, I can't wait for them to bleed like rivers."

Chapter 520 Four: Snowy Night ([-])

Huang Yi really couldn't bear it anymore. After being attacked in front, Huang Yi concluded that the gentry must start today.

And the news of Yasha's death also came, which made him feel a burst of sadness.

Because on Qingzhou's own side, there are hardly many actions.There may be actions, but it is obvious that their security team is an abandoned child...

"No... There is an army inside the security regiment!" Huang Yi suddenly thought of something.

That's right... A few days ago, Huang Yi received a mission, which was to connect three thousand soldiers into the city through the secret passage in the city.I shouldn't be patrolling now, and I should return to the security team's camp immediately.

Huang Yi ran back desperately with his people, and gradually he figured it out.It's not that the camp on their side didn't notify them, but they didn't know when the gentry would do it.

Even just now...the 3000 people in their camp did not receive any news.But why give the opponent a chance to strike first? Shouldn't all these damned gentry be killed?

As soon as Huang Yi ran to his camp, he saw the soldiers in the camp ahead silently packing up their equipment and weapons.The leader gave a military salute to Huang Yi: "General Huang, there is a secret letter from the servant!"

Huang Yi took an unopened letter and used a special method to prove the authenticity of the thing, and finally opened it for viewing.

"If the gentry do something, please General Huang lead these 3000 people to protect our grassroots officials. At present, these people are all..." There is actually a map drawn below...

"If General Huang unfortunately dies in battle, Zhao Ran will lead the team... If Zhao Ran dies in battle, the people at the next level will continue to lead the team by themselves. Everyone must ensure the foundation of the big man, and please fight to the end."

There is still a line of writing in the letter, after Huang Yi and Zhao Ran read it, it can be circulated among grassroots officers.

As soon as Huang Long finished reading this, he understood.He sighed and looked at the general in front of him: "Your name is Zhao Ran?"

"It's a humble job!"

"Okay, everyone is ready, pass this secret letter around while walking. This is an order from the eunuch to all of us. If I die in battle, you will take over." Huang Yi handed the secret letter to Zhao Ran, and then he started to call all the vigilante soldiers over.

Now there are only more than 1000 soldiers in security. Because today is a curfew, Huang Yi has already arranged many soldiers to go out on patrol.I and Yasha also took some of them, so adding Zhao Ran's 500 people, there are actually about [-] people.

Huang Yi led these people directly to the mansions of those officials, but at this time many people in the mansion had been awakened by Jin Yiwei, and began to transfer to Jia Xu's Jia Mansion.

Jia's mansion is relatively large, and because he is the leader of intelligence, so when the kite was given to Jia's mansion back then, it was planned to have certain precautions.

However, when many people were still transferring, the subordinates of the gentry had already rushed over.There are only more than 1000 Jinyiwei here, and it was obviously a little chaotic after being attacked by the soldiers of the gentry.

But fortunately, there are still many soldiers here, or the family members of low-level officers, and these people also have some combat effectiveness.

There was even a soldier with a bandage on his face and a broken arm leading some guards to kill the enemy here.

This soldier is none other than the one who survived the battle with Zhiyuan on Kunhu Mountain, the only soldier who survived in the reconnaissance team at the foot of the mountain.

After the Battle of Qingzhou ended, Zhiyuan naturally wanted to arrange this soldier.It's only been a month now, so the soldier's injury needs to be changed a little bit.

The eye injury is serious, so it is still not healed.The sound of killing that appeared this night woke up the soldier directly from his sleep, and then he took the knife in his hand casually.

When the soldier was lying at the door and looking out, Jin Yiwei had already come to pick him up, and planned to let him go to Jia's mansion.

As soon as the soldier inquired, the Jin Yiwei didn't hide anything.The people living here are all members of the Zhi Yuan family, plus what happened tonight was so big, how could it be possible to hide it.

So Jin Yiwei talked about those gentry's plans to kill them and then control the court.The soldier nodded: "Give me a few brothers, and I will block the enemy!"

Jin Yiwei also knows who this person is, after all, they have to know the other party's information when they come to pick him up.So he nodded and soon there were other people who planned to stay and fight, and they all gathered around the soldier.

There could be more than 30 of these people, and a small leader of Jinyiwei shouted to those people: "This soldier has just fought side by side with the general, and you are under his command."

Some of those people know how to do martial arts, and some of them were injured on the battlefield and retreated, and they also exchange a few words with each other on weekdays.

It was this soldier who was a little silent. Except for what others said he had fought with the general, he seldom talked about himself, and he didn't even tell others his name.

But everyone has the feeling that the bloody smell on this soldier is the heaviest, which shows that he has definitely killed many people.

"Follow me!" This person took the lead and rushed out with a saber in one hand, and just after walking less than a hundred steps, he saw the servant of the noble family coming towards him.

Even though Zhiyuan asked these gentry to disband the slaves, some gentry quietly left some of them behind, but of course there were not many of them.

But tonight, not only these servants, but also some generals in the plain, as well as outsiders also participated in the rebellion.Now these servants are sent over to kill some unarmed officials, so they are all rather embarrassing.

The person in the lead saw that there were only more than 20 people coming here, and imitated the other generals and said: "Who is coming!"

The soldier didn't say a word of nonsense, and with his only right hand, he turned the saber on the ground, and directly slashed at the head of the general.

The leader of the guard used his long spear to block it, but the thick barrel of the gun directly split the man's head in two. After the soldier killed the leader of the guard, he rushed into the crowd without a word of nonsense.

Not only the servants, but also the few people who followed the soldier were shocked.But there are also veterans among these people. Although they are physically disabled, they are the fastest to kill the enemy one by one.

In less than a quarter of an hour... more than 100 people were chopped up by more than 20 people, and more than 30 were chopped up, and the rest were scattered.

The soldier took a breath, looked at the seventeen or eight people left behind and said, "Follow me if you are not afraid of death, and kill them one by one!"

Those veterans also laughed when they saw this man's sternness: "Who of us is afraid of death, those who are afraid of death have already died on the battlefield. But brother, you have indeed fought with the general, and it is much easier to strike than us."

"But these servants, Taishui, and those who just killed a few people suffered a little casualties. It's not difficult for us."

The soldier grinned: "That's right, compared to the battlefield, this is too weak..."

Chapter 520 Five: Snowy Night ([-])

"Father, let's go!" Cai Yan nervously took everyone's hand.

Cai Yong is just such an older daughter, and the rest have already been married off.To put it bluntly, those people are also officials in Qingzhou now, but Cai Yan is the only one in Caifu.

Everyone in Cai can't control Cai Yan anymore, but now Cai Yan also has her own job, if she can't get married, she won't get married.Even he vaguely felt that the relationship between Cai Yan and the princess was unusual, but...

Cai Yong really wanted to say: "Even if you go to be a child of that princess, grinding the mirror with her is better than dying alone alone!"

Cai Yong really didn't want to worry about it so much, because he himself felt that his body was getting worse day by day in the past few years.Cai Yong is already almost 70... Cai Yan is now 27 or [-], really not young.

Of course, Cai Yong will not die immediately, he can only say that he is sorry for the hearts of parents all over the world.Just like in modern society, parents asked their sons to go on blind dates, but they failed to find hundreds of them.

In the end, the parents may ask, if you can't find a girlfriend, you can bring a boyfriend back.This is what the father and daughter are facing now, but Cai Yan doesn't know what to think in her heart, anyway, she just doesn't like anyone...

Well...Zhi Yuan asked her to be an official and she did it, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to it, and even got good credit, if it wasn't because she became an official relatively late and was too young... I guess one of the nine ministers would run away no.

Cai Yong was San Gong anyway, Jin Yiwei had already come to transfer them, but when he was halfway there, Cai Yong suddenly realized that the book of the Later Han Dynasty he had written was still at home and had not been taken away by Jin Yiwei.

There are Han books, which were compiled by Ban Gu... But now that Emperor Liu Xiu's Han is gone, Cai Yong intends to record this period of history completely.

So after Cai Yong arrived in Qingzhou, he began to prepare, first asked some veteran officials of the Han Dynasty, and then began to read some records.

From reading books to writing books, thanks to having such an unforgettable daughter, Cai Yong’s writing of the Later Han Dynasty is still very smooth. Currently, 120 articles have been completed, and Cai Yong estimates that the book will be almost finished at about 150 articles. .

In fact, now that the official history of the Han Dynasty has been written, even after Liu Xie's death, Cai Yong personally asked Zhi Yuan whether she did it.

Zhi Yuan told Cai Yong that she knew about it even though she didn't do it.Even Zhiyuan didn't shy away from anything, and she didn't care what others thought of her in the future.

"History books are indeed for the rulers, but history books should also be as true as possible. Although not everyone is like Tai Shibo brothers (high school textbooks do not explain), but I think my history should be more authentic."

So Cai Yong recorded the matter in detail like this, and of course Zhi Yuan also explained that when it is published and printed in the future, the matter of Jiang Qingqing, Zhang Baiqi and others will be deleted.History books are a set, for insiders to read... But in order to avoid future troubles, some things must not be made clear to the world.

At least not within a hundred years!

This book also exhausted Cai Yong's efforts. If it was destroyed by the rebels now, Cai Yong would be pissed off right now.So even though Jin Yiwei strongly requested not to go back, Cai Yong desperately wanted to come back to get the books.

But after such a delay, they encountered a group of about 500 Hun soldiers. These soldiers were led by Cao Xing. Their task was to kill all the managers who opposed the gentry.

So what if Cai Yong is a Sangong, not to mention that in such a chaotic time, the more people who protect him, the more he is a big man.So Cao Xing took a gun and went straight to Cai Yong. If he was killed, there would definitely be chaos here in Qingzhou.

A few Jin Yiwei directly blocked Cao Xing, but the Jin Yiwei used knives to attack with a short distance. Cao Xing used a spear on horseback, and he was considered a general at any rate, and he killed three or four Jin Yiwei in a few rounds.

Cai Yong ran away a long time ago, and he regretted it a bit after getting the things.Of course, he regretted not regretting that he came back to get things, but regretting that his daughter came with him.

"Hurry up and take my daughter and Shu with me!" Cai Yong shouted at Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei doesn't care about this, their task is to protect Cai Yong.So even if Cai Yong asked so, Jin Yiwei kept going to stop him, creating time for Cai Yong to escape.

Seeing Cai Yong run farther and farther, Cao Xing directly took down the bow and arrow, and then shot an arrow at Cai Yong's back.Warriors may be able to change positions according to the wind, but Cai Yong, an old man, can do this...

While running, Cai Yong fell down and even knocked out his own teeth.Cai Yan yelled "Acridine" because she saw the arrow behind her father.

The arrow entered from the back of the heart and protruded from the front of the chest. Cai Yong is not a general and does not even have a horse, and now he is only more than 30 meters away from Cao Xing.So the power of this arrow is still great, Cai Yong will die immediately.

Cai Yong pushed the Hou Hanshu into Cai Yan's hands with the last bit of strength, and he didn't even explain his last words, his body twitched twice and died.

Cai Yan burst into tears immediately, she really didn't expect her father to die here.Jin Yiwei at the side had no choice but to look at the situation, and a leader said directly to Cai Yan: "I offended..."

So he knocked Cai Yan unconscious with one palm, and then someone carried Cai Yan on his back, while the other person ran away with the set of books in his arms.

Cao Xing didn't go after him either, since he killed the man who seemed to be a high-ranking official, those little guys ran away as well.

"Light it up and burn everything around!" Cao Xing shouted to his subordinates.

Jin Yiwei suffered heavy casualties here. Although most of the officials were rescued, some people were killed by the Huns before they could be rescued, or some wives and children were defiled by the Huns.

Finally, after the flames burned, the soldier in front who had fought the kite could no longer be killed.There were only six or seven people left by his side. Although more than ten people died, they killed at least close to a hundred people.

These people include servants and Huns... But now they have been fighting for about half an hour. They were originally disabled and injured, and now they are really unable to fight.

"Go to that mansion and rest for a while!" the soldier shouted to the people beside him.

Several people turned a corner and found that they had come to Wu'an Mansion.This is Zhiyuan's mansion, and there are only a few servants here on weekdays.

Now this mansion was also discovered by several Huns, and there were some shouts of killing from inside.As soon as the soldier heard this, he led people in and rushed in. After all, it was the mansion of the great general, how could it be possible for these Huns to defile it? !

To be honest...Jia Xu didn't consider the people in Wu'an Mansion because there are so few people in this mansion.Housekeepers Tang Hulu and Jinxuan are not here on weekdays, they go to the countryside to arrange Hope Primary School, so Jia Xu didn't send anyone over.

But Jia Xu didn't expect that, because Hope Primary School didn't have enough money, Jinxuan brought a few guards back to withdraw money today, and was directly trapped here.

Chapter 520 Six: Snowy Night ([-])

When the soldiers entered Wu'an Mansion, the two guards brought by Jinxuan had just been killed, and a group of Huns were about to do something wrong to Jinxuan.

Jinxuan was so frightened that she collapsed. After she was rescued by Zhiyuan last time, it took Jinxuan countless years to forget those days of nightmare.

But now Jinxuan is clearly out of control, she immediately thought of the night when Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army tortured her.Both the Huns and the Qiang are of Hu blood, so in Jinxuan's opinion, they are almost the same.

Seeing that he was about to be insulted again, a loud shout came from the door: "Bastard, let go of that woman!"

When Jinxuan was in a panic, she saw a man wield a big knife, and he chopped off the head of the Hun who was riding on her at one stroke, and blood sprayed all over Jinxuan.

Hmm... Quite simply, Jinxuan was so frightened that she passed out.After the soldier led the remaining group of people to kill the other Huns in the Tang Mansion, they all looked helplessly at Jinxuan who had fainted.

The soldier touched Jinxuan's nose with his hand: "It seems that she fainted from fright..."

A veteran at the side said, "Isn't it normal for a woman to faint from fright? Besides the general, there are a few girls who dare to go up on the battlefield."

The other one has some skills, it is said that he is a descendant of a remote relative of Xi Zhicai, said: "I once listened to a lecture by the general here in Qingzhou, and the general told us."

"During war, women and children should not be allowed to come in. Shouldn't we fight for them so that they can live better."

After this person said a few words, he suddenly "coughed" a few times. After he glanced at Jinxuan, he seemed to know the identity of this person. "This woman is the general's servant girl, and she usually builds Hope Primary School in the countryside. Today, I don't know why there is no Jin Yiwei to protect her. What a dereliction of duty!"

"The general's mansion is full of good people. The housekeeper Tang Hulu and Miss Jinxuan have built more than 200 schools near our Qingzhou. Their goal is to make all the descendants of civilians able to read and write..."

As soon as this person mentioned Jinxuan's identity, the others fell silent.The leading soldier laughed: "We kill to protect our relatives and civilians from being bullied, but this woman is to prevent those people from being oppressed by the gentry in the future."

"Don't be dazed... Let's send her to the room and protect her here tonight." Originally, they planned to take a rest in this mansion, but they had been killed for more than an hour, and they didn't have much I have strength.

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